Weekly Astrology December 30th 2024 Forecast For All Signs
Adjust your settings for lasting success
You know what works
Reclaim what remains timeless
The New Year usually brings that resolution rev up – but cool your jets due to ruler Mars retrograde, Aries. In any event, the real ‘new’ beginning actually takes place on the 30th. A far better day to set those intentions. We have a new ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn and your house of ambitions, status and success. The first to grace this portion of your chart since Pluto left it for good. This makes it potent and powerfully free of past influences and struggles.
You’ll know for sure if what you’ve worked towards of invested in is right for you. If not, some of you may decide to head off in a radically new and healing direction. One that hands you more rewards and also allows you more scope and freedom to bring your unique skill set to the fore. The same day sees Mercury (now direct) in your 9th, trine Chiron in your sign of the third and final time. This is you committing to what gives you the competitive edge when it comes to what you do. And how you leverage it to get where you want to go. It’s unique to you.
Chiron heads direct on this day while Mercury escapes post-retro on Jan 1. But the retro Mars/Pluto opposition across your 5th/11th houses is the first of two on this axis. There could be a decision time around love, a relationship, a goal you are invested in, or even a change around a child. Above all, due to the fact this is the first of two such alignments, do not be pressured, rushed or be triggered by others.
Sweet music for your soul is provided by Venus’s arrival in your 12th (3rd). Think of this as the soundtrack which in some way links you to your past. The volume of which is going to be turned up in the upcoming months. There’s about to be a great reclaiming of a past love, truth or experience for you. Yes, set those intentions this week. Especially if they resonate deeply within you. And know you have the best possible energy for a successful outcome. But take your time with those next steps. Especially if back-tracking was never part of your plan.
In a nutshell: A powerful new ‘Black’ Moon in your house of ambition and long term commitments highlights what is worth your investment. It’s one of the clearest signposts towards success and attainment you’ve experienced for years. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (10th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (9th to 1st)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (1st)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (9th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (12th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 11th)
Friendships bring opportunities – and freedom
Shrug off what no longer works
You are the influencer, Taurus!
The change of year is just a calendar date. Yes, we mark the event with fireworks and other celebrations. But it’s always worth remembering that our personal new years begin with the Sun in our sign. And also that we get handed a fresh yearly cycle in a specific area each month with the new Moon.
You are one of the signs best positioned to plunge into the free flowing cosmic dance happening in the sky as one year ends and the calendar changes. You are about to shrug off something you no longer need like it was a bad wardrobe choice. That item you simply had to buy in the moment – and then weeks, months or years later, unearth from your closet and wonder: What on earth was I thinking?! Whether you then consign it to Vinted or your local charity shop – you let it go effortlessly. Well, expect to shed something just as easily and without dwelling on your past choices this week. And as you do, you’ll open up room for something so much more fitting (and potentially lasting!), to replace it.
Change in a new, soul expanding and exciting direction is marked by the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 9th (30th). Opportunity breezes in or you see a pathway ahead of you to explore. This is the first new Moon to appear in here since Pluto exited Capricorn. So, it marks the unfolding of a brave new phase where you slip free of anything tethering you to the past. Mercury’s final trine to Chiron in your 12th the same day, makes it easy for you.
The shift or pivot could occur around home, family, living arrangements, path, purpose or a long term commitment which has now run its course. If you have been searching for a way out or alternative, it opens up as Mercury flies free of post-retro shade in your 8th, and Mars in your 4th opposes Pluto in your 10th (3rd).
The same day has ruler Venus land in your house of friendships and the future. Enhancing your social circle and handing you all-important enchantment when it comes to goal attraction. If barriers have stopped you circulating in your usual way, watch how these are effortlessly dissolved. What you move into this week, has a year long influence. Happy new cosmic 12 months, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You’ll shrug off something that’s well past its use-by date like an outdated outfit this week. And step into the freedom of only choosing what truly defines you. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope. Ruler Venus upgrades your social life. You’re ready for what really suits you.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (9th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (8th to 12th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (12th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (8th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (11th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 10th)
Do it with love
Yours is the only approval you need
Give in to the desire for something different
Chances are you’ve been using your retro energy to look at what you need to change once ruler Mercury picks up the pace again. That happens on Jan 1 when it finally escapes its post-shadow in your 7th house. Love and partnership matters are all back on the menu. And changes you now wish to enact can be undertaken.
