September 2024 Monthly Horoscopes – Big news!

First up – with the Uranus station in Taurus and your 2nd – no financial speculation, Aries. It occurs two days before the new Moon in Virgo which opposes Saturn in Pisces – your 6th/12th house axis. This Uranus station is one of the most important we’ve experienced in its Taurus stay.
Overturns, upheavals, what we know and value upended. The energy with Uranus is always the electric shock, the awakening, the revolution. But this has the effect of opening up our imagination and innovative abilities. We experiment, we are unafraid to try. Without the shake up there is no wake up, it’s that simple.
The new Moon in your 6th will also end something that simply isn’t healthy for you. That’s due to its opposition to Saturn. Again, this could even be your thoughts and ideas around something. But it also touches on your work (paid and unpaid), those habits, and your overall well-being. ‘Detox’ is one word. ‘Purge’ is probably more accurate. You’re done and it’s done with. Whether you purge that closet, those toxic thoughts, habits or even a connection. Die hard habits do just that. You shed and as you do, you become more energised, refined and aligned once again.
And yes, there will be no U-turns on this. Once done – you focus on what’s ahead of you. Shaken free of what was draining you or simply holding you back. Next, ruler Mars stirs up change close to home. And will be returning to this house during its rare retrograde. Mars is all about confidence, assertion, impulse, and action. In your 4th house (from the 4th), Mars can trigger moving experiences. Are you satisfied with where you live? And if you are – what can be changed or improved?
Once Mercury zooms past its retroactive shadow from the 12th, do prioritise moves and changes around home, family, lifestyle, living arrangements or even career ahead of this. Otherwise you may find things stuck until early ‘25. Mars in here combined with this month’s headline act of the eclipsed Supermoon in your 12th (18th), could trigger the necessity to make changes – whether you were actually planning to or now. Especially if deep down you know you need to – but have been putting this off.
Your yearly partnership peak started early with Venus’s entry into its ruling 7th last month. Venus in its own sign/house in your chart isn’t just about partnerships. It also boosts your ability to attract and manifest in other areas. Your income, creativity and just what you adore to passionately pursue benefit equally. Sometimes even when we hit our annual partnership peak – and the Sun adds heat and fire to this when it arrives in your 7th (22nd), romantic unions may not be our priority. But Great Balls of Fire – with Jupiter in your 3rd and Venus in your 7th, (15th) attraction and ideas combine to produce a great outcome for you.
Pluto’s endgame in your career and status sector will be finalised between now and the end of November. Changes around unions – personal and working, and finding a different path to the top or redefining your ambitions, all work together to produce a superbly satisfying and transformative outcome. With Mercury clear of retroshadow in your 6th from the 12th and the eclipsed supermoon sextile free thinking Uranus and your values, do ensure that long term decisions you make are in your own best interests and prioritise wellbeing and health above all else. That’s the most satisfying definition of real success, Aries. You will feel the need to look at this from the very start of the month. Perfect this as September unfolds.
Venus moves into your ‘other’ money zone from the 23rd while ruler Mars aligns with Saturn (30th), asks you to get very clear around what your take-out needs to be around an important decision or area of life. This is also the point where you may take charge of the direction you envision life going in. You are not a passenger or helpless against the flow of destiny.
The date for mindful decisions and self-authorship of your future is the 29th when the Sun and Mercury in your 7th conjunct the South Node in here and oppose the North Node in your 1st. Are you aware of one cycle closing for you? And has this awareness handed you the realisation you choose your path? Or at least how you respond to events in your life? Hopefully, your answer is yes now, Aries.
2025 sees the North Node leave your sign and enter Pisces and your 12th. Which will of course, see the South Node in Virgo and your 6th. Ahead of this change, the eclipse axis shifts – which is why we are seeing a partially eclipsed Supermoon in your 12th this month. Something is emerging from your subconscious, from the past or simply something you’ve overlooked or ignored comes into sharp focus this September. Like the curtain being pulled back – and there’s the wizard.
This puts you in the position where you can be at your most self-directed with your next step or your choice. You are putting the final finishing touches on one cycle ahead of a new one. It’s not just the Nodes changing signs in 2025. Uranus brings a brain-rattling revolution across ideas, your devices, and your online life when it shifts to Gemini. While Saturn and Neptune are heading your way. Great balls of planetary fire, Aries. There’s no time like the present to get the thrill. No fate but the one you make.
In a nutshell: September sees you in fire starter mood. New beginnings vie with the end of a longer term cycle. One that sees you more connected to your intuition and inner voice than ever before. That’s your compass, Aries. And it brings thrills as well as firey, fiesty resets this month.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (2nd)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (10th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (6th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (4th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (6th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (6th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (6th to 4th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 3rd)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 3rd)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (12th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 3rd)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (7th) -Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (8th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (7th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (7th to 1st)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (7th to 1st)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (7th)
Are you ready to hear the truth?
Gain extra clarity around what you want
That confidence surge turns up the heat!
True friends are not those who tell you what you want to hear. Real friends tell you what you need to hear. Yes, this can be challenging or even brutal in the moment. But if someone chooses to confront you under the Uranus station at the start of the month, try to ask yourself if they are in fact, coming from a place of caring and truth? That in fact, they support your capacity for greatness and want you to live up to your potential. Which we all know is pretty vast, Taurus.
Also be honest if someone has voiced something similar in the past to you. Don’t make excuses for yourself. We can all come up with them. If you have been told this before, then its time to take it on board. Finally. This can be a bridge cementing retrograde regarding what connects you to others. Building bridges means meeting in the middle. Across the ravine or void. This is an emotional bridge to be strengthened by joint ownership. Show both openness to what is said and also thanks.
Uranus is not the only planet turning backwards. Yes, we also have Mercury escaping the retroshadow realm in its ruling sign of Virgo and your 5th (9th). At which point, all narky, snarky delays and reversals stop. And what’s left hanging moves forward. Including that radio silence. However – just a note if that’s what you’ve experienced, if that potential boo did ghost you, they did so at their peril. As if they begin broadcasting again they will probably discover you changed your mind in the interim. You’re about to enter your yearly partnership peak which will begin on the 23rd and you should do so with a very clear idea of what or who it is you want. More on this shortly.
The new Moon in Virgo (3rd), opposes Saturn in your 11th – and again, this points to enjoyment and fun with friends and your social scene. You are still in your yearly pleasure peak right up until the 22nd when the Sun enters Libra and your 6th. But ruler Venus enters its ruling house in your chart the following day and you seamlessly move from one cycle of attraction to the next. This is especially good for any of you seeking a potential partner or new job. There’s a slow feel to this. Not just cast by Saturn but by other factors. You will seek surety and stability in all connections. Gentle Taurus – read on.
The other major retrograde is Pluto’s return to Capricorn and your 9th. This is Pluto’s final endgame as once it leaves Capricorn in November, it will never return in our lifetimes. Look back at what has transformed around your religious and philosophical beliefs, your ambitions, what you set out to experience, legal matters, teaching and learning and foreign people and places. Have you found something bigger? Freedom from confinement. With Pluto and Neptune in Pisces and your 11th both at powerful anaretic (final) degrees – expect future shifting freedoms and mind opening experiences into something bigger.
Pluto, not Venus is your love planet. Why? Actually you have two, Taurus. Now I have grabbed your interest by the horns, I will explain. Pluto rules Scorpio and your 7th. So, this final Pluto visit to intentioned and serious Capricorn, will have the effect of really cementing your ideas of what you want from partners. Including the professional variety. And due to Capricorn being an earth sign like you, you won’t be in a hurry to rush into anything new. Pluto is also telling you singles that in the future when it returns to Aquarius, that friends, social connections, groups and joining in provide your best opportunities to meet someone right. Keep this in mind.
And did I say two?! In astrology we say the ancient rulerships always apply. Before Pluto was discovered, Scorpio and your 7th was ruled by Mars. So, always look to where Mars is for extra insight into partnerships and love. September sees it move into your 3rd (4th). Heating up flirtation but also boosting your confidence in all interactions – IRL and online. This is also an excellent Mars transit for business and launching ideas. And once again, you’ll have your eye on how these can enhance your stability in some way.
Friendships will become even more important to you next year as the North Node leaves Aries and your 12th and heads into Pisces and your 11th. When the Nodes shift, so does the eclipse axis. And this always begins before the Nodes actual arrival in the new signs. This month brings you the preview as the full Supermoon in Pisces is eclipsed. Again, this will bring a hidden friendship dimension to the fore especially as this eclipse factors in Saturn, Neptune and that retro Uranus.
