Monthly Astrology November 2022 – Stability through change

Stand by your beliefs
What’s your money story?
Opportunity moves you forward
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
A ‘The Buck Stops Here’ attitude may be needed as November 8 brings a total lunar eclipse in your 2nd. Conjunct Uranus and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 8th. So, that’s your entire money, sex and self-worth axis, Aries. This full Moon is known as the ‘Beaver’ Moon or Mourning Moon – and here you can see the connection to festivals such as the Day of the Dead and All Soul’s. The Sun is in your 8th of death, rebirth and legacies. What have you inherited when it comes to your thinking around money and yes – sex too. Let’s talk about that. No shame, no editing and all ownership. With the lights on, Aries!
Getting into bed with someone new – literally or figuratively, is not advised under this eclipse. What is? Standing by your value system and being unafraid to let others know they are not for sale. Whether it revolves around income or shared assets or literally guarding your emotional vault, do stick to the balance sheet. And don’t do anything that sees you in deficit after this eclipse has passed.
Eclipses conceal. We know this. With a lunar eclipse and Uranus involved, the cover up may actually lie in your own financial or even love his/herstory. Why you spend, save or even give away what’s valuable and precious. Needs and desires – especially those you may hide away. And these may surprise you when you may that revelation. Take care of business and remove the emotion from anything to do with your finances. That puts you in control. More in your Eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope.
Yes, at the start of November things may feel a little ‘off’, Aries. The main culprit being ruler Mars backwards facing in your 3rd. You have to operate on the basis that many will not keep their word but you have to choose yours with care. And when you do say something, you have to follow through on what you say. Actually, the massive reinjection of fierce confidence you will receive from your follow-through will literally feel like a win of some kind. So, what can I say, Aries? State your terms and then don’t sell-out.
Before you feel you have to trudge all the way to December in some kind of ick – things change radically from mid-month onwards. Clarity around your cash and other assets emerges from those eclipse shadows. This includes relationships. Now, fully awakened to those real needs and where you need to protect your emotional as well as material interests, you are ready and revved up to experience the change as Venus enters your 9th on the 16th with Mercury following the next day.
Clarity, insight and insiration chase those eclipse shadows away as before the Sun, Mercury and Venus leave your 8th they all trine not only Neptune in your 12th but also Jupiter in here between the 10th – 21st. This is a shadow dissolving, opportunity and solution creating 11 day period where you can breathe life into old issues, and simply focus on the light guiding you out of that tunnel. And no, it’s not the locomotive heading in your direction!
Do however watch for attempts to totally pull the wool over your eyes on the 19th when retro ruler Mars squares Neptune. Of course, this tells you that anyone attempting to mislead or hoodwink you won’t get away with it. But you may need to call someone out if you get that uneasy feeling you are not being given the facts. Gaslighting, guilt tripping, emotional manipulation – all red flags.
That 11 day cycle that banishes doubts and clears the way for new beginnings to find you, peaks during the 21st – 23rd with not one but four portals of potential opening wide. It’s fast moving energy, highly creative and hey – fast acting too! You have to be ready to grab opportunity when it appears or be ready to go where it wants you to, Aries. No over-thinking. No hesitation.
The 21st sees the Sun in your 8th trine Jupiter in your 12th and Mercury and Venus meet in Sagittarius and your 9th – Jupiter’s ruling sign/house. Do note Jupiter is in its other ruling sign/house the day this occurs. The 22nd has the Sun arrives in your 9th while the 23rd brings us a new Moon in here – same day as Jupiter heads direct once again. Open your eyes to something greater which simply wants you to claim or enter into it. This is the start of a brand new phase of expansion or even a journey for you.
Travel plans made now or pledges to long term goals are infused with manifestation potential in a way you won’t get under any other new Moon. It tells you not just to dream but to dream big. Even if all you can do is research now. The end of November marks a period where you are asked to set something new in motion and to take a chance. So, apply for that job several rungs up the ladder. Launch that idea. Take that trip or if not, simply research it as the energy will move with your intention and open ways to experience it for real. In fact, as we head into December Experience is your key word. This is about living it, not dreaming it but doing it. Being there, knowing what it feels like.
With Jupiter still in your 12th until it returns to your sign again next month, this is about what begins as a dream in your imagination and by following the signs and synchronicities which appear, living it – or something better – for real by the time you arrive in ‘23, Aries!
In a nutshell: You know what you will and won’t compromise over, Aries. And the eclipsed full Moon this month asks that you don’t sell-out over something fundamental. Chances are from the 22nd onwards you’ll real the rewards.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 11th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (2nd)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (2nd)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (8th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 11th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 11th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 10th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 10th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (9th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (9th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 10th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (8th to 12th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (9th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (9th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (9th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (12th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (9th to 3rd)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 11th)
Dynamic and dramatic duos and double acts feature
The future can’t be resisted
You either feel it but you can’t fake it!
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Cloudy weather for the first two weeks of the month may throw you into a tailspin of indecision and self-doubt, Taurus. Blame the eclipsed full Moon in you sign on the 8th – which falls conjunct Uranus and opposes a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 7th.
Just days before this, ruler Venus also opposes Uranus from its ruling 7th. So, take it this involves your ‘other half’ – spouse, long term lover, working partnership, bestie, partner in mischief, collaborator and co-creator on love’s journey. Or even that opposite number as in opponent, rival, competitor. The opposite of love isn’t hate as so many people think. It’s actually total indifference. The absence of strong feelings one way or another. So, as this eclipse throws shade onto you and one specific person – past, present, potential – be open as to what feelings will be revealed. Or perhaps the shocking truth that there are none left.
Uranus as well you know, frees, electrifies and releases us. In this case this could be from illusions that bind us or something that has in fact, flatlined a long time ago. Or it can awaken us to the truth that there is so much more to our love experience than we ever possibly imagined! What form this enigmatic next stage of relating takes for you depends on your personal chart or situation. Which is why we astrologers tell you to take your time under an eclipse.
What I can promise you is that you are unlikely to continue to tolerate what might have been ‘tolerable’ for you in the past. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day and it’s a new love for you that has you feeling good again, Taurus. Just don’t rush into it or try to mould it to some image you have of what it should be or look like. And maybe that is the enigmatic surprise that this eclipse conceals for you, Taurus. Check out your shadow-busting Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope for more.
So many love versions are yours to explore this month. Which is why you need to remain open to what love has in store for you when it comes to experiencing it! All are valid. All are heart-opening. All are love and there is no one kind that is ‘better’, ‘deeper’ or ‘higher’ than others. Yes, you need to take things slowly if you are embarking on exploring a new double act. That’s just sensible eclipse planning. What eclipses hide isn’t necessarily negative. It can be the love you don’t see coming. Or where a certain connection can take you. Which may not be immediately obvious. Keep that book of love open but on a blank page. You can fill it in later. And yes, you get to write it now.
As ruler Venus plus the Sun and Mercury moves through your 7th, they are set on rebalancing or handing you that love adjustment you so badly yearn for, Taurus. And also bring that All Souls Together feeling as they trine Neptune and Jupiter in your 11th between the 10th and the 21st. This is when you can revive or connect to others who feel like you and they are connected on a sublime and deeper level. And where friendships get imbued with an oh-so-surprising twist when it comes to how your future unfolds. This is a period where you should be embracing the love of friends (this is Uranus’s ruling house in your chart) and if you have no boo, seeing this as every bit as valid as the love and marriage kind when it comes to experiencing love.
Look for people with whom you feel an affinity with, creative friends or any opportunity to meet people from outside your usual circle or group. This is magic at work. DO however watch the 19th when retro Mars in your 2nd of money and values squares Neptune. This could see you discovering you and someone else don’t exactly come from the same integrity or truthfulness. And while this is your time to forge new friendships, do watch out for ‘friend bombing’. Just like the love bomber – it’s a red flag!
