Weekly Astrology December 16th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

By our astrologer Elena

See the dream reborn

Power to your people

You are the co and the creator all in one!

Mars retrograde in your 5th serves up a new take on an old dream this week. It opposes Ceres in your 11th (20th) and this could bring you the support from friends when it comes to going after what you want. It could also bring in an important connection which may seem like an answer to a prayer. Someone who wants to give you anything from start-up money to simply their friendship or emotional support. They are in the position to offer this. And do so without any agenda.

Sometimes this can be a group of ‘someones’. Whatever it is you want to do or gain, the message this week is that there’s a deal on offer which means you don’t have to go it alone. You will be very aware of the importance of give and take around this. Because you have your own contribution to make to others. And if you are in this position, you’re the one giving selflessly. This is the best formula for co-creation for the Now Age of Aquarius.

Connections are strengthened and what’s more – you feel a part of something meaningful. And that’s probably the most satisfying take-out for you now. And with Pluto now in your 11th, who you know is like a powerful quantum action. They act to transform your universe. And that future.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mars may be retrograde, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make inroads to those goals. Or that new connections can’t be forged. Someone may step in to act as a catalyst or you may perform the same for them when it comes to something you want to attain. Time to kickstart that dream again.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (5th to 11th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (10th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Be prepared to leave an aspect of your past behind

Bask in what’s on offer

Rewards fall due

Soul satisfying conclusions could be heading your way this week. But one connection may show you it’s past it’s Use By date on the 18th as the Sun still in your 8th slams Neptune in your friendzone. Or should I say Unfriend? It could be you suddenly see this dynamic as having been one-sided for some time. The term ‘fake empathy’ could apply here. Someone who appears caring and has your back. But uses this to manipulate.

You’re unlikely to shed any tears over this however. Merely shrug and chalk it up to one of life’s learning moments. Let’s go back to satisfaction instead. The key opposition between Mars retro in your 4th and powerful and enriching Ceres in your 10th dangles something lasting like a jewelled ornament on that tree. Yes, there may be slight refinements to be discussed. And don’t be afraid to suggest these. But this derives from your dedication to a path or dream. And now pays off.

If you are looking at some kind of success, stop and luxuriate in it, Taurus! It may not be an actual cash bonus or payout. But ‘rich’ energy can come from so many sources. No matter where or what, take a moment to wrap yourself in it. You did this.

The next stage will kick-start 2025. And you will be ready to meet it with the kind of mastery that comes from seeing what results you get when you apply your focus with laser precision. The Sun shifts into your 9th on Solstice Day (21st). This is one of the two days of the year when the Sun appears to ‘stop’ in the sky. Before moving in a new direction. That’s you. Heading towards something freeing. Without a frenemy in sight.

In a nutshell: Take a bow this week, Taurus. Something you have poured your love into or nurtured so diligently, repays you in kind. Don’t forget success is a feeling as well as a result so take all the time you need to luxuriate in it. Someone shows you whether they’re pleased for you – or simply Grinch like.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (4th to 10th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (9th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Don’t be distracted from your real goal

Be ready to shed limitations

Get ready for rebirth

Ruler Mercury remains in post-shadow right up to Jan 1, Gemini. So, do keep this in mind even though it is now direct in your 7th. You will be examining alternative paths to where you want to get to this week. Just take it there are no short cuts. And also – no rush. This applies to both short and long term journeys. Be they actual travel plans or that metaphorical journey you want to take.

The Sun still in your 7th interrogates Neptune in your success sector on the 18th. Asking whether or not something you have been investing in has lived up to expectations? Do be honest when you weigh this up. If the answer turns out to be no, again, don’t be in a rush to ditch it or breakaway. Did you opt for too big a compromise? Take that silver medal? Been distracted by something shiny that wasn’t gold after all? Filled now with regrets? Don’t worry if so. But now you know – there are no substitutes for what truly brings you satisfaction and love.

It may be for some of you the T&C’s can be reworked. But even if that’s not the case, that worthwhile alternative needs research and exploration before you commit anew. Look to the facts on the 20th, when retro Mars in your 3rd opposes Ceres in your 9th. A transformative option or way to craft something better makes itself known. And taking a different approach to it may just hand you the win/win – or a better opportunity, that you’ve been seeking.

This is always a season of deep changes for you. The Sun enters your 8th of change and rebirth (21st). We have a powerful reset happening for you before the year is out. When you will be able to effortlessly transcend anything that no longer serves you. That occurs on the 30th with the upcoming ‘Black’ new Moon. So, for now, plan accordingly. And include something more passionate on that Must Have list.

