Your Full Moon in Aquarius Moonscope August 19th 2024 -Freedom
Your Full Moon in Aquarius Moonscope August 19th 2024
There’s something big about the full Moon in liberating, individuating yet collective Aquarius. That desire to be part of something? To share, be involved and join in?
Ideas shared between friends and within groups, movements, networks, parties, communities, and platforms take on their own life. We can be caught up, galvanised, and captured by a thought, plan, and ideal. What gets put out there takes on a life of its own.
Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer but an air sign. In ancient Rome it symbolised sharing and collective benefits – as in pouring the water to benefit the community. Gemini rules the mind, commerce and communication. Both are air signs. One is fixed (Aquarius), the other is mutable (Gemini). Ideas can change. And change us.
This is a highly social full Moon. Come together with others under this full Moon. Join in. Talk. Above all – be open. You don’t have to agree. But seeing something from a different perspective – how others see it, leads to understanding. Remember – ideas are just that. They are not who we are. We are humanity. That is what we all share in common and when we come from that place, we form deeper ties and connections.
As Aquarius and the 11th house rule our future, we can decide what that looks like under this full Moon. And change the path we are on. Some of us may do this by reaching out and getting more social. Others by reinvesting in a goal or vision. Yes, Mercury is retrograde so be very careful what you say. Pay extra attention to what others are saying, not just with their words but their actions. With Jupiter square Saturn, if we get over-excited or impractical, we are urged to follow our souls compass. As we move into a larger vision, our future expands with it.
People just happen to be your superpower under this full Moon. Although what you know as in those ideas has a huge role to play, who you know or interact with now, is the secret sauce that glues that triple decker vision together.
Just take the angle between this full Moon and Jupiter in super-chatty Gemini. You’re ready to talk up a storm one way or another. If an invitation lands for this night – do take it. Or do you want to be the instigator of that catch-up, Aquarius? There’s something that wants you to be out and about. Or at the very least sharing what’s on your mind. Do you have a big vision that needs an audience? From that visionboard you’ve been adding to all the way up to that project, screenplay, podcast, club or movement you want to start. Gather your fellow visionaries. Together you can get the band back together. Or form a new one. Workshopping, brainstorming and collective endeavours, Meetups and catchups – this full Moon shines on them all.
We can’t talk about Aquarius without getting all nerdy. The geek inherits the world under this full Moon. Your fellow sci-fi, UFO believers and Trekkers all fall under its rulership. The deliciously ironic mission statement of the evil corporation – Weyland-Yutani from James Cameron’s Aliens: ‘Building Better Worlds’ sums up your intentions under this full Moon. For good, that is. Chances are what you are talking about, aiming to do or manifest is something that makes the world better in some way. Yours, your fiends or your community. Get talking and just share your ideas on how much better you can make the world – together.
Don’t hide yourself away, Taurus! And above all – be as flexible and open-minded as you can be. Insisting there is only one way to look at something or approach things – or that your way is the right way, will not only put others off-side, but could hold you back in the longer term.
Last minute changes of plans are actually fate at work for you under this full Moon. So, if this occurs just be willing to adapt accordingly. If a friend suggests going somewhere new rather than sticking to that familiar haunt – be ready to explore and experiment. Spontaneity rules under this full Moon with Jupiter in curious Gemini. Suggest alternatives yourself.
Career, ambitions, money, rewards and your progress are all tied up with this full Moon/Jupiter alignment. The more open and seeking you are, the more likely you are to find yourself in the right place, at the right time, with the right people and this leads to the right opportunity. This Moon is in your house of personal and professional reputation and your ‘public’ (think internet) profile. The idea of who you are which is held by groups of people whose lives you touch. And people who in turn can influence this. Be ready to be ‘put on the spot’ or highlighted in the best possible way now. Where you may be asked to deliver on something or show your credentials. Align yourself to a greater vision and move on up.
You are at your most outgoing, optimistic, talkative, curious and spontaneous under this full Moon. It’s in your 9th house which is ruled by Jupiter in your 1st. So, expect to gain traction and attention for something you share, say or send out. Or for what you have set in motion to turn into rocket fuel that launches you skyward under this Moon/Jupiter alignment.
Grab opportunity or that solution if it heads your way. There’s a wise saying about this and that is you need to be ready to catch opportunity otherwise it moves in another direction. Run with it now. Anything that appears answers that inner desire for something exciting, stimulating and freeing.
