Horoscopes February 2025 All Signs – Emotional Magic


Time to shed the old and unveil the new

Fan that ember into a flame

Express your love!

It may not yet be spring – that happens next month with your birthday season, but you feel the bloom of new beginnings this month with the arrival of Venus in your sign (4th). It may be your cue to emerge from hibernation, Aries. To shed those layers of outdated thoughts about yourself. Or even those outdated layers of clothing! And to begin to unfurl a brand new version of you.

Take this process slowly. See this month as the time of gentle new beginnings and adjustments. And yes, this does include seeking someone new to light that newly burning ember inside of you. The reason I am telling you to take this slowly and see it as a delicate, unfolding process is that Venus is preparing to retrograde. And so is Mercury at the end of the month. Both planets will reverse in your sign in March. This double whammy of retroactive energy will bring a big pause and more time for adjustment. So, be gentle with yourself. And don’t rush any decisions from permanent changes to your look to who you look at next! You’ll find more in your Venus in Aries forecast.

While Venus and Mercury slow down – ruler Mars in your 4th and Jupiter in your 3rd gather momentum. First, your ruler back in assertive action hands you your surety and confidence back. And in Cancer and your 4th, it will show you the way forward with any issues around home, family, moving, property, living arrangements etc. From the 24th you have your mojo back!

Jupiter in your house of communication and your online life direct from the 4th boosts those plans – and your internet presence. Just keep in mind this is a window you need to jump through with the upcoming Mercury retro ahead. Your online profile or what you post needs to be a true reflection of who you really are. Is it time to make adjustments? Especially as you are now in a state of evolving? Do it, Aries. Big benefits can follow when you share yourself – unfiltered and authentic!

There is a lot of 12th house/Pisces energy surrounding you right now. This also asks for gentle persuasion and for you to understand time is on your side. Not only will be upcoming Mercury and Venus retrogrades see both planets return to your 12th, but we have the Sun’s arrival in Pisces on the 18th. And Mercury’s arrival on the 14th. First, Neptune, ruler of Pisces, meets the North Node on the 7th. And asks you put to bed those regrets once and for all, Aries.

What happened 18-19 years ago (or during the same time period before that), comes full circle. If you are owed karmically or spiritually – expect to be paid back. With interest. You may also put the past behind you. Mistakes, regrets, disappointments, blame and even guilt. Knowing something is over. And closing the door on it. Especially on the 9th when retro Mars in your 4th aligns to Saturn, keeper of karma in here.

You can forgive someone without forgetting their actions. Just leave it to a higher power rather than continue to hang on to pain, resentment or a desire for revenge. In the lead up to Mars’ direct, look to whether the past prevents you from being happy in the present. All love comes with a risk. But if we don’t take a chance, we end up with nothing. As Mercury reaches Pisces on the 14th, see yourself as crossing a bridge where you leave the past (and fear of being hurt in the future), on the other side. There’s no U-turns.

The most romantic day of the month for you isn’t the 14th. It’s the loved-up full Moon in Leo and your 5th on the 12th. The full Moon dances with Mercury in your 11th. Expect enchanting and romance enhancing interactions. Dress to express your love. To enchant and enrapture. As if you are out to seduce the world! No matter your relationship status. And yes, if past wounds have been barriers to real connection, dress in a way which shows they no longer have any power over you. You’ll also feel any hesitation over expressing your feelings, fall away. Check your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope for extra Valentine’s insights.

Hopefully you have managed to keep your cool during the Mars retro. And avoided common Mars retro pitfalls. Such as acting impulsively without thinking things through. Allowing small things to simmer until you erupt. Or unnecessarily criticising your partner rather than leading with their good qualities. The 23rd offers you an opportunity to smooth over those misunderstandings.

Ahead of the new Moon in your 12th (28th) and the start of Mercury retroshadow the same day, comes a new determination and clarity around what you know you want. And what you no longer need. Again, it’s partly due to that patient and gentle process of self-healing and truth you’ve allowed yourself to experience. A new period of planning takes over. The upcoming retrograde lends itself to vision boarding or journaling. To drawing dreams down into the realm of manifestation. And to further open up to taking that chance. By May you’ll have your full confidence restored. And by your birthday, you’ll see just how far you’ve already come.

In a nutshell: Venus arrives in your sign but Valentine’s month is one where you’ll be content to take things slowly when it comes to romance. Take a gentle approach when dealing with partners. And extend that to yourself, Aries.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 3rd)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (3rd)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (1st)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (12th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (11th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (5th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (5th to 11th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (12th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (12th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 3rd)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (12th to 4th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (4th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (12th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (12th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 3rd)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (12th)


Whatever it is – don’t keep it on the down-low

Fated friendships and dated encounters

Follow that vision

Have you been holding something back, Taurus? There’s planetary movement afoot this month which means you may not be able to keep those real feelings on the down-low. You’ve been tested – possibly to your limits, when it comes to how your boundaries may be pushed. Or simply having to continually rely on your diplomatic skills to ensure things keep running smoothly. However, with Mars now powering ahead in your communication sector (from the 24th) and Venus moving into your house of what lies beneath (4th), just be aware that you may no longer be able to keep a lid on things. Or even that signature cool.

All energy has to go somewhere. Especially if Mars is in the mix. If we don’t release it in the direction it needs to go, it will usually burst out in another way. Often destructive. Keep in mind that sometimes in order to restore peace and equilibrium, we need to bring up areas of conflict for resolution. Keeping things to ourselves does nobody any good. And if you do find yourself in the position where those feelings get aired – unedited, you know this has been simmering for some time.

The end result will be restoration or simply clearing the air. And don’t worry – by the end of the month there’s a better understanding or way forward emerging for you if this does occur. You’ll also escape feeling stuck or that life is simply following a set direction. Which you cannot change.

The good news about the big planetary motion this month is that everything gets unstuck. From your own repressed feels to those projects and plans. By the time we reach V-Day – you’re in full swing again and open for business, Taurus! Whether this is around future plans, love or your social life. The way to turn a goal into reality is to have a plan. And to expand your focus when it comes to how you can use it to get the result you’re after.

Barriers to increasing your income or even increasing your self-worth drop from the 4th when Jupiter moves ahead again in Gemini and your 2nd. The same day has ruler Venus retro ready in your 12th. It arrives retro-cloaked but the full retrograde doesn’t happen until March. This doesn’t mean that what is gaining momentum this month is about to stall however. Just that you have to go with the flow during this cycle. There’s more in your Venus in Aries/Pisces horoscope for your sign.

One goal, cycle, plan or endeavour is coming to an end now. With a new one to follow it. There’s a big emphasis this month on your 11th of friends, networks, goals, groups and the future. It’s designed to open up your focus and let in new people and possibilities. Fated encounters and that feeling you have known someone before could be part of this. Look to the 7th in particular when the Neptune and the North Node meet. This could deliver a point where what you set out to attain in the long term drops within your grasp. Or an important connection is formed.

Above all, as this month progresses and on into March, do tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation. In a month packed with hearts, flowers and media saturation levels of rom-com love, it can be a tricky and difficult time if we find ourselves not just without a partner, but without enough social support as well. We can develop a hard shell where we give off the impression it doesn’t matter. Or we’re not interested. Or we create the illusion we are always busy with others when the reality is we’re home with the boxset. If you’re okay with that – that’s fine. But if not, February offers you the opportunity to change things up.

You are one of the signs for whom the 14th offers playfulness and connection thanks to Mercury’s arrival in your social sector. If you don’t have a partner – get together with a friend. Couples may want to celebrate by being out and about. The full Moon in your 4th on the 12th is one which lends itself to cooking that special meal for two at home, entertaining friends or even getting your hygge on.

The 9th offers a way forward with your career. But pump your brakes between the 10th – 11th. You may encounter challenges due to the tension between Mercury and the Sun in your 10th, and Uranus in your 1st. It’s important on these dates to seek out clarity, be seen as a team-player and to resist tunnel vision at all costs. Especially when it comes to your work or career, your studies and long term plans. And also dealing with people in positions of authority – gatekeepers, those who can back you, promote you, hire you, green light you, say yes to you, or alternatively – block you. If you are offered up feedback – even if it wasn’t the kind you expected or wanted, you need to be seen to accept it gracefully. And if you are asked to pivot – don’t resist this. Just take it the last thing you want is to be seen as out-of-touch, biased, inflexible and innovation resistant.