In a nutshell: When it comes to your most heartfelt desires and wishes, accepting substitutions never really works. With Jupiter in residence until June and Pluto in your section of big loves – head towards a goal that truly lives up to the dream for you.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (8th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)

cancer seasonCANCER

Inspiration offers an escape route

Reach for redefined, unfettered love

Change a thought – change your world

A sticky situation may just resolve itself this week. Maybe you’ve been turning it over in your mind for a while. Examining it from every angle. But the right solution has eluded you no matter how much thought or focus you’ve put into it. Yes, this may involve a spectacular ‘Ah-ha!’ moment for some of you as the Sun highlights Neptune in your 9th (18th). Bringing a scorching reality check which burns away indecision and uncertainty.

Others may opt for their secret Cancer superpower. The sideways approach. Coming at something indirectly or shifting your perspective on it. Which hands you the compromise, win/win or simply ability to transform the situation but changing your attitude or approach. The opposition between retro Mars in your 2nd and Ceres in your 8th unsticks whatever you thought unsolvable. It’s a powerful moment. Especially if what’s kept you imprisoned has been feelings of undeservedness or that you were powerless to change something. Sometimes it truly is just our own thoughts about ourselves we need to change to see the change we wanted in the outside world appear.

Whatever has held your focus or needs to be tackled, do so with power, confidence and finality now. It’s born-again love, baby as the Sun enters your 7th on Solstice Day. Love and lasting partnership potential swirls around you. With a glorious, heart-starting moment for all of you ahead before the year ends. This applies to both settleds and seekers of any kind of double act. This is the first time since 2008 that the Sun’s journey through this house of your chart has been free of Pluto’s influence in here. It has changed how you view love, marriage and lasting unions forever. And your awareness of your own needs in relationships. The better you know yourself, the better the love you receive as you know with unshakeable certainty it’s right for you. You’ve the power and the potential this week, Cancer. To find solutions. To soar above restrictions. And to work the power of love.

In a nutshell: Solstice season brings in unrestricted, reborn love for you. Taking a different approach to ideas around what you can attract and change, sees you transcend past limitations. You draw closer to reality shifting relating. Long live love – and loving.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (7th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Choose those wishes wisely

Know it for certain when it comes to those wants

Not your mess, not your monkeys

All your houses of attraction are open and active this week. Did you wish on a festive star, Leo? If so – be careful what you asked Santa for. Ho, ho, ho. You may just get it!

However, part of knowing what you want also involves knowing what you don’t. Someone may have been making things a little well – messy. Perhaps around what they say or the way they handle things. They may also have taken for granted that you would continue to put up with this behaviour. However, this week’s alignments see you drawing a timely line under this. It’s a shape up or ship out moment. Especially thanks to retro Mars opposition Ceres in your 7th. No more taking you for granted, Leo.

They may not see this one coming. But that’s not your problem. On the table for you is something you’ve been waiting for. And a far better option. Just keep in mind that the way forward or ultimate conclusion to this may take a while to work out. But something you have hoped for or wanted – especially if this involves another party, comes enticingly within reach. Do continue to take things slowly if this is an emerging relationship. Not just because Mercury has yet to clear retroshade in your romance zone. But because of the long drawn out Mars retrograde which will impact you all the way up to April next year. Mars wants you to be certain. That what’s on offer is perfectly right for you.

Up your diligence when it comes to making those healthy choices in all aspects of your life as your ruler stops in the heavens as it leaves your 5th for your 6th (21st). You’ve been led to this point where you no longer opt for anything that doesn’t enhance your wellbeing. This is the first solar transit of this house since Pluto exited for good last month. It also tells you that part of real self-care means no longer putting off what you know needs tackling. No more putting up with anyone or anything that messes up this energy, Leo. Clear the way for what you wish for to enter.

In a nutshell: Retro Mars in your sign shows you if someone has been expecting you to clean up the mess they make. There’s no more dumping it on your doorstep from this week onwards. What you have been wishing for under that tree gets unwrapped. It’s focus that magnetises that wishlist.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (1st to 7th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (6th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Keep the faith

Give that detail your complete devotion

Detours to dreams reveal shortcuts to satisfaction

As the Yuletide carol invites us: Oh come, all ye faithful. Faithful to dreams of the heart. Unlike other signs who find the concept of delayed gratification hard to grasp (I name no names!), you along with your fellow earth signs, intuitively understand it makes the prize so much more satisfying when it’s won. You especially, are the Retro Magician. You see retrogrades not as speed bumps or party pooping snafus. But as opportunities to refine those plans and reassess how you are going to manifest those desires. Often this results in that apparent delay or detour turning into a short cut to your dreams. And the Mars retrograde in your 12th/11th will prove to be just one of those, Virgo. But the thing is – you always knew this outcome was yours. You never lost your faith.

