Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer Yearly Horoscope 2025 – Wow!

ARIES Yearly Horoscope 2025

Ruler: Mars

Planet of Marriage and Partnerships: Venus

Money planet: Venus

Home and Family: The Moon

Romance and Attraction: The Sun

Career planet: Saturn

Travel, luck and expansion: Jupiter

Welcome to 2025, Aries. We’ve a lot to unpack for the year ahead. Take it that it will be off to a slow start due to your ruler Mars retrograde right up until February 24th. Your usual fierce, feisty and fiery assertiveness isn’t absent. But will be less focussed on outer action, and more directed towards your inner journey as the new year begins. Soul alchemy always happens behind the scenes. But then bursts forth into pro-active intentions and a radiant new you. So, if the year stars with a stall, take it you’ll regain your va-va-voom – and your traction, by April.

Spiritual Rites of Passage and Healing Intentions

Big shifts will occur during the coming year. The first in February as the North Node moves from your sign and into Pisces and your 12th (Jan 12). Which puts the South Node in Virgo and your 6th. You’ve been aware of the need to go within for your answers since Neptune arrived in its ruling sign of Pisces back in 2012. And that the changes you want to see in your outer world, always begin within you. With the North Node now also in here, it’s time to fully embrace your inner Karmic Warrior.

Confronting those unhealed wounds, ripping off those Band-Aids once and for all, and stepping free of imprisoning self-soothing practices or self-sabotage, will form a big part of those inner changes. Which bring about the outer ones you seek. Know that you are now brave enough to undertake this work, Aries. That’s what the North Node through your sign, has set you up for.

You can heal on more than just one level now. Your 12th rules your past lives. And your other lives right now if you believe in the multiverse theory. There can be karmic stories and patterns we inherit from our parents. Which actually aren’t ours at all. And yes, the issues we have brought forward with us. With the North Node in here, you can deal with these once and for all. Freeing yourself and others who are entangled with you if this is something inherited. And yes, the ripple effect carries through the multiverse to those other ‘yous’. One changes. All follow. That’s how powerful you are, Aries!

The North Node will remain in here until July 2026. It’s always helpful with the Nodes to look back to when they last occupied the same house(s) in our charts. That way we can see the themes we are likely to be dealing with. The Nodes move through an 18-19 year cycle. Some of you may be living this one for the first time as fully fledged adults. But if you are old enough, you can look back at when the North Node was last in Pisces. This is when karma last came calling. June 2006 – December 2007, December 1987 – May 1989, April 1969 – November 1970.

What realisations or spiritual shifts occurred? How did you connect to inner truth? And what effect did this knowing have on your outer world? Opportunities exist in the realm of the impossible. Now you get to experiment and explore them!

Just Who Do You Think You Are, Aries?!

The story shifts from inner you to outer you by the time Saturn reaches your sign in May. It’s been almost 30 years since Saturn last paid you a visit. You own your identity. And get to author your path from this point onwards. Saturn hands us maturity and also unshakable self-assurance. You actions are structured innovation, authorship and yes, realignment following that deep dive at the start of the year.

You are who you believe you are. And all you can be in fact to borrow from the old recruiting slogan. 2025 adds a touch of glamour and enhanced self-belief. Plus the magic of self-belief with the arrival of Neptune in your sign on March 30.

Neptune only visits our sign once every 165 years. So, this is a once in a lifetime transit that many of us never experience. Wrap yourself in Neptune’s magical robes of imagination and magic. See yourself as an artist, creator and manifestor of the you that you have always dreamed of becoming. You are your ultimate stylist, dreamer and most importantly, designer of your being. And do remember the #1 rule of attraction: Like attracts like. So, when we align our vibe so its on the same wavelength as what we desire, we automatically draw it to us.

The combo of Neptune and Saturn allows you to realign your entire vision of who you believe yourself to be. And above all, be confident in who you are. For real world results.

Home and Family

Try to avoid making decisions around property, house moves or family matters until after Feb 24 at the earliest. This is when Mars heads direct again in your 4th. Also keep in mind that it has yet to clear its retro-shadow in Leo and your 5th. As a rule of thumb, it’s always a good idea to avoid taking action or any big decisions in any area when our ruling planet is retrograde. No matter which sign/house in our chart this occurs in. We’re simply not operating at 100% of our power during these times.

Jupiter enters Cancer and your 4th house on June 9th. Time to feather your nest, Aries. Put down roots or transplant them somewhere new for fresh growth. That expansion may be needed to accommodate new family members for some. Others simply come to the conclusion they’ve outgrown their present home or even lifestyle. Relocations, renovations and in some cases, emigrations follow. Jupiter can bring about a major move to a different area or even country. Some of you may receive help from a family member to get on the property ladder. Or Jupiter unlocks the door to living bigger on some level in the form of a more secure, stable or affordable home.

Working from home, making money from your home are other avenues Jupiter opens for you in the coming 12 months. Property, finances and your career is highlighted in a big way on October 28 when Mars now in its ‘old’ ruling sign of Scorpio and your 8th, trines Jupiter.

Love the love you already have

Your birthday cycle this year coincides with retro-mayhem. And an eclipse. The final eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis takes place with the new Moon in your sign on March 29. The Sun is your planet of romance. While Venus is your planet of partnerships, marriage, long term love, money and your creative essence. This tells you that mating and dating, major relationship decisions such as engagements, marriages or moving in together, need to be put on hold during your birthday cycle. Not just due to the eclipse but the fact that Venus and also Mercury is retrograde at this time.

You can expect enhanced self-awareness to come out of this. And this extends to understanding who you are and how you are seen in a particular union. You can rediscover the love you have with someone during your birthday cycle. Or reconnect to self-love and the need to act from that.

