Weekly Astrology August 12th 2024 – Huge shifts forward but careful!

weekly astrology



Work your message

Action brings you the outcome you seek

You ARE the Heat!

Burn baby, burn! What’s hot – you this week thanks to the meeting between Mars and Jupiter in your 3rd (14th). And due to the Moon being in opposition to this conjunction, there is that extra sense of emotional truth as your take-out here. Your ideas, your projects and plans, that trip, that podcast, social media feed or images are on fire.

You may literally blaze a trail with something you send out, share, apply for or launch. Yes, I do know Mercury is retrograde. And yes, it re-enters your 5th of creativity and overall fabulization the day after the conjunction. What’s not hot this week is anything you feel compromises your values and sends the overall temperature plummeting. Your courageous authenticity and originality deserves applause and support. And if you don’t feel you’re getting that backing from others, you are unlikely to engage with them from this point onwards.

If it’s not something you have said, shared, sent out or initiated that’s blazing a trail then news you receive ignites your passion, delivers an opportunity or shows you the way towards something expanding. Above all, despite the backwards Mercury retro-factor, no longer be content to sit on those ideas or hold back from sharing what’s not only on your mind – but closest to your heart. Those plans need an outlet. Seize their potential to succeed.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mars meets Jupiter in your 3rd. Powering up and amplifying those ideas. You won’t be content with talk – you’ll taken bold, brazen action. News is too hot to handle – and what you’ve been waiting to hear!

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (3rd)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (3rd to 9th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (5th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

venus in taurus


Hone that focus

Experiment with boldness

Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo!

Sheer bravery fuels your endeavours this week. Backed by self-belief and the desire to reach a specific outcome. Yes, this may involve material gain. But also your curiosity is ignited when it comes to discovering just what you are capable of when you let go of fear.

You are more capable and also braver that you imagine, Taurus. And this week is your invitation to prove this to yourself. Uranus in your sign has been opening you to a personal revolution when it comes to your own inventiveness. And also willingness to try and experiment. Yes, sometimes you may have been challenged by this. You do after all, like things stable. But you’ve also come to see that answering the call to shake things up occasionally results in radical improvements which would not have happened had you not.

Major adjustments to place and even your path could occur as a result of your take change in your stride attitude. Certainly, if the Mars/Jupiter alignment this week in your 2nd delivers material gains, you will look to using this to invest in creating future stability for yourself. The Moon opposing this conjunction wants you to use what is on offer to create that all important security for you. And you do now completely get the fact that sometimes the only way to achieve this is to leave what’s familiar behind. If things don’t change they cannot improve.

Just be aware of the Mercury retro factor when it comes to contracts, agreements and even an actual move. Delays and snafus can happen. You may however surprise yourself with just how differently you approach matters. Or what you will attempt to get what you want. Anything from looking at a totally different suburb to settle in. Or simply how you choose to sell yourself in. Change happens and you’re happening this week.

In a nutshell: That outcome you have been focussing on rewards you. You’re willing to act and try anything if it gets you long term results, Taurus. And by now you know – sometimes you have to upend things to get the result you’re after.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (2nd)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (2nd to 8th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (4th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)


Action sets attraction in motion

Enticing and exciting alternatives appear

Ready to take your brand further?

Look for the unexpected as it contains massive potential if it occurs this week. Yes, it may feel like a rollercoaster or that you have no control. But again, anything that surprises, upends or you didn’t seem coming has been sent to ensure you discover something so much better.

This week sees ruler Mercury re-enter its ruling 3rd in your chart (15th). It triggers an electric charge with Uranus in your 12th (18th). And this could initially have you feeling the world has turned upside down. However, if you have to give something up as a result, you will emerge the victor who claims the glittering prize thanks to the soul igniting conjunction between Mars and Jupiter in your 1st opposition the Moon in your heaven 7th (14th).

If something ends – it will be replaced really quickly. Also, if this occurs, ask yourself if you were holding on to what was past its Use By date? Or simply empty memories? Because chances are it had been lived out. And if you stop and think about it, you’ll know it. If your intuition is telling you to act this week – follow its prompts. Even if this involves tackling something you’d rather not. The barrier is simply in your own mind.