Ruler Mercury is now direct once more in your 4th. But it will take until the start of ‘25 to clear away the retro cobwebs. You will be happy to work with that as well as the Sun in your 4th until the 21st, t-bones Neptune in your 7th. Highlighting something that most definitely needs your attention before you power ahead once more. If you had been at full throttle, ‘instant gratification take too long’ mode (Leo, Sag, Gemini – okay, I named names), you may have missed this. And it would have turned into a major delay further down the track. Now you get to craft a solution thanks to the Mars retro opposition Ceres (20th). Although you are not in a rush – don’t procrastinate over this, Virgo.

Sweep away the shadow of the past with confidence. Also, be prepared now to step up and re-take the reins of life. Your 5th house is now Pluto free for the first time since 2008! No more feeling you are like Play-doh being reshaped in whatever image the cosmos decides. Harness your joy, your optimism and passion as the Sun lands in your 5th – now free of Pluto’s shake and bake influence for the first time since 2008!

When it comes to love, what you love to do, creativity, what you effortlessly shine at doing, creativity, luck, conception, babies and children, you can explore these not only free and unbounded, but in any way you choose. The boldest, most heart-starting new beginning in decades lies just days away. Face forward and don’t look back. And now you see any delays and slowdowns were merely designed to speed you on your way from this point forwards.

In a nutshell: The road to love, gratification and fulfilment may have been riddled with speed bumps or even detours, Virgo. But what appeared to be delays or u-turns now work in your favour. Watch for a highway to heaven opening up and re-enter the fast lane this solstice season!

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (12th to 6th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (5th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)

full moon in libraLIBRA

Reclaim your true essence

Serve authentic

No more apologising – embrace you, just the way you are!

For the next few months you are being called to act in the name of your authentic self. And to serve this unfiltered and unapologetically. It’s the combination of Mars retro in your 11th. Plus Pluto and Ceres in your 5th that connects you to your truth, your soul truth and nothing but that, Libra.

The impact of denying or dismissing the essence of you will be clear on the 18th if this is what you have been doing. Even unconsciously. The Sun in your 3rd hits Neptune in your 6th showing you a stark contrast between what you say and do, and what your real needs are.

This does you no good. Leaving you depressed, disconnected and oddly bent-out-of-shape. It may be the root cause of what you’ve been labelling a period of bad luck or feeling cut off. Realign your soul as retro Mars opposes Ceres in your 5th (20th). And from this point onwards commit to acting on your inner truth, creative power and undiluted ‘crazy’ ideas (they’re not – they’re next level genius!).

Take it that during this retro cycle, Mars will connect you to the people who love and appreciate your kind of crazy if this is what has been missing. Between now and April, watch how your ideas around your goals and visions, as well as your social life, evolves. Just by serving you. Just the way you are.

The Sun enters your 4th (21st), highlighting home truths when it comes to your real needs. And also your life path. This is the first Pluto-free solar cycle you’ve experienced in this area of your chart since 2008. A move or upgrade to your home or even a move of job may occur during 2025. If there is an unresolved property or family matter hanging over you – watch the end of the year for a wrap up and a brand new beginning. Along with everything else – own the lifestyle that fits into the grand design of you, Libra. And move in to lasting authenticity.

In a nutshell: No more bending yourself out of shape to fit in or people-please, Libra. Allow your true spirit unfettered and unfiltered self-expression. Any limitations you’ve encountered recently may simply stem from not serving the authentic you. The real deal is all who matters.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (11th to 5th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (4th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Stability gives you the freedom you seek

Lean in to your true calling

Live it with meaning

Old rulerships always apply. Which is why astrology still works perfectly well if we disregard the outer planets beyond Saturn. Yes, this includes your modern day ruler Pluto. And yes, the outer planets add enhanced meaning, depth, nuance and serve as generational markets. But when it comes to what’s actually going on in our lives, the old solar system model still delivers when it comes to our lives.