With your ruler preparing for its once in 18-20 months reversal, new love needs to be sought out with caution. You might want to focus on the love of friends instead. Or the love you already have. And again, deal with any shortfalls in your social life once the Sun appears in your 11th (18th). The 23rd – 25th could see you mindfully set out to explore activities you can do which bring you a sense of connection. Not just to others, but you’ll add that extra feelgood factor if you spend time in nature. If friends have fallen by the wayside – and this is something which happens to all of us at some point, when we do things that make us happy spending time in our own company, we automatically come across as someone open to others. Forge your path to enjoyment and community.

Dates where you may discover who is on that team or when you may cross paths with someone who is are the 23rd and 25th. The 28th offers the best new Moon of the year for goal setting for your sign. It’s also the point where you should start seriously seeking your urban or soul family. Join a club, group, gym, association or movement. Show up, Taurus. And if you are making discoveries alone, then start to make them a regular part of your routine. Pick a new coffee shop and then continue to go back there. Or the same exercise class. Soon others will notice your presence. Start a conversation. Keep showing up and keep going back during the upcoming retrogrades. By the time they are over, you’ll have plenty of new people to show for it.

In a nutshell: It’s not just lovers who have a destiny written in the stars. Friends do too. One of them could appear this month. And if so, you’ll be catalysts for each others’ goals and dreams. Ruler Venus enters the dreamtime in your 12th. And all those secret emotions come bubbling to the surface.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 2nd)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (2nd)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (12th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (11th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (10th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (4th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (4th to 10th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (11th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (11th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 2nd)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (11th to 3rd)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (3rd)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (11th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (11th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 2nd)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (11th)


Synergy is simply another name for opportunity

Awaken to your purpose

Envision that future – for you and someone else!

Plans move ahead at the start of February when Jupiter ends its retrograde in your sign and Venus arrives in Aries and your 11th. Ruler Mercury’s trine to Jupiter (3rd) and its infusion by the Sun (9th) are prime dates for you when things become unstuck, you wake up as if from a dream, or news you have been waiting on arrives. The first half of the month is laden with fresh opportunities. And you know how this works, Gemini – you do need to set the forces which create these in motion. The way to turn a goal into reality is to have a plan.

There’s so much on offer when it comes to collaborations, team efforts, organisations, movements, bands, groups and co-creators. A shared vision where you and at least one other person join forces to change the world. Or manifest a shared goal. This will be all too apparent when we enter major retrograde weather next month when Venus and ruler Mercury will retrograde in Aries and your 11th. Synergy could bring in the perfect team member. Or someone you previously encountered could reappear offering up the advice, support, entrée, skills, experience you need – at exactly the right time. Together the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That’s when you know you’re in the right company.

During their retrocycles, both planets will return to your 10th of status and ambition. Before moving ahead again. This gives you time to refine that strategy as needed. You are heading into your yearly success cycle which starts early. Are you being taken seriously? Are bosses or other people in positions of authority and influence sitting up and taking notice of you? Do you have a sure and certain outcome in mind no matter if it is a professional or personal ambition you are pursuing?

Alternatively, do you feel as if you are the proverbial square peg in the round hole? Are you doing what you came here to do? Did you choose your path or was it chosen for you? It’s not just money but satisfaction and fulfilment you need as take-outs. The entire package in other words. If you have found your niche – then rewards and recognition will be on offer over the upcoming weeks. If not, you will be given the opportunity to find your true calling. The encounter between Neptune and the North Node in your 10th shows you where you stand. This can be a moment of total awakening around what you need to do or should be doing. If you have felt that finding your niche has been a bit like going down the job rabbit hole while others forged ahead on their fully illuminated paths, this hands you that moment of total awakening as to that calling.

Mars also heads direct in your 2nd from the 24th. Financial issues especially around your household budgeting, mortgage, rent, property etc. may have been stuck since late last year. Or you may have faced one unexpected expense after another. And while you may have looked at ways to increase your income, this may not have yielded the results you hoped for. And simply felt like a lot of effort for not much in return. This can also apply emotionally to relationships you are invested in.

Mars direct again should bring improvements or lift that feeling all you are doing is running on a bill paying treadmill. And with Jupiter now handing you back that spark of optimism, you understand that you don’t have to wait for the Wheel of Fortune to turn in your favour. All you have to do is spin it by taking action. The 9th is the perfect day for this when the Sun and Mercury meet in your 9th.

However, you may need to set some clear boundaries with others across the 10th-11th when Mercury and the Sun square Uranus in your 12th. Someone may try to take advantage of you or simply push their luck. Perhaps in the past you might even have agreed to take on that extra work, or said nothing when someone cancelled those plans at the last minute. This may not be the first time this has happened. But it will be the last. If something needs to be made clear, do use the energy of the full Moon in your 3rd for this. You’ll get your point across thanks to Mercury’s presence.

It’s also potentially a better night for sweet nothings, love and flirtation than the 14th. Unless getting serious is on your mind. The 14th sees Mercury cross into your 10th. If you do have V-Day plans, dress to impress. And yes, look like you would if this was your first date even if it’s your 5,000th. This Mercury lends itself to lasting declarations and future plans.

Some of you may look at any insecurities you have around not just being in an amazing relationship, but having your dream job. Both are linked to how you see yourself. Watch in particular the 20th when Mercury squares Jupiter. Especially if you are now looking at changing jobs, directions or simply upgrading your expectations in other areas. It’s time to heal any doubts you have about yourself, your abilities and your lovability. Mercury trine Mars just prior to it heading direct (23rd) and Mercury’s meeting with Saturn (25th), could bring you an outer validation or recognition. But it’s your own appreciation of all you have to offer, plus funnily enough, newly shored up boundaries, that bring about a reawakened sense of deservedness.

Being the retro boss I don’t need to sell-in the retro slowdown by Mercury which begins on the 28th. The same day as a new Moon appears in your 10th. It’s time to research, plan and create structure rather than to launch right now. Explore those collaborations on offer. Look to what you are going to need. Refine or revise those plans. With the upcoming Venus retrograde – focus on friendships and your career rather than love. And take a one step at a time approach to everything. Above all, you are about to experience a profound spiritual awakening. To your reason for being here, why what you want plays a huge part in this grand design, and how we constantly co-create not just our future, but that of others, with every interaction or connection we make. Don’t say the universe doesn’t have a plan for you, Gemini. You’re waking up to see just how something bigger is in play.

In a nutshell: Your Universe Needs YOU! Answer the call to fulfil your purpose or discover the path you’re destined to take. Bring a mix of flirtation and keeper vibes to those love interactions this February. And if you’ve no lover – that friend who shares your brand of crazy smarts, also shares your love, Gemini.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 1st)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (1st)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (11th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (10th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (9th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (3rd)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (10th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (10th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 1st)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (10th to 2nd)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (2nd)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (10th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (10th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 1st)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (10th)

cancer seasonCANCER


Light the corners of my mind

Misty water-coloured memories

Of the way we were

Memories. Barbra Streisand

You are the sign who is always looking at how your actions may affect those around you. That empathy and sensitivity can sometimes mean that you become unsure of the best way forward. And even end up doing nothing at all out of concern for others. Then you ignore your own needs in the process. And this tendency can be amplified during a Mars retrograde in your sign. Unlock that Pandora’s box of pent-up passion. And simply own what’s bugging you.

Mars direct in your sign (24th) not only releases the hand brake on anything that’s been stalled, but hands you back a certain confidence when it comes to steps you need to take. You experience self-assurance once more! This also puts your needs back on the same level as others. No more self-sacrifice or victimhood, Cancer.

Jupiter is now direct again in your 12th (4th). And it will have reached your sign by June. Delivering one of the most powerful new beginnings when it comes to attraction and self-belief you’ve experienced in a very long time. As well as dealing with any outstanding issues, now is the time to stop trying to recapture your past if this is something you have been clinging to. Those misty water coloured memories in other words.

