Weekly Astrology December 23rd 2024 Forecast For All Signs
Fate pushes you towards a choice
Lean in to integrity
You’ll never know if you don’t try
Once, twice, three times the charm. Mercury in Sagittarius lines up with Jupiter in Gemini across your 3rd/9th house axis for the third and final time (26th). You’ve been at this point now twice before during Mercury’s pre and retro cycles. And you will now be asked to choose your direction, make a choice or give an answer.
What has been hanging, left in limbo or undecided now gathers momentum. And asks you to ove forward with it. Do come from a place of soul integrity when you do. We have a mutable T-square with Jupiter squaring Saturn in your 12th, and Mercury in your 3rd doing the same across the 24th – 27th. Venus in your 11th also squares Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. Decisions rest on your values at this point.
Here’s the thing about squares and oppositions. Without them we wouldn’t achieve anything. They are the gym or workout of the soul. Otherwise, we’d simply wallow around inert and with no real sense of our own identity. We know who we are from what we can do. And there’s nothing like the sense of self-worth and confidence we get when we make an effort and discover just what we can do when we try. One final effort to attain something or even push your own limits may be asked of you this week. You’ll set some karma in motion when you do. And also – the timing’s right, Aries. So long as it doesn’t involve you selling your soul – push forward and take your integrity, and story – higher.
In a nutshell: The final week of 2024 brings a choice of direction. Or restarts something you’ve been waiting on. It also asks you push ahead but without compromising those core values, Aries. This just could be the moment which defines the coming year for you.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (9th to 3rd) (Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (9th to 12th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
Step into a future wide open with potential
Push past resistance
If you never go – you’ll never grow
Soul strength training happens this week. That’s what occurs when we are faced with squares and oppositions. We have to push against them – or usually past ourselves and our own self-imposed limitations, to get the result we want.
We have a mutable T-square this week formed by the Jupiter/Mercury opposition across your 2nd/8th houses and Saturn in your 11th. Then the 28th sees ruler Venus in your status sector square off against Uranus in your sign. This means there’s an opportunity on offer for you – but you have to push against some resistance for your result. And really look closely at opting for a very different choice than you have ever considered before.
There’s something wide open and waiting for you if you dare to engage in this process. It has the ability to put your future on a new path. Not just for the upcoming year – but beyond that. Understand that this week’s energy is fast moving and may ask you to simply go with your gut. But also, you do need to know if you never go, you’ll never grow, Taurus.
Adapt to any changes especially around your career, public or professional rep and your relationships status. Understand that resistance as in blocking change or staying stuck, is totally futile at this point. It will only set you back if you do. It’s a moment of surrender – to solutions, to opportunities and above all, to something moving for 2025. Go with it, Taurus.
In a nutshell: An electric charge crackles across your change sector like lightning in a bottle. You have the option to simply stay with the status quo. Or harness it to empower a better outcome. Resist the urge to stay stuck. You’ll never know what the future holds unless you go there.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (8th to 2nd) (Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (8th to 11th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
When it comes to me + you – you know what to do
What’s stalled moves forward
Discover the secret to happiness NOW!
Ruler Mercury now direct makes its third and final opposition to Jupiter in your sign (26th). This week also hands us a mutable T-Square as both Jupiter and Mercury square off against Saturn in your 10th. All this takes place across the 24th – 27th.
This hands you the outcome, answer or ability to move ahead that may have stalled during Mercury’s backwards motion in your 7th. And it could see you now understanding what you now need do when it comes to a key partnership. Or even creating that for yourself. Be this one of the heart or one of shared goals and intentions.
The square-off with Saturn isn’t the only one happening in the sky this week. We also have Venus in your 9th squaring Uranus in your 12th (28th). This busts you free of any illusions around what I would call ‘Waiting for happiness’. You tell yourself you will finally be happy when you have a specific outcome or reach a specific goal. So, what happens in between now and then, Gemini?! Are you in the Bardo of Discontent? This allows you not to see the fault in your stars but the fault in your thinking. Happiness is in experience you are having right now.