Goals will also be impacted. And along with your desire to create permanence, you will either focus on or create goals that feed into these needs. A big and rich mid-month highlight could bring material rewards, increased income or that better offer as ruler Venus in your work sector trines Jupiter in your 2nd. Venus will enter your 7th extending one of your main yearly cycles of attraction by almost a month. Combined with Uranus backwards if you are looking for love it may be found where you would either not normally think of looking. And again, watch Pluto and Mars – in houses of movement, travel, foreign affairs, studies, your neighbourhood, sports and the great outdoors. Anyone who appears may have links to these.
This is a month of exploration, connection and enhanced awareness. But do be aware that despite the positive planetary action across the love, beauty, freedom and attraction houses in your chart, this will not fix anything that is beyond repair. Part of looking at those future needs for some of you may include the realisation that something is no longer fit for purpose and cannot be made so. If this is the conclusion you have to come to, please use the forward momentum available to you to tackle this once and for all. And if you feel any residual guilt over this, understand that you are setting both of you free to find what works for you.
The 30th brings you a superb alignment between Mars in your 3rd and Saturn in your 11th. An important connection could be made or feature on this date. Note that there may be a difference in age between you. Or the difference could be in background, life path or social strata. Understand that friendship and love don’t see those as barriers. Something lasting could be in the offing for both of you. And as your attraction cycle is in full swing, this could be someone you have drawn to you. Let them know you’re open for business, Taurus. The business of creating that new future.
In a nutshell: Seeing ourselves as other see us is a rare gift. So, don’t reject it even if it jibes with how you see yourself. That insight may come from a place of true caring. You’ll discover far from undermining you, it shores up that confidence and self worth. Apply this as your major attraction cycle for the year begins.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (1st)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (9th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (5th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (3rd)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (5th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (5th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (5th to 3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 2nd)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 2nd)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (11th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 2nd)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (6th) Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (7th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (6th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (6th to 12th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (6th to 12th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (6th)
What you no longer need falls effortlessly behind you
Define your priorities
Thank your lucky stars this September!
Big fat mutable weather – which we are most definitely in now, means situations are fast changing. Luckily you are the sign which thinks on their feet, Gemini. And yes, you are helped along by the fact ruler Mercury exits retroshadow across the 11th – 12th (depending on time zone).
When the cosmos becomes this changeable, it can put us in a position where we are pulled in more than one direction at once. It is like multiple areas of our lives are competing for our attention. And our resources. We can end up feeling we are spread too thin, unsure of what to give our priority to or simply conflicted.
You do have the ability to give yourself equally to whatever comes up. And also to set your priorities now. It will test your organisational skills however. But staying organised will prove to be your best way to handle things. Especially if the month decides to throw you a few curve balls on top of things! Uranus leaves Retro Station 12 on the 1st. This is a highly charged and important retrograde. The last complete one it will make in Taurus before it arrives in your sign next year. Then, when it retrogrades in your 1st, the direct station it makes when it returns to Taurus will be at the exact degree it heads backwards now. This is the house of your past so across this retrograde and again once Uranus heads backwards in your 1st in 2025, expect anything past its Use By Date in your life to be left behind – perhaps in a surprising and sudden way – to make room for the new.
This month’s new Moon in your 4th (3rd) opposes Saturn in your 10th. And as the Sun and Mercury move through your 4th, both will oppose Saturn and then Neptune. This may bring about that feeling I spoke of, of having to juggle priorities, be torn between more than one set of responsibilities or simply after the delays you experienced during the Mercury retro, simply now leaving you feeling that everything is happening all at once.
Others may find themselves contemplating two different paths or courses of action. If this is the case, if you can, wait until after the mutable eclipsed Supermoon in your 10th (18th). This especially applies if money or finances plays a role in what you decide. Why? Well, for starters, eclipses conceal. And while this is only a partial lunar eclipse, this tells you that you may not have the facts. Emotions may be getting in the way. And they may not be your feelings but those of others having their say.
Secondly – this involves the Moon so it is bound to have an impact on either your money or your self-worth no matter what other areas it touches on. Why? That is because the Moon rules Cancer and your money house. Ah ha! Now you get why paying attention to the Moon is so important when it comes to your cash and values. It will bring your focus onto what’s most important to you however. But avoid the two days leading up to the eclipse and the two immediately after it if you can.
Mars in your 2nd (from the 4th) can make you a little impulsive and reckless with your cash. But it can also fuel your determination to earn or gain more now. You also have Pluto back in its power money sector of your chart for a final visit. By November its left for good. But this is your chance to show how comfortable you’ve become with a having more mindset. You’re not looking for a free ride – just what you know you deserve. And chances are you’ll get it. The 30th offers a serious push towards realising an ambition.
I’m not saying that September is a hit or miss affair. Especially now Mercury is back in forward motion. One of your most stellar appearances can be made on the 14th so do be ready to serve your most show stopping version of you. This sees Jupiter trine Venus in your 5th – acting as a powerful magnet to draw either attention or that desire your way. You won’t be able to avoid standing out either. This is a day for daring. For taking a chance. Putting yourself out there. Bringing bold back. Whatever you do – go all in. This is no time for half-hearted efforts.
Jupiter not Venus, is your love planet. Why? Because it rules Sagittarius and your 7th. So, this trine involves both love planets and Venus is in its own sign where it feels most comfortable. Your 1st, 5th and 7th houses are the houses of attraction. And when one or more is activated, this is always when astrologers will advise you to go after what it is you want. You have a year long cycle of attraction happening thanks to Jupiter in your sign. But this receives an extra feel the love boost thanks to Venus and then the Sun’s arrival on the 22nd. Your creativity, children, interests in the arts, music, your creative ventures, holidays, hobbies and for some – the spotlight, are on offer. And don’t forget – next month the Sun in your 5th will trine Jupiter – making you fall in love with love all over again!
Powerful results are highlighted for you across the 19th – 21st thanks to trines between the Sun and Uranus and Pluto. Hopefully you didn’t rush in or let your feels rules your head under the eclipse. Now – allow these aspects to grab you and propel you from a dead end and out into the mainstream again. Especially if you have felt marginalised, powerless or simply relegated to the backroom when it comes to receiving what you deserve either in a relationship or your career. The Wheel is in motion again, Gemini. But chances are – you were the one to set in spinning.
Venus brings work improvements from the 23rd. If there has been tension at work – with bosses, co-workers and staff if you employ them, these should ease now. This is an excellent Venus under which to change jobs. But also to look at long term wellbeing and self-care. That works for you and goes deeper than a bubble bath and scented candles. Not that you don’t enjoy those. It’s just you’re after something deeper. And lasting.
The conclusion you may come to this Venus transit – and especially when the Sun reaches here at the end of next month, is that quick fixes and fads don’t work. The only thing that does – permanent lifestyle changes. And what’s more, you’ll be willing to make these now. Results may not be in until February. But let me tell you now – if you commit, you’ll be delighted with them. Just take it that this Venus has staying power.
You will also seek depth in any potential romantic encounters. You are the sign most associated with flirting (thank Mercury for that silver tongue). But you aren’t interested in just superficially sweet words as ruler Mercury joins the Sun in your 5th from the 26th. You need to know someone means it. And can also join you in exploring topics that take you deeper while forming those bonds.
Powerful results are highlighted for you across the 19th – 21st thanks to trines between the Sun and Uranus and Pluto. This can propel you from a dead end and out into the mainstream again. Especially if you have felt marginalised, powerless or simply relegated to the backroom when it comes to receiving what you deserve either in a relationship or your career.
Now – give yourself permission to fully embrace what your yearly pleasure peak is serving. Aside from the bump at the time of the eclipse, September should bring you the opportunity to tackle a couple of outstanding issues once and for all, opportunities to face facts with your money – and in doing that set yourself up to avoid pitfalls in future, and also a heart-starting solution or win. The 30th has the Sun and ruler Mercury conjunct in your 5th and Mars trine Saturn in your 10th. This adds the recognition and rewards factor in. The Wheel is in motion again, Gemini. But chances are – you were the one to set in spinning.
