Weekly Astrology August 5th 2024 – Mercury retro

mercury retrograde in virgo


That thing you do – better

Find a new way to work it

Get back in the (right) habit!

We’re entering that time of year when you will be asked to look closely at all the things you do, Aries. And how together, they make up a much bigger picture of your life. Your work and habits. Your studies if you are engaged in them. The food you fuel your body with. Your attitude to exercise. Your work/life balance. The mind, body, spirit connection. Your pets if you have them. Your bosses, co-workers and if you are the boss or manager – your team or staff. What surrounds you each and every day. The duties you have to undertake to keep your life running. The minutiae of your life which appears inconsequential but which affects so many other areas. Yes, this is all about your 6th house.

Ahead of the Sun’s entry into here later this month, we have Venus’s arrival (5th), plus Mercury retrograde in here on the same day. Mercury rules both Virgo and your 6th so expect an extra serving of Mercury madness this cycle. Delays, disruptions, derailing of plans may however serve a purpose – and that is to make you stop and look at what is really going on as they highlight an issue that may need your TLC. It could pose the question: Is this really the best way to go about things? Or alternatively: Is this actually good for me? Or even others if what is happening also affects them.

Don’t be afraid to look at the big picture now as while the energy of the 6th house can highlight the importance of the small stuff, we can end up not seeing the wood for the trees unless we adjust our focus. This may even involve you reinstating something you did in the past around the 8th – the retro Mercury/Venus conjunction in here, that you now see offered a better way. There’s a new deal on the table around how you work what you work at or on with the Venus/Ceres trine of the 11th. You may continue to play around with minor adjustments over the coming weeks but the end result leaves you with more of what you need. More time, more energy, more life to live as opposed to working just to live your life. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

In a nutshell: Live to make what you do work for you in new and better ways. A certain amount of adjustment and creative experimentation adds a playful approach. There is a way to escape that rut or dead routine. Mercury retrograde works for you.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (6th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (6th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (6th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (7th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

venus in taurusTAURUS

Remember when the days were long
And rolled beneath a deep blue sky
Didn’t have a care in the world
With mommy and daddy standin’ by –

The End of the Innocence. Don Henley

Ruler Venus enters your 5th (5th), and what is usually the start of one of your major cycles of attraction of the year has you looking back – perhaps to what has been lost along the way, due to Mercury’s retrograde in here. This also begins on the 5th. And the 8th sees Mercury and Venus entwined.

This can quite literally bring a past love back in. And do understand this may not be a person. It may be something you used to love to do – a passion, activity or hobby. That dream you set aside. Or simply as in the essence of the card of the 6 of Cups in the Tarot, a time of innocence and childlike carefree wonder.

Don Henley’s lyrics which I used in your intro today, capture the message of the card especially when we combine this with the Venus/Ceres trine (11th). Ceres is also retrograde in your 9th of freedom, expansion, travel and opportunity. ‘The tall grass waves in the wind’ which is another line from the song, links to Ceres and the natural cycle. While ‘Now we’ve come so far, so fast’ is a very 9th house vibe. Ceres along with your ruler, puts a new deal on the table for you. And also asks you look at whether your efforts have handed you what you deserve.

Something needs to be let go of in order to move forward during this cycle. Yes, you can attract and manifest. But recapturing something from your past asks you let go and relinquish something else. You come to realise that this is the way cycles work. That sometimes having what you want means letting go of something else. It’s not so much the End of the Innocence, but the start of really getting what meets your needs, Taurus.

In a nutshell: This week offers an opportunity to recapture something you let go of. It may appear in a new and better form this time around however. Letting go of innocence means you make choices free of illusion. And hands you something real in return.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (5th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (5th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (5th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (6th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 9th)


Go back to move forward

Master the Art of the Deal

Reconnect to your power!

There is a beautiful and determined shift in the balance of power in your life happening this week, Gemini. And it could simply involve you coming to the realisation that when it comes to a specific issue in your life – you are more powerful than you think.

Home-centered truths and decisions feature from this point onwards. But do keep at the front of your mind that your ruler Mercury is retrograde from the 5th onwards. The same day as Venus arrives in your 4th. So, when it comes to property or family matters, things may be subject to the usual Mercury madness. Stops, starts, stalls and even total reversals. Being the Mercury badass, you will allow for this. Unless something is finalised you’ve been waiting for by the 8th which is when retro Mercury and Venus meet, then you are advised to wait until September before pushing ahead again. Unless of course, you absolutely, positively have to make a move at this time.