What’s in front of you now is free wheeling, unimpeded progress. A better option with nothing in your way. Yes, it may take you a few more weeks to gather all the necessary elements together. Or you may simply be waiting for that start date to be confirmed. But instead of being diverted by unnecessary detours or carrying excess baggage, you’re fiery, feisty and free to choose which option to go for from this point onwards. Take it the Wheel of Fortune spins your way, Gemini.

In a nutshell: The meeting of Mars and Jupiter in your sign this week offers up opportunities and outcomes that you may not have imagined existed. Time to opt for the path or option that offers freedom. Prepare for breathtaking.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (1st)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (3rd)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

cancer season


You make it happen

Don’t underestimate the power of your belief

Feed your soul!

Something appears which appeases that hunger in your soul or is in answer to that unspoken wish this week, Cancer. Your ruler the Moon opposes the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in your 12th (14th). Emotionally – you’re in a mood to challenge yourself. Psychically – you’re more open to searching for answers. IRL – you’re seeking change. Perhaps around something persistent and specific. And voila! It could on the surface seem like magic. But this doesn’t take into account that you are the Magician whose actions opened a portal of possibilities for this to manifest! So, whatever solution or opportunity arrives, don’t dismiss the importance of your own part in the process.

Retro Mercury returns to your money zone this week. And this could also see you applying that magic touch to finances and income. Or how, where and what you direct those precious resources into. You may also come to the conclusion that something isn’t worth any further investment. And this may not be financial but could have more to do with your personal resources or values. Time, talents, energy, love. These are precious and finite. So, they are not to be wasted.

If you are uncertain as to what you need to get a handle on – be this rebooting your hustle, blocking a money/personal asset drain or just stopping that feeling of being spread too thin, then there are two cards in the Tarot you can use for your retro meditation and channelled wisdom work this week.

From your deck take the cards of Justice and the Two of Pentacles. The scales in the Justice card are balanced. The Two of Pentacles represents flow but also imbalance and a juggling act. As you connect to the images ask yourself what is presently unbalanced or where in your life you feel you are like one of those plate spinning acts. Rushing from one to the other to keep them from crashing down. Be open to what insights arrive. Now, use the Mars/Jupiter energy to generate inspired action and solutions as you look at the Justice card and think about what you need to do now to balance the scales. This week could show you that within you, you contain whatever it is you need to make your life more abundant. All solution. No spin.

In a nutshell: Tap into the immense power within you when it comes to your imagination and insight, Cancer. Ruler the Moon adds to the emotional mix of Mars and Jupiter in your 12th triggering inspired moves. Above all – don’t underestimate your own potential to bring about change.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (12th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (12th to 6th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (2nd)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)


Become the creator mage of your future path

What wish did you make?!

Access a fresh set of magical tools!

Like next door sign of Cancer – there’s a little bit of the Magician about you this week, Leo. We’re all familiar with the image of The Magician in the Tarot. With the symbols of the four minor arcana on the table in front of them. The tools over which the Magician has dominion and works magnificent miracles. Or magic to put it another way.

Now – imagine for one moment that you are totally redesigning that card in a way that shows the magical tools we all have available to us today. What would be on the table? How about your phone instead of a Wand? A microphone or pen instead of a Sword? A camera replaces a Cup. And crypto that Pentacle. The tools of communication and connection we take for granted today, would be the impossible, improbable and powerful magical objects to the Golden Dawn and Pamela Colman Smith.

The meeting of Mars and Jupiter in your 11th of technology, innovation, goals, your future and all your connections, is not just about expanding your sphere of influence. But looking at our technology marvels and seeing them as magical elements to access whatever it is we want. Chances are what this meeting of these two planets brings your way is set in motion by you utilising one, some or even all of the power tools of the 21st Century arcana you have at your disposal. These can bring about goal manifestation now.

Use these in astounding and sparkling new ways and also to show others who you are or how you are seen. How can you harness all this magic power to promote yourself, elevate your brand or make yourself stand out? Perhaps in a way which showcases previously hidden facets of you? As retro Mercury returns to your 1st (15th) – become magically innovative. Just who do you believe you are, Leo? It’s a new era of becoming.