From the 16th the planets are on the move into your sector of shared resources (this includes that joint account, the marital home etc), mortgages, maintenance, investments, loans, salary, divorce, mergers and acquisitions (personal and professional) and yes – sex, baby! Time to cross a threshold on some level. From the bedroom to the boardroom to that vault where secrets or that strongbox is. What is about to be unlocked can raise your stock or set you on a path to transformation as Venus arrives in here (16th), followed by Mercury the next day.
Joint decisions can be made on the 21st which change not only your future but that of the other party, when the Sun in your 7th trines Jupiter. This day also sees Venus and Mercury meet in your 8th telling you that there’s no going back to accepting the way things were. It’s just a brave new world from here on in when it comes to love and/or your money!
The Sun moves into your 8th on the 22nd and an early new Moon appears in here on the 23rd – the day Jupiter which rules Sag and your 8th, heads direct in your 11th. This tells you that your future in now in motion and there is no turning back, Taurus! What you decide or initiate, say ‘yes’ to or change, now propels you along a new path for 2023. Do not resist the call to change. Somewhere in the universe, a call goes out that it is time for something new. And all that is required of you is to meet it halfway with arms and heart open in acceptance.
Ditching fears and self-imposed limitations could be the brave act you are called upon to perform in order to embrace something better for yourself. A timely shift around work or career (and don’t forget – long term working relationships are also love experiences) may be how this manifests for some of you as Mars trines Saturn in tour 10th on the 28th and Mercury opposes Mars on the 29th. Avoiding the call to accept something better, more evolving, more enigmatic and freeing, is now going to prove impossible, Taurus. Don’t stay still. Move ahead as we go into December. The new year just got off to an early start for you.
In a nutshell: Hidden truths and the kind of love set to evolve your soul come wrapped in the enigma of an eclipsed full Moon in your sign. There’s a call to free yourself from anything that no longer serves. You can’t fake the feeling, Taurus.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 10th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (1st)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (1st)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (7th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 10th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 10th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 9th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 9th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (8th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (8th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 9th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (7th to 11th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (8th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (8th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (8th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (11th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (8th to 2nd)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 10th)
Expect a revelation
Insight points the way to options and freedom
The Tarot shows you what’s within is also occurring in your outer world
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Your awareness increases and do see intuition and instinct as your best resources as November begins, Gemini. Mars retro in your sign can put you in a classic 8 of Swords card position in The Tarot. I’m going to add a hidden definition to this card which is highly fitting and applicable to you considering November doesn’t just hand you that Mars retro inertia and self-doubt but also an eclipse in your 12th house.
When we look at the 8 of Swords we see a blindfolded and bound figure surrounded by swords driven into the ground. The blindfold in this case is eclipse-apt because it represents what the eclipse hides and we cannot see. Now, the obvious thing about this card is that the figure is not imprisoned by the swords but could in fact, walk forward and escape. They are unaware of this however believing they are trapped. And also blind to the fact there is a ‘safe haven’ for them as shown in the castle in the background. They are ‘cut off’ from seeing things as they really are.
The not so well know and hidden interpretation of this card is that someone else has been responsible for making the person believe they are trapped or powerless to change the situation. In some more modern decks, this hidden element of the card is now illustrated with the inclusion of another figure standing just behind the bound and blindfolded one. Sometimes instead of a blindfold it is the second figure’s hand which covers the first’s eyes. Indicating they are engaged in deliberately misleading, manipulating or disempowering them. The 8 of Swords in Tarot of the Divine Masculine illustrates this beautifully.
So, as we build towards the total lunar eclipse on the 8th – which falls conjunct Uranus in your 12th and opposition a key conjunction between the Sun and your ruler Mercury in your 6th, do follow those heightened senses which are making you aware of how things really are and not perhaps how someone wants you to believe they are. In other words – is someone pulling your strings, Gemini? Or deliberately keeping you in the dark?
Whether this actually involves another party or not, or just a situation that needs some clarity – take it this is coming from you. There are other decks which show a second figure in the 8 of Swords, but this time they have removed the blindfold and are setting the victim free. This is what this eclipsed full Moon offers you. The chance to step free of something which you feel has you restricted. Your insight into this is going to increase between the 10th – 21st when the Sun, your ruler and Venus all move through your 6th and trine both Neptune and Jupiter in your 10th. Off comes the blindfold. Into focus come your options or the way forward!
Now, neither eclipses nor the card of the 8 of Swords itself are necessarily negative. That awareness and increased insight could deliver the name of someone who can give you the advice you seek or show you the way forward. Just as easily as it could show you that someone enjoys seeing you disempowered and stuck. Just hold that name or that thought and by the time we reach the 19th when Mars squares Neptune – you’ll have a clear path or insight into moving forward from this point on.
Clever Geminis – and there really are no other kind, know this is your no-procrastination, zero excuses and release period when the planets are in your 6th. It’s about facts and not dodging the work that needs to be done. And putting your wellbeing above everything else. Changes to your job situation could occur – especially if what that 8 of Swords symbolises is a dead end one. Or that icky, draining dull routine. Just do what needs to be done in a pragmatic and practical way, Gemini. And you know why I am telling you to Do The Work for the first three weeks of this month. Because you are now entering your yearly love and partnership peak. So, why would you allow entrapment in what doesn’t work for you continue to hold you back? The way things are – and the way out if that is what you seek, are all coming between the 10th – 21st when the Sun and Venus in your 6th make a series of perfect alignments to Neptune and Jupiter in your 10th. The 21st being one of the best days of the month for serious, status defining moves. Bring it, baby when it comes to career or any long term decision.
Double acts, duets and dynamic and dramatic duos are in focus and what you crave to be a part of from the 16th. This day sees Venus move into its ruling 7th in your chart and your ruler Mercury in smitten, love struck mode, the following day. Your energy vibe changes from the 8 of Swords to the 8 of Wands. That fast moving, passionate, impelling image which evokes no time wasting and symbolises Cupid’s arrows.
Again, the 21st offers news and even serves someone special as along with a Sun/Jupiter trine in your 10th it also brings you a meeting between your ruler and Venus in here. Don’t forget – your 10th is about your relationships status and the status of your partner – prospective or present. Singles – set the bar higher and forget about punching above your weight – this doesn’t apply.
Of course, this is your house of long term working relationships and collaborations as much as it is about long term lovers, marriages and that bestie or bae. New beginnings or a new It Takes Two cycle begins as the Sun arrives in here (22nd) and a sliver of a new Moon promises a new stage of that relating journey from the 23rd – same day as Jupiter which rules Sagittarius heads direct. Check your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
See partnerships as a journey or adventure you embark upon with a kindred soul. Find yourself swept up and along in a fresh experience. It could even be linked to travel or people overseas. What you need to know is it is set to expand your ideas and horizons via another. Love or togetherness should create motion and rock the ocean we both find ourselves sailing. Just like the 8 of Wands, coming together with the same intentions creates intention, fire and freedom. Our experience is heightened – as an individual and as part of being two. We get more from it from the simple act of joining up heart, mind, soul or all three!
Something you worked towards or for, dedication to the road less travelled, faith of the heart – all could be rewarded for you as retro Mars links to Saturn in your 9th at the month’s end. Barriers to love, to progress, towards your dreams dissolve. You direct the energy of those wands where you want to go. The opposition between ruler Mercury and Mars on the 29th shows you what direction you need to head in now. You’ve a clear vision of where togetherness wants to take you as we head on into December.