If you are dealing with a problem or need something, this Moon and Jupiter tell you to mine your network first. Ask around. Someone has the answer, solution or else knows someone else who does.
This is a full Moon infused with luck, the desire to explore something new and to engage with those who are unafraid to do so. Yes, the full Moon in our 9th is often linked to overseas travel or foreigners – and don’t forget Jupiter rules these. The world can come knocking on your door or barge into your inbox now. As could comedians and people who see life as a divine comedy. Something or someone is about to open up a way to make life easier – all while having a laugh, Gemini. And yes, when it comes to romance – that’s the best aphrodisiac too.
Is someone serving the drama under this full Moon, Cancer? Do they have a habit of doing this? Do look at this if you see a pattern. It’s not that you are not willing to listen or help when faced with real need. I’m just asking you to stop and ask yourself if that is what this is? If you see a pattern, it may be time to answer a different kind of SOS – yours. And without feeling guilty about it – make yourself less available from this point onwards.
Now we’ve got that out of the way – let’s move into the wondrous night sky of the soul this full Moon trine Jupiter illuminates. And all the stars within it that you can aim for or connect to. See these as fellow souls or twinkling goals which surround you with so much connection and possibilities now. Perhaps you imagined you were being forced down one particular path, circle, group or into making a decision? Now you see that you have the power to change direction or that there are other options available to you. You’re not stuck with Hobson’s Choice at all.
Jupiter in your 12th feeds into your ruler’s innate ability to trigger your intuition, imagination and insight. If you have an impulse, idea or inspiration now – you need to follow it. It could be to contact someone you know – or even approach someone you don’t yet. It could be asking you to try something outlandish and experimental. Or to go on a fact finding search. Along the way you may have to push through fear or resistance. But suddenly – that’s not a scary as you thought it would be.
Something could revive under this influence. If someone wants to reconnect then be open to this. It could well be you and they have a fresh chapter to write. There’s another element to suddenly realising you are not alone – which you’re not. Or faced with just that one option. And that’s a powerful feeling of support and safety. It’s what sends you out there with freshly fired up courage, Cancer. So, don’t focus on what’s not there under this full Moon. Focus on all the stars which surround you instead.
The full Moon in your 7th marks a shift in your thinking around partnerships, being coupled-up and even being single. Especially as it energises Jupiter in your house of friendships. Over the years, much has been researched or written about romantic relationships and marriage. With platonic connections and friendships seen as some kind of consolation prize. In recent years, our thinking has changed. There is now an increased awareness of the importance on non-romantic and non-familial relationships in our lives – even for those of us who are settled. No one person can fulfil all our needs. That is simply impossible.
Pluto also in your 7th is set to redefine how you see relatedness. And this full Moon will spark upcoming themes for this connection transforming period in your life. Jupiter meanwhile is set on delivering kindred souls you way. Showing you the importance of forming those relationships outside of your needs for intimacy. And that this kind of love is every bit as important as the romantic variety. And can even be more lasting.
Yes, this can be a full Moon under which you and someone special celebrate your closeness. You could even enjoy a date night where the two of you become co-conspirators and creators of a joint goal. There’s also mischief to be made and enjoyed within that friendship circle however. And often doing things without our spouse or wing person gives a relationship breathing space and puts less pressure on both parties.
Have you been neglecting those friends due to recent immersion in a new relationship? This may be your cue to come up for air and show you still value their place in your life. Seeking love? If the thought of that app doesn’t make you happy then focus on your social life instead. The same goes if you feel something isn’t quite working now, Leo. It’s the group thing that puts everything into perspective – including your love experience. That shift in how you see relationships from this point on will be permanent. When it comes to love – flame on!
Get choosy under this full Moon, Virgo. Your intuition is going to back up your natural discernment when it comes to what you do or who you hang with. The greater good? Definitely that’s your motivation for the long term. Your greater good in terms of work and wellbeing.
Something may be disrupting your personal chi or draining you. And because the Sun is in your house of the spirit and intuition, chances are you know exactly what (or who) I am referring to, Virgo.
Jupiter sitting in your 10th as part of this is handing you the solution. Or should I say a healthier alternative? Anything that impedes your progress or simply diminishes you on some level can be dealt with. Or simply leap-frogged. You can bring your soul and body back into alignment. And your outer ambitions with your inner needs. That work/life balance is reset. A better job, option or even in some instances, saying no to something in order to get more of what matters to you.