In a nutshell: When it comes to Jupiter’s ability to grant your wishes, you need to take action. This week you’re not about to wait for what you want to come to you. You’re off to claim it. With a fresh set of tools at your disposal to make the magic happen!

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (11th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (11th to 5th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (1st)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)



Be ready for recognition

Bring your best game

Feel the need – the need to succeed!

Larger than life and potentially elevating experiences buck that Mercury retro trend this week. Take it your strutting self-confidence hands you the momentum to get things done. This week also tells you that its no time to be shy or undersell yourself thanks to Mars and Jupiter meeting in your sector of status and ambition.

You’ll feel the need to succeed in a given area. And aren’t about to stop or be distracted until you do. Anticipation precedes preparation this week. You know you are on the cusp of something new. You’ve a week left until the Sun arrives in your sign. Plus there’s the knowledge that ruler Mercury will soon ditch that retro shade. This week’s Mars/Jupiter mash-up could have you leaning into a gateway opportunity which could define that upcoming new cycle for you. Set your intentions and once you have done so, don’t be diverted from that purpose until it is crushed!

You’re also asked this week to look at where you feel the most yourself. Your soul truth if you like. How you express this. Where you are happiest and feel that you are fulfilling that purpose you came here to accomplish. We are born knowing exactly who we are. But well meaning others, outside pressure and even life itself can have us doubting ourselves. Who are we to know who we are and what’s best for us? Well, the answer to that is there is nobody better informed on the subject of you. You are the expert.

If however you have been left questioning what you believe, do use Mercury in your 12th (from the 15th), as the ultimate opportunity to remember your truth. Put the pieces of you back together again. Free of past confusion. Re-membering means ‘making whole’. Stitching back the dismembered parts of our soul. So, see taking the time for this process as enabling you to meet all you imagine and anticipate for yourself, whole and completely ready.

In a nutshell: You’re here to slay this week when it comes to a professional or personal ambition, Virgo. All this goes hand-in-hand with your refusal to be anything other that your authentic, soul self. It’s a combination that’s as unstoppable as you are.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (10th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (10th to 4th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (12th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

full moon in libra


Barriers to progress magically vanish

Opt for the exciting, enticing and unfamiliar

Solutions and opportunity propel you down a new path

What has had you stuck, Libra? Has there been an area – or even several of them, that you have seen grow more restricted, challenging or simply just plain hard work over a period of time? Yes, you may have become truly adept at adapting to these kinds of changes. To the point they may have even become the new normal for you. But that’s doesn’t make them ideal or even right.

Solutions, answers and opportunities point the way towards welcome change, freedom and big improvements thanks to Mars and Jupiter’s meeting in your 9th (14th). Be ready to make your move when they appear, Libra. This may ask you to opt for something unfamiliar or to move away from your current circumstances. This is Jupiter’s ruling house in your chart which rules exploration and luck. While Mars hands you momentum and confidence to follow through.

Keep reminding yourself that things can never improve unless they change. And chances are you know only too well what doesn’t work that well any longer. Here’s your alternative. So, if you are called to leave something familiar behind for unknown territory, understand what feels daunting initially will quickly show you that you’ve got this. And also reveal the benefits this new direction has to offer. Colour it big and bright once it comes into focus and you won’t be able to wait to jump right in!

Retro Mercury in your 11th relinks you with old friends or even haunts. Reunions, revivals and rediscoveries feature. That doesn’t mean you’ll cling to the past if something is no longer relevant. In fact, while some memories are worth holding on to – you’ll decide to keep them as that rather than repeat the experience. That’s all part and parcel of the process of choosing to move into something new.

In a nutshell: Free wheelin’ freedom and momentum replace stasis and that feeling of being stuck. Barriers to progress are removed as you are released into something exciting and soul expanding. Prepare to swap out what no longer works for what is oh-so-relevant right now.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (9th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (9th to 3rd)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (11th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)



Rock those resources

Ditch what no longer works

Your house, your rules!