You will have plenty of opportunity to make up for lost time later in the year. Once Mars has cleared its retroshade in your 5th in May, your courage, confidence and Davil-May-care sass is restored. Rev it up when Mars reaches your 7th on Aug 6. Even if love isn’t on your agenda, you will be at your most outgoing, optimistic and downright jaunty. To the point that others natural gravitate to you. This will also coincide with love planet the Sun and then Venus in your 5th. Which will effectively hand you two seasons for long term love and attraction this year. The second which begins when the Sun reaches your 7th (Sept 22).

Often re-exploring what love looks like or means to us involves someone holding up a mirror and showing us our reflection. We see how they see us or us in a relationship. No matter the revelation – this is a gift. You can expect a major decision or even new beginning around relationships with the full Moon in your sign (Oct 7) and the new Moon in Libra (Oct 21). Both dates will prove to be pivotal for you in terms of partnership.

Career and Success Settings

Saturn’s arrival in your 1st hands you a certain gravitas. And has others taking you seriously, Aries. Do ensure the outer you is a statement of not just who you are. But where you want to get to or what you want to achieve. Your path and your priorities. You’ll know with unshakable certainty if you’re on the right course. Or have taken a wrong turn. And reap rewards or set this to rights accordingly. Success needs to serve that additional soul element. It’s not just about money or status. But meaning. Otherwise no matter what you achieve, it will feel like an empty victory.

This year also sees Uranus leave Taurus and your house of money and values for Gemini and your sector of ideas. So, these changes all add up to you making adjustments and figuring out what is most important and meaningful for you to aim for. And refusing to buy in to the tradition definition of success.

Look to your online life, your ideas, your devices and how you broadcast or share. Your power is in your niche if you have one. Or right in your neighbourhood. And with Pluto now in your 11th of the collective and communities, what may start off as local or aimed at a specific group, has the ability to resonate across other areas. So, don’t dilute your ideas by trying to appeal to everyone. Know your audience and craft the conversation for them. You’ll be surprised at just how many others join in the dialogue.

Uranus in your 3rd is all about the idea whose time has come. And one that shocks those who hear it into a state of awakening. So, don’t dream away your ideas. Do something with them. Fresh horizons, states of being and opportunities you didn’t even know existed will open up during this cycle. With June and then August being your best months for pushing ahead with plans, launching, submitting, applying and pitching.

As Uranus moves back and forth between Taurus and Gemini, and right up until it settles into your 3rd in ‘26, do take a conservative approach to your money. And hold fast to those values. Uranus’s end game in Taurus isn’t the time to take financial risks or buy into a ‘Get rich quick’ scheme.

It’s not the What – it’s the Who

Who you know is every bit as important as who you know you are, Aries. Especially now Pluto is getting social in your 11th until 2043. For some of you, friendships boil down to quality – not quantity. Although all of you will be more socially active than in previous years. But who you know and are connected to, will power your future. You will want to be linked to a community of like-minds. And if you have wanted to join a movement, group, union or party – coming together with others who share the same views could just change the world.

Your goals become more defined. Your determination to manifest them – more focussed. You won’t be distracted until you see the result. And again, those you encounter may turn out to have a role to play. As you may do the same for them. Your best months for socialising, your online presence and goal gains will be May- July with the Sun and then Uranus in Gemini and trine Pluto. July-August when the Sun is in your 5th and Mars will trine Pluto from your 7th. And then October when the Sun trines Pluto from your 7th. Whatever your dreams – know at these times people are the conduits through which they manifest. So, be out there sharing and connecting.

A slow start doesn’t mean 2025 isn’t set to deliver. It’s just about strength training so you are fit to accept more, Aries. You’ll end the year still revved up and on an open road into ‘26.

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (12th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (4th)

Mar 2 2025 Venus stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)

Mar 15 2025 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)

Mar 20 2025 Sun enters Aries (1st) – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Southern Hemisphere

Mar 23 2025 Sun conjunct Venus retrograde in Aries (1st)

Mar 24 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aries (1st)

Mar 29 2025 New Supermoon in Aries – Partial Solar Eclipse (1st)

Mar 30 2025 Neptune enters Aries (1st)

Apr 30 2025 Venus re-enters Aries (1st)

May 2 2025 Venus conjunct Neptune in Aries (3rd time – twice in Pisces, once in Aries) (1st)

May 25 2025 Saturn enters Aries (1st)

June 9 2025 Jupiter enters Cancer (4th)

July 4 2025 Neptune stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)

July 7 2025 Uranus enters Gemini (3rd)

July 13 2025 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aries (1st)

Aug 06 2025 Mars enters Libra (7th)

Sep 01 2025 Retrograde Saturn re-enters Pisces (12th)

Sep 22 2025 Sun enters Libra (7th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern Hemisphere

Oct 7 2025 Full Moon in Aries (1st)

Oct 21 2025 New Moon in Libra (7th)

Oct 22 2025 Retrograde Neptune re-enters Pisces (12th)

Nov 4 2025 Mars in Sagittarius opposition Uranus in Gemini (9th to 3rd)

taurusTAURUS Yearly Horoscope 2025

Ruler: Venus

Planet of Marriage and Partnerships: Mars and Pluto

Money planet: Mercury

Home and Family: The Sun

Romance and Attraction: Mercury

Career Planet: Uranus

Transformation, shared resources: Jupiter

Soul and Spirit: Mars

Get ready to make a splash, for surprises and astounding pivots brought about by you changing just how you see things – and yourself, Taurus! Are you ready to innovate every aspect of your life? Just where do you feel the most need to let in an upgrade? Chances are as you are reading this you already know. Hold that thought or idea that was just triggered and which is making your heart beat faster. That is your starting point. But there’s so much more to come.

We begin the year with Mars retrograde across your 12th/11th houses. Let’s begin by looking at the retro rules for you during this time. We’re all familiar with Mercury retrogrades. Mercury reverses three times a year. It’s literally the most retroactive planet in our solar system. Mars and your ruler, Venus retrograde approximately once every two years. And this year, their retrograde periods overlap.