And here’s the secret – if you put it on hold for when you attain this certain result, thing or person, when you do get it you feel strangely empty and let down. So, see this week as getting off that treadmill once and for all. And claim the happiness in the here and now.
In a nutshell: No more waiting for things to happen. Happiness happens to be a state of mind. And what you can have and experience in the here and now. Whatever else is on offer for you this week – simply the icing on that cake, Gemini.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (7th to 1st) (Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (7th to 10th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
Something given has no value.
Jean Rasczak. Starship Troopers
Blocks to progress are sent to test your resolve. How much do you really, REALLY want something? If you give up at the first hurdle, we can say probably not really. And nothing worth having comes to us without some kind of effort. Of course, there is the flip side to this. That constant barriers to progress or doors being slammed shut in our face can show us we are taking the wrong approach. Or wrong path entirely.
So, the good news of the final week of ‘24 is that you’ll know which is which, Cancer. Which makes for a definitive and confident decision. And also you understanding the meaning behind the above quote. We value what we have had to work for. The more we have invested – time, effort, love, the more its value increases.
Relationships aren’t happily ever afters. Even if we are marrying the love of our life. We have to work at them – continuously. Just like we work on ourselves. Or work towards a career or life ambition. We invest, adjust, learn along the way. We adapt and grow as we encounter stumbling blocks. And dealing with these adds to our confidence and belief in our ability to gain that outcome. The more work we do, the more we value the result. If we were simply handed it, it would not be so precious to us.
So, harness the energy of this week’s T-square of Jupiter in your 12th and Mercury in your 6th squaring Saturn in your 9th. Don’t give up or take the easy way out. There are no short cuts. Simply do the work. Above all, listen to your gut if it is telling you to try a different approach. That’s work as well. But it’s what works for you now.
In a nutshell: If everything you wanted was just handed to you – would it be so precious, Cancer? Discovering what you can manifest and bring about when you try, is what creates lasting value. Don’t deny yourself the gift of that experience.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (6th to 12th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (6th to 9th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
Go for the future perfect goal
Exciting alternatives lead to authentic choices
How much do you truly, madly, deeply?
The universe asks you how truly, madly and deeply you desire something this week. It also lets you know if your dreams have changed. As we evolve, so do our goals. Yes, there are those dreams which are an integral part of who you are. The pursuit of which are part of your reason for being here. They may stay unchanged for our entire lifetimes. Or should I say until we reach them.
However, what we want in say our 20’s, may have altered form or no longer be relevant by the time we reach our 30’s or 40’s. This week offers an opportunity to future-proof your dreams. And also a path you can journey down to reach those which remain timelessly relevant and true.
Do take a moment under the tight but fast-moving T-Square energy of the final week of the year, to check that you still want something as much as you once did. One of the ways the universe can have a good laugh at our expense is to hand us our desire, only for us to realise we no longer want it. Time testing those wishes ensures that doesn’t happen.
The week points to a change in direction or a fresh focus on an exciting alternative ahead of the New Year. Mercury in your 5th of effortless attraction and blissful experiences opposes Jupiter in your wish zone for the third and final time (26th). It is this which creates the square with Saturn in your 8th. Marking a change or realisation around what you have or want.
A final push towards the outcome you seek may also call on you to reach for a new set of tools. Again, fuelled by real desire to attain that goal. Venus in your 7th squares off Uranus in your 10th indicating a pivot point. Where you decide on a whole new approach. Or in fact let go of something you thought you never would in favour of something different. But whatever your approach, you won’t be disappointed, Leo.
In a nutshell: Wishes and dreams may change. Do look to whether or not those goals remain North Stars to aim for. Or if your compass now points in a new direction. Alternatives call for supernova moments of brilliance when it comes to trying the new. But could turn out to be the difference you’ve been waiting for.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (5th to 11th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (5th to 8th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
Ditch inaction for pro-active self-love
A make your mind up moment appear
You deserve answers – and results
Ruler Mercury escapes its retro shade next week. But this week delivers a final Now or Never moment ahead of the new year. Take your time, Virgo. Especially if this involves partners of any descriptions. Any choice you make is likely to be lasting.