We all do this at some point – so no judgement, Cancer! We look back at a relationship or time we were happy and if we have lost it, we try to recreate it in some way. It almost never works however. Do keep in mind with these two planets direct this month, that if we are focussed on recreating our past, we miss the opportunity to discover just what the future could hold for us. With Pluto now in your 8th, open yourself to the possibility it could hold something even better.

We have two upcoming retrogrades – Venus now in Aries and your 10th, and Mercury which spends exactly half of this month in your 9th and will enter retroshadow in here at the very end of February. Both planets will retrograde across your 10th/9th houses. During these retrogrades keep in mind that the areas both these planets rule are subject to go-slows, delays, stop/starts, change and reversal. Love and money with Venus. Communication, commerce, contracts and getting around with Mercury. And also keep at the forefront of your mind what I said about trying to recreate your past in the present. If you fall into this trap you will miss a stunning opportunity to put your feet on a path towards something bigger, better and more lasting for yourself.

Look to the 7th when Neptune and the North Node meet in Pisces. And the 9th when the Sun and Mercury cazimi in your 8th. This is a powerful point of transformation. A phoenix moment of freedom. The beginning of a new era that tells you every end contains a new beginning. Freedom, travel and people overseas, studies, religion and higher education, the law, the mass media, nature and the outdoors, taking a chance – these are areas where you can not only expand your knowledge, but apply what you have learned.

You are at a point of release. And that always involves change and letting go, Cancer. You will break free of restrictions between now and your birthday. And above all, let go of the past or its power over you. Instead you will actively seek to embrace the future. And all it can potentially hold.

Of course, there are no guarantees. In love or anything else. But lean in to your change of focus especially on Valentine’s Day as Mercury lands in Pisces and your 9th. Imagine incredible possibilities. For yourself. Or for both of you if you are part of a couple. Share your vision. Your excitement about it is contagious. Your date or that palentine may have ideas of their own which adds all important details. No partner – yet? You are headed for your biggest cycle of attraction in 12 years. Get journaling, vision-boarding and share your desire to leave the past behind with the universe instead.

Your lunations this month take place in Leo – Full Moon in your 2nd (12th), and Pisces – New Moon in your 9th (28th). For many signs this month, the day of the full Moon is a far better date for loved-up liaisons than the 14th. You are one of those signs. You may want to schedule your date night accordingly. Or there’s no rule which says you can’t have two date nights to share the love. However, the full Moon may offer up the best one in terms of emotional satisfaction. More in your Full Moon in Leo Moonscope.

Your second lunation is the new Moon in Pisces and your 9th on the last night of the month. It adds to the massive Pisces stellium – Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. Which tops off the astro aspects to six. It offers up one more laser focussed look at what you are still clinging onto from your past. And the opportunity to let it go.

Ask yourself what you no longer need to carry around with you on a soul and spiritual level. This isn’t about memories. This is about clinging to sentimentality. It can even take the form of holding on to that outfit you’ve not worn for 20 years but which represents a time when you were free and in love. It can be a yearning for when you were in the flow of life. A golden era or childhood. It’s the Six of Cups – reversed. Gather those memories as they are like treasures. But don’t even try to remake them. That shuts off the flow of opportunity to create new and better ones. Instead thank the past. And step forward with an open heart into March.

In a nutshell: Stuck on you love is fabulous when it’s mutual. And what you share in the present. But stuck in the past? That keeps you from exploring just what the future could look like. Turn the Way We Were to the Way We Are – or Will Be this Valentine’s month.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 12th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (12th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (10th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (9th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (8th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (2nd)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (9th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (9th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 12th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (9th to 1st)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (1st)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (9th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (9th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 12th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (9th)


What’s hidden surfaces

What you have been waiting on happens – finally

The engines of destiny turn to bring change

What’s swirling around behind the scenes is likely to be centre-stage by mid-month and the full Moon in your sign, Leo (12th). This may be around your partner – past, present or potential. Because of the Moon’s opposition to Mercury in your 7th, this tells you that talking about it is the way forward. Especially if a situation has been persisting since last December. Bold and brave new beginnings follow a sense of completion with this full Moon.

The full pre-Valentine’s Moon can have you saying the ‘L’ word. Or hearing it spoken. But whatever is on your mind when it comes to those feels – it needs to be said. With Pluto also in your 7th, addressing fears and insecurities helps deepen your connection. And please understand with this – sometimes we need to be brave enough to take a unilateral approach to this. That willingness to bare our soul rather than wait for the other party to do it first, establishes trust. You have the courage to spare with this process, Leo.

You get that extra boost of soul confidence with this thanks to Mars direct in your 12th (24th). As Mars picks up speed again it hands you certainty and determination to clear the air. One way or another. No more misunderstandings, Leo. And no more wasted time.

The message from the cosmos this month is that the situation or event you have been focussed on since December is going to develop or happen soon. And that you also have more options available to you than may be obvious. There’s a need to look beyond that. To play with possibilities and potential. To experiment. Not just while your ruler the Sun remains in your 7th (up until the 18th), but to look to all the possible choices surrounding you right on into March and beyond.

Partnerships – past, present and potential, dating and mating, collaborating, that Ride or Die, partner-in-crime, yin to your yang is going to occupy you right up until the third week of the month. If you are seeking any kind of double act, do put yourself out there before Venus retrogrades in your 9th next month. It arrives in your 9th on the 4th. The same day as Jupiter in your sector of friends and wish-fulfilment heads direct. The trine between Mercury in your 7th and Jupiter the previous day could see you reigning supreme socially. Or making a key connection.

So, don’t limit the V-Day plans to just the 14th. In fact, the day of the full Moon sees you at your most emotionally open and heart-centered. And for your sign, this may be the best day under which to show and share the love. Mercury’s arrival in your 8th of intensity and passion on the 14th could mean a sizzling date night for some. Just keep in mind if this is a flirtation (especially online), that talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.

Pluto is now a permanent fixture in your 7th. And once Venus and Mercury head backwards in your 9th and re-enter your 8th, do look to any fears you hold about losing yourself in a relationship (so you hold back from really getting involved), feeling powerless to change your love life, or simply not being clear about what you want. The message during the upcoming retro season will be that you are not powerless. And you can change whatever you want.

There is a big emphasis on your 8th house all month long. Even before ruler the Sun arrives in here on the 18th. First we have a destined diversion or point of rebirth for you on the 7th. This is nothing to fear, Leo! This is when you lean in to that empowerment as Neptune and the North Node meet in your 8th on the 7th. And allows you to make a choice or decision which reflects this. Ne free of illusion and grounded in your power. Again, this relates to understanding you can change whatever you want to in your life. And often making a big change is as easy and simple as changing a thought or just how you choose to react to it. Remember – the only person you can change is yourself. Nobody else.

Ideas can come to fruition. Or you feel a sense of soaring away from what confines you towards new beginnings. The Nodes operate in 18-19 year cycles. With the North Node in Pisces and your 8th, the South Node is in Virgo and your 2nd of money, assets, possessions and your self-worth. Lock the latter down, Leo. Work it and release anything that doesn’t support or reflect this. You can make incredible gains financially with the Nodes across these axes of your chart. But you need to do this mindfully.

Look back 18-19 years at changes which occurred back then. Which is when the Nodes were last in here. Did you marry or divorce? Receive a legacy or payout? Take on big financial responsibilities – a mortgage or business loan for instance? Did you invest in the stock market or property? A joint financial story comes full circle now. Or you embark on it for the first time.

You feel your own your direction. And if you have also felt disconnected from the flow of life, you’re at one with it again. And this comes from an enhanced ability to see things for what they are. Rather than what you want them to be. You could be in for the long haul and if so, your feet will be firmly on the ground and your eyes open. This can bring lasting love or results for you.

Ahead you can operate free of delusion. In love, someone who can offer what you need. You’ll also be able to communicate your own needs clearly. In money and business, you look to the longer term. With the upcoming retrogrades, please don’t speculate however.

