After many years in your house of duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions, Pluto finally exits it this year. Leaving you with a sense of the transformative power of your relationships. Now – work that love for all you’re worth, Cancer!
You begin and end this year on a love and partnership high note, Cancer. With a new Moon and Venus (23rd Jan), in your 7th house. You also have Pluto exiting your 7th and moving into its ruling 8th house from January 21st. It will make one brief retro-visit to your 7th between September and November. But then it moves into your 8th where it will remain for the next 20 years.
Unions and your needs within them will have totally transformed during this time. You should be emerging with a powerful sense of what works – and what doesn’t. What works now takes on a new depth and resonance for you. What doesn’t will be let go of. And if your relationship has well and truly been lived out, take it there is no force in the universe that will keep you in it now. There is a sense of embracing the inevitable. As well as your own power, Cancer.
You and another can come to a fresh understanding as the year begins. Or come up with a win/win deal where both of you get what you need without either of you feeling that you are the one doing all the compromising thanks to Ceres also in your 7th from February 8. Have you been a little guilty of over-nurturing someone? Has your relationship gone from lover to mother? This transit along with Pluto’s move can give you the inner power to let go and release any need to over-compensate or try to control. Allow others to make their own emotional mistakes while gently owning your own feelings. Talk through any residual feelings of hurt, resentment and guilt. Chances are the other party meets you halfway. And if so, both of you can move forward again in understanding one another’s needs and with a fresh sense of joy.
Jupiter has been shining on your goals and friendships since May last year. Along with Uranus in what is, its ruling house in your chart, your friendships are your fortune. And you co-create your fate with the people you know and meet now. If you re-check your yearly forecast for last year along with your forecast for Jupiter in Taurus, you will see I told you to make three wishes when Jupiter arrived in here. And to expect at least one of them to come true during this cycle. And that this could well be linked to someone you are connected to or who would cross your path during this time. So, how are you doing?
If you are still waiting for a wish or desire to manifest as 2024 begins, do remember that wishing isn’t enough. You have to take action to make it happen. This is the classic ‘heaven helps those who help themselves’ position for Jupiter. With Pluto now in your 8th you have what it takes, Cancer. And you have until the end of May when Jupiter shifts into Gemini and your 12th, to bring about those results.
If you have seen a goal or even more than one manifest, continue to set new ones right up until Jupiter’s shift. And don’t be a hermit whatever you do. Be a joiner, a networker, a connector. And be authentic with it. This new cycle is all about fearlessly being you. And attracting people on your special wavelength.
Saturn and Neptune continue to move through your 9th house of travel, learning, expansion and freedom. What this tells you is there is no running away from reality. Freedom is found by being present where you are and working with what you already have. There is no running away. ‘Wherever you go – there you are’ to quote Buckaroo Banzai. The more real you get and the more prepared you are to deal with what’s going on, the faster those barriers disappear.
This year’s eclipse cycle continues to revolve around your path and purpose. Your life direction, place and career. The first eclipse occurs March 25 in Libra and your 4th. This is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and in the Moon’s ruling house. Stirring up deep emotions that you may not have been aware were bubbling below the surface. Unlike the next eclipse which happens at the time of the new Moon in Aries and your 10th on April 8 which is a total eclipse, you are not utterly in the dark with the March one. Chances are the feelings have been building around what emerges. But you may have brushed them aside. It’s how strongly you do in fact feel, that comes as the surprise, Cancer!
Between this and the Great North American Eclipse in your 10th on April 8, you’ll confront the source of these emotions. Asking yourself what it is that you really want and also what will truly satisfy you? In terms of your emotional structure and also your career and the rewards and recognition you’re seeking. Take it that this may be an all-encompassing process where the answers take time to emerge. So – please don’t rush it.
Like the Leos next door, eclipses impact on you the most as they always involve your ruler. The super-sensitives amongst you will feel the energy of the second eclipse build up to two weeks beforehand. Try to steer clear of making major decisions around home, living arrangements, family matters and your work around these eclipses. And do keep in mind that due to the total blackout and intensity of the April 8 eclipse, your intuition may not be fully up and running again until Jupiter enters your 12th house on May 25. Wait for more information to emerge. And don’t doubt it will arrive.
2024 is certain to lift past limitations for you however. And do also keep in mind once Pluto and Jupiter have made their shifts, a higher power is at work for you. If something doesn’t work out the way you hoped it would – anything from that job to that relationship, try to see the bigger picture. What I can tell you is that at some point in the next 12 months you will see this was in fact, a blessing in disguise even if it felt like a setback at the time.