The week serves Mercury’s third and final opposition to Jupiter in your success and status sector. Both planets will square Saturn in your 7th across the 24th – 27th. Forming a Mutable T-Square. What this shows you is the real potential or lasting possibilities around something that may have swung back and forth like a pendulum during Mercury’s retrograde. From should I or shouldn’t I? To will they or won’t they?
It could hand you a moment of destiny in a union. Stick or leave. Yes or no. Or even ask and get your answer. Confronting fears, the risk of disappointment or finding out if something is indeed real, are things you may have to confront now. Promises have to be made good on. And you are entitled to expect delivery at this point. No more waiting or being kept in limbo.
Keep in mind that if someone cannot make up theirs, or keep on handing you excuses, the only mind which can really decide is your own. Venus in your 6th also squares Uranus in your freedom and evolution sector (28th). You’ll do it or go it your way rather than wait around at this point. You’ll also start the new year with the gift of knowing what’s solid and realistic. In love and everything else – actions speak loudest this week.
In a nutshell: Even if others are dragging their feet, you know what to do this week. You need certainty and answers when it comes to anything long term, Virgo. Don’t be afraid to put someone on the spot over deliverables. And remember – the only mind you can make up is yours.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (4th to 10th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (4th to 7th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
Opt for innovation
Know what you want to achieve
Get results that last!
Escaping the mundane will ask for an extra pinch of effort on your part this week. There’s no gain without it. You also have to work with what you currently have. Which is a lot in terms of knowledge and experience. A practical, grounded approach, paying attention to the details and avoiding short-cuts turns into a results fast-track this week. Don’t be tempted to skip a basic step, Libra. No matter how much you may be in a rush to claim your prize!
Ruler Venus is at a shining, power-point of attraction in your 5th. While its angle to Uranus (28th) ignites your imagination when it comes to taking an innovative approach. Mercury’s third and final opposition to Jupiter in your 9th, could kick-start a project or plan that has roots in your past. Or which has seen you spinning your wheels since October.
Saturn’s tight grip on both Jupiter and Mercury demands you have a clear outcome in mind. And that no matter how inspired or outside the box that plan is, you do your due diligence. And not be distracted by the dazzle of short term results.
I’ve talked a lot this week about the hidden gift of squares and oppositions. How without them, we would never discover our greatness. Or feel that sense of satisfaction that is the lasting take-out when we succeed at something. This week offers up exactly that if you are prepared to do what it takes to get your result. Rather than simply wishing and hoping for it.
In a nutshell: Ditch the dazzle of the ephemeral, Libra. If you look past short term gains, you can instead grab long term results. The satisfaction you unwrap stays will you long after the glitter and sparkle has worn off. A little innovation (and fact checking) hands you that result.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (3rd to 9th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (3rd to 6th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
Turn fear into a friend
What’s in the way of what you want?
Uncover the secret behind your success
What is fear of success really all about, Scorpio? Let’s unpack that ahead of 2025. It’s not about self-doubt. Of not being able to deliver what’s asked of you. It’s not about impostor syndrome either. Fear of success usually stems from knowing that if we get what we want – everything changes.
The cosmos conspires to test you on this one this week. We have the final opposition of Mercury (in your 2nd), and Jupiter in your 8th (26th). Both planets sideswipe Saturn in your 5th of attraction and wish fulfilment. This speaks to something long term, Scorpio. A passion or desire you’ve been waiting on. So, the question under this mutable T-square is are you ready or not?