In a nutshell: Before you enter your yearly love and partnership peak there’s deep work to be done with what’s really happening in your world. Chances are someone may have you seeing things from their point of view – not how things really are. The blinders come off, Gemini.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 9th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (12th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (12th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (6th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 9th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 9th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 8th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 8th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (7th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (7th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 8th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (6th to 10th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (7th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (7th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (7th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (10th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 9th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (7th to 1st)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 9th)
Experience the freedom of a deep let-go
Engage with the love evolution
Work it in a way that works for you
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
What needs to end? What needs to be released to begin the new, Cancer? Especially struggle. Buddhists tell us struggle creates suffering. Make November your month where you vow to let that go. Be it an outer struggle with circumstances or an inner struggle with yourself.
The theme for you is friendship, pleasure and love evo/revolution. Like any revolution, it begins with an idea in our minds. That things could and should be different. It is the one pebble of thought cast into the still, calm pond of our psyche which then ripples outwards. One idea leads to asking ‘What if?’. Then we have to try, experiment and find out just where ‘What if?’ could take us or how it would bring about a new dynamic of freedom.
As a total lunar eclipse occurs in your 11th – conjunct What If? Planet Uranus on the 8th and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 5th, it is all about running various What If? Questions and scenarios through your mind. Letting them appear, thinking what the results of you following through might possibly be, withholding judgement for now and observing without struggling with the radical, revolutionary or new. No matter how ‘out there’ these ideas may be.
Get outrageous with the ideas you are entertaining. After all, right at this moment, they are simply in your mind. They may not go anywhere and you know better than any other sign, that a lunar eclipse hides and now is not the time to act. Follow the ripples however. If I did this instead of that – what might the result be? Dare to imagine.
The more you are willing to engage in this process, the more options will be thrown up by your intuition and imagination. This may directly involve one or many of the following: friends, groups, associations and goals. Lovers, romance, children, creativity and your right to stand out and shine. Of course there’s more in your Eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope.
What emerges is that love, living your passion, attraction and doing what you love should not be a struggle. And that struggle may be a sign that it’s not right for you anyway. Continue to sit with this process as we advance through November. What follows next is your next dare to do actions related to the above once you have run through all the possibilities. The Sun and Venus in your 5th will trine Neptune and Jupiter in your 9th as they travel through this house between the 10th – 21st. The actions or the choice, saying yes to something where you might have said no before, all now seem easy and freeing. You are restored to your playful self and re-infused with childlike wonder.
Watch how struggle or trying to make something happen is something you no longer engage with. And how fast it is replaced by freedom and flow. The 21st puts you back on course or could hand you an effortless opportunity which might appear as if by magic as this cycle ends on a high note with a trine between the Sun and Jupiter and a conjunction between Mercury and Venus now in your 6th. In a weirdly wonderful way you are open, accepting and feel whole and reenergised. And possibly wondering what changed. The answer is: your relationship to struggle. It’s so 2020, Cancer. Let it go.
If as part of this process, you have to let a connection go that has become hard work or all take and no give, you’ll know for certain what needs to be done by the 19th. And not only that – be prepared to do it.
Mars is retrograde in your 12th until early 2023. This is your house of secrets, hidden truths, what is known by the psyche but not yet acknowledged by your conscious mind. Part of your What If? Scenario creation may involve you seeing someone’s actions from multiple viewpoints. Going deep into whether how you see things, or are told things are, is actually the correct interpretation. Or exploring all the explanations why someone says, does or may express their feelings. Expect alternative interpretation and explanations to emerge. You will instinctively know when you have hut on the right one. And take it that Mars hands you the courage and tenacity to delve deeper for answers.
The planets are shifting into your What Works for You sector – your 6th, from mid-month. Venus on the 16th, Mercury the 17th (Mercury rules this house) and the Sun on the 22nd. On offer now a smorgasbord of experimentation and freeing alternatives around your day job (paid or unpaid), routine, habits, fitness, health, wellbeing and pets if you have them. Just like that first ripple from a new thought you cast generates more, small changes to the everyday stuff adds up to big shifts.
Your commute may change, your way of working or some may find themselves travelling for work. This is your house of studies too – especially short courses or training. If you are seeking to change jobs, bear in mind Mercury is in full forward flow and now is the time to update your CV, LinkedIn profile and get applying. Don’t be put off by people saying wait until the start of the new year – seize the day and you could end up starting ‘23 in a new position.
Above all, look again to any struggle you experience say in sticking to tasks, your focus, getting things done. Focus on creating flow and the answer to this could be as simple as ditching that To Do list and instead having a ‘Done’ one. Changing your routine or eating habits or paying closer attention to the ‘atmos’ that surrounds you where and when you work. Be this at home or elsewhere. Surrounded by clutter? A lack of esprit de corps in a negative work place? Consider it’s that which could be making you feel like everyday is a thankless chore.
As this is your house of wellbeing, do talk to a professional, if needed stop telling yourself you don’t have time to eat right or exercise and read self-help books especially around the body/mind link. A good day to set something in motion around work, true self care (nothing to do with scented candles and baths), and wellbeing is the new Moon in here on the 23rd. Which also occurs the day when Jupiter – planet of solutions, opportunities and lucky breaks and ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, heads forward once more in Pisces and your 9th.
The key opposition between Mercury and Mars on the 29th shows you categorically what needs to shift around any of these areas. Combine this with a Mars trine to Saturn in your 8th and the changes which flowed from your What If’s turn out to be simple solutions which don’t involve struggle. Do journal your What If’s as you go along. By the end of the month you’ll have generated a multiverse of free-flowing possibilities to try.
In a nutshell: Have the courage to ask ‘What if . . .?’ this month and explore what following through with that could possibly bring you? Having the courage to even think of a different approach or outcome under this month’s eclipse, opens a portal to hidden potentials, Cancer.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 8th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (11th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (11th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (5th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 8th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 9h)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 8th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 9th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 7th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 7th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 9th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (5th to 9th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (5th to 9th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (6th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (6th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 7th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (5th to 9th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (6th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (6th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (6th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (9th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 8th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (6th to 12th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 8th)
Act in the moment, think in the long term
Consideration and clarity get you serious results
Flip the switch for love feedback!
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Game on! be prepared to bring your best one right up until the 22nd, Leo. At that point you can launch yourself headlong into parties, pleasure and fun. But right up until ruler the Sun crosses into your 5th, you need to be mindful of how you come across to others, guard your public image and reputation and be seen as someone who knows who they are, what they are talking about and most importantly – the result they are after.
Serious long term plans and commitments could feature. As could stepping up and being true to yourself. There’s no selling out. But what there is for you is certainty, integrity and truth of purpose. We begin November in some big, fixed sign energy. Being a fixed sign yourself it might be a good time to check your chart. Because all these fixed sign transits will impact on your personal Leo ones. And if you have planets in other fixed signs – Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, these will make what occurs this week even more powerful. If you are uncertain about these, one of our astrologers can provide you with additional insight.
Eclipses are potent vortexes of hidden potential for you. Leo. And like those born under the sign of Cancer, you are more affected by them than other signs due to the fact your ruler is always a major player. It doesn’t matter if this is a solar or lunar eclipse. The Sun is involved.
The 8th delivers a total lunar eclipse in the fixed sign of Taurus and your 10th of career, reputation, status and public image. It conjuncts Uranus while opposing the Sun and Mercury conjunct in the Moon’s ruling 4th and Scorpio – another fixed sign. There is also an extremely tight aspect occurring to Saturn (which rules your 10th) in Aquarius and your 7th.
This is why you need to be mindful of how you are coming across to others – especially those in positions of influence, power and authority. Those who can affect how you are seen, hand you rewards or alternatively, slam doors in your face. What you are being called upon under this influence of this eclipse, is to remain in control of YOU and your responses. Even if you cannot control what is happening around you.
Some of you could be hit by left-field changes or even opportunities around home, living arrangements, your spouse or partner, family, income and career. You could be offered a new position for instance and yes, one that demands you step up and bring it! What you need to know under an eclipse like this – when your ruler casts the shadow of the earth (you) onto the Moon (your emotions) is that no matter what – you got this.