In a nutshell: Big, fat mutable weather created by Jupiter and other planets links you to big, fat love and luck experiences. Mid-month you could see a break, opportunity or desire come spinning out of stardust towards you. Attraction is your superpower – as is your ability to rock changes this September.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (12th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (8th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (4th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (2nd)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (4th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (4th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (4th to 2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 1st)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 1st)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (10th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 1st)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (5th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (6th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (5th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (5th to 11th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (5th to 11th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (5th)
Stop the spin and step into progress
Embrace the power of love – all over again
Your yearly pleasure peak begins
If you want off that treadmill, Cancer – this is your month. If life has been all hamster wheel and no variety, the universe is about to switch it up for you. This may come as a welcome relief. It may be you have been unwittingly made prisoner by the dull and repetitive. It can happen to anyone. And often, we don’t even realise the rut we’ve been dragged into. Until well, that rut resembles a Grand Canyon of unremitting boredom and flatline days. Same old, same old.
You have two ways out this month if this sounds like an old familiar refrain. And this is ahead of true freedom for you which is happening next year. In 2025, you’ll receive a visit from Jupiter for the first time in 12 years! For some of you, this will be the first time as fully fledged adults you get to experience Jupiter’s lifting of barriers and opportunity creating expansion. 2025 brings a new karmic cycle and talking of hamster wheels, an opportunity to step free of the karmic wheel as the Nodes move from Aries and Libra (your 10th and 4th) and into Pisces and Virgo (your 9th and 3rd). And this 18-19 year cycle brings hints and whispers of what it holds for you this September (more shortly!). And again, this may be the first time you will have danced with your fate as an adult.
Uranus is the first planet to assist in propelling you out of that rut as it heads backwards in your 11th.
Pick up the threads of your social life. And look to your goals. Pluto returns to your 7th for one final relationship adjustment (2nd). It will remain here until November when it will exit for good. Never to return in your lifetime. Keep in mind that you are now under the influence of two retrograde anaretic planets – Pluto in your 7th and Neptune in your 9th. A powerful double act that will allow you to identify barriers to freedom and forward motion which you may not have been aware of before.
This month’s new Moon in your 3rd (3rd) opposes Saturn in your 9th. So, this honestly isn’t about escapism but moving ahead with a structured plan. The next two weeks are the most promising of the year so far for you when it comes to either drawing one up or implementing it. For launching or rebooting projects and plans, for applications, writing, teaching and your online life. But again, all backed by a solid strategy. And understanding what you have to work with and harnessing that more effectively.
Hello, confidence! Mars does not ask permission. It simply does. Its arrival in your sign (4th) fires up your wow factor and self-assertiveness. You’re not looking for anyone’s permission when it comes to any changes you now want to make. This will be an all-important Mars transit for you. This is due to the fact we have an upcoming Mars retrograde. It will begin when it has moved into Leo and your 2nd. And see it returning to your sign in January 2025 and head direct again at 17 degrees Cancer in February. So, you may initiate, pause, take stock and then move forward again. It will be a process rather than one bold move.
You may translate that new fierce into bold outer appearance and branding adjustments. Red may feature – even a splash here and there. And even if you normally shy away from this. There’s always a shade that suits everyone. Burgundy, brick, carmine, cherry, rose, terracotta – it doesn’t have to be fire truck red or crimson! Use it to broadcast your surging self-assurance.
Satisfaction around family, the home front or something you set in motion in the past is on offer with the Venus in your 4th/Jupiter trine on the 15th. It occurs three days before the eclipse in your 9th and four before the surprising Sun/Uranus trine. It’s a heads up to expect something that frees you from that dull-go-round or limitations, Cancer. Be alert now.
As the Moon is your ruler, all lunar eclipses bring a watershed emotional experience for you. Even partial ones like the see with the Harvest Supermoon in your 9th (18th). This eclipse is hitting Neptune and Saturn in here. As well as glancing off Jupiter in your 12th. Yes, this can have the effect of delivering something you didn’t see coming. This is your house of long distance travel. So, even though when this eclipse happens, Mercury is now very much free and clear of the retro-shades, if you are heading anywhere on this day, please reinstate the retro rules just as a safety net.
Your 9th is also your house of learning and higher education. Students heading to university may be faced with unexpected changes. To anything from courses, to where they will reside or even the institution itself. You could switch or change for instance. Places, courses, focuses. You’re also re-evaluating where you are going in terms of your life journey. And this can only lead to the next step on your road to freedom as the Sun moves into your 4th and everything Cancer-centric on the 22nd.
It does so with Venus in here for just one more day before it too moves – into your 5th and beginning your yearly pleasure and attraction cycle a month early. This also has the effect of delivering the options or solutions you have been seeking when it comes to escaping the hum-drum. The thing is – the changes you make are heart-centered and don’t involve sacrificing what’s closest to your tender heart. However, just ensure you are not in a hurry to make them until the eclipse energy is passed.
Get ready to stand out, to engage in something playful and above all, feel that restrictions have been lifted. The 30th sees Mars in your sign trine Saturn in your 9th. Saturn is your love planet. It also rewards for staying the course, playing by the rules and sometimes yes, for sucking up the hard lessons. You’ve done all that – and more, Cancer. Here’s your escape route which could appear in the form of a better offer, a move, a mind expanding journey (real or metaphorical), a reward you’ve earned or even a person offering you an opportunity. Take the exit to good times.
In a nutshell: Mars in your 1st, Venus in your 5th and Pluto’s return to your 7th mean all your houses of attraction are super-charged this month, Cancer. Throw in an eclipsed Supermoon in your 9th and cast that net wide. You’ll snag something bigger by next month.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (11th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (7th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (3rd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (1st)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (3rd to 1st)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 12th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 12th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (9th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 12th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (4th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (5th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (4th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (4th to 10th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (4th to 10th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (4th)
Get real about the bottom line
Balance the books
Leave the drama karma behind you
Karma drama ding dong! Around that ka-ka-ka ching of your money and your bank account, Leo. Yes, we all have money karma. Whether we know it or not. Often this is family karma. We can inherit our attitude towards money from our parents or caregivers. And yes, in certain cases we inherit their money as well. Most of us however are not trust fund babies or children of billionaires. But even if we are – we still have money karma.
You are one of the zodiac’s most generous signs. And even that is linked to your money karma. Not what you give but why you give it. The reasons are part of your karmic balance sheet. September hands you an opportunity to ask yourself the question: If money talks – what is it trying to tell me?
Yes, it may not be what you want to hear. As may be the need to get your money house in order. But if you do you will feel better – and dare I say it? – richer for it. The bottom line, where the money goes, on what and why, speaks volumes. Is this something you know you should do but avoid? Or is it simply overwhelming? The new Moon in your money zone (3rd) opposes Saturn in your 8th of shared assets and resources.
It appears just two days after the Uranus station and retrograde in your status and career sector. This house also rules the traditional professions (accounting) – and is Saturn’s domain in your personal chart. So, if you feel this is something you cannot tackle by yourself, this new Moon tells you to seek out qualified help. If not a qualified accountant there are plenty of on-line resources to help with money management and debt advice.
You are assisted with dealing with details thanks to Pluto which returns to your 6th for a final visit this month. Now – back to your generous soul. We don’t want you to change your open hearted, generosity of spirit. If you did – well, you wouldn’t be golden, glowing you. You give without an agenda and without reserve. Not just gifts but other more lasting and sterling things – the preciousness of forgiveness and love for instance. Your time. Your support. As well as wanting to please those you adore with the perfect fitting present. Or simply paying for them to join you in shining good times.
But have you gone too far? Is the balance sheet no longer that? Worse – are you gifting too much to those who take this for granted or ungrateful? And what you are ‘buying’ with this? Again, you don’t gift with an agenda or necessarily expecting anything in return, Leo. But September will see you examining your subconscious motivations behind your generosity. Are you buying love or friendship for instance? Because you and I know those are free if they are real. What may lie behind all this is your own feelings of not being good enough and needing to buy acceptance. Take it that this will be a theme you’ll confront between the new Moon and the eclipsed full Supermoon in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th on the 18th. More shortly.
We have Mercury clearing retroshadow in your 2nd from the 12th which again favours looking at your income and also plans for increasing it. But let’s talk other retrogrades which are all-important this month before we talk about what your ruler the Sun is blessing you with. Uranus is your love planet. Yes, its a strange but true fact. That’s because Uranus rules Aquarius and your 7th house. It can bring sudden and surprising shifts in your love life. And your status. Across personal and professional partnerships. It retrogrades this month in Taurus and your 10th – the final full retrograde in this sign/house in your chart before it heads into Gemini and your 11th next year. What occurs during this retrograde will be touched on again when Uranus retrogrades for the first time in its new sign. So, pay attention to the changes.