Others may be stunned to discover that they have been trying to live up to unattainable standards – set by no-one else but themselves. And this is the cause of being out of sync with their own lives. There’s a big reveal happening under this full Moon. It shows you a better choice. Happiness, health and inner peace? That’s the kind of success you need to aim for.
On with the show, Libra! Many astrologers ignore how much your sign has in common with regal and show-stopping Leo. When the full Moon appears in your 11th the Sun is in its ruling sign Leo and your 11th. So, take it the qualities you share with Leo will be amplified and yes – on show to a wider audience now.
Uranus – ruler of Aquarius and your 5th, co-rules your 11th with the Sun and also rules astrology. So, if you are not familiar of just how much you do have in common with those Leos, this is a good time to read up. You both love to love – and be loved in return. You both share a certain dignity and usually look for partners who you can admire. You are born creatives and are charismatic. And yes, in your own way you both want to be noticed. Usually for what makes you delightful and special. And you both adore the good things in life and expect the best.
Both of you bring the sunshine into all whose lives you touch. And when we’re talking about on with the show, we’re talking about a bigger audience or ratings this week. There’s a touch of the performer about you. People could be stuck on you, your feed, your message or quite literally swooning and smitten. Do think of yourself as the leading light in your own production.
With Jupiter sitting in your 9th this is about lucky breaks, going further, being noticed and it could be linked to a big, transforming love. Your emotional need to express yourself in a given way. Share yourself now in any way you can. This full Moon can put you not just centre stage or in close up but you can find yourself at a crossroads. With a direction to choose and the freedom to go in any one you want. Leos operate from the heart. And so will you under this full Moon. Follow yours for success.
With you there’s always so much going on below the surface, Scorpio. But the full Moon in what is the Moon’s ruling house in your chart is bound to bring a lot of it to the surface. And this can even be the surface of you own mind.
Something sails into your awareness and you see you need to assign it a special priority. Because this full Moon amps up your sensitivity and intuitive qualities, you will probably feel the build up of energy up to two days out from it. And that awareness building alongside it.
Your main place of residence – house, flat, shared home or your family home, may be the source of that growing focus. This could also revolve around a family member or someone you share your space with. Anyone from that partner to a parent to a roomie. Something needs to be addressed or tackled. Maybe you both need more space and want to up-size?. Or one party wants to move and the other doesn’t. Someone left dirty dishes on the side – again. That parent or in-law seems extra demanding. It may be as trivial as someone dropping their laundry on the floor right up to a major move, but the level of emotion it dredges up for you is likely to feel the same. How do you accommodate everyone’s needs? Including your own.
So, do share what’s been below the surface as it comes up. Don’t seethe with resentment or else react completely out of proportion to someone’s unwashed coffee mug. Emotional sharing will allow for you to feel supported and but also open the way for solutions and sharing.
Lucky for you, Jupiter sits in your change sector. Opening up doors to alternatives worth serious consideration. This can range from how you divvy up those chores to you being able to access the financial resources to meet those needs. Don’t underestimate the power of what surfaces to do good, Scorpio. Get negotiating.
The full Moon in your 3rd trines ruler Jupiter in your 7th pointing to connections and agreements between you and another. If something has been talked about, planned or a project or agreement has been in revision, you may see it finalised under this full Moon. Positive news can arrive you’ve been waiting on or hoping for. You sign on the dotted line, launch that website or send out that application. You and that potential love interest who have been circling round one another for a while finally go on a date. Or you take something to the next level.
However, there’s no rush to bring things to a conclusion if something has just recently appeared. In fact, if someone is pushing you to sign on the dotted line or close escrow on a more personal deal, this may not be a red flag per se. But it could be an amber one.
The same goes for anyone you are not closely connected to who is lighting up those DM’s. By all means chat and flirt. See where it goes and ensure this is not someone who just likes to flirt but all they want is that. Your ruler is telling you that not only do you have the luxury of time but the additional luxury of choice. This is not your only option.
Sometimes the full Moon in our 3rd can see us saying no to something rather than yes. It can have us stop and decide to defer taking action and that something needs more time invested in it. It can help us to front up a conversation we may have been putting off. Short trips – either in distance or duration, are blessed by this full Moon. As are dealings with siblings and neighbours.
Know what is said, sent out or shared under this full Moon won’t be able to be redacted or retracted. Your ideas, your words and above all, your intentions are all important. Words are magic spells. They create your future with others. Friends and lovers. Make your intention clear and stand by the spell you weave. And watch and wait to see if what others say is on the same page.