This month may see you mixing with or dealing with influential figures. Think CEO’s, those at the top, bosses, decision makers, people who represent the ‘establishment’ and authority in some way. Due to Mars now retrograde in your 11th, please note this is NOT the time to give your current boss or indeed any authority figure the unedited version of what’s on your mind. It’s an argument you are not going to win.
If you promise more than you can deliver – you will be called to account now and possibly suffer a big dent in your reputation as a result. So, resist the temptation to over-promise. The energy you need to channel and project as post-eclipse, the planets move through your 4th and trine Neptune and Jupiter in your 8th of power money, shared resources and transformation, is someone ready to take on responsibility and themselves seriously. The 10th – 21st could open doors to opportunity for you. Or if you have been knocking on the wrong doors, show you where the right one is.
Do know the outcome you are after and convey this with surety. This also applies in love as well as business, Leo. If you are seeking something serious, don’t waste your time on someone who isn’t. You are about to move into your yearly love, romance, attraction and pleasure peak. So yes, you CAN be choosy with confidence. And why compromise when all it does is lead to disappointment and disillusionment? The first three weeks of November are all about holding out for what is real and what you know will bring you that real taste of success. Not the artificially sweetened alternative.
From the 16th the planets go from sensitive and serious to outgoing and easy. Charmed and charming. Charismatic and convincing. Venus and Mercury put you in the mood for playful love encounters (but you’re still not going to entertain that fling if that isn’t your goal – you’ll flirt instead), parties, pleasure, celebrations and you at your most shining and outgoing. Attraction is a force you wield effortlessly. And you can now let go of being so watchful over your image. You create your own best and unforgettable impression with everyone you encounter – on line or off.
Prepare for attention, offers and suddenly luck being very much on your side. Take it that if this is what you are experiencing from the 22nd when the Sun arrives in here, this is because you did everything you were supposed to do for the first three weeks of the month. And now you get the rewards.
Looking for love? You know what you want – or you should do. As the new Moon appears in your 5th on the 23rd – the day Jupiter which rules Sagittarius and your 5th heads direct in your house of rebirth, if finding that partner is the next big goal you have set yourself, do the following meditation under it.
Imagine your best version of you in a wonderful place surrounded by friends and people you care about. Take note of how you are dressed, how you feel and your surroundings. What are you wearing? Do you have this item in your wardrobe already or is this something you aspire to have? How do you feel emotionally? Focus on the good time you are having – sharing this with people you care about and who care about you. You are in the moment, feeling your very best and focussed on enjoying every aspect of the present.
Suddenly your eye is drawn towards the entrance. Someone enters and they simply embody everything you are seeking in a mate. You have not met them before but can instantly tell their inside matches their outside. This is the whole package just walked in! They become aware of you looking at them and they smile and begin to walk over to you.
Now – the key ingredient to this visualisation and one that really does add that extra touch of manifestation magic to it. Flip your viewpoint. That’s right. You are now looking at you through the eyes of that irresistibly attractive potential mate with destiny that just walked in!
How do they see you? What is that first impression you have created? What thoughts are coursing through their mind? Chances are they weren’t looking for love when they came here. But now it’s found them and they have found you. What stands out about you for them immediately? Your looks, your appearance, your radiant energy? Take a note of all this as these are special to you and what makes the person who is right for you, drawn to you. These should be your focus. How do they describe you in their mind and is this how you want a partner to think of you? Do take note.
Above all, understand this is a new Moon magic exercise to unlock your love and attraction superpowers. It wants to show you what to focus on or what you might need to adjust to ensure you attract the kind of person you want. But it is never a criticism. Also, please don’t cast that hottie you are yearning for in this. Allow your imagination to come up with someone who embodies the qualities you seek without it being someone specific. When you come out of this meditation, if you need to make adjustments to that first impression – by perhaps buying that outfit you saw yourself wearing or channelling that feeling of being open that you experienced, then do so.
This meditation can also be used for any situation where you want to manifest a specific outcome such as an interview or important meeting for instance. You can imagine yourself pitching or presenting, add in the details of how you are dressed, the tone of your voice and the points you are making. And then – flip the switch and see yourself from the interviewers’ perspective. You can avoid any potential pitfalls (OMG – that person thinks I am mumbling and not making eye-contact enough!) and play to not just your strengths -but the audience too.
Mars’s trine to Saturn on the 28th could actually hand some Leo’s the opportunity to try this out for real. Either way – treat that vision seriously. And those ambitions even more seriously and keep flipping that switch on into ‘23!
In a nutshell: As you enter your yearly romance and pleasure peak, be ready to flip that switch when it comes to looking at love from the other party’s perspective. The insight this hands you – exactly what you were hoping for, Leo!
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 7th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (10th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (10th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (4th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 7th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 7th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 6th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 6th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (5th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (5th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 6th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (4th to 8th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (5th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (5th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (5th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (8th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 7th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (5th to 11th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 7th)
Ensure that tea contains truth telling
Love may take a different approach
You may think it – but should you say it?!
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Look before you leap – or is that click, Virgo? Who’s spilling that tea? Just take what you hear with a strong pinch of caution. Just remember, there are three versions of the truth – how one party spins it, how the other party does – and then there’s the facts.
The warning comes due to ruler Mercury, direct in its ruling 3rd, in regular broadcast interrupted mode, due to the total lunar eclipse in your 9th on the 8th. This cuts across your entire communication/travel sector. Simply throw in the eclipse falling conjunct Uranus and Mercury conjunct the Sun and you have potential mayhem to the max. I guess a good analogy would be you getting on a plane to go to Venice but landing in Amsterdam. Yes, just like Venice, Amsterdam has canals, great architecture, food and world class museums. Plus pot of course. It offers all the same stuff Venice does. It’s gorgeous. But the thing is you didn’t want to go there. You wanted to go to Venice.
If travelling under this eclipse – retro rules need to be reinstated despite Mercury being direct. Just in case you find yourself somewhere you didn’t expect. Or stuck some place you did. Uranus rules the unexpected and also technology. Think hackers, viruses, clickbait and deep fake. Transmission interrupted. Internet outages, failure to send, we’re replacing our regular broadcast with these important messages . . . The list goes on.
Above all, don’t necessarily buy into that story. Whether on line or off it. Look at who you are following and do you own research. Someone wants to sponsor you? Be very wary now. If something is too good to be true – it is. More tea in your Eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope.
That being said, information or news which appears like a bolt out of the blue around this time awakens and sets you on a different path. If this occurs, take that sense of renewal and run with it – eyes wide open.
That unexpected opportunity could even arrive in the form of an invitation to join a duo, duet or double act. Or evolve a current one. Usually you get one major love and partnership cycle per year – when the Sun moves into your 7th house during February/March. It’s jackpot time for you in the days immediately after the eclipse, Virgo. And you won’t experience a second bite of that love apple in exactly this way again for a while.
Be ready for enhanced connection, creativity, alignment, togetherness and an offer to experience the power of two in a new way between the 10th – 21st. As the Sun and Venus move through your 3rd they trine both Neptune and Jupiter in your 7th of partnerships of all possible permutations. Serving blissful unions, enhanced creativity and the opportunity to showcase this and divine solutions when it comes to lonely hearts or wishes to couple up in some way.
Jupiter only has a short time left in this house to expand your love experience. In fact, it heads direct again on the 23rd and returns to your 8th at the end of December. Do make the most of this with the 21st being one of the best days to experience the power of love in some way shape or form. This day serves up a trine between the Sun and Jupiter and a conjunction between ruler Mercury and Venus now in Mercury’s ruling 6th. Say yes to what’s on offer for you.
That could even be the opportunity to begin again as please, do keep in mind that not even Jupiter can re-heat what’s past its use-by date. But you soul knows this and is also prepared to move forward with optimism and the knowledge a new beginning is just around the corner.