Which is why paying attention to old ruler Mars is so very important for you, Scorpio. It’s currently retrograde in your 10th. And during what is a long retro cycle – lasting up until April next year, it will return to your 9th before heading forward again. It’s offering a big and gradual re-set for you. Around home, family, lifestyle and also lifepath. What hands you the full package of both security and freedom. In fact, that’s the best of both worlds when it comes to us being able to live in a way that’s meaningful for us.

Understand that this may take a while to fully come into being. However, this week unpacks a key part of the process as Mars opposes Ceres in your 4th. The opportunity to craft a solution that not only meets your needs – but also those you care about as well. Yes, it may take a little while longer to cement or be signed off on. But you can now see what you are moving towards.

Old ruler Pluto has now left your 3rd house for good. So, the Sun enters here (21st), ready to see you unleash the power of your ideas. To walk your talk. If something needs to be changed or is no longer working for you – you’ll be candid but kind when it comes to tackling it. There’s something waiting for you to launch, explore or apply yourself to. By the end of the month the way towards it or the next step is abundantly clear. Reviewing, rethinking and revising those plans is now almost at an end. The countdown has begun, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Have you been putting off a move into something more soul sustaining? That’s understandable given the big retro energy and also adjusting to ruler Pluto now in your 4th. But take it your true path is now calling, Scorpio. You’ll head there in 2025.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (10th to 4th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (3rd) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)

full moon in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Find the middle ground

Opt for the diplomatic response

Gain access to what you need

A decision to change something up on the home front comes this week. An issue that’s been bugging you with a family member or someone you live with demands that you pay attention or give them your full support. There could be a clash of opinions. Over anything from where you are spending the holidays to those turkey trimmings – or even political opinions. For once, you may have to mute that Sag direct response and instead opt for a diplomatic solution. Peace on earth may start with you this festive season.

Simply running away or escaping may not be an option due to Mercury in post shadow in your sign and Mars fully retroactive in your 9th. You may simply have to stop where you are and find the middle ground. And yes, this may involve counting to three before you speak. Your self control in this area may actually take you by surprise.

The lost path or one not taken could open up again but you may have to wait until the new year before the light changes to green. The 21st marks the end of your birthday season and the Solstice as the Sun leaves for Capricorn and your 2nd. This is its first transit of this house since Pluto exited last month. It should have left you with a sense of power and control over your money, income and other assets. Especially when it comes to gaining access to resources you need. There’s mastery that comes with this Sag. You use your talents and skills in new ways. You also have an upgraded and unshakeable sense of self-worth. And it is this reforging that gives you full access to what’s on offer. Watch for inroads to gains at the end of the month.

In a nutshell: Navigating conflict or finding where you and another can finally agree may prove challenging this week. Take it your usual candid approach won’t work. You may have to find a more diplomatic solution. Gains can be made when it comes to money and resources.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (2nd) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)

capricorn full moonCAPRICORN

Unleash your potential

Let go of what binds you to the past

Happy, limitless birthday beginnings, Capricorn!

Lush, limitless new beginnings ask for a deep let go as the Sun in your sign ushers in a new era of brilliant potential for you, Capricorn. This is the first birthday cycle you’ve experienced since 2008 that is Pluto-free. As a result, your most burning passions and fervent desires are ignited, Capricorn. Your desire to have, pursue or even be – everything you know you embody – is unleashed. It’s passionate, primal and yes, pretty well unstoppable.

Pluto’s work has left you knowing just how limitless your power of intention is when focussed. You will be actively seeking the way, enticing and above all, soul stirring to have or go after. Along with this comes a final release as the Sun in your soul and spirit sector and Neptune starkly highlight something you no longer need. This is the let go moment. When you refuse to be defined by your past from this point onwards.

New deals may be on the table. Possibly a fearless one you make with yourself as to what you are willing to continue with. And what you will no longer tolerate as retro Mars in your 8th opposes Ceres in your 2nd just prior to your birthday cycle beginning. You decide from here on in, Capricorn. What goes and what stays. Even if you may not be saying this out loud right now. The internal shift is all that’s needed.

The year ahead will see ruler Saturn end its cycle in your 3rd and along with Neptune, move on into your 4th of home, family and life path. You’ll cement something soul satisfying and permanent during their stay. The best ahead of you is Jupiter’s arrival in your 7th (from June ‘25). Handing you the best cycle for partnerships, attraction and success in any two-up or more endeavours for 24 years.

