Weekly Astrology January 20th 2025 Forecast for All Signs


Path, place and purpose align

Revisit the past to step into your future

Imagine limitless!

There’s a big reclaim with a potential reboot occurring over the next two weeks. Ruler Mars retrograde tells you ‘Never say never’. What looked like a lost cause or missed opportunity could revive or return. That being said – if it’s truly over, it really has flatlined for good. But if that’s the case, you know and understand that. And that in itself hands you closure and allows you to move on. This week’s Sun/Pluto conjunction in your 11th acts as a catalyst when it comes to those goals and visions for your future path. Place, position and purpose fuse to allow you to step into something bigger. Again, this may be a returning opportunity for some of you. Or the chance to venture down the path not previously taken.

Lean in or step up and into something bigger and more satisfying as Mercury in your success sector opposes retro ruler Mars in your 4th and simultaneously trines Uranus in your 2nd on the 23rd. You don’t have to sell out to succeed, Aries. In fact, sticking to your values could be what hands you that lasting feeling of accomplishment. The future is in motion and fuelled by the past as Venus in your 12th also trines Mars on the 25th. Letting go of the past can also include recapturing it too. Back to the future – or create a new one? Up to you, Aries.

In a nutshell: Who you are connected to could prove to be either the catalyst or the inspiration for your future, Aries. Letting go of self-imposed limitations while staying true to your values, sees you hurtling into the Aquarian Now Age.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (10th to 4th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (12th to 4th)


Build that legacy

Daring brings the dream closer

No matter the feedback – know its value

Create your legacy this week. Take pride in your achievements. Whether these are professional or something you have crushed on a soul level. The next few weeks are all about that rep – and how you work it.

Now is the time for power moves as the Sun ignites Pluto now in permanent residence in your house of career, status and public image. This is no time to be shy. Nor is it one where you come across as a lightweight. You are about to receive feedback from others or the universe. As to how you are seen and perceived. And this can take the form of rewards and recognition when it comes to your track record to date. A new era of lasting satisfaction and success could be yours to claim.

However, if you encounter speed bumps or even blocks to progress, you now have some serious thinking to do. Uranus in your sign has been opening you up to new and innovate ways to approach those personal desires. And how these integrate with those of others. Being seen as a team player or someone who offers up an authentic contribution, could well seal the deal for you. Or else with Mars now retrograde in your 3rd, you are handed the insight you need to change your approach. So, do be open to feedback this week.

Dare to love – in new and different ways. And also give yourself permission to go after what you love. As well as the opportunity to step up and go higher, this week offers up the chance to recapture the spark for something you may have let go or abandoned. You rekindle the passion for that goal or dream. Or you simply decide to take a chance on someone or something that represents a move in a new direction. Adjust your success settings, now Taurus. You could just create a lasting legacy for yourself if you do.

In a nutshell: It’s a week to lean in to whatever success means to you. The universe acts through others to give you feedback on your progress to date. This is a gift no matter what you are told. Dare to imagine more for yourself, Taurus. You are the Right Stuff!

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (9th to 3rd)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (11th to 3rd)


Your stock is on the rise

New vision, new era

No doubts to cloud your process!

You enter the week empowered and fired with purpose, Gemini! Decisions come easily. And self-doubt and self-created barriers to progress vanish in the blink of an eye!

There’s a ‘no biggie’ boldness occurring. You adapt effortlessly and step into the role of Agent for Your Own Change thanks to ruler Mercury in your transformation sector. Long overdue inroads into gains and goals can be made now thanks to Mercury’s angle to retro Mars in your 2nd. And Uranus in your 12th (23rd).

Your certainty is further fuelled by the Sun and Pluto fusing in your 9th (21st). Opening up a new direction. An opportunity or solution which changes up the status quo or releases you onto a new path may form part of this. And travel or learning may play a role. Certainly, you’ll be leaving your comfort zone behind in the next two weeks. And you won’t hesitate to explore whatever’s on offer.