Bear in mind throughout this time that Mars is retrograde in your 10th of status, recognition, rewards and public image. Don’t be tempted to speak the unedited version of what’s on your mind during this cycle. It can backfire badly if you do. I’m not saying it may not be warranted on some level. But what you may discover is the other party turns the tables, playing the victim card and casts you as the villain. Or else your five cent’s worth costs you big time when you alienate people in positions of authority.
Keep your thoughts to yourself, retreat if needed and take time to formulate your reply. And when you do, keep emotion out of it and stick to facts. That way Mars doesn’t end up your opponent but your ally. Do keep this in mind around the 19th. You’ll find a better way to express your intentions by the 28th.
The Sun’s arrival in your 4th from the 22nd and a new Moon in here on the 23rd hands you green lights to bring about changes in all things Virgo-flavoured and close to home. A new home, job, way of working or study cycle for instance. Changes you make around habits and/or your routine are likely to stick. You may be delving into diet, exercise, the mind/body/spirit link. And wanting to upgrade these in some way. Clutter around you and within you is replaced by a less-is-more, pristine mindset. No more pollution of either your daily environment or your body/thoughts, Virgo.
Anything that is used, no longer useful, confining or doesn’t support you emotionally, physically or psychically, could be discarded or replaced with something so much more liberating. Watch for a shift occurring round your career, status (professional or personal) and your ability to set boundaries – for yourself and with others on the 29th.
Ruler Mercury opposes Mars on this day telling you this is long overdue in fact. You may be saying yes to something but this can also see you saying no too. But in that factual, considered way I spoke of earlier. Such as being expected to take on more when you are already beyond capacity. Or being asked to simply put up with what no longer works. Again, if this is someone else’s take on the facts, you are now in a position to calmly show them this isn’t the case at all. It’s all truth revealed as you head into December lighter, re-energised and freer.
In a nutshell: Ensure you know the facts and take nothing on face value under this month’s eclipse, Virgo. In fact, a retro rule revival in the short-term may just turn into a saving grace. You can think it but pause and ask yourself if saying it serves you? Chances are the answer is No.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 6th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (9th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (9th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (3rd)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 6th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 6th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 5th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 5th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (4th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (4th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 5th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (4th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (4th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (4th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (7th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 6th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (4th to 10th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 6th)
What do angels have to tell you?
Change is good medicine
Tune in to the wisdom of The World
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Change is the enigmatic medicine our soul craves but we may resist, Libra. The start of November asks you to embrace this paradox. And to enter into a crucible of change with an open mind. Because – not matter what it looks like on the surface – it’s designed for your long term benefit. Honest.
Angels and ministers of grace defend us. With thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls. Yes, I just quoted from Hamlet Act I, Scene IV. Beyond the reaches of your soul or simply you own mind’s interpretation is how you need to approach this month’s total lunar eclipse in your 8th. On that day.
It waxes conjunct Uranus in here and opposes a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 2nd. So, your entire money zone axis is impacted here along with the North Node in your 8th and South in your 2nd. Also in your 2nd and a clue as to what that eclipse actually is hiding is your ruler Venus. Telling you that no matter what the changes look like on the surface, provided you stand by your core values, you are about to be freed and come out ahead be this with your money or your self-worth.
Your card for the period from the eclipse and right up until the 21st in the Tarot would be The World. Dynamic change sweeps away one cycle so a new one can begin. Even if it’s not yet clear. We know eclipses conceal. Don’t give in to fears, insecurities, disempowerment or baseless concerns that if you stick to your values you will somehow end up with nothing. That can only occur if you sell out.
The angels and ministers of grace? The card of The World shows four of them for you representing the fixed signs of the Zodiac. And your 2nd (Scorpio) and your 8th (Taurus) are fixed signs. Telling you to set your price. If in doubt, this eclipse says ask for higher guidance and you will be answered. There you have it. Your very own angelic ministerial committee just waiting to answer. You have to ask first however. And also want the truth even if it may be unpalatable to begin with.
You also have the same four symbols of angelic wisdom depicted in the card of The Wheel of Fortune if you look. However, for you, The World is your card this month due to its associations with successful completion of one cycle and entry into the new.
Don’t fall back into old patterns. It’s easy to reach for them because they feel familiar. However, they are NOT your answer. Mars retro in your 9th until early ‘23 makes it easy to go for the instant and habitual response. But what the eclipse and other planets are calling out for you to do is not give in but to seek out the alternatives. Even if it is initially unclear what these are. That’s why you have as angelic ministry, Libra!
As ruler Venus and the Sun move through Venus’s ruling 2nd, they will trine Neptune and Jupiter in your 6th opening you up to inspired yet freeing choices. Made with a touch of practical magic. Pragmatism and fact finding rule now. Just know it’s time to be shaken free of something and if this happens, enter a state of grace where you let go rather than hold on. Especially around the 19th. A new way of working or way out of that rut may appear. You are in the last weeks of Jupiter’s everyday and every way benefits for you now. Fresh avenues when it comes to work, income or simply validation of that self-worth stance you took earlier in the month could appear on the 21st when the Sun and Jupiter align.
Ruler Venus moves to your 3rd on the 16th and Mercury enters what is its ruling house a day later. The 21st truly could be one of the best days of the month for many of you as this day sees Venus and Mercury align in here. Expect a special delivery, good news, travel or solution on this day. The Sun arrives in here on the 22nd and the new Moon in here on the 23rd should now show you how this fresh cycle is manifesting for you. What you say or send out returns to you on wings. As well as travel, writing, publishing, pitching, siblings, your neighbourhood and the internet take on fresh significance. Oh – and if flirtation was an Olympic event you’d do your country and your star sign proud, Libra. So if you are single, why not see just what medals you can bring home?
This is also the day Jupiter which rules Sagittarius and your 3rd, heads direct in your 6th telling you to launch those ideas and that the time for talking – or even consulting that angelic focus group, is now at an end. Action is what carries you through to the final month of the year. And that means taking action on dreams and ideas. Being willing to concede that change isn’t like a ride at a theme park. You can hop on it but you don’t know where it is going to take you. But that is all part of the experience. Be willing to go where it wants to take you. Chances are by the time December ends your response will be ‘Wow! What a ride!’.
In a nutshell: Change is a force like gravity which governs our universe. We can’t see it, but we know it exists. And just like gravity its too powerful to resist too. Abandon yourself to the process, Libra. And know that it is programmed to take you where you need to go.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 5th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (8th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (8th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (2nd)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 5th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 5th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 4th)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 4th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (3rd)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (3rd)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 4th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (3rd)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (3rd)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (3rd)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (6th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 5th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (3rd to 9th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 5th)
Give fear the heave-ho
Give joy not stuff
Don’t look back, walk into a new love future
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Let’s get cosy with the 8 of Cups card in the Tarot, Scorpio. And in doing so ditch any nostalgia or regrets you may be harbouring on a soul/emotional level. The Tarot mirrors astrology. If you delve deeper in it, you will find it loaded with astrological insights and planetary references. When we are experiencing big astro energy, chances are there’s a card which aligns with it. And which we can use to access deeper levels of insight into what it may bring us.
Back to the eclipse on the 8th in your 7th and how the 8 of Cups ties in with this. The card always features the Moon in the sky above the figure walking away from 8 upright cups. In some decks, the Moon is shown in darkness or eclipsed. In traditional decks like the Smith-Waite, we have a sickle Moon enclosing what looks like the face of a full Moon or even the Sun. But its expression is filled with sadness and disappointment. This again evokes eclipse energy.
The total eclipse of the full Beaver Moon in your partnership sector will fall conjunct Uranus in here. While opposing a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your sign. It also impacts on the Nodes – the South in your 1st, the North in your 7th. And tightens its grip on Saturn in your 4th of home, family and security.