Pluto is back in your 6th of work and wellness for its final visit before it quits for good in November. Never to return in your lifetime. This may also touch on those financial themes I touched on earlier. If not yours, then those of your spouse or partner if you have one. This month’s eclipsed full Moon may reawaken memories of something deeper within you. There may be something you have not completely closed, healed or dealt with. Something may trigger a buried or suppressed issue. And its intensity may surprise you. You also may have written this off as something trivial and you now see it is anything but. Do take your time this time around to process this. And if you need to talk about it, do so.
As the eclipse energy builds and then wanes afterwards, look at what has ‘washed ashore’ in terms of shared income, taxes, inheritances, marital assets, loans, mortgages etc. And what now needs to change – once and for all. All eclipses whether lunar or solar, involve your ruler the Sun. So, like the Cancerians next door, they affect you profoundly. If you need to end something or place limits on it, you’ll do so thanks to the eclipse’s (and the Sun’s) proximity to not just Uranus, but also Saturn and Neptune. And do gain clarity now as to the true state of your finances – without fear, judgement or guilt. Because the Moon rules your 12th and the house of spirituality – where Mars is now in residence, you will have more courage than usual when it comes to tackling those spiritual truths that emerge. And yes, money is both a karmic and a spiritual experience.
Keep a note on your dreams, your intuition, signs, symbols and portents. If you need answers – ask for them. And if you have been facing challenges lately – use this eclipse energy by asking ‘What can I learn from this?’ – rather than ‘Why is this happening to me?’. This takes you from victim to empowerment.
Don’t think of this as Serious September however. Your ability to increase your earnings and make gains is actually better than usual. And this is thanks not just to the Sun and Mercury in your 2nd right up until the 22nd but also Venus enhancing ideas and communications in your 3rd. The Sun hands you more bright ideas and the halo effect on anything you say, share, send out as the equinox sees it cross into Libra.
I’ve saved the best for last, however. And that is the mid-month alignment between Venus in your 3rd and Jupiter in your wish-fulfilment 11th (15th). This could see one of the main goals you set yourself when Jupiter entered this sector of your chart come within reach. Or the means to get it now abundantly and satisfyingly clear for you. Just checking – you DID make your three wishes, Leo? If not – there’s no better day to craft them. And yes, add a new one if you just ticked one off that list. Just be aware that when the universe seeks to grant our desire, it can send what (or who) fits the bill. And it can look a little different to what we expected. Again, watch for the 19th when your ruler trines Uranus for what that cosmic delivery system sends your way. Wonderful, made-to-measure love may not look like you think it should.
Venus sends you into domestic deity mode when it moves into your 4th (23rd). And if you are now looking at better days when it comes to your money, do have a long term plan around what you want to invest it in rather than simply frittering it away. The Sun and Mercury’s opposition to the North Node in your 9th (29th), relays another karmic chapter. Which is freedom springs from lessons learned around security, budgeting and having your financial ducks in a row. It’s not boring. It’s cosmic cash at your disposal and karmic credit, Leo.
In a nutshell: All eclipses are big deals for you, Leo as one way or another, they involve your ruler the Sun. Pay close attention to what touches on your money, income, assets, possessions, loans and shared resources under the eclipsed Supermoon in your ‘other’ money house. Focus on the big bucks – not the small change.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (10th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (6th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (2nd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (12th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (2nd to 12th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 11th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 11th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (8th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 11th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (3rd) Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (4th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (3rd)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (3rd to 9th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (3rd to 9th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (3rd)
Take it big and bold
Attend to unfinished business in partnerships
You know what you want – and how to get it!
New beginnings vie with a longer term cycle now. Are you willing and ready to release what no longer works for you? If you cling to something which has been lived out or try to control the outcome, what will happen now is that the universe will take matters into its own hands. Better to surrender with grace than wait for this to happen.
None of this should come as a surprise, Virgo. The writing has been on the wall for a while. Something must move forward that is sure, certain and emphatically right for you (and the other party). Or you need to do the adult thing and just acknowledge you’re done without rancor or judgment.
You’re in your cycle of fresh starts and dynamic attraction with the Sun in your sign until the 22nd. What’s more – you’re making up for lost time as ruler Mercury returns on the 9th and escapes the retroshadows on the 12th. The new Moon in your 1st (3rd) opposes Saturn. Which tells me that you have used your Mercury retrograde wisely. Especially when it comes to setting something new in motion. You’ve taken away learnings from your past, shed much of what is no longer needed, and this new, aligned, svelte-thinking and more self-assured you now moves forward backed by refined knowing of what works for you – and what doesn’t.
If you need to let others know this – I will give you key dates for getting your point across shortly. It’s not just the year ahead you are poised to explore. But you are perched on the edge of a longer term destiny cycle. The beginning of which will be marked by the eclipsed Supermoon in your 7th (18th). And this involves the Nodes – those spinning points of destiny in our charts.
The North Node will enter Pisces in January 2025. Before the Nodes move from one sign to the other – shifting the eclipse axis as they do, we get an opportunity to deal with debris and clear up old karma as we see an eclipse occur ahead of the sign changes. For you, this will be a full stop or a situation concerning a partnership with drags hidden emotions or even issues, out of the closet. This can also involve something or someone that has it roots back 18-19 years ago when the North Node was last in Pisces and your 7th. Or even further back than that. But if you are looking for clues – and old enough, then time travel is where you will find them.
Ahead of you in 2025 you have the big switch not just of the Nodes with the South Node in your 1st, but Saturn and Neptune exiting your 7th and moving into Aries and your 8th. Change will be hanging in the air. This may involve a major financial or relationship decision. One way or the other – you will commit or else pivot. But you will take your time to arrive at your decision. As usual, you will examine the facts and facets before making that move.
Anything that prevents your evolution will be cleared away as Uranus makes its final retrograde in Taurus and your 9th (1st). Plus this month also sees Pluto return to Capricorn and your 5th (2nd) before it returns to Aquarius and your 6th for good in November. Clever Virgos (and I know there is no other kind), will also be aware that all their houses of attraction are activated – your 1st, 5th and 7th – by both eclipses and slow moving retrograde outer planets.
You are being subjected to what I call ‘In and Out’ astrology transits. Planets at the final or first degree of a sign/house – 29 and 0 – these are the ‘anaretic’ degrees and also when we feel the planet’s influence the most. Do check your chart for Virgo factors at 29 degrees and also 25-26 degrees (the eclipse and Uranus) – not just of your sign but any. If you have them, then the influence – especially of the eclipse, will be profound and unmissable.
Your precise and questioning Virgo soul can do the math. You have Neptune retrograde at 29 degrees of your sign at the start of the month and it is impacted by the lunar eclipse of the 18th. You also have Pluto at 29 Capricorn and your 11th of goals and the future. Uranus stations at 27 degrees – and it entangled with the eclipse energy. This is the end and the beginning – both at the same time.
Those key dates I promised you – when attraction and partnerships, goals and people, love, friendship and romance, children and creativity will all be entangled with you deciding which to unravel – the 18th (Mercury opp Saturn) – information comes to light. The 19th a surprising direction or option makes itself known (Sun trine Uranus). While the 21st – Sun opp Neptune and trine Pluto, clears away any remaining illusions or doubts. Across the 25th – 26th – when Mercury opposes Neptune and trines Pluto, you’ll know within and with clear certainty, which path to take. While the Mars/Saturn trine of the 30th hands you a bold, take no prisoners approach. And also leaves no-one doubting the fact that you are not 100% serious.
However, defer those decisions until after the eclipse. And across the two days leading up to it and immediately afterwards. This is the Harvest Moon and a supermoon. A partial eclipse tells you there is still a missing piece of the puzzle. And you need to wait until it is revealed. Because this is also in your house of partners, despite this being a powerful attraction cycle, this window needs avoiding when it comes to seeking someone new. Or even answering that ‘Wassup?’ from your ex that creeps into your DM’s. Because you are poised on the edge of such a powerful new cycle, you do need to be asking: Do I want more of the same? Or something entirely different?
This is also the date to be open to hearing what your partner has to say. Be open, not defensive. Even if something that say may be difficult to hear. Anything that surfaces between you does so in order to be resolved and cleared away. Don’t sit on your own feelings or bottle things up either. But also don’t be critical, unkind or expect perfection. Nobody is. That includes you.
The 22nd and day of the equinox has the Sun leave your sign for your 2nd. Ruler Mercury will follow on the 26th. While Venus brings love talk and also hands you the gift of storytelling, diplomacy and words that captivate in your ideas house from the 23rd. If you are want to launch that project or plan, apply for a new job or promotion or simply raise that social media presence – now is your time.