When our ruling planet retrogrades, we can feel as if an elemental part of us is missing. And yes, we need to avoid all the areas of life which that planet governs. In the case of Venus – money and love in particular. And because Venus is your ruler, add cosmetic procedures to that list as well.

Venus direct from April 13 acts as a touchstone for your goals and dreams. It powers ahead just prior to the Sun reaching your sign on the 19th. A cosmic Go signal when it comes to new beginnings. You can now look forward to a major change in either your relationship status or your career. It’s time for bright new beginnings. And the new state of bold to take over. Whatever you want to begin – time it to the new Supermoon in your sign on April 27.

But there’s more to retro rules than first meets the eye, Taurus. Yes, we need to stick to the rules in general when it comes to the particular planetary influence. For instance, Mars rules assertiveness, impulsion, courage, confidence and action. Under a Mars retro we either feel bogged in inertia or powerless – or we rush in without paying any attention to the consequences. But Mars co-rules Scorpio and your 7th house. Along with Pluto. Looking for lasting love or big partnership decisions are also retro-embargoed under a Mars retro. Mars also rules Aries and your 12th – so Mars rules your intuition, insight and all matters of the soul. You may have static or interference in these areas while Mars is retrograde. You need to ensure you back up those insights with facts before acting.

But we also need to be aware of what specific area a planet rules for us personally. And therefore to put a hold on that as well whenever it is backwards. No matter what house it may be in at the time. Which is why you have a list to refer to at the start of this forecast. So, for future reference, when Mercury retrogrades in your 5th – this is No Go Love. (The good news – it doesn’t in ‘25!).

When we know which planet rules what in our charts – we can align with the full power and potential of the cosmos. Because we can time our actions accordingly. Focussing on those areas where we have planetary green lights. You’ll see how big an influence Mercury’s retrograde is for instance. Due to it ruling two different areas of your chart. Gemini and your 2nd of money and values. And Virgo and your 5th of romance, your creative zest, attraction, pleasure and children. All this insight gives you what you need to design a blueprint for success – perfectly timed for ‘25!

Venus starts the year in Pisces and your 11th. This is about friendships, platonic love, groups and goals. But then retrogrades in Aries and your 12th – (March 2). It returns to your 11th on March 27. Where it will remain until it heads direct again on April 13. During this time we also have a Mercury retrograde. Again through your 12th/11th houses. And a solar eclipse in your 12th (29 March). Mercury is your planet of money, romance and attraction. So, by now a picture is forming of what the months leading up to your birthday look like. It’s a slow start right up until the Sun reaches your sign on April 19. But also this leads to you embarking on a deeper search within you. All in the name of higher love.

Unleash your Inner Genius!

Uranus your career planet, has been with you since 2018, opening you up to radically new and different choices and encouraging you to unleash your inner genius. And urging you to see yourself differently and to adopt a new approach. Uranus doesn’t do stick-in-the-mud. It’s concerned with experimentation and invention. And to turning our beliefs on their head. It pushes us to evolve. Simply by accepting ourselves for who we truly are. And seeing what makes us unique as our greatest asset.

2025 is the start of Uranus leaving you as it begins its move into Gemini and your 2nd (July 7). Although it won’t exit for keeps until 2026. It rules your path in life whether you are engaged in a traditional trajectory or not. Your reputation and status. And also that of your partner (or partner to be).

This will bring you a laser-precise focus on to your values, your resources and your money. How you are regarded and rewarded. You’ll change how you earn your money, what you charge or are willing to trade or accept. And most importantly of all – what you believe you deserve. With Uranus – well, as astrologer Liz Green famously said: If you can predict it – it’s not Uranus. You may astound yourself with how your thinking changes around how you earn your income and set your values in the cycle to come. But do take it that liberation and revolution will occur around what you have at your disposal.

Welcome to your Cycle of Saying Yes

January also sees the North Node leave Aries and your 12th for Pisces and your 11th. Which means the South Node is now in Virgo and your 5th. Who you know, who you meet and where you find yourself holds the key to your future. Destiny is in charge. Do be willing to engage with it. This means being open to something different, daring and last minute. It’s about playful engagement and exploration. Trying the novel and the new. No longer sticking with that status quo in other words.

Make this your year of saying yes, Taurus. The more you do, the more you dance with destiny and send your future on a fresh trajectory. The basic rule of thumb to the North Node (and eclipses) in your 11th, is to RSVP to the positive. Be open. If someone asks you for a date – even if on the surface they don’t seem your usual type (but there are no obvious red flags), then give them at least one date. If you receive a social invite to something that you would not usually think of as your ‘scene’ – if you are free, then again, say yes.

The more open, curious and experimental you are, the more options life brings you. Start a Yes Journal or combine this into your manifestation or goal journal for the time the North Node remains in your 11th. Write down the dates when you took a chance, ditched your assumptions and said yes to something new. And what flowed from that. Who you met. What you didn’t expect. How this led to your perspective changing. And what unlooked for opportunities or connections appeared.

Red Light, Green Light

Secrets and hidden truths will come to light this year. What you have been in the process of suppressing or denying will not longer be kept under wraps. Or you have to accept the facts. Especially when Neptune (Mar 30), and then Saturn (May 25) move into Aries and your 12th. You are the sign which makes the big investments, Taurus. And because of your involvement and capacity to keep going when the going gets tough, sometimes you stick with something that is no longer contributing to your growth when other signs (Sagittarius and Gemini in particular!), would have left long ago.

If something is worth your continued investment or not, will be a truth that’s inescapable. Especially if you have late degree planets in your 1st during May-June. July 4 when Venus meets Uranus is a truth or dare moment for you. For others, change happens due to events outside of their control. But these are designed to free you. And with Venus in your sign from June 6 – July 4, use this time to make changes to how you look and promote yourself.