The element of not knowing, self-doubt or nostalgia for the past, feeling you missed an opportunity, regrets, indecision, not knowing what to believe even, arises fuelling any uncertainties you may be feeling. But before you give in to this – don’t, Scorpio! Look again at the card. Yes, the figure walking away from the cups shows from their body language they are experiencing strong emotions around something they have to now walk away from. But they are not looking back. They have accepted and answered the call to change or take action. The past no longer holds power over them. And while they may not know what the future holds, they are willing to walk towards it.
Take it that between the eclipse and the 21st, if you have any lingering doubts around the decision or direction you need to take, you will arrive at the right one. Do not give in to guilt-tripping yourself or regrets. Time for self-acceptance and forgiveness if it is needed. There’s a sense of new beginnings ahead for you in terms of your spouse or live in lover, where you live or heading down a future pathway which establishes something better and more lasting for you.
Focus on the walking towards the new rather than what you leave behind. Lighten the emotional load if need be. And as the Sun and Venus move through your sign they are going to trine Neptune and Jupiter in your fabulising 5th bringing many of you lush new beginnings in love, children, creativity or recognition. So clearing away what I call ‘emotional detritus’ helps.
Your best days to embrace new beginnings or to set joint ones in motion with a key someone? Look to the period of the 10th-21st. Love is in the air, attraction is a superpower you effortlessly project to draw what you need to you. Remember, Jupiter is charged and super-generous and super-lucky for you in here. But it’s all about you taking a chance – on you, and taking that first crucial step. Your extra specially lucky day is the 21st when the Sun trines Jupiter just prior to leaving your sign the following day.
Do keep in mind at all times that ancient ruler Mars is retrograde in its ruling 8th in your chart. And this will last until 2023. The old rulerships still apply even if you are a sign like Pisces, who have a contemporary ruler. Any residual feelings of regret, indecision or fear of moving forward are being intensified by Mars lacking it’s usual scorching va-va-voom. It can also have you acting out of fear rather than self-belief. Days to be aware of this are the 19th and 28th – 29th. Don’t be pressured, phoenix. Whether by others or your own self-doubts.
From the 16th, the planets switch signs with Venus the first to enter your 2nd and Mercury the next day. The Sun enters on the 22nd and the 23rd hands you a new Moon in here. Money, what you value, talents, possessions, intangible assets such as your support network and what experiences money buys you rather than actual ‘stuff’ will feature for the coming month.
‘Tis the season for spending so let’s talk about that too. Buying things for others but for the wrong reasons. The 8 of Cups figure on that new path takes with them a new set of values and how they show their love too. Maybe they love themselves too much to get into needless debt? Or understand what has real thoughtfulness behind it determines what is the perfect gift – not its price ticket.
The day the new Moon appears has Jupiter ruler of Sagittarius direct in your 5th. What does this tell you? Spread the joy rather than the money. Happiness is its own currency, Scorpio. For more on this, see your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope. And if its old spending habits you need to leave behind you, just like the figure in the 8 of Cups – don’t look back.
In a nutshell: You may not see where love is taking you for the future this month due to an eclipse in your 7th, Scorpio. But just because the destination is below the horizon, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Walk forward towards it with confidence whether you’re travelling solo for now or partnered up.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 4th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (7th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (7th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (1st)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 4th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 4th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 3rd)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 3rd)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (2nd)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (2nd)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 3rd)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (1st to 5th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (2nd)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (2nd)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (2nd)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (5th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (2nd to 8th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 4th)
Welcome to the great revelation
Starships are meant to fly – get ready for warp-factor realness!
Happy birthday, Sagittarius
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Before I get into the fact that out of all the signs, November just happens to be star struck for Sagittarians – let’s talk about eclipses, baby!
The total lunar eclipse on the 8th is across your 6th/12th house axis. It contains hidden treasures, hidden truths, wake-up calls and revelations. It could simply electrify you into taking one long overdue course of action to get closure or completion before your fresh cycle begins.
The eclipsed full Moon is conjunct Uranus (electrifying, freedom creating, shocking even!) and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 12th (the truth is out there, maybe even lurking in that denial!). This eclipse will end up shaking all that free – perhaps in a totally unexpected way. Hiding from the truth in denial, head in the sand tactics, avoidance – you can hang on to them but you’ll quickly find the truth isn’t just out there. It’s up for a confrontation and will seek you out. Leaving you with no other option but to act on it, Sag.
Mars retro in your 7th now turns into an asset. It tells you: This has gone on for far too long. You have what resources you need to tackle this. Just get it out of the way! And you do. With a feeling of immediate lightness which is the surprise gift this eclipse can deliver. More in your Eclipsed Full Moon in Taurus Moonscope.
What aids you in this process is a series of soul security generating trines which occur as the Sun and Venus move through your 12th and angle to Neptune and ruler Jupiter in your 4th. These will show you that your insight and intuition is right on the money and also that your gut feeling is what you need to follow through on. Think home truths which like the best medicine, may initially taste sour but clear the way for healing. The truth is within you as well as ‘out there’, Sag. |
Days to know what you have to do and follow through on this with serious determination and unwavering surety are the 19th and 28th -29th.
Ready or not (and hopefully you are pumped and primed) by the 16th – here comes your new cycle. Ahead of the Sun , Venus enters Sagittarius on this day followed by Mercury on the 17th. The 21st offers you a clear view of what the upcoming year holds for you as the Sun trines Jupiter before arriving in your sign the next day. So ensure you are no longer weighed down by that ‘thing’ you’ve put off or have been refusing to tackle.
Now I did say November is gift-wrapped for Sagittarians. You should see how that statement holds true. Starships are meant to fly but they do need a port or space station to launch from. The effect of those sudden revelations along with those trines this month should be to put you in a far more secure position and create that launch pad, Starfleet Command or Houston you need to launch and ensure you get where you want to. A map to the stars in other words. Upticks around home, security, living arrangements or even income could provide you with this base from which to launch those adventures.
The new Moon in our 1st always marks the start of our new astrological cycle no matter what date your actual birthday is. You get yours at the very beginning as the new Moon appears in your sign the day after the Sun’s arrival on the 23rd. This day comes with extra special potential for you. As it is also the day your ruler Jupiter heads direct once more in its ancient ruling sign of Pisces and your 4th. Hence, the countdown is over, and you have lift-off! Jupiter is about to return to your 5th at the end of December where it will remain until May 2023. Giver of wishes, granter of dreams when it comes to love experiences, Jupiter now puts luck on your side but also tells you to put yourself out there to claim this combined with this new Moon.
Upgrades and updates to your image and appearance see you ready to face the world. Or explore a brave new one you are in the process of creating. Yes, you can spoil yourself within reason now. That new look, that outfit or updated style which sends that message. This is your personal rebranding period and believe it or not, how you look and feel about yourself plays a key role in your success story this upcoming cycle.
The same goes for that starship. In the form of that plan, goal, idea or experience you want. You have the launchpad – now focus on the ship that is going to take you where you want to go. Especially if it enables you to stand out and shine as captain of it. So, that blog, social media feed, business idea, CV or other ‘calling card’ or who you need to become to attain that goal – dress it up, not down now. And have a launch date.
You are heading into a big year. You will not only see Jupiter power through your love sector handing you 5 months of juiced-up romance and opportunities to stand out and be noticed, but experince the power of ideas or goals that change your world and impact on others once Pluto changes signs Infused with all important knowledge and learning opportunities. The nodes will also be on the move – from your 6th/12th houses to your 5th/11th. Love has a deep destiny driven feel to it and those goals send you higher. Didn’t I say you are meant to fly, Sag? This month the countdown really begins for real.