The new Moon in your 8th (28th) squares Jupiter in your 11th. You may at this point make the choice to invest your time, love and energy into something new. And let go of something that isn’t or won’t give you back what you need on your investment. The new Moon maxes out the number of cosmic factors in this house – ruler the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. You won’t see another crowded house like this at the time of the new Moon again. What you decide is final and fated. What follows is renewal and finding your bliss.

In a nutshell: The 12th is a wonderful night for a pre-Valentine’s moondance as the full Moon in your sign shines on love and puts you in the spotlight. Don’t resist the call to make changes however. They need to be aligned to that emotional truth you’ve been keeping hidden. Share and act, Leo.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 11th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (11th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (9th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (8th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (7th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (1st)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (1st to 7th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (8th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (8th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 11th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (8th to 12th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (12th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (8th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (8th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 11th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (8th)


Hold the dream which has meaning

V is for Vulnerability

A new epoch of loving and relating begins

That universal mindset you’ve had to adopt out of necessity during the Mars retrograde in your 11th, stands you in good stead as it heads direct again this month (24th). You may be looking at a totally new landscape when it comes to friendships and your social life. Some connections may have fallen by the wayside. And if this has occurred, you should be able to see this as simply your paths heading in different directions. Again, the more accepting your mindset, the easier it is to reconcile this.

The end of Mars retrograde signals escape from social stagnation if that has been another side effect. And the opening up of fresh social spheres to you. Take it that if you did say goodbye during this retrocycle, that Mars direct will deliver invitations and meet and greets to fill that vacuum. The Friend Zone takes on a whole new meaning. One loaded with possibilities.

Your 11th is also your house of goals and the future. Chances are your goals may have also changed. Or you have found progress towards them became harder. Mars will have shown you what you really want however. And discarding those dreams which no longer hold meaning, frees your energy to concentrate on the ones which do. Your staying power is about to be rewarded! Keep in mind that June will see Jupiter (also direct again this month), enter your 11th. This brings a time of manifestation magic you only experience once every 12 years. Jupiter will be in the mood to grant a major wish. Or even more than one. Now is the time to have that list ready.

February sees Jupiter move ahead in your 10th of acclaim, accolades and rewards. Again, if career matters or even personal ambitions have been slow to show results, Jupiter now says: the rehearsal’s over. Get ready for opening night! We do have two upcoming retrogrades and one should come at no big surprise. Ruler Mercury will start its retroshadow in Pisces and your 7th from the 28th. Meanwhile, Venus enters Aries and your 8th (4th) already in shady motion. Both planets will go back across your 8th/7th houses. And when they do, please avoid seeking love at this time. Venus rules your love life as well as your money. And Mercury is your ruler. This honestly is Off Limits Love. Especially if that person is actually off-limits in regards to their status or unavailable in other ways. Don’t go there, Virgo! Especially with the North Node in your 7th.

Neptune and the North Node meet in your 7th on that day. Because this is also a fated, date-stamped period for love and relationships. Again, you won’t have experienced a cycle like this in a very long time. For 18-19 years to be precise. Single? Look out for someone classy, caring and seeking commitment. This is someone who knows what they want. And knows what this looks like when they see it. They are not interested in game-playing. Relationship decisions made 18-19 years ago come full circle. Soul contracts fall due or are renewed. You begin again. Sometimes with a new partner. Sometimes with a new one. No matter who, it’s all about that duo, duet, double act or duel now.

It’s been proved that spending time alone boosts autonomy, hones our perspective, allows us to emotionally regulate and links us back to our intuitive and creative power. This is the secret power of the card of The Hermit in the Tarot. There’s a key difference between feeling lonely and making a conscious choice to be alone for a while. And when it comes to the latter, this doesn’t mean you are shutting yourself off from others. The full Moon of the 12th occurs in your 12th house. A midnight Moon if you like. You could well decide to unplug on this night. To look at what bonds are unbreakable in your life. And perhaps also where someone is shut off from you.

Your psychic and intuitive skills get enhanced by this Moon’s opposition to ruler Mercury in your 6th. And this also allows you to tune in to anything that may be bothering your partner. As opposed to actual distancing. If a relationship has become one-sided, you will not only be more aware of it, but also what this really tells you about the future. Mercury in the mix means you will want to air any issues. Or deal with the reality rather than just pretend something’s okay when it’s not.

This is a fabulous full Moon under which to release anything you no longer need. Stuff. Old resentments. Wounds. Thinking. Defences. Habits. To turn over a new leaf as in seeing your life as a blank page. The first of a fresh chapter. What do you want to write on it?

Decide what love looks like for your new epoch on Valentine’s Day itself. In your weekly forecast I talk about making it V for Vulnerability, Virgo. Of being brave enough to share your deepest feelings, hopes and dreams with another. This day puts ruler Mercury in your 7th. Making it perfect to say ‘I love you’ – whether this is to a partner or even a friend. You are one of the signs where the 14th is a day for love. Whereas for others like the Leos next door, the 12th is actually a better day. But celebrate with whom, how and when feels right for you.

The Sun arrives in your 7th on the 18th. And this year’s partnership peak for you is like no other. It begins with a stellium of five astro-aspects in here – Sun, ruler Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. Which rises to six on the 28th and the new Moon in Pisces. Keep in mind that new beginnings will now be a long, drawn out, stop/start process due to the upcoming retrogrades. But also you can’t hurry love and that the cosmos has its own timing. If you are in any kind of union which works for the two of you, think of this as your beautiful castle – a fortress of love that is built to be enduring. And if you are waiting for someone to appear – well, with the Nodes in play, take it they will. When the time is right. Which has already been agreed by you and them. All you have to do is wait for time, place and the stars to line up.

In a nutshell: The North Node in your 7th ushers in a new era of love and how you define partnerships, Virgo. Soul contracts and agreements come full circle. Fate could deliver the ultimate double act of destiny! And this Valentine’s – don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Fortune favours the brave.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 10th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (10th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (8th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (7th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (6th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (12th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (12th to 6th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (7th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (7th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 10th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (7th to 11th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (11th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (7th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (7th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 10th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (7th)

full moon in libraLIBRA

Make that mainstream move

Head for fulfilment

Love is in the spotlight for you

Single as a Pringle and ready to mingle? Ruler Venus in your partnership sector (from the 4th), hands you a head-start on your yearly loved-up peak, Libra. Yes, V-Day month could be all hearts and flowers for you. Especially with a full Moon in your house of friends, social life and the future two days before the day itself.

So, if big, bold, breathtaking love is what you seek, it really is time to take a chance and go attract it. Especially with the Sun in your 5th until the 18th and Jupiter direct in your 9th (4th).

Do keep in mind that Venus is now slowing down in preparation for a rare retrograde next month. Venus only retrogrades approximately once every 18 months. Moving from the evening star to the morning star. The Venus ruled signs (you and Taurus), feel this the most. And it means that all Venus-ruled areas of life (love and money), need tender time, care and reassessment when this happens. It isn’t a time to begin something new. As you can fall out of love with it (or them), when Venus is direct. So, do make the most of this month, Libra. Especially as we will also have a Mercury retrograde in your 7th at the same time as Venus.

Mars retrograde in your 10th may have left you feeling unrecognised and overlooked. Maybe you’ve been doubting your talents, skills or that what you do doesn’t matter. Mars direct from the 24th sees you here to slay again. And banishes any residual self-doubt around whether or not you’re good enough. You’re moving back into the spotlight again. Where appreciation, recognition and rewards happen. Of course, they don’t just ‘happen’ at all. You’ve done the work, Libra. By June your trajectory is set to soar. The only way will be up when Jupiter arrives in your 10th. Start your engines now. You can take the next key step ahead of Jupiter’s arrival. Which prepares you for an even bigger one when it does.

Keep in mind that this is the house which rules your relationship status. And the status of your partner. Is it time to bring in a new set of deal-makers and breakers, Libra? And also while getting to know you isn’t a process which should be hurried, to let go of any ‘Why me?’ insecurities. Why not you? Knowing what you have to offer means you don’t need to ask why. It’s obvious. Thank your lucky Mars for that wisdom.