You can actually push the button on them with the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 8th (30th). Even though this appears two days before Mercury’s escape from shade. This day also sees Mercury make its third and final trine to Chiron in your 11th. And Chiron also head direct. This new Moon is passionately potent and urges you to pursue the call to change something. Or begin anew. That is because it is the first new Moon to appear in here free of Pluto’s influence since 2008.
Gather up your desire for something different. And initiate. Don’t wait for change to happen. Or dream you are powerless when it comes to the direction your future takes. If you have been mired in inertia due to imagining you have nothing to say, contribute or give to others – then expect this untruth to be exposed with the Mars retro/Pluto opposition on the 3rd. You may imagine you are not qualified. Or you have been waiting for someone to give you ‘permission’ to act. By giving you the necessary approval. Telling you that you are qualified, ready – the list drags on. The end of ‘24 and start of 2025, shows you that the only difference between you and others who are actively pursuing or doing what you dream of, is the fact that they are. They are not better, more talented, experienced (except maybe if you chosen dream is astronaut or brain surgeon!), than you. They are just putting themselves out there and doing it. Not waiting for someone to tell them they can.
So, take the new year energy and stop waiting for external permission to head off in pursuit of those goals. Venus now in your 10th leverages what you do have. And enhances your rep. It also whispers a key truth: You are ready. And also the question: Just how much do you want to live the reality rather than stay with the dream? You’ll never know unless you dare to try.
In a nutshell: Mercury escapes retroshadow in your partnership zone giving you a green light when it comes to love. You begin the new year eager for something soul defining and different. The new Moon hands you exactly that. See your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope for more.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (8th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (7th to 11th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (11th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (7th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (10th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)
Begin anew free of the past
You are the catalyst for togetherness
Be the love you want to bring into your life
The new ‘Black’ Moon in your 7th begins a brand new cycle of partnerships, relating, dynamic duos and double acts of all descriptions. This is a totally fresh start no matter your relationship status. Or the exact form that union takes. And yes, it IS all love if it takes two, Cancer. Be it a long term love connection, marriage, collab, working dynamic or your bestie.
This new Moon is the very first to light up this house in your chart since 2008, free of Pluto’s influence. It represents new beginnings but also an opportunity for you to work your transformed approach to love and being loved in return that Pluto has gifted you. Whether you apply this to a past, present or potential relationship.
This is a catalyst for a new kind of togetherness. It’s love alchemy baby. And also freedom now Venus reaches your 9th (3rd). It’s no fleeting impulse either. This kind of loving is here to stay. You will be all-in with what you have. Or all in to that commitment to find who and what you are seeking. Get ready to meet your match.
This week also sees Mercury in its ruling 6th escape retro-shade (1st). And Chiron in your 10th direct also from the 30th. The other big happening is the Mars retro in your 2nd opposition Pluto now in your 8th. This sees you acknowledge that a permanent and irrevocable change has occurred within you. And is now manifesting in your outer world and relationships. Alignment with your values will be a determining factor in any future you have with someone. And if there is a disconnect here, this will also dictate what you do next.
Mars is heading back your way before it moves direct again in February. And then opposes Pluto for a second time when it returns to your 2nd. Between now and then expect a gradual and slow transition into a new beginning. But for you – the new year appears with the Black Moon. Don’t wait for Jan 1 to ring in those love resolutions.
In a nutshell: Reformed and reimagined ideas around partnerships and unions of all descriptions can be initiated under this week’s all-powerful ‘Black’ new Moon in your 7th. It marks a totally new beginning free of past limitations. How you work it is up to you. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (7th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (6th to 10th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (10th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (6th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (9th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)
I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Good night.