Because having what we want automatically changes everything. And we need to understand this from the moment we state that goal and commit to its manifestation. Gaining it means things will never be the same again. And sometimes what we desire the most scares our subconscious so much that it will do anything to keep things the way they are. We then give into fear by either rejecting it upfront. Or defaulting to f***ing it up later. So, self-sabotage is in fact, self-protection in disguise.
Tell yourself that no matter what changes your goals and dreams becoming real may bring, you are ready to accept them. Despite any lingering fears the mere idea of having what you want triggers. Know you are ready. You don’t need protection from your dreams. You need to open up and experience them – unfiltered and with incredible bravery. Drop the barriers on the 28th. Whether you believe you’re ready or not – know you are.
In a nutshell: What really holds you back may surprise you. Take it that blocks to progress aren’t what you think. By reframing your ideas around this, you can claim those goals. This is the biggest gift the end of 2024 has for you, Scorpio.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (2nd to 8th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (2nd to 5th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
e.e. cummings. I Carry Your Heart With Me
From this week on, do not look back on love. Look forward. That does not mean forgetting. It merely means you choose to focus on your future. With someone you know. Or who you have yet to meet. You have another six months of your ruler Jupiter in your 7th. This week clears the way for either a new partnership experience. Or the next stage with a current partner as Mercury in your 1st makes its third and final opposition to Jupiter.
What you love also includes where you feel loved. Or the love that feels like home. Don’t ignore its call. Ships need a port. Or a starbase. This can be a someone, a place, a family unit, a spiritual community of like minded souls. Don’t drift, Sag. You can be free to go where you want. But you need that anchor. Those roots. That love you carry in your heart. And they carry yours.
Do look to who, where or what this is under this week’s intense mutable T-Square between Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in your 4th. It is active across the 24th-27th. A time when many of us return to our family and roots. Is this what grounds and also carries you? Or is this something/someone else entirely? Be honest if only with yourself, Sag. And understand that sentimentality isn’t enough. It’s about what and where you create your future. Not your past. Freedom is one of life’s great paradoxes. Where you plant your heart deepest is also what sets you free.
In a nutshell: You can carry past memories forward with you. But stop looking back, Sag. Now is the time to face forward. And discover what the future holds in terms of love, being loved and what and where you find this in.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (1st to 7th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (1st to 4th)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
Your soul highlights that clear choice
Create something new and meaningful
Happiness is an attitude
This week’s mutable T-Square includes Saturn your ruler in your 3rd involved in a high tensile tussle with Mercury in your 12th and Jupiter in your 6th. What are you not saying or hesitating over? Because what needs to be done is actually pretty clear. Chances are some of you may be wanting to spend this time of year in a very different way in ‘25. There’s a desire to create your own traditions. Or to simply no longer feel pressured into doing something just because well – that’s the way it’s always been done.
You are facing all this Pluto-free and clear for the first time since 2008. So keep in mind that many things will no longer hold the meaning for you that they once did. And yes, you don’t want to hurt or disappoint others. But continuing to do things just for the sake of it, may no longer be an option.
You may take your usual considered approach to this. And you’re unlikely to rock the boat in the here and now. You may also be eyeing off other changes around your work and routine ahead of the new year. Wait a few more days before initiating, Capricorn. Not only does Mercury clear its retroshadow in your 12th next week, but the final days of ‘24 offer up the clearest and best restart you’ve been handed in decades, thanks to the new ‘Black’ Moon in your sign.
For now, adopt a happiness mindset which seeks out the best in whatever situation or circumstances you are spending the holidays. The real gift is in your attitude. Looking for the best always ensures you have the best time. And also others love to be around you. Things don’t have to be perfect. But you can always find something perfectly right. That’s your gift you have which keeps on giving this week. Taking you all the way into 2025.
In a nutshell: If tensions flow this holiday season, remind yourself happiness is both a choice and a mindset. And you have control over both, Capricorn. Next week brings the biggest and freshest restart you’ve seen in decades.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (12th to 6th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (12th to 3rd)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
You can’t see magic if you’re on autopilot
Does the Now Age call for a new tradition?