Yes, for three weeks of this month, you are at your most potent when it comes to setting the new in motion. Aside from the eclipse window. And as we head into October, you should see an increase in your self-assurance. Which has a ripple effect on your money, income and how others see and value you. Look to where new ways of doing things or potential new beginnings are starting to appear. They show you just how the next 18-20 months can unfold for you. Releasing often means letting ourselves go. Giving yourself permission to leave something behind or explore the magic of cutting away what holds back our existing potential in love, life and our work. Don’t give in to struggle or in trying to maintain to status quo if you are faced with change. The deeper the let go, the more you relax into manifesting the new.
In a nutshell: Time to initiate those plans but with an eye on the long term, Virgo. This is especially true when it comes to partnerships. That past, present or future opposite number. Your ride or die. The eclipse in your 7th this month is all about that dynamic duo, duet, double act or even duel. A new joint future dynamic is on offer.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (9th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (5th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (1st)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (11th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (1st)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (1st)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (1st to 11th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 10th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 10th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (7th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 10th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (2nd) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (3rd)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (2nd)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (2nd to 8th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (2nd to 8th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (2nd)
Do the work and mind the details
Mid month adds the magic touch
Happy birthday balancing act, Libra!
Your pre-birthday flight checks up until the 22nd when the Sun brings balance and light into your world, include taking care of everyday business. Yes, I know this sounds boring – especially as ruler Venus in your sign until the 23rd has you fixated on amping up the fun and attraction factor. But honestly, Libra – if you do the work you’ll thank me later when you feel your best and also clear that schedule of the must-dos so you can enjoy the wanna-dos.
The business of simply being will become a big focus for you in 2025. As well as work, studies, wellness and pets if they are part of your lifestyle. That is due to the North Node leaving your 7th for your 6th. So, the South Node exits your sign and enters Virgo and your 12th simultaneously.
When the Nodes change signs, the eclipse axis also shifts. And just prior to this occurring we see the first eclipse appear on the new axis. This arrives with the full Supermoon in Pisces and your 6th (18th). You may feel the energy building two days out and it may take another two to disperse. If you do, this is your cue to slow down, initiate some self-care and become aware of what your body is saying.
This is a partial lunar eclipse – so not a full concealment. It also does not impact you as much as other signs. It hits Uranus in your 8th however and this does point to changes around your work or studies. There’s more in your Full Eclipsed Supermoon Moonscope.
Rise and time to shine! Ahead of the Sun’s arrival and the equinox, unfurl yourself and let the light grace those wings, Libra! The universe sends its searchlight your way starting on the 15th – which for many of you could turn into the best day of 2024. When everything seems to be touched with a magic glow for you. Ruler Venus simply enhances your natural allure on this day. And its trine to Jupiter means you are not only on a charm offensive, but have global reach now. Luck receives extra momentum with every action you take. Or effort you make to reach out and put yourself out there in some way.
The cycle of seeking you out picks up its determination to show you off and highlight you as the Sun arrives (22nd). The year pivots and as this is the most powerful cycle of attraction that comes your way, so do use this energy to look at attracting what corrects any kind of imbalance in your life. Yes – in other words, its okay and also in line with your new cycle to focus on what you don’t have enough of! Love, money, opportunities, wellness.
Do align these to what you most value. For instance, it’s counterproductive to want that promotion at work if one of your Big Five values is time. If you get promoted, chances are there will be more demands on your time in line with your new responsibilities. That doesn’t mean your goal of earning more money isn’t possible. Just that you may need to look at alternative ways to attain this which hands you the extra time you value. Now you get it! Ruler Venus in its ruling 2nd and powerhouse Scorpio from the 23rd, enabling you to align wants and values and fuse them for powerful results.
Time to show out, be brilliant, breathtaking and brazen in your approach and with your image. This will prove to be the catalyst for what you draw to you. Look and feel your best and do make any adjustments you need to in order to do that. You will be shared, seen and shown off now. You are the binge-watchable show. So, act like the lead in it. If you are seeking followers, collaborations or yes – that ride or die, show off the best and most vibrant version of you.
The year ahead will see Uranus in your 9th freeing you once and for all from anything that restricts your growth and evolution. Lucky and benefient Jupiter in your career and ambitions sector further boosting your image, and the start of Saturn and Neptune’s transit through your 7th removing illusions between you and 24 carat partnership potential. There’s already a fresh destiny in play by the month’s end as the Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node in your 7th. Again – it’s all about bringing the balance. And attracting in what’s missing.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus conspires with Jupiter in your 9th sending pre-birthday benefits your way. This can bring opportunity, solutions and a release for many of you. Don’t dismiss the power of small adjutsments in other areas. But with everything you do – bring that touch of drama. Time to step back into the spotlight – and this time stay there.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (8th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (4th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (12th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (10th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (12th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (12th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (12th to 10th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 9th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 9th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (6th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 9th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (1st) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (2nd)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12thto 8th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (1st)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (1st to 7th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (1st to 7th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (1st)
Time stops, everything drops, boom boom boom.
Vision of love, heavens above.
M People. Sight for Sore Eyes
Boom! Are you ready for a surprise, Scorpio? There’s a big manifestation lesson with a touch of weird science happening in your chart this month, Scorpio. September is set to show you that what you focus on – be it good or bad, appears. One way or another, it teaches you the power of your thoughts. But it also shows you that consciously directing them brings you the desired results.
Now, this isn’t some blame and shame twisted new age message that says you attracted the negative into your life via your mindset. Because nobody can be upbeat all the time. And we are also now becoming aware of ‘Toxic Positivity’ and the effect that has. And nobody consciously attracts in life’s disappointments, losses and challenges. There is nothing you have done wrong when these occur. Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad. Your mindset has nothing to do with this. But if your thoughts deliver worries or constantly keep you in fear of a negative outcome, then the universe matches your expectations. Just as it matches positive ones with results.
A prime example of this (as Uranus stations in your 7th), would be your own insecurities in a relationship. You wonder what your partner sees in you. Why did they choose you when clearly, there are better people out there? Thinner, hotter, smarter, more successful – the list goes on and on. Soon we convince ourselves that it can only be a matter of time before they wise up to the fact there is a far better deal out there. And as our fears around this increase, we become one of two things: distanced to buffer ourselves from the impending loss, or more and more in need of reassurance. Over the long term, either will drive our partner away and hey presto – what we most feared would happen, did.
There’s no better time than to consciously direct your thoughts towards goals that represent freedom on some level for yourself. And also your self-worth. When the latter is rock solid, we usually stop worrying about outcomes. You know modern day ruler Pluto is all about power. It returns to your 3rd of communication. And the realm of your thoughts as this is the house which rules your mind on the 2nd. This is Pluto’s final visit to this sector of your chart in this lifetime. By November – it’s finished and re-enters your 4th for good.
The good stuff? So much win happening! You know what you deserve now when it comes to what you receive in relationships. Love is and can be the surprise twist that ambushes you when you least expect it if you are single and seeking. And as for that creativity – ker-pow! Those out-of-the-box ideas and next level elevations continue to flow without stopping. That’s the Uranus/Pluto/Neptune effect for you across your 3rd/5th and 7th houses.
Although your yearly career peak has passed for now, you will continue with the momentum that was created last month. And you will get a second chance to claim that ambitious prize during the end of this year and on into next. For this month and right up until the equinox, you are enjoying you most sparkling social circulation season as the Sun and Mercury direct transit Virgo and your 11th. Again, this is another opportunity for you to stalk your thoughts and direct them towards what you want to attract, have and experience. Because as both move through this house they oppose Saturn and Neptune in your 5th. Saturn is all about the reals and Neptune rules the dream. The way to bring the latter about opens up. And it does this via who you encounter and connect with.
Dates to watch and also be open are the goal assisting new Moon opposition Saturn (3rd), the 8th, 18th and 21st. The 21st especially is a powerful date for you as it sees the Sun oppose Neptune and trine ruler Pluto simultaneously. Powerful results can be yours. We also need to look at the eclipsed harvest Supermoon in your 5th (18th). Another powerful day for you. If you are a parent, work with or are connected in some way to children and young people, you may have to step in and act as a guide for them. They may need direction from you. Do not take risks around contraception if you are sexually active around this time if becoming a parent is not on your agenda. And you may want to steer clear of the swipe or actively seeking a mate around this time as well. They may not be all they appear to be.