In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle begins with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in your sign and ruler Jupiter direct from the 23rd. You’re being gifted a fresh cycle of exploration and expansion, Sag. Around love or simply what you’d love to do.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 3rd)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (6th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (6th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (12th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 3rd)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 3rd)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 2nd)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 2nd)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (1st)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (1st)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 2nd)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (12th to 4th)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (1st)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (1st)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (1st)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (4th)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (1st to 7th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 3rd)
Own your unique humanness
Wrap up loose ends and unfinished business
Revivals need to be future proofed
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Let’s talk love resurrected or something you imagined was in the past, suddenly and unexpectedly showing you it has a heartbeat still, Capricorn. Do however be careful with this. This month sees the start of your annual soul detox when the Sun arrives in your 12th from the 22nd. It is about tying up loose ends, completing unfinished business and releasing anything which you have outgrown or is simply past its sell-by date, to clear the way for the new. So, there is a sense of perhaps something reappearing for one last go-around before exiting for good.
Of course, if you had lingering questions or have felt there was unfinished business, this gets you your the answer one way or the other. That’s the plus side, Capricorn. But under the shadow of this month’s intense eclipse energy on the 8th – I do advise you to take things slowly if a resurrection occurs across lovers or friendships. Treat it as a new beginning in every sense of the word. In other words, get to know one another all over again before deciding if this is still for you.
The total eclipse of the full Moon occurs in your 5th. Conjunct Uranus and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 11th. That’s the surprise re-meet cute, defibrillation or blast from the past. This could even be a chance to resurrect a goal. If so, if it still holds meaning for you – go for it. But as far as others are concerned – hold back or hold that thought. Especially if something simply feels ‘off’ around someone right now. (This also applies to your children. That antenna of yours may be picking up something is going on even if all you get in answer to your questions is ‘Nothing’).
Do stay connected to both your values and your insights on the 7th, 10th, 11th and 28th. These are days when Saturn your ruler in your 2nd will be involved in what I can only describe as ‘cloud clearing’ alignments between planets in your 11th and then your 6th. That’s when you get the facts which back up those feelings.
Needless to say, the eclipse period itself is not recommended when it comes to that dating app. And if you meet that surprising and heart starting potential boo in real life – take your time now, Capricorn. 2023 is going to deliver a bigger, juicer love experience for you so do take it you have the luxury of being able to take your time without FOMO.
After the eclipse – well, here comes the dawn. As the Sun and Venus move through your 11th they trine both Neptune and Jupiter in your 3rd between the 10th – 21st. News you have been waiting for or clarity allows you to move ahead unfettered. Or you get the assurance you need that the revival could just be genuine and real.
If you need to make a personal U-turn over something, as the planets cross from your 11th to your 12th – now you can. Be grateful to be wrong and happy to admit it if this occurs. It means you have learned something valuable. It’s also your time to be open, vulnerable, human and above all, compassionate with yourself as well as others. That doesn’t mean you will be willing to continue to put up with excuses or shoddy treatment however.
Venus and Mercury arrive in here on the 16th and 17th. The Sun follows on the 22nd. You are now on an inner journey right up until the Sun reaches your sign next month. You may have to balance relationships and work responsibilities with the need to spend time soul whispering, creating, exploring your past and mysteries to better understand yourself, your relationships and what you need for your future. This will also help you come to the right decision over any questions around a revival or reboot.
Open up a high speed link to knowing, knowledge, love without limits and all the potential the multiiverse contains for you. Get ready to communicate directly with angels, your god/dess, higher wisdom, ancestors, guides or however you see that guiding higher power. How to you do this? By engaging in thoughtful acts of spiritual power. Anything in fact from yoga to meditation, listening to music, journaling, being in nature, a device/social media detox, unplugging, dance, movement, creativity, mindfulness, psychic or astrology studies, self-help books or therapy. Enter into whatever seems right for you and what allows yourself to lose yourself in it. As you fully engage in this process, answers or inspiration will come to you unbidden. Just like that. The day of the new Moon in your 12th (23rd) is an especially powerful day to engage with this.
If there are any actions left outstanding or steps still to be taken, the very end of the month sees you seizing surety thanks to wellbeing emphasising alignments between retrograde Mars in your 6th and Mercury in your 12th and your ruler Saturn. This could show you clearly what you need to say yes to now moving ahead and what needs to be left behind. Rewards could be on offer when you stick to what you know is right for you. Or your willingness to backtrack and repair a past mistake. You don’t have to be perfect, Capricorn. Just totally human and willing to own it.
In a nutshell: Regrets are simply part of a human experience. We all have them. Answers as to why things worked out the way they did or the opportunity to get closure one way or another see you leaving regret behind you. Now that’s soul freedom, Cappy!
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 2nd)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (5th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (5th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (11th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 2nd)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 2nd)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 1st)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 1st)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (12th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (12th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 1st)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (12th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (12th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (12th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (3rd)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (12th to 6th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 2nd)
Hey now, hey now, don’t dream it’s over
Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in
Don’t Dream It’s Over – Crowded House
Welcome to Samhain season. The start of winter in the pagan calendar which begins on November 1. This also coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico and other Latin cultures and All Saint’s and All Soul’s Days in the Christian tradition.
Ruler Uranus can huff and it can puff but it can’t blow down anything that has a solid foundation, Aquarius. Saturn in your sign is all about personal foundations and core strength. That house of the soul. Hence the Crowded House sound byte. So, the bedrock of you and what you have created. The total lunar eclipse in your 4th on the 8th is conjunct Uranus and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 10th. Your 4th is the Moon’s ruling house in earthy, centered, value focussed Taurus. It doesn’t like change (but then who does really?).
This may rattle things around, leaving you feeling strangely vulnerable and even like what underpins your life is no longer solid ground beneath your feet. Remember the eclipse rules: they cover and conceal. If those foundations get shaken up a bit under it – especially around what gives you that all important sense of security be this around home, family, where you live, your career etc, be aware that nothing solid will give way. This could just be your ruler making you aware of where something needs shoring up. Or simply wasn’t built to last in the first place.
Move forward, set that foundation stone in place or even up-root yourself if necessary. This eclipse will awaken you to your real needs and what sustains you. Following the eclipse, you will benefit from a series of captivating and even cash generating trines between the Sun and Venus in your 10th and Neptune and Jupiter in your 2nd. This can provide you fresh resources, offer solutions to financial issues and also set a price on a renewed sense of self-worth and deservedness.
Act with purpose, surety and determination. You have just a few weeks remaining of Jupiter’s open-handed, generous and solution providing largesse when it comes to money, income and resources. You are also blessed now with the ability to make your very best impression. To ask and for your request to be met with a positive answer. The 10th – 21st brings you options and opportunities. To make your best impression on others – personally, professionally, to move into that serious, sustaining fresh cycle that can’t be shaken, to get to yes, to experience success and abundance.
Uranus has been refining that value system and you may be called upon to draw a line over what is and isn’t acceptable to you on a purely personal level around the 19th. This could involve a lover, a child or young person or even something of intangible yet intrinsically valuable to you like your time, a creative project into which you have invested your soul. This day may ask you to summon your courage and say that some things are simply not for sale. Your take out? Priceless no matter the response from the other party.
When we sell out we diminish ourselves, our value and our power. So, please don’t be tempted.
The planets are on the move into your house of friends, the future, goals and big plans beginning with Venus on the 16th and Mercury on the 17th. The Sun arrives here on the 22nd bringing with it your annual social peak. And a time for setting in motion new goals and plans for your future. Don’t want until Jan 1. For you, we can say a new year begins at this point. Remember, there is a big difference to the start of a calendar year and an astrological cycle. We are talking a human made way of defining cycles verses a cosmic one!
Your ruler rules astrology. Which is why being aware of the start of cosmic cycles rather than blinding following dates is your secret success hack. The new Moon in your 11th is therefore one of the most important ones for you in any given year. Because it sets the future in motion for you for the next 12 months. Are you ready to get visionary now, Aquarius? To unleash your inner inventor, manifestor and maverick?