Playdates abound this month. They offer opportunities to shine, stand out and attract. The 3rd sees Mercury trine Jupiter in your 9th. The day before it moves forward. This could deliver something you’ve been waiting on. The 9th is also one of the key dates for romance for you as it sees the Sun and Mercury meet in your 5th. You don’t have to wait until V-Day itself to show someone how you feel. This day also lends itself to showcasing your talents and skills, sharing and making a big impact on someone with your ideas. And when it comes to flirtation – you’ve the perfect opening line.

You are one of the signs for whom the 12th and not the 14th is the best day for love. The 12th casts a brilliant and flattering spotlight your way. Where you can come across at your most alluring and magical. The full Moon in Leo and your 11th on this day, opposes Mercury in your 5th. You’re outgoing, spontaneous and expressive. Plus – your feelings of love and enjoyment aren’t limited to that lover. You’ll share them with friends, groups, collaborators. You’re not about to allow anyone to pigeon hole you. So it follows you have a flowing and open attitude to what constitutes loving. The love of friends. The passion for something you do. And by the way – that’s what others love you for.

Mercury moves into your 6th on the 14th. The Sun is still in your 5th shining on those true feels however. You can take an ‘either/or/or both’ attitude to when and how you choose to celebrate. If that’s your thing. Again, you need to feel this is organic. Not something dreamed up by florists, the greeting card and hospitality industries.

Finally, let’s talk about the incredible aspects in your 6th house of work, wellness and that thing you do, Libra. It may be that thing you dismiss because it’s something you do each day. It comes so easy you don’t think it’s anything remarkable. Or makes you special. You take it for granted. But others can’t do it. Or if they can, nobody does it quite like you. You will come to appreciate what you have to offer. Skills in fact which you have acquired over lifetimes. That’s why it seems easy. Practice.

How are you using this? Do you know what it is? Maybe you have yet to really access or discover what it is. If so, you will over the next 18-20 months as the North Node moves through Pisces and your 6th. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, meets the North Node on the 7th. Inspired ideas guide you towards work which fulfils you. This can lead you to studying, upskilling, honing your craft or using what you do in a more imaginative or creative way. Job changes may lie ahead for some of you. Where you find yourself in a role which delivers the opportunity to fully utilise your talents.

Even if you don’t engage in paid work, you’ll understand what you do matters. And begin to adjust that routine to gain more from it. Expect to make self-care a priority as well. The Sun arrives in your 6th on the 18th. And your desire to work happier, better, smarter means you are also no longer afraid of failing. Especially if you have been thinking about going freelance or setting up your own business or side hustle. You will do your due diligence, of course. But you are also prepared to adjust, try again when you discover what works and what doesn’t. And experiment until you get the results you are after. New technology, innovation, ground breaking new approaches to old tasks may form part of what you implement or create.

Make the 28th and the day of the new Moon in here the day you launch, apply or initiate those new ideas, routine, habits or plans. This is the day Mercury begins its retroshadow. And then be prepared to wait, revise and refine. Just like love, ideas need time and tenderness to grow. By May you should see how what you have planted has begun to take root.

In a nutshell: Love needs time to develop. Or for you to know if it’s right. So, resist the temptation to rush this Valentine’s month, Libra. Ruler Venus in your 7th is preparing for a rare retrograde. But this doesn’t mean you’re not the centre of attraction – or attention, this February.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 9th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (9th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (7th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (6th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (5th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (11th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (11th to 5th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (6th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (6th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 9th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (6th to 10th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (10th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (6th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (6th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 9th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (6th)


Whoa oh oh, we’ve been too caught up in all that stuff we call life
It’s just you and me right now

I think I’m falling in love with you
All over again

All Over Again. The Shires

February is escape the mundane month! Any feelings of frustration you’ve been dealing with since December, ease at the month’s end as old ruler Mars finally shifts to direct motion again in your 9th (24th). You may have been dealing with a feeling of ‘going nowhere fast’ during this time. Life may have seemed limiting or restrictive. Plans may have had to be placed on hold. Especially if they touch on travel, studies, the law, sports, mass media or landing that big break.

If you have been berating yourself for your lack of progress or that feeling of inertia – time to stop, Scorpio! It has had nothing to do with your desire to make things happen. Rather the energy has sapped your passion or your daring. Mars direct is your rocket fuel and you’re ready for lift-off. Delays you have experienced may even turn out to work in your favour as a better alternative could present itself. Just remember when things don’t work out or we get stuck, this can be a blessing in disguise as if we didn’t stop or slow down, we’d miss that better option.

There’s help leaning into changes as Jupiter moves ahead in your 8th on the 4th. The previous day could present you with a fresh option. What’s more, you’re willing to try something new now. Your desire is to no longer repeat past patterns. Or stick with what you know simply out of habit.

Although Jupiter and then Mars are direct, we are now heading into retrograde weather. This is going to impact your 6th/5th houses. Venus enters your 6th on the 4th. Arriving already clad in retroshade. Regardless of what sign/house Venus makes its once in 18 month retrograde in, the rule is to expect slowdowns, delays, stop/starts and changes of heart across Venus ruled areas – love and money. But in your 6th with Mercury arriving also in retroshadow in here next month, this will include your day job, studies, habits and routines. As well as anything that impacts on your overall wellbeing.

And as the energy in the sky shifts from your 4th and into your 5th, you’ll find yourself looking at those patterns and defaults that repeat not only in your relationships. But which also prevent you shining with the clarity you are meant to. Hiding your true feelings for instance. Falling for someone who only offers lust and not love is another one. Which is fine if that’s all you want right now. But not if you’re craving something lasting.

The upcoming Venus retrograde could bring you something to celebrate. Or you find yourself invited to be part of someone else’s celebration. There could be a gathering of friends, a party, engagement, wedding, graduation for instance. Or the celebration is yours. Such as being recognised for an achievement. Or you throwing a party to celebrate that new job or raise.

In the lead-up to Valentine’s Day, a relationship could be tested. Between the 9th – 11th we have a trine between retro Mars in your 10th and Saturn in your 5th. Plus Mercury and the Sun in your 4th square Uranus in your 7th. It’s important across the dates not to jump to conclusions. Or allow any insecurities free rein. Saturn is attempting to keep you grounded. However, if there is an issue which needs to be addressed, it is also telling you not to avoid it. Especially with the full Moon in your 10th on the 12th. There’s a real need now to remain flexible in your response. And to be the ever fixed mark in a tempest. As it may just turn out to be a storm in a teacup. Know you are ready if asked to take on a leadership role. Project an aura of calm and quiet authority whether you are dealing with something at work or a family matter. If others are losing their $**t, you don’t need to join in. It may be your job to simply de-escalate matters, Scorpio. Above all, don’t fall into the trap of mistaking the worries of others as your own.

For some signs, the full Moon is actually a better day to celebrate with that Valentine or Palentine. You are not one of these. Not with the transits of enchantment and attraction forming in your 5th house. Bringing you fast-flowing and effortless attraction as the planets move to trine your Scorpio factors. If you have them at a late degree of your sign, this becomes even more kismet-fuelled and fated as Neptune and the newly arrived North Node meet in here on the 7th.

This is about destiny helping you find your beloved or your bliss. Romance, lovers, babies, children, conception and co-parenting. What allows you to shine and stand out. Your creativity, hobbies and pleasure trips. This is a once-in-a-lifetime, access-all-areas encounter. It turns up your glow and links you to the Great Attractor. If you are old enough, then look back 18-19 years to when the North Node was last in here. Did you fall in love? Become a parent? Reach for stardom? This can come full circle now. Fall in love all over again.

And welcome to what may feel very much like summer in winter, Scorpio. Mercury adds a touch of emotional intelligence to what you say or how you express those ideas, as it lands in your 5th on the 14th. It makes telling others how you feel easy. Plus they get your heart beating thanks to gestures of devotion. This is your house of gifts and if presents are your love language, someone may show you just how well they speak it.