The other retro-free exclusion zone is if a property you were after before retroshadow began, pops back onto the market again. Also, unless a repair to your home is urgent at this point, do steer clear of builders and tradespeople. Wait to get that quote until next month as again, work may end up being delayed or simply not turn out as you expected.

Now – for that point of power. A breakaway moment or an outcome which originates from your own power to negotiate or set some new terms happens around the 11th which is when Venus in your 4th trines Ceres in your 8th of transformation, rebirth and empowerment. Ceres rules the deal and a new dawn. In mythology, Ceres stopped her work as ruler of agriculture and harvests when her daughter Proserpina, was abducted by Pluto. Crops died and withered in the fields. People starved. Eventually, Jupiter was called in to break the deadlock and an agreement was reached that Proserpina would spend six months of the year with her mother, and the other six with her husband.

A win/win or compromise. As Ceres is in your house of shared assets, and Jupiter right now is in your sign, this is you bringing about the same thing. And knowing you have the power to negotiate. Yes, there may be details to be ironed out and it may take the Mercury retro cycle to do this. But do take it you’ll give something up in order to walk away with more. And that includes that sense of your own power.

In a nutshell: Home centered decisions may go on hold due to ruler Mercury’s retrograde in your 4th. However, your ability to craft a deal which enhances your sense of security is enhanced this week. Be bold enough to suggest a beautiful alternative.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (4th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (4th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (4th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (5th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

cancer seasonCANCER

Find a new way towards an old outcome

Commit to creating that foundation

What’s the name of the gain?!

Something lost or given up to gain something else is an over-arching theme this week. Especially if that ‘something’ you want to bring about has been stuck or you’ve simply been wishing and waiting on an alternative, Cancer.

Just take it as a given, that if it has been your own indecision around what is the best choice to make that has been responsible for that stuck feeling, you now understand that the only wrong decision is not making one at all. No matter what, there’s compromises to be made, win/wins to be crafted and deals to be done now as Mercury heads backwards in your house of contracts and communication, and meets with Venus in here (8th).

Juno rules promises. And those we cannot easily back out of. The lasting kind that include marriage but also embrace long term commitments of any description. It changes signs on the 10th landing in your all-important 4th of home, family and emotional foundation. So, that choice is likely to revolve around something close to your heart which is linked to your security.

Ceres rules the deal and also what we have to offer up in order to seal it. The give to get in other words. The 11th has Venus trine Ceres in your 7th. So, you and another party could both agree to a mutual beneficial arrangement. Or be on the same page as to where you go from here. Your ability to relinquish something in the name of the gain changes the game for you this week. You – and another, are all-in.

In a nutshell: A little re-wording or a small concession could just give you the result you’ve been after all along. Take it that making an offer may work in your favour now. It’s all in the details which you and another can agree on this week.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (3rd)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (3rd)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (3rd)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (4th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)


Know when the price is right

Your values are part of who you are

Some things are not up for negotiation

Venus rules your 2nd house along with Mercury. And both planets align in here on the 8th. With Mercury now in full retro-active phase. Re-looking at your money, finances, borrowing, possessions and above all, what you hold as non-negotiables in terms of your values, determines whether the price is right – or not.

This Mercury retrograde will affect two main areas of your life. The first being your cash and self-worth. The second and final stage when Mercury re-enters your 1st will be your image, brand, style, face, appearance and how you want to be seen. You are also in for an extra-long reflective time around the latter as we head towards 2025, due to the upcoming Mars retro in your 1st. So, take it this will be a gradual, extended process where your image of yourself, and how you come across to others, changes and shifts through several incarnations before you decide on the most fierce and optimal version.

Self-worthy options which are linked to your identity as a glowing soul will be made now. And once you have aligned with these decisions, you won’t waver. These will say a lot about who you truly are, Leo. Because our values are how we demonstrate to others what we stand for. The very essence of us in other words. There’s a deal or prize within reach this week. A new source of work and income, that priceless feeling when you know you’ve not ‘sold out’ on something precious to you. Or taken that position where you are not willing to sell your soul in order to gain something fleeting.