Venus in your 10th is elevating your personal stock right now. Courage and creativity could combine to see you make an inspired move. Or even have others seek you out. Anything that has been held up, such as that promotion or job offer could happen. But also take it that anyone who thinks you are just going to hang around and wait for them, is in for a rude awakening. They snooze – they lose, as something or something more worthy of your time offers a better alternative. The next two weeks sees the odds all in your favour, Gemini.

In a nutshell: A solution or opportunity asks for open-minded exploration. When it comes to making that choice, you’ll have no doubts you made the right one. Recognition and rewards could follow. You’ve all the right moves, Gemini.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (8th to 2nd)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (10th to 2nd)

cancer seasonCANCER

Knowing what you want is the key to getting it

Banish procrastination

You’ll go there this week!

That ‘no hesitation’ approach is sending messages of sexy self-certainty this week, Cancer. Certainty and self-empowerment reduces fears and barriers to progress to dust this week as the Sun and Pluto hand you scorching and limitless self-assurance in your 8th.

With Mars retrograde in your sign, you’ve come to understand that procrastination and hesitation are NOT your friends! You feel the fear – and do it anyway. Especially when it comes to accepting more which may be on offer.

You’re the angel who doesn’t need to fear to tread the unknown. That’s because you have come to realise you don’t need to – because angels have wings! Something may be on offer that allows you to transcend a current situation – simply by soaring away from it.

Do however be patient with both yourself and loved ones while Mars remains backwards in your sign. Examine the potential impact of what you say or do from every angle if you can. Once its out there, you may not be able to take it back. This week also offers surprises around partners, new faces or contacts or even that potential love interest – or a rebooted old one, thanks to Mercury’s opposition to Mars and its trine to Uranus (23rd). Is this your week to say Yes? Again?

Revisits and redeliveries may delight or inspire you. All thanks to Venus in your 9th and its love infusion to Mars (25th). There’s an opportunity to look at something in a new way. If you happen to be travelling back to somewhere you have visited in the past, it will seem brand new. A fresh perspective allows for that key shift in your thinking which again, sees you transform a current situation. Change a thought – about what is possible for you to have or do, you change your future. And transform your present circumstances. On the wings of angels.

In a nutshell: By now you should know that putting off something does you no good. Luckily there’s nothing you won’t tackle if it stands between you and what you want. And once you do, you’re left wondering why it took you so long in the first place? Embrace no fear change, Cancer.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (7th to 1st)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (9th to 1st)


Fix the fault in your stars

Know what’s right when it appears

Yes, you will do anything for love, Leo!

The next two weeks bring powerful pivot points or transformations around a partnership or your relationship status, Leo. Ruler the Sun gets a Pluto infusion this week as both meet in your 7th. Ahead of you – a potent new Moon in here (see your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope for more). As well as Mercury’s meeting with Pluto next week. Your past, present or potential partner. Your spouse, live in lover, business partner, workmate, collaborator. The Ride or Die you have or are seeking.

You know if you are with the right one. Or will now have a clear idea of the kind of union you are seeking thanks to Mars retro revealing those relating stumbling blocks in your 12th. That too can get you love ready. And yes, it can also reveal the inescapable truth if something simply isn’t working. By the time Mars heads direct and returns to your sign, you will know what you need to do. But changes could appear as early as this week.

You’ll escape the blind side when it comes to what you no longer need. And what works. And until we do, we may miss that perfect person or opportunity. Take it the fault in your stars, if it exists, gets fixed. This week starting with what works, or is a healthy option for you in terms of your holy trinity of mind, body and spiritual wellbeing. Habits may change. Day jobs may shift. You create a better work/life balance that allows love breathing space. You did those toxic patterns. For keeps thanks to Mercury’s opposition to Mars (23rd). And its trine to Uranus in your 10th. Making the shift sudden, surprising but packed with lasting benefits.

Something long overdue when it comes to those secret wishes and dreams could occur around the 25th when Venus in your change sector aligns with Mars. We’re heading into even bigger retro weather once Venus heads backwards. Transforming itself from the evening to the morning star in the process. So, this may be the first stage in a longer process. But know with certainty that at least you recognise what’s perfectly right for you when it appears, Leo.