Crash Davis (Kevin Costner). Bull Durham, 1988
Back in 1988 when Kevin Costner delivered one of the hottest slow-burns in cinema history in Bull Durham (97% on Rotten Tomatoes, do have a watch if you’ve not seen it), we had a Venus and a Mars retrograde. We begin 2025 in a Mars retrograde in your sign. And an upcoming Venus one across Aries and Pisces in March.
In the film, Crash’s speech leaves Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon), breathless and wanting. She’s someone who doesn’t do the wait. But like the film, the themes which surround you are about the anticipation, the chase, the slow-burn build rather than closing escrow. Don’t be in a hurry, Leo. Even to try figuring out where a potential relationship could go. Similarly, you should be in no hurry to make a big decision around a present one either.
Yes, there’s a shift happening with the Mars retro/Pluto in your 7th opposition on the 3rd. One that will transform your outlook on love. Or change up a relationship for good. Some of you could even draw in that charismatic potential love interest. If so, take your time. This is the first of two oppositions between these two. The second happens when Mars heads direct again in your 12th then returns to your 1st. It may take that long for you to work out just where this one is taking you. Or to know that your decision is the right one.
Yes, Mercury lifts any final barriers to mating, dating or simply your pursuit of what you love from the 1st when it leaves all retro-dulls behind in your 5th. It’s trine to Chiron in your 9th (30th) offers up an enticing or new opportunity for you.
For now, do the work as a new ‘Black’ Moon appears free of Pluto’s influence in your 6th (30th). Take charge of your daily schedule. Your work, wellbeing and those habits. Setting those New Year resolutions on this day (or, as I prefer to call them ‘intentions’), gives you the ability to stick to them than if you do this on January 1.
Venus reaches your 8th (3rd). Look to your resources, what you share and also invest in your level of deservedness and above all, ability to accept. There’s no point in working to manifest it if when it shows up, you reject or sabotage it. You have to be set to accept and fully embrace it. Even if you have to wait – it’s worth the work.
In a nutshell: Don’t ignore changes you need to make around work and wellness as 2025 begins. Check the details in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope. And don’t be tempted to hurry love or rush partnership decisions either. The slow burn and anticipation are stages you don’t want to skip now Mars is retro in your sign.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (6th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (5th to 9th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (9th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (5th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (8th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)
If it’s one-sided it won’t work
Opt for the different choice
Just go with it!
Fresh, breathless and newly minted beginnings appear with the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 5th. It marks a powerful point of creation in your life. And your openness to embrace something heart-starting without over-analysing. Just go with it, Virgo.
This day also sees ruler Mercury, poised at the point of clearing post-shadow, make its 3rd and final alignment to Chiron in your 8th. Chiron also heads direct on this day. What this tells you is to opt for the edgy and different choice. Especially if what you are now seeking in a different outcome. This is the first new Moon to grace your pleasure sector free of the influence of Pluto for the first time since 2008. And with Venus bringing you your yearly partnership peak as it enters your 7th (3rd), it’s time for the open and flowing choice.
You make this free of past shadows. And with a willingness to simply go with it and see where it takes you. Mercury is clear of post shadow from Jan 1. Putting home, family and property decisions back on the map. Do make them unclouded by sentimentality however.
And also free of guilt or burdens that have been placed on you by others. Especially if your family of origin have assigned you a role within it that is linked to your gender and/or relationship status. Or you have felt pressured to conform to their expectations. Examples of this can include you being expected to assume more than your fair share of care for ageing relatives simply because you are female and unmarried or without children. Or anyone of any gender feeling pushed down a path they have not chosen for themselves.
The Mars retro in your 12th and opposition to Pluto in your 6th, highlights where something may work for the other party. But not for you. You will be incredibly aware of this now if this is an issue. Expect to take back control or to draw a line between now and May.
In a nutshell: The new ‘Black’ Moon in your 5th combined with ruler Mercury’s escape from retro-shade tells you to plunge headlong into something new – without too much over-analysing on your part, Virgo. Time to trust your feels and let your heart make the choice. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (5th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (4th to 8th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (8th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (4th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (7th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 6th)
New beginnings start right from your front door!