And yes, if you’ve got too caught up in all that stuff we call life, you’ll pledge your heart to falling in love with your partner – or life itself – again. Or being given the chance to create a life worth falling in love with. Do keep in mind that Venus retrograde however. So, focus on this rather than trying to attract a lover – at least for now.

If someone does appear, especially around the 25th when Mercury and Saturn meet in your 5th, or the new Moon (28th), take it slowly. And trust the cosmos. On the day of the new Moon your 5th house contains a stellium of six astro factors acting like an irresistible cosmic magnet – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and North Node. The light shines within you. For all to see. You glow, Scorpio. And what turns it up to pure radiance is you showing appreciation for who or what you already have.

In a nutshell: The everyday business of living got in the way of loving, Scorpio? You’ll experience the heady joy of falling in love with your partner all over again. Or falling in love with life again. Out with the mundane. On with the sparkle.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 8th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (8th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (6th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (5th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (4th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (10th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (10th to 4th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (5th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (5th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 8th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (5th to 9th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (9th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (5th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (5th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 8th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (5th)

full moon in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

And though my love is rare
And though my love is true

I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away
I don’t know where my soul is
I don’t know where my home is

I’m Like a Bird. Nelly Furtado

Money which has been delayed could catch up with you or be paid once Mars heads direct again in your 8th (24th). Also – well, it’s not over until the Red Planet rolls forward. Someone could change their mind about that Mars retro decision. Especially as this has coincided with ruler Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and your 7th. Jupiter also moves ahead again this month (from the 4th). Events now move in your favour as the Wheel of Fortune literally gathers speed and turns your way again.

However, don’t be tempted to try to persuade someone it’s not over when it really is. It either has to come from them. Or you now accept you’re done and like the figure in another card in the Tarot – the 8 of Cups, face forward and don’t look back. Also struggling to maintain the status quo won’t work either. What will is letting go.

Just before Jupiter moves ahead, it trines Mercury in your 3rd (3rd) which could see you finally moving ahead with a situation that has been stuck since late December. If there has been a delay, it is now resolved in your favour. And as well as partnerships, this could even extend to a legal matter. Paperwork, contracts and agreements may feature. And if you have been involved in on-going discussions, you and the other party find yourselves on the same page. Finally.

This will be a brief window for you. Do make the most of this month for applications, launches, projects and plans. At the end of the month Mercury turns retrograde in your 4th. It will retrograde in your 5th. Where Venus (in your 5th from the 4th), will also retrograde next month. With both these planets slowing, it is time to take a break around the areas of life they rule. In other words, love the love you have rather than seek the new. And review, revise and refine projects and plans. As well as placing a hold on any big decisions around home, place, family, lifestyle, living arrangements and moving. I am about to look closer at this area of life shortly.

The 14th lends itself for romantic dinners for two at home. Getting your hygge happening is how you may show your love as Mercury enters your 4th. A better day for the grand romantic gesture or escape room Valentine’s date with a difference, is actually the 12th which brings the full Moon in Leo and your 9th. This is a fiery, passionate full Moon which opposes Mercury in your 3rd. It lends itself to playful surprises and the kind of spontaneity that you love. Your love of travel and how you express yourself is also highlighted. And you won’t be able to keep your feelings under wraps. Your heart’s on your sleeve and the stars are in your eyes. And if you’ve no dream romantic date, then rope in a friend.

In the next few months, the emphasis will be on the 5th and 4th houses in your chart. Aries and Pisces. So, we’ll be looking at fly away home truths and also love now. Yes, they are and can be interlinked. First – time to ditch ideas that you are fated to be alone. And that there’s no-one out there who will understand your need for a certain sense of freedom in a union. That’s not true, Sag. But you do need to be upfront about what you need. What may astound as a result is that there may be more compatible souls out there than you think. Someone who gets your peerless, fearless, unrestricted vibe and who doesn’t want to try to domesticate you. But to free your wild side.

Now, let’s talk belonging. Flying home. Security. That home port. Homeland. Home on the range. Patriotism. Country. Town. There’s once in a lifetime activity in your 4th house. Neptune and the North Node meet in here on the 7th. This is your big compass reset. Pointing you towards that place on the map where you can flourish and also where the adventures start from. And where you return to. This may be right where you are. It could however be in another town, region or even another country. You know where that homing beacon is, Sag. So, now is the time to allow it to draw you to the source.

Moves could be on the cards for many of you. Or you begin to take steps to do so. Maybe your dream is to be a digital nomad. If so, you’ll begin the process of getting your visa. If you are already in the right place, then you will use the upcoming planetary cycle in here to cement your foundations in some way. Perhaps making improvements to your home. Or you may stay in the same area, but upgrade to a better home. You will be more protective of whatever makes you feel secure. Which is why patriotism may be more important to you now. Especially from June when ruler Jupiter moves into Cancer.

Studying astro-cartography – how a relocation changes our charts, is a topic that may fascinate many Sagittarius. Or you may use it to discover the best place on earth for you. Especially when Mercury arrives in your 4th from the 14th. The Sun follows on the 18th. And by the time the new Moon appears in here on the 28th we have a massive stellium of six astrological elements in this house – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. You will actively begin seeking out what defines that elusive combination of home and freedom for you. And just like we’ve discussed around partners – take it there is a place and a solution that meets your needs. And you will be guided towards it now.

Property decisions and moves you may have made 18-19 years ago or 18-19 before that could come full circle now. Look back across those dates. Did you buy a home? Make a big move? Even emigrate? You could finish paying your mortgage which you took out for instance. You could be looking at downsizing because the home you bought back then to accommodate that growing family is now an empty nest. If you moved countries you could move back, move to another one – the variations are endless. But this is about your path and your place, Sag.

An extra note for all you Sagittarians whose animals are also part of your family. They will factor into the choices you make. You are no longer flying away, Sag. You are flying towards where you were always meant to be. And those meant for you.

In a nutshell: Fly away home – wherever that happens to be, Sag. Maybe where you already hang your hat. Or is love a place, a person, that thing you love to do? Destiny says you’re homeward bound to wherever that is.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 7th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (7th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (5th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (4th)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (3rd)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (9th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (4th)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (4th)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 7th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (4th to 8th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (8th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (4th)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (4th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 7th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (4th)

capricorn full moonCAPRICORN

Say it with love

Teamwork makes the dream work

Who is the other dynamic in that duo?

Mars ends its retrocycle in your 7th of long term love this month. But this occurs after Valentine’s Day on the 24th. No matter, other Cupid factors light up your love cosmos this February. Especially Mercury, ruler of declarations and messages of love as it enters your house of communications on the 14th.

Mars retrograde since December, may have given you more of your fair share of the Mehs. A certain ambivalence or dissatisfaction with the status quo. We see this depicted in the card of the 4 of Cups in the Tarot. No matter what’s on offer, or what the figure already has as shown in the three upright cups, it’s failing to delight them. In fact, there’s a sense of them not actually knowing what they want. Which simply adds to their ennui. And maybe this has come about via you trying your very best to bring the love and the passion. Only to discover your efforts have no effect.

No matter what, love is and will be hotting up. Not just now but in June when Jupiter enters Cancer and your 7th for the first time in 12 years. And free of Pluto’s influence in your sign. Right now, your best love tactic is to stop trying to light a fire if it has gone out. And certainly to express your real feelings by mid-month.

Work related offerings may set the tone for February right at the start of the month. If you have been waiting on a job offer or thinking about finding a new one, Jupiter moves forward in your house of devotion and duty from the 4th. Mercury still in your money zone until the 14th, opens up potential avenues to boost your income a day earlier.

While the Jupiter and Mars retrogrades end, we have two others starting this month. Venus moves into your 4th (4th). And will make one of its rare retrogrades in here in March. During which time it will return to your 3rd. You may find the next areas to experience a slow-down will be property and business, as well as your love life. Mercury will be in retroshadow in your 3rd by the end of the month (28th). It too will head into your 4th before turning back. Keep in mind that Venus rules attraction and romance, as well as your career and public image. While Mercury rules wellbeing, long distance travel, taking a chance and your routine. You have a daring window of fresh ideas and new views to explore before this happens. Make the most of it.