In a nutshell: Ruler the Sun meets Pluto in Aquarius and your 7th this week. When it comes to love – you’ll do whatever it takes. Provided its the real thing or right for you. And the blinders are now off when it comes to what isn’t.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (6th to 12th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (8th to 12th)


Engage with the magic of attraction

Sometimes love doesn’t look like you imagined

Share yourself!

Both your main houses of attraction are lit this week. With Venus in your 7th and ruler Mercury in your 5th. In order to have or manifest whatever it is you desire, you do however need to take a different approach. Your mind is open to so many fresh possibilities this week. As is your willingness to take a chance, experiment and try something new just for the hell of it.

Embrace a new experience. Especially when it comes to your social life. Your willingness to say yes could be the determining factor here. Mars is presently retrograde in your house of all things social. IRL and online. This includes your social media and also those apps. As well as your contacts and connections. Who or what slides into your DM’s could open doors to fresh experiences for you around the 23rd when Mercury opposes Mars and trines Uranus in your 9th.

Put yourself out there. Share and be seen. If you are seeking anything, be sure it can find you. And don’t get hung up on what it should look like either. Angels and opportunities often arrive in disguise. It’s the same as saying ‘That’s not my scene’ – but you’ve never actually tried it to find out. Remove this kind of thinking. Instead adopt a ‘What have I got to lose?’ openness.

Settleds find the passion by exploring shared interests and experiences. This week also offers up an escape from the mundane as well as the pigeon hole. The Sun’s meeting with Pluto in your 6th (21st) could usher in changes around your work, studies, routine or attitude to self-care. Sure, the gym may not be for you. But that doesn’t mean to say that Tai Chi class or walking isn’t. The more open you are, the more there is to discover. Put yourself in a new position this week, Virgo.

In a nutshell: The more you share, the more you attract. And if you want to add that extra pinch of magic to the process – then keep an open mind. Visualising what you want is one thing. But what you need may look very different. Look past the obvious as angels and opportunities arrive in disguise.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (5th to 11th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (7th to 11th)

full moon in libraLIBRA

Freedom comes from doing the work

Discover where your passion resides

Are what you want and what you fear two sides of the same coin?

Ruler Venus asks you take care of any outstanding business this week when it comes to work, your routine or your career, Libra. The reason for this being – you don’t want anything to slow you down or get in the way of the good stuff that’s crowding the threshold and waiting to appear. So, do bring things to completion. Or at least to the stage where you can say you’ve done all you can now. No loose ends.

A property or career matter you’ve been waiting on may be finalised thanks to Mercury in your 4th and its angles to retro Mars in your 10th and Uranus in your 8th. You could even have a fresh set of tools at your disposal to resolve this. And once done, it’s as if one door closes for good with a portal of fresh potential opening wide.

I was saving the best until last which is this week’s nutribullet of passion of the Sun/Pluto conjunction in your 5th. This is an all-in, total feel good heart-starter. Around lovers, children, creative opportunities, the pursuit of happiness and above all, the power of love and attraction. It’s total belief and immersion. No ambivalence or room for mehs or so-so’s.

Are you ready to totally embrace your desires? Or go off in pursuit of them? Opportunity and action align now. But you have to set them in motion. You cannot afford to passively stay in that comfort zone. Or for that matter, be restricted by what you’ve left undone or incomplete. New and enticing people could appear and if they do, take it that it is through them that miracles are about to manifest in your life. You are about to confront just how powerful a creative force of attraction you are. This can be scary. But take it that’s all part of the rush this week.

In a nutshell: Your ability to draw what you want to you peaks across the next two weeks. Are you ready to step into the role of magical manifesting mage, Libra? Often when what we want appears we scare ourselves with our own power. Feel the fear – and embrace it, and your results.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (4th to 10th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (6th to 10th)


Reach for new tools to tackle old problems

Move into the Now Age

Be the difference

Both your rulers continue to have a huge influence on what is unfolding around you now. A move or change around your family, path, lifestyle or living situation could be on the way as the Sun meets ruler Pluto in your 4th. By next week you’ll know exactly what this involves for you.