As the Nodes change signs, so does the eclipse axis. Do keep in mind what I told you about Virgo being your sign of love, romance and attraction. As well as conception, babies, hobbies, pleasure and holidays. Eclipses conceal or cover up. Use all due care and caution and put your search for new love, spending on big ticket items and steer clear of booking that holiday on the lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 14. And again at the solar eclipse in Virgo with the new Moon on Sep 21.

Jupiter which rules change and shared resources or assets for you, moves into Cancer and your 3rd on June 9. Ideas take you further and could turn into the proverbial pot of gold. And August 12 could well be the luckiest day of the year for you as this is the day Venus and Jupiter meet. Enriching news could arrive, your project or plan takes off. You get that yes answer or the break you’ve been waiting for. This is a wonderful day for saying ‘I do’ or telling someone how you feel.

When the Sun (Oct 23) and then Venus (Nov 6), enters Scorpio and your 7th, they will trine Jupiter as they move through it. Bringing smooth sailing in existing relationships. And fresh possibilities for those of you seeking to be part of any kind of double act.

The final word goes to Pluto. Now in your 10th of rewards, recognition and reputation until 2043. Again, this points to a change in your status. And also how you are seen by others. Lean in to those ambitions, Taurus. Personal as well as professional. You are in a position to make a lasting impression. So, it’s game face on. Be ready for the rope to be lifted to the VIP sector. You will mix and mingle with powerful and influential personalities during this cycle. And it’s important you understand that you belong with them.

One individual in particular will prove to be incredibly influential when it comes to your future. Opening doors to progress or else challenging you by blocking them. That new boss gives you a hand up. Or alternatively, you don’t see eye to eye and this is the catalyst for you finding a new and better position. Either way – they brought out the best in you. Above all with Pluto in residence – be authentic, ethical and upfront. Or be prepared to be put on the spot if you’re not.

Pluto in here can see you ascend to a position of power of your own. It can elevate your status or that of your partner. It can deliver a powerful, magnetic and successful new partner. It can also transform how the world at large sees you. Above all with Pluto as your patron – be authentic, ethical and upfront. Or be prepared to be put on the spot if you’re not.

The energy this year is electric, changeable, slightly unpredictable and designed to shock you out of complacency. It will open your mind to fresh possibilities. And your soul to being fully alive. 2025 may feel like a rollercoaster at times. And occasionally one where you are strapped in and cannot get off! But what I can promise you is that by the end of the year, you will step off – reinvented and glorious. Filled with awe at what you’ve experienced. Stand by for the ride of your life!

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (11th)

Mar 2 2025 Venus stationary retrograde in Aries (12th)

Mar 14 2025 Full Moon in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)

Mar 14 2025 Full Moon in Virgo – Total Lunar Eclipse (5th)

Mar 29 2025 New Supermoon in Aries – Partial Solar Eclipse (12th)

Mar 30 2025 Neptune enters Aries (12th)

Apr 13 2025 Venus stationary direct in Pisces (11th)

Apr 19 2025 Sun enters Taurus (1st)

Apr 27 2025 New Supermoon in Taurus (1st)

May 10 2025 Mercury enters Taurus (1st)

May 12 2025 Full Moon in Scorpio (7th)

May 25 2025 Saturn enters Aries (12th)

June 6 2025 Venus enters Taurus (1st)

June 9 2025 Jupiter enters Cancer (3rd)

July 4 2024 Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus (1st)

July 7 2025 Uranus enters Gemini (2nd)

Aug 12 2025 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer (3rd)

Sep 21 2025 New ‘Black’ Moon in Virgo – Partial Solar Eclipse (5th)

Nov 5 2025 Full Supermoon in Taurus (1st)

Nov 6 2025 Venus enters Scorpio (7th)

Nov 8 2025 Uranus retrograde re-enters Taurus (1st)

Nov 17 2025 Grand Water Trine: Sun in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces trine retrograde Jupiter in Cancer trine Sun in Scorpio (Exact) (7th to 11th to 3rd to 7th)

Nov 20 2025 New Moon in Scorpio opposition Uranus retrograde in Taurus (7th to 1st)

Dec 24 2025 Venus enters Capricorn (9th)

GEMINI Yearly Horoscope 2025

Ruler: Mercury

Planet of Marriage & Partnerships: Jupiter

Long distance travel & Learning: Uranus

Romance & Attraction: Venus

Money: The Moon

Career: Neptune

Transformation & Change: Saturn

Home & Family: Mercury

Old rules, new you for 2025! Let’s begin with those retro rules. Mercury retro in 2025. Yes, we’re going there first up. Why? Well, because you already got this. You just need the dates, right? Then we can just launch ourselves straight into the good stuff. And believe me – there’s plenty of that to unpack.

You know how it works. Pre-shadow, full fat reverse, shadow lite. Take three times a year. Non negotiable. You know the regimen. And that’s a ‘re’ word. And all the ‘re’ words rule.

Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (7th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (10th)

Mar 15 2025 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (11th)

Apr 7 2025 Mercury stationary direct in Pisces (10th)

Apr 26 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Aries (11th)

June 30 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Leo (3rd)

July 18 2025 Mercury stationary retrograde in Leo (3rd)

Aug 11 2025 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (3rd)

Aug 25 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Leo (3rd)

Oct 21 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Scorpio (6th)

Nov 9 2025 Mercury stationary retrograde in Sagittarius (7th)

Nov 29 2025 Mercury stationary direct in Scorpio (6th)

Dec 15 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (7th)

Mercury slides free of retroshade at the very start of the year. And ends it the same way. In the same sign which is Sagittarius and your 7th. Your ruler won’t retrograde in either your sign or its other ruling sign of Virgo this year. But you do need to apply the ‘re’ word rule to anything the house it retrogrades in governs at the time. Additionally, because Mercury rules Virgo and your 4th, always pause property matters during a Mercury retrograde in any house in your chart if you can. However, the retrogrades are good for tackling any home or family issues that have been hanging around for some time.