Someone may play Baldric to your Blackadder this month. Yes, a cunning plan, Capricorn. V-Month for you may be about the love of co-conspirators and collaborators as well as the traditional hearts and flowers kind. If you have an idea for a collab, are seeking a business partner or the other dynamic to your superhero duo, February is the time to put those feelers out. If you are involved in anything that requires a team effort, brainstorming and more than one head getting together, it could be the combination of the two of you – or more, that brings that lightbulb moment.

Words are the food of love. Not necessarily the mushy, greeting card verse kind – although you love the heartfelt sentiment if it’s perfectly chosen. I’m talking the mental turn-on from snappy repartee and the exchange of stimulating ideas. And also being candid and emotionally open. Turns out that head space is where romance begins this month. And anyone who can’t gain access to it is unlikely to gain access anywhere else. If you’re single be on the look out for someone who is clever, witty, thinks on their feet, whose interests are wide-ranging and opinions intriguing and diverse. No, you don’t have to agree on everything. It’s only your values which need to align where it really matters. In fact, it’s those different ways of seeing things that crackle with chemistry.

Pay close attention also to anyone who is empathic, highly intuitive, emotionally connected and may work in an area where words, images or what needs to be envisioned or put into words, is important. A teacher, writer, photographer, podcaster, therapist or someone who works in advertising, the media or even the law for instance.

They may be extremely sensitive despite their talkative nature. And feel things so intensely, they may not always be able to articulate this. Despite the fact they have a way with words. They are worth taking the time getting to know. And if you have attracted partners in the past who have been closed off and unable to express themselves, their arrival tells you that this is now all in the past. Look to the 9th as this is a day where you can break down barriers to communication as retro Mars trines your ruler Saturn.

See yourself as walking down a tunnel of light towards your answer or what you are seeking on the 7th. This is a day when soul promises and contracts are honoured and answered. And also a day where you receive answers and truth prevails above all else. Neptune and the North Node meet in your 3rd. Ideas reach fruition. Or what you previously set in motion is completed. You graduate an area of life.

Change may quickly follow as a result. If something is falling away or you are released into something fresh and unbounded, you’ll feel this in the lead-up to the full Moon in your 8th (12th). Rewards or a boost to your earnings could even feel like a Valentine from the universe! The night of the full Moon is a better date to tell someone you care for some signs that the 14th. But you’re not one of those, Capricorn. In fact, you yourself may be the recipient of more than one of Cupid’s arrows due to Mercury’s arrival in your 3rd on this date.

The Sun enters your 3rd on the 18th. And Mercury’s meeting with your ruler Saturn in here indicates that whatever is being said or agreed upon, is signed, sealed and delivered. This is a day where your word is your bond. It can extend to any paperwork you sign and on into verbal promises. You will be called on to keep them. They will be binding. You also won’t hesitate to put someone on the spot if they have been promising something but have so far, failed to deliver on it.

There’s a sub-message here. It will only apply to some of you. And that is the partner with such high and uncompromising standards, they are impossible to meet. No matter how hard you may try. If you have found yourself in a situationship like this, ahead of the retrogrades and the new Moon of the 28th, do please pause and ask yourself whether it’s worth it. Or rather they are. Especially if you feel worn out. Or just crave being able to greet them with no make up and/or in your comfiest tracksuit.

Time that realness launch, that application, presentation, pitch or interview for the new Moon (28th), if you can. Send ideas winging out there. The new Moon tops out the cosmic factors in this house to six – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node. Don’t delay. Say or share what you need to. Conversations and ideas take you further and are linked to your long term destiny over the next few months. Your word isn’t just your bond. It’s contains everything you need to direct your future.

In a nutshell: What you say or promise is now a contract between you and the universe, Capricorn. You are the sign who always delivers on their word in any case. You certainly won’t use the ‘L’ word lightly this Valentine’s month. And if you do, you mean it.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 6th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (6th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (4th)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (2nd)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (8th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (3rd)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 6th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (3rd to 7th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (7th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (3rd)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (3rd)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 6th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (3rd)


Off the treadmill and back to going places

You know where love is headed

Have a karma audit

Your best day to say ‘I love you’ isn’t the V-Day itself. But the 12th when the full Moon in Leo and your 7th, opposes Mercury in your sign. The day for hearts and roses, Hallmark declarations and self-expression. And no matter your actual relationship status, keep in mind that all love springs from self-love. When was the last time you told yourself you love you?! And meant it? Or do you spend your time looking in the mirror and criticising yourself instead? Maybe this V-Day season it’s time to change up that message if so. You don’t necessarily need cards and flowers to feel loved-up.

That feeling you are on a treadmill and running as fast as you can to go nowhere is your other Valentine’s gift this February. Mars retrograde in your health sector may have left you feeling drained and your vibe dialled down to the point of being undetectable. Of course, if this is persisting, you should get this checked out. But most of you will feel that Nutribullet of energy when Mars heads direct again from the 24th. You will also be able to tackle any tasks that may have accumulated since December. Pesky To Do’s you would usually crush but which may have suddenly seemed overwhelming during this retrograde. Tackle them and free yourself up for when Mars re-enters Leo and your 7th. It’s easier than you think.

If settled and your partner has been dealing with issues, you can look forward to these easing as well from this month onwards. And if romance or a partnership matter has been stalled – again, you will see things shift forward. This applies to working and business matters as well. The surge of energy has rebooted, revitalised you ready to take on the world! Fat Cupid in the form of Jupiter is on side from the 4th when it too ends its retrograde in Gemini and your fabulizing 5th. Your pleasure centre and house of romance and attraction. The effect is uplifting and lightening. Barriers to real self-expression fall away. You’re ready to radiate at last, Aquarius if this birthday season to date has felt a bit ‘Meh . . .’ until now.

The 3rd reactivates your ability to take a chance and make the first move as Mercury in your sign trines Jupiter. Venus moves into your 3rd of ideas, the internet and interactions on the 4th. It is slowing down and will reverse and head back into your 2nd. Mercury is planning to do the same at the end of the month. The retrogrades won’t happen until March. But Mercury will be in retroshadow in Pisces by the 28th. Just keep this in mind if you are considering a little V-Day cuffing.

News on the 9th may be followed by a sudden change or something spins out in an expected direction. The Sun and Mercury meet on the 9th. Something may appear finalised but then the goal posts could get moved or someone throws a curveball as Mercury and then the Sun square ruler Uranus in your 4th across the 10th – 11th. If things don’t work out the way you expected – don’t panic. This includes those V-Day plans. By the time the full Moon appears on the 12th, you will have a handle on this. And by the 14th, you’ll be happy to catch up with that friend if that lover isn’t available.

The final weeks of your birthday should bring you a sense of where either a key relationship or goal is headed. The Sun will enter your 2nd on the 18th. But you’ll be looking at your relationship to your money and your values from the very start of the month. Money and the material world is ultimate a spiritual experience. Therefore, we all have karma around money – whether we know it or not.

Sometimes this can be handed down or lived out through generations and lifetimes. Buddha said that karma is so complex, we can’t possibly understand it. Well, our money karma can be a lot like that too. In this lifetime let alone others. That balance sheet or accounting is highly complex. And there’s often a lot of emotion attached to it. People can go to great lengths to hide their real financial situation from partners, family, friends and the world in general.

Because the 2nd house is our house of self-worth, this can get all tied up with how much money we have. From being ashamed if we have financial difficulties, to feeling we are not ‘good enough’ if we don’t earn as much as our friends, to spending money we don’t have on stuff we don’t need – negative money stories cost no matter which way you add them up. The meeting of Neptune and the North Node in your 2nd (7th), marks the point of accountability, Aquarius. It’s time to own that bottom line – no matter what that is. If you owe someone, you now need to have a plan to pay it back. Likewise, if you are owed money, it will now be paid. Or you find yourself in credit in other areas of your life.

Should you be in a position to loan someone money during this time, by all means do so. But only if you can afford to write it off if need be. And if this is a person who lurches from one financial mess to the next, do stop and think about whether you bailing them out helps them with their money karma. This isn’t about accruing more karmic debt, but starting with that fresh balance sheet.