Old ruler Mars retrograde in your 9th asks you leverage all that you have learned and not fall back into old habits this week. Look at what you can do different. Or at the alternatives on offer as Mars opposes Mercury in your 3rd (23rd). While Mercury trines Uranus in your 7th. Do be sure to include those you live with or partners in your plans. Taking a unilateral approach may not be in your best interests.

If something has become confining or too restrictive, you will now be open to moving on or making that change. Again, you will be looking back at the past and taking on board the lessons you’ve learned around what works and what doesn’t. Things need to be fit for purpose now. Not just in terms of your home or what supports you. But on a more intimate and personal level.

Let go of what is no longer future proof or fitting in order to receive or make room for what is. Venus in your attraction and pleasure sector aligns to Mars on the 25th. Desire isn’t wishful thinking. What you want reveals your true essence. It’s part of who you are. So why would you continue to deny it or put up blocks to manifesting what you want? But first – have the confidence to let go of what no longer works. Because here’s a secret – hanging on to it sends the universe messages of lack, undeservedness and a belief there isn’t something (or someone), better for you. Align yourself via your thoughts – and your actions. That’s how you rule now.

In a nutshell: Ruler Pluto opens the door to a new way to live for the Now Age as it entangles with the Sun in your home, lifestyle, roots and family sector. You lean towards something lasting. The same goes for love, Scorpio.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (3rd to 9th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (5th to 9th)

full moon in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Interactions bring opportunities

Change is a real conversation starter

Don’t keep what’s on your mind to yourself

The upcoming two weeks will bring you news, offers and engagement that turns into a real game changer when it comes to contracts, paperwork, teaching, writing, that podcast or Substack, or your online life.

Who you share and engage with will prove to be all-important now Pluto is in Aquarius and your 3rd house. This week brings a Sun/Pluto encounter putting one thread or dialogue very firmly in the spotlight for you. Agreements can be reached. Or a conversation or application which begins now takes you further than you ever imagined. With the upcoming new Moon and a Mercury/Pluto conjunction occurring shortly, this is no time to keep things to yourself.

It’s also important to initiate the conversation or process. You can’t afford to simply stay silent or passive on this. Get what’s on your mind off your chest. Update that social media feed, press send on that submission, get pitch perfect with that presentation and be the power behind your ideas now.

Long overdue change continues to knock, knock, knock on your door. Especially when it comes to money, income, work and even your intimate life. Retroactive Mars in your 8th opposes Mercury in your 2nd (23rd). While Mercury trines Uranus in your everyday work sector the same day. This could see you initiate that idea which liberates you from that hamster wheel or tired routine. Venus in your 4th offers up improvements on the home front or access to the resources you’ve needed to move into something more satisfying and sustaining on the 25th. Be ready for a fresh start. Or to sign on the dotted line. Remember – often change begins with a simple ‘Hello’.

In a nutshell: Say it, share it and above all, follow through, Sag. A conversation could send your future in a new direction. Remember – talk is cheap. Pluto in your 3rd tells you words have power. But action says it all.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (2nd to 8th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (4th to 8th)

capricorn full moonCAPRICORN

Want more? Be ready to receive!

Take the abundance test

Just what does rich look like for you, anyway?

The cosmos may be testing you this week when it comes to how powerful you feel when it comes to handling those precious resources, Capricorn. Or even attracting more of whatever it is you need. It’s not about the glass half empty or half full. It’s understand the glass is designed to be refilled. You are the glass.

Time spent with the magical card of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot could connect you with the abundance of cosmic overflowing. And the whole concept of what that cup is designed to do. Thhis could turn into time well spent as the Sun and Pluto meet in your 2nd. You are days away from a milestone new Moon in here which will usher in a whole new era when it comes to your money, assets, resources and value system. Do look to any thoughts around lack and undeservedness ahead of this.

Pluto rules power money. Hence the term – ‘Plutocrat’. So, some of you may be looking at gaining more. And if that’s on offer, keep in mind this entire Pluto cycle is all about your power to attract and have more. And then what you do with it.

‘Assets’ add up to more than just cash however. We can be rich in so many other areas. In fact, that overflowing cup symbolises us feeling not just cashed up but loved up. Rich in connections, support, time and all those precious intangibles. After all, you can be a billionaire but lonely. At which point we could say you are emotionally bankrupt. But by understanding the whole glass metaphor – even if this was the case, you can choose to top it back up at any point.