There’s no rules like the Phoenix House rules, Scorpio. Your 8th house rules this week as old ruler Mars (which also rules this house), meets Jupiter (14th). And yes, it can’t be repeated often enough – especially on a retrograde – the older rulerships still apply. Even to those signs who have new rulers.

You are about to have a peak experience. Where one soul cycle ends and a new one moves in to take its place. This could well involve a partner, joint assets, resources and having more access to them, or moving from one stage to the next. There’s an element of being eager to take that next evolutionary step. And not wanting to stand in the way of change.

You will discharge the clutter and the weight of what doesn’t work. And you will have no hesitation in fearlessly asking for what does. Something is put at your disposal for you to bring about release, rebirth and much needed resurrection. Phoenix – these are your rules. Ignite the flame and fly free!

Mercury’s return to your 10th of status – and relationship status, could also mark the pivot point between you and someone else. Also look at what effect hanging on to emotional clutter – resentment, wounds and old patterns – has on your body and outlook in general. The shift that takes place now may do so across more than one area. Including your inner life and what you choose to keep hidden. It’s no longer a week for doing that. With a ruler in your house of empowerment and change transformation could just begin with how you express yourself. Set some new rules around that too.

In a nutshell: The old rules apply in astrology, Scorpio. And this includes your old ruler Mars. This week sees it entangled with Jupiter in its ruling 8th in your chart. Handing you bigger resources and the power to work things your way.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (8th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (8th to 2nd)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (10th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)


full moon in sagittarius


Hot or not? You know it if you have it

So more so-so settling

Believe in the power of love again!

Fire up that enthusiasm. Do you believe in life after love? Banish any cynicism around whether it exists. And forget ‘settling’. Nobody wants that silver medal, Sag. They don’t want yours the same way you don’t want to be the recipient of theirs. Who was it who said: ‘I’d rather have five years of true passion in a beach hut than twenty five of so-so love in a mansion’? Author unknown but most likely a Sagittarian.

As Mars meets ruler Jupiter in your 7th, and both oppose the Moon in your 1st (14th), it’s the real thing or the search for it. You need what fires you up. Nothing flaccid or flatlined. And yes, Mars ensures you know if it’s hot or not. Jupiter ushers in a new exciting stage in an existing union. Or a heart-starting potential one. What’s also on offer is the emotional freedom you crave as part of this. You are the sign with an undeserved reputation to be flighty. The fact is – Sagittarius can commit as deeply and seriously as those Capricorns next door. But they seek the fellow free spirited soul who gets them. A creative partnership based on joint loves and dreams. That’s the gold medal love you’re willing to go further for.

If you are physically going further – as in your great love of travelling this week, keep in mind that while the 14th in general offers a possible respite from Mercury retrograde mayhem, it might be brief. As in a 24 hour window of opportunity. The 15th has Mercury return to your 9th of planes, trains and all forms of transportation and movement. As well as big plans and how you make the world sit up and take notice of you. Ensure you check not just your travel arrangements but anything you plan to share and send out. Especially if it contains that extra essence of who you are and what you’re all about, Sag. Ensure its completely on-point and error free on the 18th. And that everything – from plans to love, lives up to your expectations. Gold linings playbook. Not silver for you.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter goes large with passionate Mars in your partnership zone this week. Love enters a hot zone or you’re off in the pursuit of it. You can’t fake the feeling. Don’t accept anything less that that heart-starting experience.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (7th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (7th to 1st)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (9th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

capricorn full moon


That devotion pays dividends

One step, one day, one detail at a time works wonders

Mundane brings magical results

Refine, refuel, repeat. In work and health matters – these are the steps that get you results. Taking care of business and the business of living. In an ordered, focussed and yes, often apparently mundane way. But being focussed, diligent and organised doesn’t mean we’re not adaptable. Hence the refine element. Where we take what we’re learned or the outcome we got and used this to do things a little differently the next time around. With improved results each time.

Those results could exceed all expectations if you have been pacing yourself and making adjustments along the way. That devotion – to those skills, that practice, your studies, that regimen or routine, your focus on the details, hands you unmissable results with a positive knock-on effect into other unrelated areas thanks to the meeting between Mars and Jupiter in your 6th.