Wait for the big reveal when it comes to relationships
Bring beauty home to stay
You unpack your 2025 possibilities with a mindset that is eager to deal with matters close to home. Or which impact on your daily life. These two areas are intertwined. Especially if you work from home at least part of the time.
Let’s dish the Earl Grey with the new ‘Black’ Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th. This is the first new Moon to appear in here since 2008 completely free of Pluto’s influence. It sees you ready to move into something freshly regenerating. For some of you, this may well be a literal move of house. For others, you simply move the energy where you live by bringing in some improvements to enhance your present home.
Your 4th and 6th houses make easy flowing aspects to one another. Because when you have planets moving through both, they form beautiful, beneficial sextiles. As well as your day job – be it paid or unpaid, your 6th rules your wellbeing. And anything that impacts on that. Which of course includes the environment you spend most of your time in. Whether this is your home, your workplace, or somewhere which functions as both. You will be extra attuned to how atmospheres, vibes and your environment affect how you think and feel. And your energy levels and ability to get things done. Ruler Venus’s arrival in here (3rd), hands you the ability to bring in beautiful, creative and beneficial changes. And if those new year resolves include finding fresh employment, once Mercury escapes post-shade (1st), Venus enhances your job prospects.
A word of advice, when a planet which rules a specific area of our lives is backwards, we should steer clear of what that planet rules in our chart. In your case, Mars rules Aries and your partnership sector. Mars, not Venus, is your love planet. So, during the Mars retro, and especially this week with its opposition to Pluto in your 5th of romance and lovers, hold off on going all in on that latest swipe, moving in with that lover, naming the day or even separating. Above all, don’t feel pressured or rushed. And know if something is emerging, it’s all a bit Shrek right now. The dragon to your donkey. The person really behind that door who would suit you best. It may not be obvious. Wait for love’s true form, Libra.
In a nutshell: Living and loving in ways that feel like homecomings are your themes as ‘25 begins, Libra. Make heart-centered choices for lasting results. Being in the moment rather than second guessing your future, is the key to satisfaction. More in your New Moon in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces forecasts.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (4th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (3rd to 7th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (7th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (3rd)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (6th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 5th)
Say it, share it – don’t keep it on lockdown
Reset those boundaries as needed
Kick it old school in the New Year!
There’s no rules like old school rules. Let’s go old school as 2025 begins. Because they work, phoenix. The best thing about astrology is it’s there like the most updated cosmic Satnav we can plug into. No matter how old those maps actually are. They exist to keep us away from delays, detours and roads to nowhere. They show us the areas of our lives where we can freewheel on the astro superhighway. And also where there are closures or the flow has slowed to a crawl.
Mars is your ancient ruler. It is also the ruler of Aries and your 6th house. So, when Mars is retrograde – in any sign/house in your chart as it is right now, you may feel your signature passion and intensity is dialled down. Or in other words, your mojo is missing. You may have problems with boundaries for instance. Usually with others stepping too far over the line. And you may either over-react to this. Or else feel powerless to do anything about it. Whereas usually this wouldn’t be an issue. Feeling you have lost touch with your power and even your identity, is common during a Mars retro.
Mars also rules your work, your habits and your wellbeing. Burn out and accidents can occur when Mars is retrograde. You may feel tired, fragile and emotional. Plus you may not know when to say no when it comes to taking more on. Do look to your work/life balance, the enjoyment or rewards you get from your career, and yes, whether the payoff is exacting too high a price as Mars in your 10th opposes modern ruler Pluto now in your 4th.
You are lucky enough thanks to the old rules, to be able to reinstate appropriate boundaries, say no with confidence (and know the world or that relationship won’t end if you do!), and change your direction and priorities if need be between now and April. All that matters now is your awareness of any issue. And taking time out to deal with it if needed.