New You for the Now Age

Now we’ve got the housekeeping out of the way, we can move on to the good stuff. Your star power in ‘25 brings you bigger, breathtaking changes. And blesses you with one of the best periods for luck and attraction you have been for many years. Which is at its peak for the first six months of ‘25 thanks to Jupiter in your sign.

This is further amplified by Pluto’s presence in your 9th house. Pluto has unpacked its bags for a long term stay which will last right up until 2043. Your 9th is where opportunity, solutions and adventure begin. The kind that can change your life for the better. But expectations won’t cut it. You need to bring the magic of action and intention to make it real.

Jan 29 opens a powerful portal to manifestation and goal gains. Depending on what you have been focussed on achieving since Jupiter arrived in your sign last year, this could mark a point of attainment as ruler Mercury meets Pluto. News arrives that sends you in a new direction. Or you take the initial steps on a life-changing journey – real or metaphorical.

This is one of the most potent days of the year to set goals, create a vision board or journal or take those key steps towards something you want to attain. You have the ability to envision and draw to you what you want as a portal of limitless potential opens up over our heads. The day coincides with the new Moon in your 9th – one which marks the start of the astrological Now Age and Chinese New Year. Know that what you set out to do on this date – you are most likely to succeed at. No other day this year contains so many seeds to sow for your future. Ensure you plant them.

Place, Path and People

Your other active chart sectors this year aside from your own and your 9th, will be your 11th and your 10th/4th houses.

Gemini – your path and purpose, your roots and belonging and your centre of being also contain a treasure trove of opportunities just waiting for you to access them! You’ll put down roots or course correct if you feel you are in the wrong place, path or even with the wrong people as the North Node shifts from Aries and your 11th and into Pisces and your 10th.

There are no black sheep. There are no wrong turns. You end up belonging in your niche or where you can thrive and grow under this nodal change. The last time the North Node was in Pisces was during the following periods: June 2006 – Dec 2007, Dec 1987 – May 1989, April 1969 – Nov 1970.

If you were 18 or over during any of the above periods, look to how destiny forged your long term path. Big decisions define the North Node in your 10th. And often big releases as well. Into a fresh cycle of success. Own your direction. Push ahead because now you know you have the strength to forge your own path. And also create a lifestyle and support system which works for you. These are the elements of real success.

This puts the South Node now in Virgo (the other Mercury ruled sign), and your 4th house. When the Nodes change signs, so does the eclipse axis. 2025 brings a new series of eclipses across your houses of career and status and home, roots and family. Returning for a moment to the Mercury retro dates for the year – you will find the retrograde period of Feb 28 – Apr 26 pivotal for decisions that determine living, lifestyle and career choices. And do keep in mind the ‘re’ rules and that this is something which cannot and should not under any circumstances, be hurried.

As well as the Mercury retrograde taking place with the North Node in your 10th, we will also be in eclipse season. Watch for transitions and decisions around home, family and either your life direction and/or that of your partner if you have one. Here are your dates to stop, step into your sacred space and hold it no matter what is going on around you:

14 March 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (4th)

7 Sept 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (10th)

21 Sept 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo (4th) – Black Moon

We also have one more eclipse on the old axis in Aries and your 11th. A partial solar eclipse on March 29. This is another date to examine your goals for continued relevance. To release those you have outgrown. And to commit to something that now resonates with the new you.

Love and Attraction

Venus rules two areas of your chart. Taurus and your 12th of soul, spirit and intuition. And Libra and your 5th of romance, creative passions, children and attraction. We start the year with Mars retrograde in Cancer and your 2nd (keep a tight grip on those purse strings!). Venus will retrograde from March 2 until April 13. Starting in Aries and your 11th. And then re-entering Pisces and your 10th. So, its not the time to look for new love, splurge on big-ticket items or over-indulge. Especially as we have this over-lapping a Mercury retro!

However, Venus retro can redeliver a past love. Or re-infuse a past creative project with fresh inspiration. Venus always ends its retrograde reborn as the morning star. With fresh and shining importance placed on what really matters to you. Love re-emerges redefined.

That Rich Feeling

Jupiter is your planet of partnerships, marriage and long term loves. If you have been wanting to be in any kind of double act, Jupiter should place at least one serious contender for the dynamic in your duo while it is in your 1st house. This also applies to business and working unions, besties and collaborators and that ride or die.

If by the time Jupiter exits and moves into Cancer and your 2nd (June 9), you are still on the look-out, don’t despair. Or think that the magic has left you. First – your 2nd house of abundance and assets doesn’t just rule your cash. Although I’ll talk about the Jupiter effect in here shortly. Keep in mind your 2nd house contains all that adds value to your life. What’s precious and an asset. This includes those people who fit into this category. So, if you are still looking for love, don’t imagine that Jupiter leaving your sign means it’s not going to appear. In fact, there’s magical mayhem and mischief in the air for you. As Uranus’s arrival in your sign (July 7) brings you the difference that’s been missing.

Outside of this, Jupiter in Cancer should boost your income and earnings, bring you fresh sources of satisfaction. And make you more aware of your worth. This is your growth season which will take you through to mid-26. Gains and inroads into financial matters can be made. Do avoid a common Jupiter trap if your income is on the upswing. And that is to adopt a ‘more of where that came from’ approach. Yes, there may be. But with the North Node now in your 10th, you are being asked to invest any extra money into a long term plan to enhance your security.

A big boost should occur in August when Venus and Jupiter meet in Cancer on Aug 12. This could see you banking something of lasting satisfaction, Gemini.