However, this date may bring you true channelled inspiration when it comes to those projects. And loved-up bliss for settleds or those in an established relationship. If you do happen to encounter someone new under this eclipse – I am not saying don’t go there – just that you should take things very slowly. More in your Eclipsed Full Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope. This eclipse also precedes the movement of the North Node from Aries and your 6th to Pisces and your 5th. It also triggers both Saturn and Neptune as well as Uranus. A brief, high-flying kite aspect will form which you can use to take you higher. In either personal relationships or spiritual and creative projects.
There’s also your old ruler Mars adding to your desire to explore something new this month. You won’t take kindly to restrictions, confinement or staying home with it now in your 9th. You may also notice you have a low boredom threshold during this transit. You’ll seek out new experiences and have a lust to explore new ideas and beliefs. Extending your social circle and meeting new people is one way to meet this need. You need stimulation, excitement and something to capture your mind at the same time.
Those willing to explore spiritual themes will enchant and also provide you with the brain candy you’re seeking as the Sun moves into your 12th at the equinox. You will still be in the mood to socialise. But you will be very selective about the company you keep now. No-one jarring or who loves to create drama in other words! There may be some goodbyes ahead as the Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node. But the 26th promises to be wonderful for friendships and also goal setting.
Your personal attraction peak will be off to an early start this year thanks to the arrival of Venus in your sign (23rd). If you have been practising honing those thoughts like a mental ninja, this is when you will truly begin to see what this brings you. Begin to move that attention towards your image, look, body, appearance, style and brand. Ensure that the outer you – IRL and online projects the right message. And yes, do make any changes now that seem right as this is your relaunch window.
You are one of the signs which ends the month with a firework burst of activity and confidence thanks to the trine between old ruler Mars and Saturn (30th). Pulling away from the past and leaving something that no longer works behind you sends a clear signal that you are ready for something new. Don’t get too hung up on what that something is or looks like. Just be ready for a vision. One that you started with but which the universe added to. Embrace the surprise.
In a nutshell: Both your rulers ancient and modern are on the move this month. Mars enters Cancer and your 9th. While ruler Pluto returns for a final visit to your 3rd. An eclipse in your 5th points to the fact that what you want for yourself is changing. Venus in your sign allows you to make changes to attract exactly that.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (7th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (3rd)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (11th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (9th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (11th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (11th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (11th to 9th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 8th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 8th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (5th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 8th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (12th) Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (1st)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (12th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (12th to 6th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (12th to 6th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (12th)
How much power do you now KNOW you have?
Take that step
Love is more than a person. It’s a what and a where too!
Cupid goes crazy mid-month. Firing off arrows and possibly hitting more than one target your heart was eyeing up. The 15th has to be one of the most starry dates of the month for you. This has Venus in your sector of friends and the future trine ruler Jupiter in your 7th. It has a little bit of wish fulfilment attached to it. And reminds you that people who need people are truly the luckiest people in the world.
Don’t limit yourself to thinking this is purely about romantic. This is about targets of desire. Your goals and dreams. But everything is linked to others so that’s where the arrows get aimed. Naturally, this can be a romantic partnership. But this can also bring other opportunities your way. Again, they manifest via the human supply chain. Do push your luck out there as well as you. The universe wants to answer a desire you have. But you do have to engage fully in the process.
Any plans you put in motion, those steps you take to make something happen, get that extra infusion of magical potential and attraction added. Push ahead. Your intentions also matter. Set them to ‘Serious’ starting with the new Moon in your 10th (3rd). It opposes Saturn in your sector of ambitions, worldly success and status. Saturn is all about boss moves. And knowing what these are. Prepare between this new Moon and the eclipse to find yourself in a position where you are called on to make some. And deliver in ways that back up those intentions.
Finding yourself in the spotlight in some way could form part of this. Heading up that team or presentation. Even being in the media. Others could seek you out for your expertise. This is also your house which rules the status of your partner. And your relationship status as well as your job title. Yes, I know I said this wasn’t purely about long lasting love. But if that is what you’re seeking, this is the month to go looking for it. Wear those T&C’s on your sleeve – not your wild beating heart, Sag. You’re calm, considered and certain. And you know the long term implications of those choices under this new Moon. All this adds up to making the correct one. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.
Yes, someone may echo your own free spirit. But if you are up for the long ride and they’re not – don’t be diverted purely by sexy charisma and hotness – so enticing and like catnip once Venus is in your 12th (from the 23rd). You both need to want the same thing. Otherwise – remember what I said. Ruler Jupiter has more than one arrow to fire off. Allow it to aim for a better target when it comes to your long term plans. And do have faith in its ability to deliver this for you.
Pluto returns to your 2nd (2nd) for one final visit. By November it leaves for Aquarius and your 3rd – never to set foot in Capricorn again in your lifetime. What have you learned since 2008 about your cash, money, income, possessions? And your values? Pluto rules power. This has been about understanding the power you have over your money – not so much about the amount. And yes, the power to decide what you will or won’t sell out, trade or compromise over. Pluto guards the vault. That can contain gold like Fort Knox. Or it can contain our fears and secrets. What’s in yours? You have the combination to unlock it. So – this is your final opportunity to confront it, count it and use it different.
Matters close to home demand you look closely. Family, those you live with or who share your space, children or just where you feel that port where adventures begin and end needs to be, are themes that will surface this month. Ahead of the eclipsed full Supermoon in your 4th and the nodal shift next year, dates to watch aside from the eclipse are the 8th, 21st and 25th when you will be asked to take the reins on a home or lifepath matter and correct any drift.
The Nodes will move in January 2025 – from your 5th/11th (Aries and Libra), houses to your 4th/10th (Pisces/Virgo). Before they actually move, we always see an eclipse appear on the new nodal axis. The partially eclipsed Harvest Supermoon (18th) provides a slightly obscured preview of what’s ahead. Family ties, emotional ties to a place, roots and relocations are questions hanging over you now. Something is unclear – but only partially so.
Parents, roomies, family members, those you live with, may also involve you in dramas and decisions. Take things slowly, Sag. You also have Mars in Cancer and your 8th influencing this. Plus this eclipse takes a swipe at ruler Jupiter. All this tells you – breathe and try to avoid an immediate emotional response.
Ahead of the Nodal shift, look back 19-20 years or beyond that in the same increments. That’s where you’ll find your answers. The eclipse will also trigger a brief kite – are you flying away from or towards something? Look to too much rolling stone behaviour. Is it time to find your place in the world? And commit to it? Here’s where you get to work that control and influence. More in your Eclipsed Full Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
After the intensity comes the release! The Sun enters your social sector at the time of the equinox. Bringing you support, friendship and a welcome outlet if anything has become too confined on the home front. Wait for the new Moon in here next month to set those new goals however. Venus in your 12th (23rd) sends creative and intuitive whispers your way. This acts as your must. And also can see the return of someone or something you loved from your past. The 29th-30th offers superb opportunities for invitations, socialising, goal pathways and romance. Home can also come in the form of the people, groups and communities we feel we belong to and with. Ease yourself out back into the flow.
In a nutshell: Focus on creating that safe haven for yourself under this month’s eclipse in your 4th. It’s not just what protects you and gives you that emotional recharge. It’s where the adventures begin and where you return. That safe harbour sets you up to experience something bigger. Live the love – don’t just dream it, Sag.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (6th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (2nd)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (10th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (8th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (10th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (10th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (10th to 8th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 7th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 7th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (4th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 7th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (11th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (12th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (11th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (11th to 5th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (11th to 5th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (11th)
Power = confidence
Green light, red light, green light – slow your journey
You mean it – but does the other party?
Honey – I’m home!! Pluto returns to your sign (2nd), for what is its final visit this lifetime. When it exits in November for Aquarius and your 2nd house, it won’t be back. And yes, it may have felt as if the Terminator has been in residence since 2008 when this cycle began. Especially when it comes to your identity and relationships.
Complete rebirth has been its agenda. And also the growing realisation you are more adept and powerful when it comes to bringing into being what you want in your life than you previously imagined. Pluto should have shown you where you have control in your life. It’s all been about understanding this. And in coming to understand that you need to look way beyond the outer you to what lies beneath. Drilling down into your own psyche and all probing deep into the strata of all the areas in your life has handed you the insight into all the hows and whys of its interconnectivity. And yes, you discovered the fulcrum within this where change happens. All this has played out with Uranus in your 5th. Which is also now beginning its endgame in here.