If something needs to be said and done, or ideas put into motion, the next two weeks following the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 3rd is your starting point. This is the first new Moon to appear in here since Pluto left. Bringing you a clear window to say what you need to say, launch ideas or have that talk. Don’t neglect your need for pleasure. Venus lands in this zone in your chart also on the 3rd. And if lack of time for who or what you love and what matters is what needs to happen, you’ll find you can in fact, draw that line in the name of it. Or simply in the name of self-love. Kick it old school, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: School’s back – or at least the old school rules need to be followed with ancient ruler Mars retrograde in your 10th. Opt for the accepted, traditional and cautious approach. Progress may be slow – but you’ll make significant inroads. This week’s new Moon has you sticking to those plans. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (3rd)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (2nd to 6th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (6th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (2nd)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (5th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 4th)
Focus on your values
Where do you want to return to?
Do what comes naturally – and the money will follow!
Look to what is most precious and important to you. What you would never give up or compromise on. What’s not for sale at any price. That dream, that relationship, your time, your values, that passion or your all-important freedom. It can be a person, something physical, an ideal, an idea, an intangible concept. It doesn’t matter the who or the what of it. What matters is it matters to you. Really. Truly. Madly and deeply.
It makes you feel that if you stopped being true to it – you would lose part of yourself. This is a soul value and something which defines you. All the more reason to stick to it, Sag. And there’s a pay-off to all of this. A reward for sticking to your guns as the new ‘Black’ Moon in your 2nd opens up a channel towards gains and making the most of what you have.
It’s free of Pluto’s influence in here. The first new Moon in this house of your chart since 2008 which is. Embrace the full abundant flow that creating an unshakeable value system unleashes. This day also sees Mercury in your sign makes its 3rd and final trine to Chiron in your 5th of unleashed passion and creativity. All are unleashed now. And you may channel all of this into a way of making more money or simply doing what you love.
Your waiting time is over from the first day of the new year as Mercury slips out of post-retro shadows. Venus shifts into your 4th and take it there is a fresh story unfolding around your home, living arrangements, origins, roots and what sustains you. But this may take until May to be cemented.
Mars retrograde in your 9th links you to places you have been in the past. And also past plans which you may have put on hold. It’s opposition to Pluto now in your ideas and house of movement, could point to a revival. Or a new way of getting around or innovation around that website, blog, podcast, social media feed or the devices you use. This is the first of two such encounters. Along with what matters – you’ve an entirely new way of ensuring you leverage those values. And get them across.
In a nutshell: Your core values are your source in terms of progress and in making the most of your natural talents. Time to push the button on those projects and plans. And ease effortlessly into what flows. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (2nd)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (1st to 5th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (5th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (1st)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (4th)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)
Love your colours
Go bold, unbounded and beautiful
Unfurl those wings and get ready to soar!
Fly high, butterfly. It’s a true colours moment this week when you unfurl your glittering wings to a collective ‘Oh, WOW!’ from all those who witness it. Above all, in what is your moment of rebirth, do not be your old self. And don’t whatever you do, tone down or filter your radiance. Serve it undiluted and let your natural vibrance shine with the new ‘Black’ Moon in your sign (30th).
This Moon is the very first to appear in your sign since 2008 completely free of Pluto’s influence. It is therefore a point of complete rebirth for you. Where you unveil to the world those deep inner changes you have undergone. And how these have changed you into a beautiful being.
It’s a point of emergence for you. And you are no longer interested in keeping up a pretence or false facade. Be this within your family or with those closest to you. Or out there in the big, wide interconnected world. Adjustments will be made to your path, your goals and your relationships over the coming months due to the Mars retrograde across your 8th/7th houses. But when you look back at this process, you will see that this is the point where you really engaged with it.
You will have no problem communicating your changes. Or with pushing ahead with your ideas, projects and plans. Especially if they spring from your source of truth and beauty within you. Mercury clears post-shadow in your 12th (1st) while Venus enters your 3rd of communication (3rd). That’s the end of the inner workshopping for you. Now comes the sharing and doing. And what you initiate rings in the chances with your cash and your sense of empowerment thanks to the Mars/Pluto opposition on this day. Between now and the next – true colours show your worth. And you take flight and soar away into a self-defined and limitless future. Set it in motion now.