There’s no escaping looking at money matters or anything linked to income, possessions and valuables under this full Moon. That includes how you value yourself and how you feel valued by others in turn. That everyday budget and pop goes the weasel, where the money actually goes benefits from honest focus and an emotional audit.
There’s a better way to handle what you have which is highlighted by the Moon’s trine to generous, open-handed Jupiter in your 6th. Include along with your other more obvious assets your time, talents, love and energy. And the people you can rely on. No matter what. How you work and invest what is at your disposal every day. And not just the obvious which is what you earn or your income.
The Moon is in your house of crowdfunding. And while this may not be your answer to what you need, do consider using your network to gain or trade for what it is you need. What can you offer someone that they may need or value in return? This may not be about an exchange of money. You may exchange time and skills instead.
Yes, your financial goals for the future and just how much you need to have to feel secure and abundant is important. But your emotions around money are your true wealth builders. So, look at the figures but also pay equal attention to the feelings. Above all, don’t focus on not enough even if you are wondering how to make ends meet. The key to moving into the ‘current’ of abundance is to look at what you do have – and use it in new ways. Cash in on this Moon/Jupiter energy and know you’re worth far more than a sum in a bank account. The list of all you do have at your disposal proves that. See, you’re already richer than you think.
A moon of your own – or one you can own who you are under, Aquarius! Whatever you do, don’t just be stuck in your room under it. Unless that room comes with a disco ball and a dance floor that is. Okay – if you are at home, do be sharing, chatting, connecting or if you can, entertaining your favourite band of maverick oddballs in your incredible eclectic space. Talking about what fires you up or takes you to the stars.
What you are projecting is in some way all important when the full Moon strikes your 1st house. Because the Sun is always in our 7th when this happens, often this is when we get feedback one way or another about how others see us. Or in some cases one particular person. How we envision ourselves or who we think we are and how this impacts on our energy field, has a massive influence on what we attract. And right at the time of this full Moon – all your houses of attraction are active. Your 1st, your 7th and your 5th – which right now contains Jupiter intent on bigging up your presence and charisma.
Feeling good about yourself and sharing you therefore plays a pivotal role in the process of attraction and manifestation. First -feel the self-love. Then the other kind follows. So, of course indulge in an image adjustment if needed. But also keep in mind that self-love means self-acceptance. And outer love comes from those who love us just the way we are. Your brand of braves, soul seekers or geek-ons should not want to change that. And neither should that true boo. So, if someone tells you something about you is wrong – do consider the source. And only make changes for you, Aquarius. Now – you should be dancing to that.
Just what aren’t you saying, Pisces? Are you keeping a secret or being asked to keep one? If you are taken into someone’s confidence under this full Moon – it must stay in the vault. This is a rule you cannot and must not break. If you have something intimate or very private that is weighing on you – the same rule applies back. Ensure that anyone you do confide in will not betray your trust. Nor judge you. If you are in any doubt about this whatsoever – and your intuition should have the ultimate say in this, then do seek out a professional who is bound by a code of ethics instead. Your doctor, therapist, religious leader, counsellor or even an astrologer or psychic.
This full Moon trines your ancient ruler Jupiter in your 4th house of family and security. Hence the advice to only talk to someone you feel secure in opening up to. Especially if what you need to share is connected to family members, your needs or even old, unhealed wounds. Yes, this is a bit of a couch trip transit. And to use that metaphor – we need to be comfortable to really open up.
Your true needs around something are surfacing under this full Moon. And you need to give them space and acceptance. To acknowledge them without judgement. And free of what others think you should do. Or even worse – those misguided souls who think they know what’s best for you. And are very fond of telling you this. And what to do. Do you simply need help with something? You are always there for anyone who asks, Pisces. But how comfortable are you asking for help when you need it?
As well as the need to confide or be confided in, you may find you will need to sit with this and process. No matter whether you are on the couch or listening to someone else on it! Sometimes this cycle can see us experiencing this from both perspectives. Someone tells us something and in doing so, we realise we are also carrying a weight we need to release by talking. And that sharing with the person who has taken us into their confidence simply isn’t appropriate. You’ll know who is however.
Blessings from our past can reach us under this full Moon. And these may be paid forward by someone we’ve not actually done anything for. Or someone we were there for now fronts up for us. Under this full Moon you’re the safe harbour for anyone going through a storm. But if you’re drowning yourself – make sure others know you’re not waving. Let the right one throw that life line however.
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