Lean in to Your Goals

The past few years may have felt like strength training for your soul when it comes to making progress with your worldly plans and ambitions. Saturn in your 10th asks for commitment and also determination on your part. You may have found the going ‘heavy’, encountered blocks to progress and may have had to really push against these whether internal or external.

But now – you conquered. You made it. You stayed the course. All of this should have deepened your understanding of what you can do when you try. You’ve accessed your huge reservoirs of staying power. With the shift of the Nodes and then the move of first Neptune (Mar 30) and then Saturn (May 25) from your 10th into your 11th, you’ll feel in sync. And also barriers to progress lift.

Friendships and associations get locked in for the long term with Saturn in your 11th. You’ll also harness Neptune’s influence to infuse any endeavours connected to music, art, beauty, your psychic abilities or manifesting your heart’s desire. Saturn hands you the intention. Neptune the inspiration. You’ve learned what you can do when you try. This should tell you that if you commit, there isn’t anything you cannot have, conquer or attain. Again, the dates these planets cross into your 11th are pivotal for goal setting.

Friendships resonate on a soul level. An important new friendship could be forged now. Perhaps an intergenerational one. No matter their age, they have your back and also offer experience and are there for the long haul. This person could just be one of the important ‘assets’ you have access to now.

Your birthday cycle this year sees you putting yourself in a position where what you seek can find you. Don’t get bogged down in details. Just BE. You have three amazing uplifting and free flowing cycles available to you in ‘25. Starting with the Sun in your sign from May 20. The new Supermoon (May 27) and the meeting of Mercury and Jupiter (June 8) mark bold new beginnings. And are days when you can effortlessly stand out and attract. Do ensure you are seen on these dates.

Doors are opening to opportunity and new experiences. Keep in mind that as the planets move into your sign, they will trine Pluto in your 9th. This will be an extra long period of new beginnings thanks to the late arrival of Venus (July 4) and then Uranus (July 7). Both of which will trine Pluto.

The second time the planets are in an air sign (Libra and your 5th), things become even more effortless and free-flowing. Dynamic Mars adds va-va-voom and creative zeal when it enters Libra on Aug 6. Relationships hot up and intensify. Look also to October especially mid-month when a Grand Air Trine forms between Venus in your 5th, Uranus in your sign and Pluto. The delightfully unexpected could just change your world!

Meet Your Future

This is still part of the new You emerging. You are the most open and inquisitive sign of the zodiac. Drop your preconceptions and roll with your bliss. Uranus delivers on what we need – which may be different to what we believe we want. Mars moves into Sagittarius and your 7th on Nov 4. And opposes Uranus and sextiles Pluto just before Uranus moves back into your 12th. Surprise twists or resurrections follow. Plus if something new appears, it may not look like what you ordered. It’s better thanks to the Uranus upgrade which makes it future perfect.

The Sun and other planets in your 7th will all sextile Pluto. And a blessing drops within your grasp with December’s full Moon in your sign (Dec 4). The year ends with a sense of optimism whether you are in a relationship or not. Having seen so many areas of life undergo improvements. Continue to follow your joy and what or who adds to your sense of fun and freedom. If you are doing so with that partner who also feels like your best friend – the joy flows between you. No matter what you seek, understand it seeks you and will find you in the year ahead.

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (10th)

Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (9th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (1st)

Mar 14 2025 Full Moon in Virgo – Total Lunar Eclipse (4th)

Mar 30 2025 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd time) (10th)

Mar 30 2025 Neptune enters Aries (11th)

Apr 9 2025 Mercury conjunct the North Node in Pisces (10th)

Apr 17 2025 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aries (3rd time – twice in Pisces, once in Aries) (11th)

May 20 2025 Sun enters Gemini (1st)

May 25 2025 Saturn enters Aries (11th)

May 26 2025 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)

May 27 2025 New Supermoon in Gemini (1st)

May 30 2025 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (1st)

June 8 2025 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (1st)

June 9 2025 Jupiter enters Cancer (2nd)

June 11 2025 Full Moon in Sagittarius (7th)

July 4 2025 Venus enters Gemini (1st)

July 7 2025 Uranus enters Gemini (1st)

Oct 14 2024 Grand Air Trine: Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius trine Uranus in Gemini trine Venus in Libra (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Nov 4 2025 Mars in Sagittarius opposition Uranus in Gemini (7th to 1st)

Nov 8 2025 Uranus retrograde re-enters Taurus (12th)

Nov 22 2025 Sun enters Sagittarius (7th)

Nov 30 2025 Venus enters Sagittarius (7th)

Dec 4 2025 Full Supermoon in Gemini (1st)

Dec 4 2025 Full Supermoon in Gemini opposition Venus in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)

Dec 20 2025 New Moon in Sagittarius (7th)

cancer seasonCANCER Yearly Horoscope 2025

Ruler: The Moon

Planet of Marriage & Partnerships: Saturn

Home & Family: Venus

Money & Values: The Sun

Romance & Attraction: Mars & Pluto

Career: Mars

Soul & Spirit: Mercury

Big decisions, new discoveries, far horizons and opportunities. You’ll embrace more and go further than you dreamed possible in ‘25, Cancer. The changes you’ve been waiting on, hoping or wishing for will arrive when Jupiter returns to your sign sign for the first time in 12 years this June.

But you may be off to a slow start. Mars is main ruler of your career and public image. And co-ruler along with Pluto of Scorpio and your 5th house of romance, pleasure and attraction. And it begins the year retrograde in your sign. Try to avoid those decisions and hold off on career moves if you can. At least until Mars moves ahead in February. Venus rules your all-important 4th house of home, family, roots and safety. It too retrogrades this year. Beginning in Aries and your 10th on March 2. And then moving back into Pisces and your 9th before heading direct once more on April 13.