Why 24? Well, Jupiter only visits this house once every 12 years. The last time – Pluto was in your 1st. This time – it’s all about the love without the pain, Capricorn. Unrestricted and no holds barred. Be this around a soul aligned union or simply you going after what you desire to experience or explore. Start your engines now as you’ve a magic wand you can not only use to magnetise what you want. But bibbidi-bobbidi-boo yourself at the same time. See yourself as freed from past limitations. And meet the new you.

In a nutshell: You’re all fired up and Pluto-free as the Sun arrives in your sign this week. Birthday you possesses a magical ability to transform not just how others see you – but how you see yourself. Unleash limitless you this week!

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (1st) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


Go deeper to discover something precious

Make the life-affirming choice

What delivers on passion and future promise?

You’re the pearl diver intent on capturing treasure and bringing it to the surface. Like a glowing, precious jewel this Solstice season, Aquarius. There’s something you’ve missed or yet to discover. A magical talisman or oyster containing the marvellous. That when prised open hands you a lost opportunity or solution to release you from the past.

Your future is still in motion while the Sun remains in your 11th (up until the 21st). You may choose to divert what’s most precious to you into a new area. Be this your time, love, talent or money. The Sun shines on what’s worth investing in. And what is no longer aligned to your values on the 18th.

Mars is retrograde in your partnerships zone. Passion and fulfilment are high on your holiday wishlist. This could see you and another both get what you wished for on the 20th when Mars opposes Ceres in your sign. But if you are no longer facing the same direction or wanting the same outcome, the Mars retrograde won’t sugar coat the truth. Not now Pluto is in your sign.

The real truth may take time to emerge however. This is a long, slow reverse which will see Mars re-enter your 6th before it heads direct again next year. You’ll come to understand what works and what either has to be re-imagined or released over the upcoming weeks. Just keep in mind that life isn’t a dress rehearsal, Aquarius. This is the real thing. You will be awakened to what is no longer worth your time and investment. And also shown how to heal and release yourself from past pain and limitations during the Sun’s transit of your 12th (from the 21st). And the upcoming ‘Black’ new Moon in here which occurs next week. From that point onwards you will be open to accepting the call to live as authentically as possible. And how saying yes or no plays a role in truth telling for your future benefit.

In a nutshell: This week acts as a reminder that life (and love), aren’t a dress rehearsal. This is the real thing. So, make choices based on what delivers. Take a deep breath and the plunge to recover a precious jewel that you missed. On the cusp of your present and the future, there’s treasure waiting.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (7th to 1st)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (12th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)


What has delivered for you?

Have the confidence to ask

The power to make goals real lies within you

Focus on those ambitions and expectations, Pisces. The rewards, recognition and accolades that you’ve been working towards and hoping for. Are they being realised? Or do they remain pipe dreams and out of reach?

If anyone has been promising anything from putting a ring on it to that promotion or bonus, this week could show you whether or not they intend to stand and deliver – or if it has been all stick and no carrot. This is about deliverables – not empty promises. Actions that back up words as the Sun in your 10th strikes ruler Neptune (18th). And retro Mars in your 6th opposes Ceres in your 12th (20th).

This can hand you what you’ve been working towards. Or see someone make good on their word. Real world results that are a win for both parties. You are the sign which gently and empathically gives your all. In a quiet soulful way. Unlike other signs which love to shout about what they are doing and also demand their due. And actually, don’t dismiss that approach. You can learn a lot from having the confidence to ask directly for what you want. Or that someone delivers on their word. And also, to take a leaf out of the Leo Playbook, to know that if they say no, they never had any intention of getting to yes. Sometimes putting someone on the spot is an act of self-care. Keep this in mind during Mars’s retro. As is taking on board the results or answers you get.

Pluto has now left Capricorn and your 11th of friends and the future forever. Well – at least this lifetime. So, the Sun arrives in this house (21st), with a freshly remade social circle. And you now knowing you are the one who can transform your future path. So – if you come to the conclusion that Santa won’t be delivering what you hoped for, the good news is you’re taking control and heading where you know you can make it real. No more pinning those wishes on falling stars. Next week shows you a realistic path to where the real dreams can be attained.

In a nutshell: Promises and those who have made them, are put on the spot this week. You won’t stand for further bread-crumbing if someone won’t make good on their word. But knowing that you have the power to make goals real without anyone’s input if necessary, is all you really need to get what you want.

18 Dec 2024 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)

20 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mars in Leo opposition Ceres in Aquarius (6th to 12th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (11th) (Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer Southern)

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