In a nutshell: The new ‘Black’ Moon in your sign sees you unveil all your reborn brilliance that Pluto has gifted you. No filters, no apologies. There’s nothing basic about you now, Capricorn. Seize the opportunity for a brand new beginning. More in your New Moon in Capricorn forecast.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (1st)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (12th to 4th)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (4th)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (12th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (3rd)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)
Reclaim what’s lost
Work on self-love
Embrace the gift of reflection
Link to your past and recover what remains relevant under this week’s new ‘Black’ Moon in your 12th. You may reframe past events and see things in a fresh light as a result. This can be a deep dive for you. What you dredge up can be re-examined in the light of the present perspective. This can also bring about healing and realisation. Do be kind to yourself as you move through this.
Someone may offer up their take on how they see you. This could be someone who doesn’t know you that well. But that doesn’t mean they are not right on the money in this instance. Sometimes the person who is distanced from us or whose history with us is quite recent, is looking at us with fresh, unclouded eyes. Be open to their feedback as Mercury leaves its retroshade on the 1st in your social sector. And also trines Chiron in your 3rd for the final time on the day of the new Moon. How they see you is very different to how you see yourself. And through them, you will come to understand you are your own worst critic!
Erase any negative tapes this week. And do for now, avoid major decisions around partnerships and relationships. This should be all about your relationship to yourself for now. Valuing yourself more as Venus moves from your sign and on into Pisces and your 2nd (3rd). This day also has retrograde Mars in your 7th oppose Pluto in your sign. Between now and it making the same pass when it heads direct again, you’ll come to see yourself very differently. Most likely because you see yourself through someone else’s eyes. Profound changes are in motion. Take it, you are more than you ever imagined, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: The greatest act of love anyone can perform for us is to let us know how they see us. Someone may show you their perspective which allows you to see yourself in a fresh, empowered light. And to love yourself more from this point onwards. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (12th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (11th to 3rd)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (3rd)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (11th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (2nd)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 1st)
Make those dreams manifest
Get ready to attract
No more letting what’s behind you define you
You flow gracefully, easily and with a soaring spirit into ‘25, Pisces. Thanks to Venus’ arrival in your sign (3rd). You are in tune with yourself and also those around you now. Venus kickstarts what will be an extra long cycle of personal attraction. Take it that this gives you a second and even third bite of that cherry due to the upcoming Venus retrograde. When it returns to your sign you will be able to adjust and realign with anything you begin now.
You are aided by the new ‘Black’ Moon (30th), in your goals sector. This is the first new Moon to appear in this house in your chart since 2008, free of Pluto’s influence. Pluto should have gifted you an unshakeable belief in your power to manifest your desires. And to direct your future down any path you wish to take. Of all the new Moons in the next 12 months, this is the one under which to set your goals for the upcoming year.
It also sets the temperature of your social scene for some time to come. Now is not the time to be a hermit. Use the next two weeks to engage in any activities which boost your social life. And which open up the path to meeting new people.
Hit 2025 running and ready those boss moves as Mercury clears retroshadow in your 10th from the 1st. Venus will also enhance your personal and professional image. Link to your superpower – your intuition, insight and ability to see past the obvious in the upcoming weeks. It will help you seek out and pursue fresh opportunities during the Mars retro. The 3rd has Mars oppose Pluto in your 12th. Pointing the way past an obstacle that has held you back in the past. You now drag it out and unpack it in the cold steel of the present day. It now has no more power over you. This is merely the first stage in transforming your relationship to your past. And what prevents you from moving forward in the present. It’s all-change for you in ‘25, Pisces. Don’t allow what’s now behind you to define you.
In a nutshell: 2025 is set to bring big changes and January is when they begin to appear. Venus in your sign combined with a new ‘Black’ Moon in your goals sector draws in the new. Don’t doubt your own ability to craft your future. More in your New Moon in Capricorn and Venus in Pisces forecasts.
30 Dec 2024 New ‘Black’ Moon in Capricorn (11th)
30 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (3rd time) (10th to 2nd)
30 Dec 2024 Chiron direct in Aries (2nd)
Jan 1 2025 Mercury retroshadow ends in Sagittarius (10th)
Jan 3 2025 Venus enters Pisces (1st)
Jan 3 2025 Mars (retrograde) in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)
Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
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