The North Node plus the massive six factor stellium in your 2nd at the time of the new Moon (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, North Node), and the retrogrades in this house, can see you usher in a new cycle of real abundance. One that you can draw on again and again across future lives. And certainly feel richer in this one.

Look to what adds real value to your life. Invest in that. Take time to account for where the money goes once the Sun provides you with clarity from the 18th. If you need help with any aspect of your finances, the 25th is the day to go ask for it when Mercury meets Saturn in here. Bring your life into balance. Look at needs vs. wants. If you want to begin to save – borrow a tip from banksters. No matter what mistakes they make or the state of the economy – they pay themselves first. So, when you get paid, immediately pay yourself in the form of a deposit in a savings account. No matter how small this may be to begin with. Here’s the thing: If you pay yourself first, you will manage to work your budget so you take care of everything else. If you wait and pay everything else – you will end up with not enough.

Use the time from the Neptune/North Node conjunction (7th) up until the new Moon (28th) to look at building a new relationship with what you have and earn. It’s not about how much or what it says about you. It’s how you care for it. Take care of what you already have, and you’ll begin to have more to care for.

In a nutshell: Love and money are two sides of the same coin. It’s also karmic currency, Aquarius. As your birthday season ends, begin a new cycle of what goes around, comes around. What you invest in, pays you interest.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 5th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (5th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (3rd)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (2nd)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (1st)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (7th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (7th to 1st)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (2nd)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 5th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (2nd to 6th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (6th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (2nd)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (2nd)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 5th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (2nd)


You own the tides!

Set sail on a new era

Happy karmic birthday, Pisces

A major new chapter in your life is unfolding this month. Bigger even than your birthday season which begins on the 18th, Pisces. Which will be big enough this year as at the time of the new Moon in your sign (28th), you will have a total of six (6!) cosmic factors in your chart. Some of them unique and unrepeatable.

First, on February 7th, something extremely rare and unrepeatable occurs in your sign. Ruler Neptune and the North Node meet. This will trigger a heightened awareness of the unseen but very real patterns that define your life. That you unwittingly repeat, time after time, until you see them and then step free of their influence. For keeps.

You now rule the cosmic tides of karma that flow through your life. So, understand that adopting a victim mentality, saying ‘Why does this always happen to me?’ keeps us imprisoned in a cycle. And blind to our own part in perpetuating it. It can follow us from one situation or even one lifetime to the next. It can be handed down through generations. Because we tend to learn by example. So, if we see our parents behave in a certain way or have a set of expectations, we take these on board. They become ours by default. And so we continue the cycle.

Know that if this has happened, there should be no blame attached. Not towards yourself. Neither towards others. The task in any lifetime is to learn. And you are the sign of soul and higher learning! Once you see it, you can not only free yourself from it. But free everyone else trapped by it as well.

Because the North Node is in your sign, this puts the South Node in your 7th. So, the story could well be around partners, relationships and long term love that you will change now. It doesn’t matter what your relationship status is. Or what choice or decision you make. What matters is the recognition and release of any pattern. Especially when it comes to history repeating. Falling for unavailable people for instance. Either emotionally, geographically or in status. Ending up in ‘situationships’. Attracting partners you want to ‘fix’. Or those who lie or take advantage of your trusting, compassionate nature. Buying into narratives such as love wasn’t meant to be easy. Or that you have to put up with someone’s behaviour, no matter how hurtful or toxic, if you really love them. Love doesn’t last. Love is for others – but not for you. The list is almost infinite. But the solution, especially now, is simple. Once you recognise it, you can change it.

For some of you, this could also bring up long term family beliefs around money and abundance. Especially if there has been economic hardship and struggle across generations – no matter how hard people have worked. You have a fresh set of tools to tackle this now. Plus the knowledge that this isn’t your fate and the past does not dictate the future. Heightened intuition will guide you towards a discovering a way to create your own karma in a key area from here on in.

You will only have this opportunity once in this lifetime, Pisces. By the time the North Node returns to your sign in 18-19 years time, both Neptune and Saturn will have left. For some of you this will also be about first time, brand new karma. Or what you have come into this lifetime with – and what you do with it from this point onwards.

Pay it forward applies. If you are owed – you get paid. If you owe, it could be you repay that karma to someone else in another way. The 4th sees old ruler direct again in your 4th. Again, this can touch on family issues, your roots, childhood, traditions, home life, lifestyle, property, security and belonging. Jupiter will remain in here until June. And right up until then will be intent on making living easy for you. Sometimes this can simply be shedding wounds of the past which hold us back. Freedom or space to grow is the outcome no matter what.

Venus leaves you for Aries and your 2nd the same day. Preparing for a retrograde of its own. And an opportunity to hone in on specifics when it comes to love and money karma as it and Mercury will return to your sign during their upcoming retrogrades. One of the big lessons linked to your karma is that it is okay to ask for or expect more. From relationships. From your chosen path. And from life itself.

A good time to look at this is the 9th when retro Mars in your 5th of attraction and romance, trines Saturn in your sign. And also the 23rd when Mercury will do the same. Mars will trine both Saturn, ruler Neptune and the Node again when it begins to move ahead from the 24th. And the 25th could be a day when you are finally confident to ask for what you need. Watch the results.

This month’s full Moon takes place in Leo and your 6th. Opposing Mercury in your 12th. If someone has been making you wait around, bread-crumbing you, or simply procrastinating for no reason, this may well mark the point where you say ‘Enough’s enough!’ Again, this may be connected to that realisation you deserve better. Do finish off any outstanding tasks, projects or anything left undone to clear the way for new beginnings.

Valentine’s Day sees you open to sharing your feelings as Mercury arrives in your sign. You are seeking alignment and togetherness above all else. If you have no special someone, all that matters is that total simpatico soul with whom you feel aligned. That Ride or Die, bestie or even that collaborator. So, if single there’s no need to miss on our V-Day plans. Create your own.

The Sun’s arrival on the 18th marks the beginning of a cycle like no other. This year will see ruler Neptune and Saturn begin to leave you. Jupiter will enter Cancer and your 5th of attraction, lovers, creativity, pleasure and children in June. A time when you won’t be able to escape the spotlight or being the centre of attention in some way.

As the new Moon arrives on the 28th, it activates old ruler Jupiter in your 4th. It is asking you for staying power with what you set out to do now. To ask how much you truly, madly deeply want it. To go all in and mindfully commit. This is a point of renewal and rebirth. It asks you demonstrate this via how you look, appear and present yourself. Do not be your old self. This is your point of becoming. On the day the new Moon appears, make that extra effort no matter what you are doing to feel your best. You are stepping into a starring role. If you want to attract a specific goal or experience, dress in a way which reflects the future version of you who now has it.

Mercury begins retroshadow on this day. It along with Venus tells you that you have time to refine this process. And in a way that reflects your mindset for this new epoch – that you deserve more, Pisces.

In a nutshell: This is You. 2.0. Reborn. Reimagined. Relaunched. With fresh new karma to be created between you and someone special. As your birthday cycle begins, so does a fresh one of destiny Pisces. And it calls on you to become someone new.

Feb 3 2025 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 4th)

Feb 4 2025 Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini (4th)

Feb 4 2025 Venus enters Aries (2nd)

Feb 7 2025 Neptune and North Node Conjunct in Pisces (1st)

Feb 9 2025 Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (12th)

Feb 9 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)

Feb 10 2025 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

Feb 11 2025 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo (6th)

Feb 12 2025 Full Moon in Leo opposition Mercury in Aquarius (6th to 12th)

Feb 14 2025 Mercury enters Pisces (1st)

Feb 18 2025 Sun enters Pisces (1st)

Feb 20 2024 Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 4th)

Feb 23 2024 Mercury in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (1st to 5th)

Feb 24 2025 Mars stationary direct in Cancer (5th)

Feb 25 2025 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (1st)

Feb 27 2025 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces (1st)

Feb 28 2025 New Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 4th)

Feb 28 2025 Mercury retroshadow begins in Pisces (1st)

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