Lucky for you this week, you can link to genuine emotional resources thanks to Mercury in your sign aligning to retro Mars in your 7th and Uranus in your 5th. Showing you just how rich you are when it comes to other people. The Venus/Mars trine of the 25th is all about who you can bank on. The way they bank on you, Cappy. Explore that rich feeling. And top up that glass!

In a nutshell: That rich feeling can’t be bought with just money. It’s a gratitude mindset which embraces all the areas we can feel ‘cashed up’. In love and personal relationships, support, time and talent. All these assets make you ‘rich’. Add yours this week.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (1st to 7th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (3rd to 7th)


Time for a new era – and a new you

Ditch what no longer defines you

Serving authentic – all the way to 2043!

You are in your first ever birthday cycle with Pluto as a permanent party guest in your sign. ‘Life changing’ doesn’t really sum this up, Aquarius. Yes it is, will be – and so much more besides. Right now, those of you with your Aquarius factors at an early degree of your sign (0 -2 degrees), are the most impacted.

Pluto takes a long time to move through a sign. It will be with you until 2043. So, Aquarians with their Sun and other planets at a later degree have yet to feel Pluto’s influence. Do check your chart. This week’s Sun/Pluto conjunction (21st) takes place at 1 degree, 43’ of your sign. If you have anything within a one degree orb of this, expect a major shift to occur within you which rapidly ripples out into you presenting a very different aspect of yourself to the world.

Phoenix metaphors suit you now. You may effortlessly shrug off or soar free of something from your past which no longer defines you. This conjunction works in tandem with Mercury in your 12th and its trine to ruler Uranus in your 4th and angle to retro Mars in your 6th. Especially if this has led you to bend yourself out of shape to fit in with familial expectations or pursue a path which you didn’t choose.

There’s more to come shortly with the new Moon and the imminent Mercury/Pluto conjunction. For now – you are more connected to the authentic you and your core values than ever before. And you will do whatever you need to in order to stand by them. Or communicate this to the world. The Now Age of Aquarius sees you unafraid to show the new you. And by the way – genuine feedback from those on your team show you that you no longer need hide the real you away.

In a nutshell: If your Aquarius factors are at an early degree of your sign, you’re about to undergo a powerful metamorphosis. Hidden facets you’ve been keeping under wraps are revealed. It’s simply time to be authentically unafraid, Aquarius. Let others meet the real you.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (12th to 6th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (2nd to 6th)


Intuition hands you the heads up

Who or what seems so familiar?

You always have a choice

That feeling that something is coming intensifies this week. There’s a sense of anticipation that change is on its way. You may not yet know what form this may take. But you definitely know it’s what you need!

Time after time soul contracts we have made with others, don’t mean we have given up our free will. And also, they don’t guarantee a particular outcome this time around. They just mean we have agreed with another soul that we will meet this lifetime at some point. Potentially to work something out or continue a journey together. One such connection may feature now as Mercury in your social sector activates retrograde Mars in your 5th and Uranus in your 3rd (23rd). Just two days after you receive an intense boost to your intuitive powers courtesy of the Sun and Pluto in your 12th. Which is what has given you the heads-up that something is about to happen.

You could get the feeling someone from your past is about to get back in touch – and they do. Others could encounter someone where you get that crazy feeling you know them – even if you’ve never met them before. Just keep in mind what I said about free will in all of this. You get to decide how it plays out ultimately. You are being asked to balance that precious feeling of having a spiritual connection with someone with how you and they actually are in the real world. Just keep in mind as 2025 unfolds – sometimes that soul contract asks us to say yes. And equally, sometimes fulfilling it means saying no.

In a nutshell: The combination of the North Node in your sign and the Sun/Pluto meeting in your 12th can see soul contracts fall due. Remember, destiny is one thing. Free will another. You always have a choice, Pisces.

Jan 21 2025 Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn opposition retrograde Mars in Cancer (11th to 5th)

Jan 23 2025 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

Jan 25 2025 Venus in Pisces trine retrograde Mars in Cancer (1st to 5th)

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