Find the gift in the present
Venus in your 1st tugs at ruler Uranus in your 4th asking you honour your individual needs. Especially if your current version of home for the holidays is more about duty and guilt than celebration. Yes, but the time this transit is at its max the ho-ho-ho or the ho-hum is over for another year (28th). But by then you may be unwrapping how you need to change things up so it feels more inclusively you by next year.
Did you find yourself on autopilot, stressed or overwhelmed? In the run up to Christmas, stop and check if this is happening. We can’t find the magic at any time of year if we’re run ragged. And there actually is a lot of it in the air despite this week’s mutable T-Square (across the 24th – 27th).
It’s formed by the third and final Mercury/Jupiter opposition. Which comes gift wrapped with Grinch-dispelling spells. Did I say Grinch? Old ruler Saturn (yes, we can forget you DO have one), is all caught up in your 2nd house. However, Mercury and Jupiter in your 11th/5th are in mutual reception. Across your houses of friends, wishes and all earthly delights. And we know Jupiter never does things by half measures! Look to what you have in the moment. And know what you are waiting to manifest is on its way. Even if Santa appears to have forgotten the pony/Hermes Birkin/Harry Styles that you asked for this time round. Instead find the real gift in the present.
Joy to the world comes via others. Not just family ties. Especially in the Now Age of Aquarius. And along with this, remember you are also other people’s joy, Aquarius. Keep this in mind now. And please, don’t over-spend on gift giving. It’s one thing to be generous. Another thing to put yourself into stressy debt. Remember, very often all others want is the gift of connection and the present of your presence. So, down-shift, stop and connect. Ah, there it is all along – the holiday spirit. It’s the best present you can give yourself.
In a nutshell: What’s meaningful and magical to you is highlighted this holiday season. Magic will be found in your group, community and friends as well as family connections. Setting a new traditional that’s meaningful to you gifts you the magic of the present.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (11th to 5th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (11th to 2nd)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
Your uniqueness has no comparison
Check off those milestones
You are a Warrior!
The quote ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year’ – unquote, can be a time of reflection as well as celebration. What did I achieve? What didn’t I do? How did I end up back here again? Or alternatively ‘Crushed 2024 like a boss!’.
Whatever your mindset this holidays, and no matter where or with who you are spending it, sweet Pisces, don’t compare yourself to others. Or take on board the comparisons of others. Remind yourself you are a WARRIOR! It’s all very well to make set your intentions for the coming year. And in fact, next week offers you a rare and powerful portal to set those goals in motion just prior to the new year beginning. But hold off on that for now. And when you do, ensure they spring from your warrior soul. Not because you feel you have to live up to others.
We have a big, fat mutable T-Square in the sky over the holidays (24th – 27th). It’s formed by Mercury in your 10th opposite your old ruler Jupiter in your 4th for the third and final time. And both making high tensile angles to Saturn in your 1st. This may kick up someone being super-critical in their comparison of you to others. Chances are if this happens, this is a regular thing for them to do. The trick is – not to fall into the trap of doing it to yourself.
Without squares and oppositions, we wouldn’t get anywhere. It’s the energy that sees us getting our hustle on and going places. In light of this, look at ambition and success through a different lens. And tick off all those things you set out to do that you ticked off that list. And you’ll quickly see there are no small achievements.
And yes, some of you could be cruising into ‘25 on a win. If so, know you did that. Venus in your 12th makes yet another high stakes angle to Uranus in your 3rd. While some things may never change in terms of how others think, you will now shift your ideas around what you keep and what you let go of. Unfavourable comparisons being top of that wishlist, Pisces. Head into 2025 without them.
In a nutshell: Remind yourself that you are a warrior. Of empathy, love, compassion and magical imagination. Keep doing that if you find yourself compared to others. Or compare yourself. Your unique spirit is enough. Celebrate that.
24 Dec 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)
26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (10th to 4th) Mutual Reception)
27 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd time) (10th to 1st)
28 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
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