Mercury rules your intuition and spiritual truth. As well as contracts, communication and commerce. It too retrogrades across your 10th/9th houses between March 15 and April 7. All this adds up to scrambled signals and making choices which may not sustain you. Defer those decisions if you can. And do stick to the ‘re’words, Cancer. Review. Revise. Revisit. Reflect. Return. Renew.

Do pace yourself, Cancer. Mars retrograde can see you feeling invincible one moment. Then wanting to crawl beneath the duvet – and stay there, the next. You may alternate between intense periods of activity – and total burn-out. Saying ‘No’ may be be challenging as Mars rules our confidence and also our ability to set and create boundaries. And in your case – not to feel guilty about doing so! But don’t be afraid to accept the Mars New Year Challenge – and say no anyway. Take it by mid-year and your birthday, your energy levels are restored. But please – don’t allow yourself to become depleted. And there are dates when you need to protect yourself against this happening.

Here are the signs/houses in focus for you in ‘25. Cancer and your 1st house. Aries and your 10th. Gemini and your 12th. And your all-important 9th/3rd axis – Pisces and Virgo, which I will deal with next.

What’s Calling?

Like the Leos next door, your ruler the Moon, never retrogrades. But just like the Leos, you are always impacted the most by eclipses. As no matter whether they are solar or lunar eclipses – your ruler is always involved.

Anything to do with the Moon – it’s phases and sign changes, has a big influence on you and how you feel. The Moon influences the tides. It literally pulls the ocean currents around. Seeing as you are made up of water – actually around the same ratio in our bodies as is found in all the oceans on earth which is around 70% – is it then any wonder you respond to the Moon’s emotional ebb and flow?

You are literally about to dive into the deep end of the sea of destiny in 2025. And to sail to the edge to discover the land of the unexplored as the North Node moves from Aries and your 10th, to boundless Pisces and your 9th on Jan 12. The arrow of destiny points in a new direction. When the Nodes change signs – the South Node now in Virgo and your 3rd, the eclipse axis moves with them. So, eclipses take place in the new signs the Nodes occupy.

Eclipses open up your vulnerabilities. Making you extra sensitive. But because eclipses conceal – you may not be able to put your finger on what’s triggering you. In the lead up to Jupiter’s arrival in your sign (June 9), you may feel the build up that something big is shifting. Yes, it is. But don’t allow your imagination to run away with you. Or start to feel anxious that you won’t be able to cope with it. Do however be mindful of taking on too much in the days immediately before and after these eclipses. And if needed under them, use the powerful self-protection spell of ‘No’.

14 March – Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (3rd)

7 Sept – Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (9th)

21 Sept – Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo (9th)

If travelling under these eclipses, treat them as you would a Mercury retrograde. The same kind of retro rules should be applied to paperwork, contracts, what you say, share or send out. And to fact check before jumping to conclusions. The upside however is that these eclipses will bring you news, challenges and opportunities to leave your comfort zone, and move into unknown territory. Yes, you may feel uncertain and vulnerable. In ancient time unknown regions of the map were marked: Here be dragons. But instead of being afraid of the dragons, what if the dragon wanted to be your friend and let you ride it? The trick to opening up your fate now is an open mind, Cancer. There are no limits – only those you hold onto.

We have one more eclipse on the old axis. And this final one in Aries and your 10th (Mar 29), is about respect and rewards. Your self-respect as well as what you receive from others. And also your own belief in yourself. You could be handed more responsibility or be asked to take on a more prominent role. Do you know you’re the Right Stuff, Cancer? As this is the final eclipse across this axis, you will be looking at what you receive from the path you are on. Not just in terms job titles and money. But in recognition and positive strokes. Above all, it’s the emotional satisfaction you receive which will determined whether you stick with what you are doing. Or move in another direction. And this eclipse will be the turning point either way.

Go Big or Go Home

Get ready to ride your dragon as Jupiter lands in your 1st on June 9. It’s been 12 years since the planet of luck, good fortune and opportunity last paid your sign a visit. If you were an adult back then, spool back and replay what opportunities came your way. What did you say yes to and what did you pass up? Do you have any regrets and now wish you had in fact, jumped on that dragon when it appeared? The great thing about Jupiter is we always get second, third or even fourth chances if so. You get to choose again. Or have an entire new smorgasbord of experiences to pick from.

Are you having your Jupiter return? If you were born with Jupiter in Cancer, then the answer is yes. Which will hand you an extra large serving of Jupiter blessings. No matter whether you are having your Jupiter return or not, all Cancerians will now harness that optimism that something good is just around the corner that’s been building since the very start of the year.

This is your time for big picture thinking. Jupiter in your 1st tells you that if your dream isn’t coming true – you need a bigger one. But dreaming isn’t enough. You have to go where the dragons live to make it happen. Saddle up your adventure, Cancer. Go in search of knowledge, new people and experiences. Travel will loom large for many of you. In ancient times you along with Jupiter’s ruling sign of Sagittarius were the explorers of the zodiac. That is because most travel and exploration was done by sea – and you rule the tides. So, you rule both the home port – and the journey itself. All this tells you – you’re safe when it comes to pushing yourself into the unknown.

History Repeating

Jupiter moves out of Gemini and your 12th. And Uranus moves on in from July 7th. Be ready for a radical re-framing around your beliefs. And also your past, Cancer.

Something emerges from your subconscious or events in your outer world demand you pay attention. Your task with Uranus in here, will be to make connections between what’s happening now – and how it is linked to what has gone before. Or identify how patterns are repeating.

Expect a massive shift in your perspective. Or to literally overturn your previous thinking. You’ll question everything. Does this belief actually hold up? Does continuing to hold this mindset serve you? Is this actually your truth – or have you simply swallowed hook, line and sinker what someone else has told you is the truth?