Yes, you could well be adding up the benefits in actual monetary terms. As well as realising the real cost to you around giving away or sacrificing too much in terms of what is truly important. Once you know the price is right, the real you comes shining through. Untarnished and truly brilliant. And that’s the best take-out of all. And one that doesn’t lose its shine.

In a nutshell: Crafting a new, more refined and renewed sense of your own identity stems from knowing exactly what you will or won’t compromise over, Leo. The first part of this process begins this week. The second will take you all the way into 2025 – for your biggest relaunch yet!

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (2nd)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (2nd)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (2nd)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (3rd)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)


There are things known, and things unknown

and in between are the doors -’

Jim Morrison, American poet and musician

Venus lands in your sign the same day as you ruler slams on the brakes and reverses. Both planets meet in your 1st on the 8th. Bringing about a run up to your fresh cycle where you will spend a great deal of time getting clear about what you really want from it.

Some down-time and introspection can be expected during Mercury’s reversal across your 1st and 12th houses. I’d like to call this your ‘Between Time’. Doors between possibilities and dimensions open wide. You can play in the multiverse and the mysteries of the Quantum realm.

Here’s a concept to consider. Many physicists now believe it is the future that is giving birth to the present moment. This is a very retrograde idea to imagine. ‘Back to the Future’ takes on a whole new meaning. So, by taking time during this retrograde to go through doors that lead to possible futures you can literally shift your present. And set up the circumstances that lead you to it.

So, do take time out to unleash your imagination and explore just where you want to go or what that future could possibly contain. You can do this via journaling, meditation, creative visualisation. Imagine yourself in a room with many doors leading off of it. Pick one and walk through. On the other side is just one possibility of what your future could be. The next time – pick another door. Explore what’s behind each one before deciding on what you want to live or bring into being. And once you have done this – watch how the present begins to shift.

This could run in tandem with a change around love, children, babies, those younger than you or a creative outlet for you. All thanks to the Venus/Ceres trine on the 11th. The door to something new in this area opens along with your willingness to imagine a whole different future with someone. Conceive a doorway to a better outcome this week.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury retrograde in your sign this week opens doors to perception. Take it over the next few weeks you will begin to see things very differently, Virgo. And by the time your birthday cycle is over – you’ve walked through one door to an entirely new future.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (1st)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (1st)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (1st)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (2nd)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

full moon in libraLIBRA

Take that promise seriously

Soul contracts fall due

You’re in the now – not someday

Juno arrives in your sign this week (10th). The planet of commitment and long term promises asks you don’t forget those you make with yourself. These need to be as sacred and binding as those you keep with others.

Venus now enters your 12th (5th). The same day as Mercury reverses in here. The meeting between Mercury and Venus on the 8th could well remind you of promises which have not been kept. Again, this may be something you promised to yourself. Or it may apply to something someone promised you – but then failed to deliver. This includes implied or unspoken promises as well as the verbal declarations. The ‘some day’ and ‘when’ promises that keep us hanging in there. But that due date never arrives or keeps getting pushed out.

You may find yourself calling someone out over this and issuing an ultimatum. The fact you are doing this could even surprise you. This may occur more than once during Mercury’s retroactive phase as it returns to your 11th house. This week however there’s either a new deal or mutual agreement which is delivered on, or you will prepare to go elsewhere for it as Venus trines Ceres in your 4th (11th). Look to what is being delivered on, not what is constantly being promised. Sure, something could well be worth the wait. But that doesn’t meant you’re about to wait around forever. You’re worth more than that, Libra. And by September it’s either deal or a new deal to be done.

In a nutshell: You’re taking the promises you have made to yourself – every bit as seriously as you do those you make to others this Mercury retrograde, Libra. As a result of your shift in priorities, you may also put someone else on the spot over what they have promised you in return.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (12th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (12th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (12th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (1st)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 4th)


Revisiting the past has you seeing it with new eyes

Go where the social tide takes you

Community offers you growth and a pathway to your goals

With Pluto now in your 4th the big issue for the next few years is where you live, those you live with – from family to roomies, and what the building blocks of security are for you. Against this major backdrop is this week’s Mercury retrograde and Venus in your 11th of community and networks. Because people – often the ones we are unrelated to in terms of DNA, are who give us that all-important sense of belonging.