The 23rd not only delivers this all important new Moon but sees Jupiter (the ruler of Sag and your 11th) head direct in your 2nd. Telling you to act on those money making ideas. To utilise your talents and other assets. This includes your dream team, friends and those you know who can help you. To take action now and not to wait. By the end of December and the start of 2023, Jupiter will have returned to your 3rd of ideas and communication. Hence, now is the time to stop thinking and talking about them and act on them instead.
This new Moon doesn’t just call on you to make good on those goals or to set new ones, it sets the scene of your social life for the coming year too. People are our co-creators in our future and nothing occurs in isolation unless you are a hermit meditating in a cave somewhere! What I am saying here is if you spend the time between now and the next new Moon as a boxset shut-in this will set the tone for the coming year. Which is fine if you prefer that. But if you don’t, then consciously make the effort to connect with who you already know or meet new people. Join in. The song ‘People’ tells us that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. They are because luck and synchronicity are fuelled by connections. Do keep this in mind.
Your people are waiting and the 28th brings a wonderful trine between Mars retro in your 5th and Saturn in your 1st. This could mark the start of a new, special and long term friendship or show you the importance of people when it comes to holding on to that dream. But hey now, hey now, don’t just dream it’s over. Act on it, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: If something doesn’t turn out exactly how you hoped, or appear to collapse, turn back to your original dream, Aquarius. No, it’s not over. It could just be re-booting. But in a new and better form.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 1st)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (4th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (4th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (10th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4tt)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 1st)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 1st)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 12tt)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 12th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (11th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (11th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 12th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (11th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (11th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (11th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (2nd)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (11th to 5th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 1st)
Make a wish
The impression you make determines the success you take into your future
Get glowing!
Glow up! You have almost two months left of having both your rulers in your sign. This won’t occur again in your lifetime, Pisces. The next time ancient ruler Jupiter pays you a personal vision will be in 12 years time by which time Neptune will have left your sign and be in Aries. So, so make the most of this now.
This is your time to glow, to shine, to big up your image, style, look, appearance, brand, personal message and make the most of that all important first impression. You are your own best product, asset, calling card – however you want to think about yourself. Personal dreams and ambitions are aligned to this. And what you say, share or send out has a key role to play this month.
Refine or evolve your image or unspoken message to align yourself energetically to what you want. Look like you belong. To that group, in that job or just that goal – you belong to it and it belongs to you. Do remember – like attracts like. So if you want something you have to already feel you are it or have it. This goes a lot deeper than ‘faking it till you make it’. Your self-belief tells you that you ARE it.
First – let’s talk integrity and truth minus any need to fake it. This will prove to be especially important at the time of the total lunar eclipse in your 3rd on the 8th. Say what you mean, mean what you say and most importantly, deliver on it under this. No filters, no exaggerations. You don’t need them. You just need to bring your truth.
This eclipsed full Moon is conjunct Uranus (surprising news or information) and opposition a Sun/Mercury conjunction in your 9th. Think faraway so close travel, business, the mass media, big animals, big dreams. And also the internet, what you don’t yet know, misinformation and moving ahead with caution. I mention the latter because while you are coming from a place of truth, others may not be. So, go with your gut and do treat this eclipse like a Mercury retrograde on steroids. Especially as it occurs in Mercury’s ruling house in your chart and opposes Mercury. If there is an attempt to mislead or cover the truth – it’s a big one.
Steer clear of big ticket items, buying anything from a car to a horse and if you are travelling, you know what the retro rules adapted for eclipses entail so do stick to them. That queasy icky feeling you may be getting? Pay attention to it. Especially as it is backed up by Saturn in your 12th and a Mars retrograde in your 4th. Is someone or something trying to undermine your sense of security? Or convince you that you have things all wrong no matter how strongly you sense you are right? Red flags all of them. Do not allow any of these to dim the certainty and surety of that glow.
It won’t stay gloomy for long even if the eclipse dims that light for a short time. And anything it has covered up won’t stay hidden either. A series of revealing, solution bearing and freedom making trines occur between the 10th – 21st as the Sun and Venus moving through your 9th trine Neptune and Jupiter in your 1st. This is perfect wish fulfilment but it can only be activated by someone who operates from transparency and their truth.
Soul satisfaction follows with the 21st when the Sun trines Jupiter being a key date for you when a new portal to a fresh cycle of experience opens wide. Remember – you have to set the potential in motion and this IS an invitation by the cosmos. You also have to be ready to RSVP to the positive without hesitation. Something bigger awaits you. Set in motion by the new way you see and project yourself. This won’t occur again. Do say Yes, Pisces.
This is your opportunity to glow brighter and go further than you have dreamed of before. We are now in big fat mutable energy season as Venus (16th) and then Mercury (17th) move into fellow mutable sign of Sagittarius and your 10th house of career, rewards, recognition and public image (yes, we’re back to the importance of what you say about yourself without actually putting it into words!). A picture is worth of thousand words however so think of yourself as a priceless work of art.
If there is a card in the Tarot this month that captures the essence of the you that you are becoming or already are, and the results you will receive from this, it would be the 9 of Cups. That card of shining satisfaction and attainment. Feel free to spend some time with it during the time the Sun (22nd) and other planets move through your 10th.
The new Moon in here on the 23rd coincides with Jupiter heading direct again in your sign. Signifying you are moving on up and on into new areas of pleasure, success and attainment. What’s that big success story you want to write now? This new Moon is about living it on some level.
When we talk about TV scheduling for instance, we talk about ‘prime time’. The best slot that gets the most viewers. Take it this is your prime time. To make your move, chart that course or simply say yes to what is on offer. It’s also about the experience in Sagittarius. Making the journey into a goal in its own right. Living it being just as satisfying as getting to your destination. You can have both experiences now. More in your New Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
DO be seen as someone who can be relied on. Be aware what you project or put out there is the key. Do not say or do anything that might compromise this – either on line or off it, Pisces. We all know potential employers or others check our social media feeds. Saying you are committed to your professional goals yet posting clips of you in a club Jaeger-bombing until 4am on a school night says something different.
That better offer or invitation can just as easily come in the form of love for singles. Again, is that image broadcasting that only serious/qualified applicants need apply? Ensure love enhances that glow before you commit to going further. As we enter December the other invitation on offer for you during Jupiter’s final weeks in your sign is to make a wish. And don’t allow any self-doubt about your ability to have what you want dim that shine, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Glow-worthy aspects this November tell you to make the most of ancient ruler Jupiter’s final weeks in your sign. You wont experience both rulers in here again in your lifetime, Pisces. Author yourself a starring role.
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
Nov 7 2022 Venus in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 12th)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus – Total Lunar Eclipse (3rd)
Nov 8 2022 Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus (3rd)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (9th)
Nov 8 2022 Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio opposition Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
Nov 9 2022 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
Nov 9 2022 Sun in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
Nov 10 2022 Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 12th)
Nov 10 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 11 2022 Sun in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 12th)
Nov 12 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 13 2022 Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 11tt)
Nov 15 2022 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 11th)
Nov 15 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 15 2022 Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 16 2022 Mercury in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 16 2022 Venus enters Sagittarius (10th)
Nov 17 2022 Mercury enters Sagittarius (10th)
Nov 18 2022 Sun in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 11th)
Nov 19 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
Nov 21 2022 Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces (9th to 1st)
Nov 21 2022 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Sagittarius (10th)
Nov 22 2022 Sun enters Sagittarius (10th)
Nov 23 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius (10th)
Nov 23 2022 Jupiter stationary direct in Pisces (1st)
Nov 28 2022 Retrograde Mars in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
Nov 29 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition retrograde Mars in Gemini (10th to 4th)
Nov 30 2022 Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 12th)
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