Taking care of business, paying attention to the small details hands you big results. An obvious one is your revision saw you sail through that test with a high score. The research you undertook before that interview marked you as an outstanding candidate and you nail that job. Or you reach your target at the gym. What this ultimately hands you is a transformation that changes what you do everyday.

Mercury returns to your 8th (15th) and shows you that you’ve the power to continue with those refinements. Use what you have at your disposal differently. Plus any changes outside of your control continue with that theme of big improvements as you go from dull to different.

In a nutshell: A week which wants to reward you for what you do each and every day. Your focus, your attention to detail and your devotion to keeping the faith propels you into a healthier and more rewarding way of living and working. With unexpected ripple effects into other areas.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (6th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (6th to 12th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (8th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)


Be courageous

Go big, bold and brave – or go home

Bring the thunder!

Thunderstruck is the best way to describe the effect of Mars and Jupiter colliding in your 5th. This is AC/DC at full volume, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and Thor’s hammer all rolled into one. There’s no bigger, stadium storming transit happening this month. Ready to make that touchdown, Aquarius? Because this is all about winning moves. And being unafraid to go brave, big and bold.

The Moon in your 11th of goals and also your social setting, points not just to an outcome which hands you emotional satisfaction. But also indicates courage on your part. You are prepared to try or go further to get the result you want. For some, this means pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. For others, it could be confronting your own negative beliefs and finally choosing to feel that fear – and do it anyway. Be it pushing through shyness or internal dialogue that’s been telling you that you can’t.

And your result is oh-so-stadium stopping worth it. This is your house of luck, love, being seen, how you work your gifts, pleasure, creativity, children and attraction. Your bold, brave, brazen and totally unfiltered beautiful moves are what get you that outstanding result. And yes, as both your major attraction houses are involved this week due to Mercury’s return to your 7th, this includes love at second sight for some if the first time didn’t work out.

Ruler Uranus is always the planet with a plan for you. Even if that plan is disguised with surprises and yes – lightning bolts. Sudden moves could also feature this week. But again, they propel you out into a new orbit. Or centre stage like Taylor Swift. There’s nothing small or shy about you this week. Bring the thunder.

In a nutshell: No small, safe moves for you this week. Is there anything you won’t do or dare in the name of love – or what you want to attract? This includes attention and making your biggest impression yet.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (5th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (5th to 11th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (7th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)


Get real living room

Plan for the long term

We are family!

A major move or shift is promised by the Mars/Jupiter conjunction (14th) in your 4th house. This also impacts the Moon – which rules this house but is in your 10th this day. Relocations – of home, place or even country can happen. As could upgrading your residence. Property may feature. Expansion, promotion and recognition could be the career move others make. You need living space this week and will do what it takes for your growth and ultimate satisfaction, Pisces.

‘Family’ is now a broad term which not only includes those we share DNA with or with whom we grew up. But self-engineered ‘families’ we create from friends and our community. And for some of us, these provide the unconditional love and acceptance that may have been missing growing up. This week invites those seeking a ‘family’ to find it. Or you may receive good news or support around a family member. That sense of belonging is all-important now. Be it to a home, a neighbourhood, country or group of people. And you’ll go as far as you need to look for this.

Do keep in mind if contracts, sales and other agreements are involved that Mercury which rules these is still retrograde. And returns to its ruling 6th on the 15th. The 14th offers a brief window of respite from the retro madness. But you should still expect delays and unforeseen snafus. Do pay close attention to the fine print if signing important papers. And get professional advice if needed. The angle between Mercury and Uranus in Mercury’s other ruling house (your 3rd), on the 18th could throw up an unexpected detail or something you did not anticipate. But don’t worry, Pisces. It’s all designed to ensure you end up in the right place for your future growth.

In a nutshell: Place, people, path and purpose are all ruled by your 4th house, Pisces. This week ancient ruler Jupiter meets Mars and the Moon in here. Opening a portal to living bigger, better and boosting that sense of belonging. Go seek your life – and your family.

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (4th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius (4th to 10th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (6th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

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