Your focus as Mercury retrogrades in your social sector the day Venus lands in here, will be on being part of that group, circle, network, party, association or community. How you get social, with whom and what binds you together, intertwine not just friendships but your collective futures. Backtracking may feature for some of you. Old connections, old haunts and good times revived. The perfect day for a reunion or catch-up is the 8th when retro Mercury meets Venus.

Being part of a community – or that community spirit, may even fuel decisions around where you live or move. Just keep in mind with Mercury backwards in any house, delays can occur. In line with becoming part of something bigger – news, an offer or invitation could arrive on the 11th which represents the chance to join in with someone else. There may be a different dynamic at play. And if you are asked to join in, team up or combine your resources, this could just lead to you being part of something fulfilling. Nobody achieves anything alone. And no-one is or should be, an island. Re-enter the mainstream now.

In a nutshell: Create your community. Like-minded souls who share spiritual DNA with you are what give you that all important sense of belonging. You’ll design a new concept around what ‘family’ is – and matters to you, this retrograde season, Scorpio.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (11th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (11th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (11th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (12th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

full moon in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Backtrack to find that alternative

Leverage those smarts

What you missed the first time could return for a second chance

Planets in your 10th house ask you take something seriously, Sag. Perhaps your own ambitions and reputation. What you want to commit to or the next big phase in a broader plan is up for reworking and refinement as Mercury retrogrades from the 5th. In what is Mercury’s ruling sign. You can leverage that past track record and use it to refuel and plan where it can take you from here. But unless you are under deadlines, this is more about reassessing your path than forging ahead on it. If you can, leave those moves until after Mercury clears its retroshadow in here in September.

The exception to this rule is if a position you were after pops up again. I’ve known Sagittarians who have lost out on a dream job, only to nail the position second time around under a Mercury retro in their 10th. And in your case, you have Venus in here enhancing that image. And asking you to embrace the beauty of your own greatness – no matter how you want to express it or what your definition of success is.

Although the overall message of this period is to consolidate and plan your success strategy, this does not mean that deals which have been hanging in abeyance, cannot now be done. There’s satisfaction to be gained – often the best ingredient when it comes to lasting success, with the Venus trine to Ceres – retrograde in Venus’s ruling 2nd (11th). This alignment puts you and another on the same page. Be this for personal or professional reasons. You both want the same outcome. And you’ll find that sweet spot where you can agree your terms. You may have to give something in return. But again, the other party is prepared to make equal concessions.

During its retrograde, Mercury will back up into your all-important 9th house before heading direct again. So, think covering over old ground or else finding that alternative route. That includes the one to the top, Sag.

In a nutshell: If you thought you’d missed out – on an opportunity, choice or even a path you wanted to take, the start of Mercury retrograde in your success sector points to uncovering a different route to the top. Or even redefining what success means to you.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (10th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (10th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (10th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (11th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

capricorn full moonCAPRICORN

Common ground is the best place for negotiation

Don’t ignore the details

Reignite your self-belief!

Mercury retrograde begins in your house of long distance travel, foreigners, higher education, exploration, the law and mass media. As well as taking a chance and the great outdoors. As far as taking that chance goes – even a calculated one – the odds are not in your favour now. Not even with Venus in here (from the 9th). Returning to an old, big love for somewhere or even some thing is, however.

Mercury will begin its retro in your 9th and finish it in your 8th. During which time you’ll confront your own immense ability to push yourself further. Into something which you may have thought unreachable or off-limits to you. Mercury backwards allows for the expansion of your ideas around what you believe is possible. And our beliefs are what determine whether we try – or not.

But while you test your own limits, do remember that in the outer mad retro influenced world, what Mercury rules – contracts, big projects and legal matters – may stall. If you are studying for any kind of test or exam – please don’t neglect the revision process. If you do, you may be caught out. Hey, big spender! Pump your brakes and lockdown those cards. This is not the time to make a large purchase – cars and horses being two of the major big ones to avoid. Or book that bucket list trip. That bargain may not be. Resist the hard sell. If you are heading anywhere – especially overseas, do allow extra time and check and double check all connections and reservations before departure.

Ceres also retrograde in your sign, trines Venus on the 11th. If you have thought you and another couldn’t see eye to eye, then suddenly there is room for negotiation or understanding. This could also open a brief window from the retrograde confusion. Returning you to a point where you can reclaim common ground if that’s been lost. Revisiting somewhere you’ve been in the past – an actual place or old emotional ground, has you looking at it with fresh eyes. Yes, you may be in a cycle where you take two steps forward and then move back again. But by being willing to do so – you’ll gain more ground by the time this cycle is done, Cappy.