Secrets will have a way of not staying hidden. So, Uranus may serve more than one kind of wake-up call. What you can expect however is to be freed from limiting thoughts and beliefs. No matter whose they are. But especially if they aren’t yours to begin with. And you will stop history repeating itself when it comes to past patterns. Again, these may not even be yours, but may be themes that have run through your family history. Do remember, Cancer – it only takes one person to shift to free everyone. That’s Uranus at work.

Ex On the Beach

Pluto now sits in Aquarius and your 8th. Where it will now remain until 2043. This is your house of empowerment, rebirth and resources. You are entering this cycle eyes wide open when it comes to what you’re seeking in partnerships thanks to Pluto’s transit through Capricorn and your 7th.

Pluto along with retro Mars at the start of the year could resurrect that past love affair. Or offer up final closure emotionally if a relationship has come to an end. Be aware that destiny is moving you into something freer. So, if that ex reappears, all previous issues have to be addressed and dealt with. Or leave them on the beach and set sail in search of a new one Cancer. Especially if you are set on history not repeating itself.

Are you Serious?!

The other big planetary shift taking place is Neptune and Saturn’s move from Pisces and your 9th into Aries and your 10th. Your path or progress now needs certainty from you. An a set direction. I could say there’s no use having a dragon unless you know where you want it to take you.

This is about inspired self-authorship. Interweaving imagination and serious intention to bring you your desired result. And also knowing there are no short cuts (you need to train your dragon). Aries is the sign of assertive and pro-active intention. An Aries doesn’t sit around talking about what they are going to do. They just do it.

State your intention. Follow through. Show your serious. Saturn brings you ownership. Of who you are. And your actions. People sit up and take notice. You work your smarts, your assets and establish yourself as someone who follows through. In all spheres of your life.

You bring in sensitivity and a spirit of cooperation without being a pushover. Saturn and Neptune are close together for the time they are in Aries. They will both then retreat back into Pisces and your 9th. Before exiting in ‘26 and forging an epic encounter. Take it ‘25 sees you progress in career matters, your professional or relationship status and an uptick to your personal stock and/or public persona. With more rewards and status setting moves on offer early next year.

Now You See Me

Your birthday cycle brings with it a year long cycle of effortless attraction. You will feel a sense of boundless possibilities surround you. And an enhanced sense of curiosity at the thought of exploring them. Again, this is not the time for small moves. Your 1st house rules your face, image, style, presence (IRL and online), appearance, brand and the message you convey just by your presence. So, adjust those settings to make your first impression your best and most unforgettable one.

Zhuzh up your look. Make bold wardrobe choices. Change the way you see yourself and in doing so, how others see you. Jupiter wants you to be noticed and to stand out. Your best days for updating or relaunching yourself are June 24 – 25 when the Sun and Jupiter meet and your birthday new Moon appears. Venus enters your 1st on July 31 bringing you an extra long cycle of attraction and opportunities to showcase the new you.

You’ll enjoy a period of free wheeling progress right up until November when Jupiter retrogrades. By then you will most probably be happy to pause for breath. However, the results of what you have set in motion will continue to shower you with addition blessings thanks to November’s series of Grand Water Trines which take you right up into December. Progress may slow a little, but this may prove to be one of your most satisfying periods of the year. Especially when it comes to love, creative ventures and children.

You will enter your second Pluto-free partnership peak on December 21. Venus follows the Sun on the 24th which could bring you happiness around home, family as well as ending the year on a career high note. You should look back at the big steps you took up until this point and how taking that chance (primarily on yourself), paid off. Get ready to go even further in ‘26, dragon rider.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) re-enters Cancer (1st)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (9th)

Jan 13 2025 Full Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (1st)

Mar 2 2025 Venus stationary retrograde in Aries (10th)

Mar 14 2025 Full Moon in Virgo – Total Lunar Eclipse (3rd)

Mar 29 2025 New Supermoon in Aries – Partial Solar Eclipse (10th)

Mar 30 2025 Neptune enters Aries (10th)

Apr 13 2025 Venus stationary direct in Pisces (9th)

Apr 13 2025 Full Moon in Libra (4th)

May 25 2025 Saturn enters Aries (10th)

June 9 2025 Jupiter enters Cancer (1st)

June 21 2025 Sun enters Cancer (Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere/Winter Southern) (1st)

June 24 2025 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Cancer (1st)

June 25 2025 New Moon in Cancer (1st)

June 25 2025 New Moon conjunct Jupiter in Cancer (1st)

July 10 2025 Full Moon in Capricorn (7th)

July 31 2025 Venus enters Cancer (1st)

Sep 1 2025 Retrograde Saturn re-enters Pisces (9th)

Sep 7 2025 Full Moon in Pisces – Total Lunar Eclipse (9th)

Sep 21 2025 New ‘Black’ Moon in Virgo – Partial Solar Eclipse (3rd)

Sep 21 2025 New ‘Black’ Moon in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces – Partial Solar Eclipse (3rd to 9th)

Oct 28 2025 Grand Water Trine: Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer trine Mars in Scorpio (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Nov 11 2025 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Cancer (1st)

Nov 17 2025 Grand Water Trine: Sun in Scorpio trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces trine retrograde Jupiter in Cancer trine Sun in Scorpio (Exact) (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Nov 20 2025 Grand Water Trine: New Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces trine retrograde Jupiter in Cancer trine New Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde in Scorpio (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Nov 22 2025 Grand Water Trine: Mercury retrograde in Scorpio trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces trine Jupiter retrograde in Cancer trine Mercury retrograde in Scorpio (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Nov 26 2025 Grand Water Trine: Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces trine Jupiter retrograde in Cancer trine Mercury Venus in Scorpio (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Dec 6-7 2025 Grand Water Trine: Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces trine Moon/Jupiter conjunct in Cancer trine Mercury in Scorpio (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

Dec 21 2025 Sun enters Capricorn (7th) Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern

Dec 24 2025 Venus enters Capricorn (7th)

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