You will feel free-wheelin’ progress about to be made. But you may put pedal to the metal, only to slow again. That’s because while the 3rd is a wonderful day to set something in motion due to the new Moon in your 9th opposing ruler Saturn in your 3rd, it occurs while Mercury is not yet clear of retroshadow. Travel, learning, teaching and exploration may feature. You may also wonder what you imagined prevented you from trying or doing something in the past? Possibly simply self-created barriers. Nothing will deter you now however. But do prepare for stops and starts on this highway. But also know that after the
Mars in your 7th is preparing for a retrograde. Its another ‘I’ll be back’ transit happening. Again, this will touch on partnerships – past, present and potential. As well as your own wants and needs within them. Although Pluto exits your sign of keeps in November, often when we have experienced a powerful Pluto transit (and there is none more powerful than Pluto in your sign), we are left with what I call ‘working with residue’ for a short time afterwards.
That’s what Mars back and forth across your 8th/7th houses allows you to do. Adjust and yes, fully embrace your own power to bring about the kind of changes you need to make. All in the name of relating first to yourself better. And the knock-on effect this has in improving your relationships with others.
Let’s talk about the Moon for a bit as it plays an all-important role not just this month, but in the year ahead and actually, for you – all the time. But you are about to feel the pull of this even more in the next 18-20 months. For other signs this month, I have discussed rulers of houses in your chart based on Sun Sign astrology and how we should always look to the ruler of the sign for clues if we want to know what is happening in that area of our lives. Your 7th house is Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. So, the ruler of lasting love and partnerships for you is always the Moon. And this is what you need to look to always for timing when it comes to relationships.
So, when we have a shift of the Nodes and any lunar eclipse for you – no matter what house this occurs in it will touch on relationships in some way. 2025 sees the North Node move from Aries and your 4th house and into Pisces and your 3rd. This also takes place just before ruler Saturn and Neptune begin their incursion into Aries. As a result of this, this will impact on the home you share with a spouse or partner as well. This is also linked to karma set in motion 18-19 years ago. If you are old enough, do think back to decisions you made around partnerships back then. Agreements entered into (this is your house of contracts).
Before the Nodes actually change signs, we always see an eclipse occur on the new eclipse axis – so we are now on the 3rd/9th axis in your chart – Pisces and Virgo. All eclipses involve the Sun and the Moon. Therefore – all of them are important for you just like Leo which is ruled by the Sun and of course, Cancer. The first eclipse to take place, does so on the 18th – a partial lunar eclipse chiming with the full harvest Supermoon in Pisces.
This Moon will pass over ruler Saturn and impact on Neptune. It will align to Uranus in your 5th and for a brief period of time, form an ascending kite aspect with the promise of discussions or communications which liberate on some level. Just remember as with all eclipses – something is hidden or covered up. In this instance, is this what is not being discussed or being said between you and another? Is it time to table this? If you are talking – literallly about anything at all and this includes business and work agreements, collaborations, orders, contracts etc – do ensure both sides are absolutely clear on the T&C’s. Don’t be afraid to repeat as necessary. And if you can, avoid actually signing on the dotted line across two days either side of this eclipse.
Under this eclipse, pay close attention to subtext, body language, and all nonverbal cues. Your intuition is an expert translator with these. Don’t ignore it, please. Yes, you say what you mean with total integrity. But check within if you feel someone is equally genuine or if they are just saying what they think you want to hear.
Both your houses of travel and learning are implicated as well. Because of this, even though Mercury is past its retroshadow by the time this eclipse takes place, you should reinstate the retro rules briefly if travelling or revising. Pro tip when dealing with the Nodes: Always use the position of True Node when looking at where the Nodes are in your chart. (True and Mean Nodes are calculated differently).
The position of the South Node represents our default position and persistent patterns. The North Node is where we can release these. They may feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar. But also exciting. New ideas and places will provide you with opportunities and solutions in 2025. So, starting with this eclipse, make a conscious choice to head towards the untried and what’s outside your usual comfort zone. Especially when it comes to communication this time around. There’s more to discuss in your Full Eclipsed Supermoon Scope in Pisces forecast.
Fabulous dates for assertive, bold, boundary-busting actions backed by conscious weighing up of the facts are scattered throughout the month. Look to the 8th (Sun opp Saturn), 19th (Sun trine Uranus), 21st – Sun opp Neptune plus Sun trine Pluto as well as the 25th/26th which has Mercury trine Pluto and oppose Neptune just prior to entering Libra and your 10h.
The equinox sees the Sun move into your 10th bringing you your yearly rewards and attainment cycle. I don’t need now to give you advice on cultivating a serious mien, of being boss and delivering or serving up your best game. You’ll naturally ease yourself into this. Do look to your sense of satisfaction and recognition that you dervive from what you do however. And keep that work/life balance as your ultimate symbol of success. If you do this – you can’t go wrong.
Venus is your career planet because it rules Libra. It powers itself out of there and on into your 11th. Bringing the focus onto how the wider world sees and perceives you. Take it that others are watching you. Maybe from a distance on social media or are checking out that LinkedIn profile. Ensure all of these are consistent and tell the story you are crafting about yourself. Weed out contradictions or anything that might create the wrong impression. For instance, its no use saying you want that promotion or position where you take more responsibility – but your feeds show you out on a school night partying hearty. At least set your profiles to private in which case. And yes, of course you are entitled to a social life, Capricorn. But be your own PR guru now and do ensure what you put out is how you want to be seen.
Best day of the month for all kinds of serious endeavours is the last one. Be best dressed on this date in terms of what you say, your ideas and how you present yourself as Mars in your 7th trines ruler Saturn and the Sun and Mercury meet in your 10th. Pluto is all about the power. The power to be your best. This is the day to work it. And make the world take notice.
In a nutshell: Pluto returns to your sign for a final two month stay. During which time you’ll be given several opportunities to demonstrate how well you’ve integrated its lessons on personal power and control. Yes, you mean exactly what you say. And follow through. Just ensure others come from the same place.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (5th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (1st)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (9th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (7th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (9th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (9th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (9th to 7th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 6th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 6th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (3rd)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 6th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (10th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (11th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (10th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (10th to 4th)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (10th to 4th)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (10th)
Shortfalls in any area can be dealt with
Face those insecurities head on
Be back in black for ‘25!
Ruler Uranus stations retrograde in your 4th at the very start of the month. This is its final retrograde cycle which has its totality in this house of your chart. It will prove to be extremely important for you going forward as it coincides with Pluto leaving you sign temporarily and returning to your 12th (2nd).
We also have a new Moon (3rd) in your powerhouse 8th opposition Saturn in your 2nd. Not only is it time to deal with any remaining ‘fallout’ in any area of your life once and for all, it’s also the month when you will take control for your financial destiny. Not just right now but to clear the way for a new cycle of karmic abundance in 2025. I will give you more details on this shortly.
It’s time to be open and upfront about money if this is your sticking point. Research reveals people are more willing to talk about their sex lives than they are about what’s behind the vault door of their finances. I could say you can no longer afford that, Aquarius. Pluto in your sign is about power and control. You have the power to control a given area of your life in other words. While its back in your 12th, this is your opportunity to enter those No Go zones with regards to your money – and out them for good.
The 18th is the date to trullt tackle this. Again, more on this later. Next up we have Mars entering your 6th (4th). Again, this will be an important transit for you. Not only triggering changes around your day job, studies, exercise and wellness (pace yourself and don’t rush or burn-out!), but bringing with it powerful shifts around partnerships as well. You will likely initiate these as Mars rules action, pursuit and self-directed change. We are heading towards a rare Mars retrograde. This will ask for patience. In exisiting relationships as well as emerging ones. In fact, you’ll have an opportunity to put this into practice across this month and next ahead of this as we are experiencing a lot of retrograde activity now.
Mercury clearing its retrograde in your 8th (from the 12th) assists in the day to day tackling of finances. Especially joint ones, negotiations, contracts, loans, mortgages etc. Here, There is a need to be realistic (Saturn) and not imagine things will magically take care of themselves (Neptune). In other words, you need to stay within your budget and come up with creative but low risk ways to make what you have work better for you. This also includes your valuable and precious intangible assets such as love, talent and time. These especially should not be wasted. And you need to be sure of the price you put on them.