In a nutshell: What’s holding you back from attempting something, Capricorn? Mercury retro is an invitation to look at just what or who created those barriers. Often the surprise is us realising it’s simply our own ideas getting in the way. Demolish them this August!

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (9th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (9th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (9th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (10th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 1st)


What you share shifts

Creativity is your love language

Tap into limitless self-empowerment

Two areas of life will be impacted by the Mercury retrograde which begins in your 8th this week (5th). As well as what you share, is shared with you and what you owe and are owed, Mercury will return to your house of partnerships. So, expect one particular duo, duet or double act to be impacted as well. There’s an obvious link between these two houses. In any long term union we end up with things we share. Anything from a bed to life’s major assets including property and power. Hopefully all this is shared, mutual and equal. If not, you can expect the upcoming retro-period to highlight where things may be unfairly loaded in another party’s favour. And yes, this does include something as basic and simple as shared chores and responsibilities too.

Pluto in your sign is showing you that you are more powerful than you ever imagined. But to access this immense reservoir of limitless strength within you, you first need to get grounded. There’s no better time to do this than Mercury’s retrograde in your 8th. And to see how you can use it beautifully and creatively thanks to Venus’s presence in here (also from the 5th).

Coming from a place of grounded certainty and real, confident empowerment sees you in a position to negotiate an outcome around a situation which may have been hard to solve or deadlocked. The change is simply in your own attitude, Aquarius. In seeing yourself or your options in a different way. If you have thought something beyond your reach or control – you now see that’s simply an illusion. And that’s all retrogrades really are. Illusions brought about by our earth-bound perspective. Of course, planets don’t go backwards. So if you’ve bought into the story that you can’t change something or don’t have a choice – prepare for one more illusion to disintegrate this retro-cycle. With powerful results.

In a nutshell: Pluto in your sign hands you access to limitless self-empowerment. Use it now to bust through illusions that you are powerless in a key area or issue. This month’s retrograde weather hands you the storm of clarity you’ve been waiting for.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (8th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (8th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (8th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (9th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 12th)


Ask love those important questions

What’s that angel telling you?

Talk changes up that situation

Your annual partnership peak commences under a retrograde, Pisces. Venus rules your 7th house while Mercury rules Virgo. The 5th sees Venus’s arrival in here – and also Mercury begin its reversal. Asking yourself what you need from love rather than seeking it is your best tactic now.

Partners past and present should be your focus. And if you are single, then honestly this is not the ideal cycle under which to go shopping for a potential one. Especially as Mercury rules apps and the internet. Situationships, ghosting, breadcrumbing, roaching (when you discover that person is seeing multiple people), and yes – submarining (when that ghost resurfaces without warning or explanation), are common Mercury retro dating pitfalls. Not to mention good old catfishing and pig fattening. With Saturn in your sign acting as an angel on your shoulder – surely you love yourself too much to risk putting yourself through this? Hold off for now, Pisces. You will get the opportunity to make up for any perceived lost time. Or take things very, very slowly if that ex reappears (zombieing). Are they saying they’ve changed? Mercury tells you most likely not.

A key relationship can benefit from some TLC. Or just your partnership with yourself. Hence taking the time to really ask what it is you need from specific unions in your life. Whether the person is already there or you want to attract them. Knowing this is the key to getting your needs met. And being upfront about it. As well as no longer being willing to entertain those situationships which don’t. Or simply not getting into them in the first place.

No matter what is happening (or not) in your personal life, take it that friends are where the love can be found. And friends, groups and networks will prove to be your best source of this and your greatest asset this week. It’s not ‘second rate’ love. Or something you fall back on or into. The trine between Venus and Ceres in your 11th proves that finding the connection that fills your needs doesn’t need to rest with one romantic union. Put all you have to offer out there, Pisces. You’ll get back so much more that exceeds your needs in return.

In a nutshell: Your yearly partnership peak coincides with retrograde season this year. It’s your opportunity to explore love in all its many splendoured forms, Pisces. Not just the romantic kind. But the love of friends – and the love you have for yourself.

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (7th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (7th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (7th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (8th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

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