You’re setting yourself a new agenda and a fresh set of priorities during this birthday cycle. Venus (17th June) showers you with allure and that attraction factor as it arrives just before the Sun (21st June). But you’re not about to accept just anything you draw into your orbit, Cancer. Work your right to choose. This birthday season boosts your creative, psychic or imaginative projects and fills you with inspired potential when it comes to what you can now achieve in the year ahead of you. Above all, it asks you shed some aspect of your old self and allow a new one to emerge.
If you have felt trapped by unhealthy dynamics in relationships – control, manipulation, domination, gas lighting – this new cycle shows you that you have the power to change this. In fact, you have the primal power of creation available to you when it comes to your material goals as well. Do follow those hunches and your insight here as Jupiter in your 12th acts like an angel on your shoulder.
Nothing superficial will do now. This goes for romance. Yes, as October and November roll round you are at your most light-hearted and flirtatious. But to last, love has to get past the glitter and reveal itself as something more substantial. You will also be off in hot pursuit of that passion in the form of a pastime, activity or hobby you love to engage in now. Self-expression and showing off is allowed. In fact, see this period as time to shine and sparkle. Good news may arrive around a pregnancy, child (yours or another’s), or even a lucky break.
Next year will see the Nodal Axis shift from your 4th/10th houses to your 3rd/9th. Ahead of this happening, we always see a lunar eclipse occur on the new axis. And this happens at the time of the full Supermoon in Pisces (9th), on Sept 18. Take it this brings you a preview around what fate and 2024 have in store for you around the internet, writing, publishing, the mass media, travel, foreigners, study, the law and those big dreams. If travelling especially overseas now, there is something you don’t yet know about the journey or the destination. Check your arrangements and your Tarot cards for more.
The final eclipse of ‘24 occurs in Libra and your 10th on October 2. Watch and wait now, Cancer as you need to bring your mind and your feelings into alignment before making any decisions. Balance between the two will be needed. You cannot afford to allow one to over-rule the other. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse – the kind that delivers that ‘Ring of Fire’ effect. A ‘ring of truth’ but not the bigger picture. This occurs just days after the Sun and North Node meet in your 4th. A new fated path lies ahead of you. But the way forward is not yet totally clear. If you are undecided or literally ‘swinging’ between one decision and another, your best tactic is not to make one at this time. Take it the correct choice will reveal itself.
Double your pleasure as you end the year with Venus back in your 7th. You should be surrounded at the very least with star quality and an unusually strong ability to attract. Others are simply basking
in the sweet aura of success. However, do resist the urge to go overboard with spending as we see the year out. Pluto has given you sovereignty over your cash and other assets. And this feeling will only increase in the coming year. Don’t lose that as Mars will make a rare retrograde in Leo and your money zone from December 6. Yes, you want to share your love for others. But do ask yourself how you can shower them with this in other ways than simply expensive gifts, Cancer. Yes, you may well be ending the year cashed up and can afford to be generous. But choose the recipients of this with care. The same goes for whom you give your love, time and talents to.
You have been looking at how you are recognised and rewarded in your career this year. Now look to how this is demonstrated in your relationships. Next year sees Jupiter arrive in your sign. Is it time to big up those expectations ahead of this? You have the power to create – and the power to receive, Cancer. Ensure you work this for what you’re worth.
In a nutshell: Pluto finally flies free of your partnership sector. And you’ve a new take on relationships as well as embracing your own power, Cancer! Career and family matters move you in a fresh and more satisfying direction. While goals continue to revolve around just who you know.
11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (7th)
21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (8th)
23 Jan 2024 Venus enters Capricorn (7th)
8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (7th)
19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)
10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (9th)
25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (4th)
8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (10th)
8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)
21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)
8 May 2024 New Moon in Taurus (11th)
25 May 2024 Jupiter enters Gemini (12th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (12th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (12th)
17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (1st)
21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (1st)
22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (7th)
5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (1st)
21 Jul 2024 Full Blue Moon in Capricorn (7th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (7th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (1st)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (9th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (4th)
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (5th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (4th to 10th)
2 Oct 2024 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (10 04’) (4th)
17 Oct 2024 Full Supermoon in Aries (10th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (5th)
1 Nov 2024 New Moon in Scorpio (5th)
11 Nov 2024 Venus enters Capricorn (7th)
19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (8th) – Never to return to Capricorn
6 Dec 2024 Mars stationary retrograde in Leo (2nd)
21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (7th)
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