And now for the highlights of the month. Breath-takingly big boosts, lucky breaks, blessings, and free-spirited love, and other opportunities are highlighted for you on the 15th with the truly superb alignment between Jupiter in your fabulizing 5th and Venus in your 9th. Travel may well be on the cards for some of you as your 5th rules holidays and your 9th long distance travel and airlines. This is both an opportunity and an escape towards something amazing and soul aligning. And yes, a big love can also feature. Perhaps this involves a person. Perhaps something you love to do. Or want to do. It can break you free and take you further. Venus rules your 9th so this maximises the possibilities, bliss and blessings that you are able to attract. Be prepared to go where they want to take you.
Back to your money. Next year will see the North Node move from Aries and your 3rd into Pisces and your 2nd. Which of course puts the South Node in Virgo and your 8th. Pluto will be back in your sign ready to hand you the power of self-control and how you direct your fate. And in no other area will your relationship to money and shared resources become more apparent. And how in control you feel of this at the start of this Pluto cycle.
The South Node is our karmic and default setting. So, think about your fears and insecurities around your cash, the power money has over you, the power you give away to others which may not be aligned to your actual self-worth, debts and what is owed by you and to you. Feeling powerless around any of this and your default reaction to this. The North Node is where we get to change things. Literal ‘change’ if it is in our money house. As in no longer being short-changed in either love, being valued or what we receive.
Ahead of a Nodal shift, we always have an eclipse on the new nodal axis which precedes this. The 18th delivers a partially eclipsed full Supermoon in your 2nd which aligns to ruler Uranus and also ensnares both Saturn and Neptune. It will very very briefly form a Kite pattern in the sky. In other words, something if used correctly, that can take us up, up and away from a perspective that has had us earth-bound and trapped. You rise and see the bigger picture.
For you, this allows you to get ahead and also escape the money go-around ahead of the karmic shift of the Nodes. Implement a new budget or plan, reconcile debts, and increase your rates or sense of deservedness. To be ready to receive. All this takes time and as with all eclipses – you need to allow for that. Please unless it cannot for whatever reason be avoided, don’t enter into new financial agreements, take our loans or credit cards and avoid emotional spending. The bottom line is – you need to look at the emotional reasons behind your money story. Because its a karmic one. And one you are now in a position to change if it is about struggle and lack rather than what pays off.
Other dates this month may show you where you stand with all this. Or the value you have to others. It’s either rewards or you see that you need to correct a deficit. As well as the new Moon look to the 8th, the 19th and the 25th. A second star date for you is the Sun’s trine to Uranus (19th) which could offer up a change around your long term prospects or opportunity to leverage all those past efforts.
You’ll be glad you did the work as the Sun moves into your freedom inspired 9th (22nd) and Venus also changes signs into your status setting 10th (23rd). Mercury also lands in your 9th on the 26th and far away people and places, topics, legal matters, the mass media and the great outdoors may offer another karmic cash-in on the 29th when both the Sun and Mercury oppose the North Node in your 3rd.
You should end the month with something tangible to show for it as on the 30th, Mars trines old ruler Saturn and the Sun and Mercury align in your 9th. You could even tear up that old ledger sheet showing you always in the red. From now until the end of November – you’ll find yourself back in the black.
In a nutshell: Don’t fall back to your default setting when it comes to asking for what you want. Or feeling you are powerless to bring about the changes you need. It doesn’t matter whether this impacts your bank account or your personal life. It’s your ability to know your worth which decides the ultimatee take-out.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (4th)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (12th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (8th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (6th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (8th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (8th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (8th to 6th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 5th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 5th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (2nd)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 5th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (9th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (10th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (9th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (9th to 3rd)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (9th to 3rd)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (9th)
Take your time with key decisions
Give birth to a new version of you
Prepare for a new cycle of destiny-driven love!
Fate, destiny, kismet, karma. It doesn’t matter what you name it – it will make its presence felt this month. The new Moon in your 7th activates your future in terms of relationships. The Sun in your 7th is one of your main cycles of attraction. Especially when it comes to partnerships. The spotlight falls on your past, present or even potential date, mate or ride or die. And this month this will be extremely potent and linked to your future. Read on.
2025 will bring you big changes. And much of what happens this month is designed to ready you for this. Saturn will leave your sign for Aries and your 2nd. Ruler Neptune will also begin its incursion into Aries – although it will return again before it exits completely. But January will see the karmic North Node arrive in your 1st. Which sees the South Node in Virgo and your 7th. And it is the new nodal cycle which begins to make its presence felt this month.
When the Nodes change signs, the eclipse axis does also. We’ve been experiencing eclipses in Aries and Libra – your 2nd and 8th houses. Now you will get to experience them across your 1st + 7th. Even when there are no eclipses, when the Nodes are in our 1st/7th houses, new and full Moons will be extra determining when it comes to relationships. Marking definitive beginnings and endings in chapters. Keep this in mind.
The eclipse axis always shifts just before the nodes themselves. We see the first eclipse appear on the new axis. There may be something fated and inescapable about the partially eclipsed full Moon in your 1st. This may also include a conversation you initiate or news a partner tells you. This is due to the Moon’s angle to Uranus now retrograde in your 3rd (from the 1st).
As the Sun and then Mercury (clear of retro-shade from the 12th), move through your 7th, they will oppose Saturn and ruler Neptune in your sign. Again, this is linked to key decisions but expect them to be made with certainty and clarity. But take your time for the full facts to emerge before making them.
Key decisions are to be made this month and pivotal moments when the truth emerges unfiltered and inescapable. And the eclipsed Supermoon in your sign (18th) may bring up feelings you are unaware of. Pent up emotions burst up from the surface if you have been repressing them. Some decisions from that point onwards are going to ask for your time and calm weighing up of the facts.
All Pisces will experience a deep emotional shift. But for those Pisces born between March 14-18 – you will experience this the strongest. Also, those of you born at the end of the Pisces cycle – with your Pisces Sun at an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees of your sign or with any Pisces factors at this degree, should prepare themselves for truth telling and exposes first. This is because ruler Neptune is now at 29 degrees and also where the Node will hit first.
You won’t just be looking at partnerships, close connections or what you may be seeking from a partner in the future (and this includes those working ones, collaborations and long term friendships). You will also be looking at your own image, how you see yourself and how you want to come across to others. Do others see you as you want to be seen? If not – why not? What do you need to change?
This may or may not be linked to your outer image, appearance or style. It can be you realising you are not receiving the respect, honesty or support you need and that you need to broadcast a different message to be taken seriously. In other words – you get your act together and present yourself or your attitude in a more defined way in order to get your needs met. It always begins with us.
Your task this September is to strike the perfect balance between your wants and needs in a relationship and those of the other party (or potential one). And to do this by fusing realism with your hopes and dreams. This is about what it takes to go the distance. Or to remove any barriers between you and true love and intimacy.
The eclipse along with the following dates where we have the Sun and Mercury opposing Saturn and Neptune in your 1st, will bring about an awareness of what needs to be purged, detoxed and released from your life. While the lead up to the eclipse may bring the growing awareness due to Mercury’s opposition to Saturn the same day, you may not see things clearly to make your decision until a few days after this. Other dates to expect soul rockin’ clarity and illusion busting reality are the 21st (Sun opposition Neptune) and 25th (Mercury opp Neptune).
The Sun will enter your 8th from the 22nd, easing the change process and preparing you for it. This month also sees Pluto return to your 11th for its endgame around friendships, groups, communities and your goals (2nd), a powerful Uranus station in your 3rd removing blocks to communication and Mars in your 9th (4th) handing you the courage to go where you would normally hesitate to tread. The 30th is your date (Mars trine Saturn) to take that action or make that choice based on how things actually are. And in your own best interest. There’s no looking back, just ahead of you as you seize fresh confidence and charisma and propel yourself fearlessly into October.
In a nutshell: An eclipse Supermoon in your sign marks the start of a new phase of relating. And this begins with how you see yourself, Pisces. What’s waiting in the wings could be an entirely more refined and self-assured version of you. Pisces 2.0 is waiting – and ready to step from behind the curtain. And upend all expectations that others have mistakenly formed about you.
1 Sept 2024 Uranus stationary retrograde in Taurus (3rd)
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (11th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (7th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (5th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (7th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (7th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (7th to 5th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 4th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 4th)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (1st)
18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)
18 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
19 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
21 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 4th)
21 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
22 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)
22 Sept 2024 Sun enters Libra (8th) – Autumn Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Spring Southern
23 Sept 2024 Venus enters Scorpio (9th)
24 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
25 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)
26 Sept 2024 Mercury enters Libra (8th)
29 Sept 2024 Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (8th to 2nd)
29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (8th to 2nd)
30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)
30 Sept 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Libra (8th)
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