Weekly Astrology January 27th 2025 Forecast for All Signs

That topic goes viral
Find your people
Happy new era!
Something to talk about or over defines your week, Aries. This may involve a friend or even a group of them. Perhaps you are the hot topic as Mercury, ruler of DM’s and face-to-face discussions, slides into your 11th (28th), and Pluto joins the conversation the following day.
The 29th also delivers the new Moon and start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. It’s the start of a new era for you. And this may be marked for some with the signing of an important contract or agreement, an invitation or even a call to action involving you and at least one other party.
There’s more to unpack in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope. But just take it this is about a hot topic – not hot gossip or simply dishing that tea. And do stick to the facts – not speculation. One thing you may have gathered about Pluto is you need to keep its energy clean. Otherwise there’s fallout. So, don’t be caught out and now have a lot of explaining to do.
Goal gains (either yours or a friend’s), may be news worth spreading. And celebrating. Expect your social life to be turbo charged. And an invitation from a friend may involve you travelling. Or even leaving that comfort zone. This is one of the best weeks of the year to set a new goal or immerse yourself in a new club, group, association or movement. To find your people and connect with those on the same wavelength as you. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, moves forward in Taurus and your 2nd (30th) after a long retrograde which began last September. If your social life or even your finances have been somewhat lacklustre since then, this is the point they regain their glow. You’re back in circulation, Aries. In more ways than one.
In a nutshell: Goal getting energy propels you forward thanks to this week’s new Moon in Aquarius. Or news or ideas you share take on a social life of their own! More in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope. Happy Chinese New Year of the Snake.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (11th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (11th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (2nd)
Get ready to claim recognition and rewards
Lean in – or pivot?!
A new era brings a milestone to celebrate
The spotlight gets turned your way as a new Moon lights up your sector of public image, recognition and achievement (29th). You get to bask in recognition, accolades, validation and rewards.
News you have been waiting on arrives as Mercury joins Pluto in your 10th. This could see you doing that victory dance around a promotion, job news or important career milestone. But whether material rewards or public recognition are on offer or not, the real satisfaction for you is the knowledge you have made it on your own terms. And the effort you have put in has paid off.
Yes, you are allowed to revel in those laurels, Taurus. Celebrate the magnificence of your achievement. Even if this is a team effort. Or it is a partner’s success. They could not have done it without you. This week marks the moment where you never dismiss what you bring to the table again. Allow a week after the new Moon for the results to come in.
If however you are reading this and thinking: When is it my turn? – know that Jupiter continues its money spinning cycle in your 2nd house right up until June. Plus, Uranus retrograde in your sign since September last year, may have contributed to the slowdown. It heads direct this week literally offering up a change not just of pace – but of direction. Don’t just lean in, Taurus – pivot.
In a nutshell: Accolades and acclaim could be yours this week as success setting stars propel you up and onward! Don’t forget to celebrate your achievement. The new Moon in Aquarius marks a new cycle of achievement. More in your Moonscope for the Chinese New Year of the Snake!
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (10th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (10th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (1st)
Roll with the changes
One small step turns into a major move
This is your launch window of opportunity!
Unexpected, surprising and barrier busting events combine to offer up freedom and opportunity for you this week, Gemini. A dream team of planets assemble. Ruler Mercury, the Sun, a new Moon and Pluto all in your 9th house. And Jupiter in your sign with a breakthrough push from Uranus now direct in your 12th.
Mercury meets Pluto in your 9th (29th), the same day as the new Moon announces the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Travel may feature for many of you. Or an overseas opportunity or even relationship. This is your house of the law (expect matters to move in your favour), the mass media – your message or idea goes further than imagined, and with Mercury and Pluto in the mix – it totally transforms your worldview. Or even where you are in the world.
International trade, imports and exports, the travel industry, airlines, academia and studies, sports, animals, big ideas or even when it comes to your talents – that lucky break; take it the odds are now in your favour across these areas. The planets this week tell you – go big or go home.
Someone larger than life who embodies this brazen spirit of adventure could cross your path. Maybe to recruit you for their assemblage of superheroes. To gift you with an opportunity. Or to issue the call to adventure which requires you leave that comfort zone. How will you answer? Uranus now direct, is a planet which can take us on an unexpected journey. It offers alternatives and also electrifying experiences which evolve our soul. We discover what it’s like to feel truly alive. You won’t find that in a boxset, Gemini. Live it for the now age. Without limits. No fear.
In a nutshell: Make it big and bold this week, Gemini. The new Moon in Aquarius and ruler Mercury take you further. If you just follow through and take that first step. Luck and opportunity await you if you do. More in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (9th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (12th)
Keep love on a slow burn
Explore the Power of Two
Dance in the forge of transformation!
Sweeping change calls for you to engage with it fully. Embrace transformation and dance to be forged within its fiery heart, Cancer! Do keep in mind that if things do not change, they cannot improve.
Also, do not resist the powerful process of rebirth which is now happening. Possibly across more than one area of your life now Pluto is in permanent residence in Aquarius and your 8th house. Mercury joins it in this house in your chart on the 28th. And they make a power couple on the 29th – the same day as the new Moon appears in here. This marks the start of two new cycles simultaneously. The Now Age of Aquarius. And the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Transformation and change ushers in the new. And yes, potentially a new you as well.
One word of caution – if you have recently started seeing someone new, keep it on a slow burn for now and don’t be rushed, Cancer. This is due to Mars still retro in your sign. And the upcoming Venus retrograde. Take it that from June onwards you will make up for lost time.
The week does however favour partnerships of a different kind. Business, working and collaborations. As well as handing you access to resources that enable change. The focus is on your ‘other’ money house which rules joint (marital) assets and accounts, as well as salary, benefits, payouts and settlements, loans and dividends, mortgages and shares. The immediate effect of the week’s transit could be access to the resources you need or have been waiting on. You receive notification your mortgage is approved. You get told you have landed that promotion or new role. You receive your funding, settlement or insurance pay out.
If you have your hands on more, use it to generate change. It could be it brings change all by itself. This week also sees Uranus which has been retrograde in your 11th house since September, head direct again. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and your 8th. It brings the kind of revolutions in our lives which free, awaken and evolve us. This marks a release from stasis into forward motion once more. One more reason not to get in the way of change. Embrace and engage with it. Massive improvements and self empowerment follow.
In a nutshell: If you don’t surrender to change, you block your own rebirth, Cancer. Just like a butterfly – it’s time to emerge transformed now. Explore a new kind of partnership dynamic on offer in the process. More in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (8th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (8th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (11th)
Authentic you attracts in kind
Follow that heart-centered advice
You may not know you want it – until you see it!
Let’s talk about Uranus before we get into this week’s huge line up in Aquarius and your 7th house. As astrologer Liz Green always says: If you can predict it – it’s not Uranus. Uranus has been retrograde in your status sector since the start of September last year. This week it rolls forward from the 30th. It won’t have escaped you that it rules Aquarius and your 7th. So, Uranus is in fact your strange and charmed, quarky, quirky Cupid planet. Agent of love and other changes. The ones you can’t predict and don’t see coming.
As this occurs a day after the new Moon for the Now Age in Aquarius (29th), and a Mercury/Pluto meeting the same day, this could see you presented with an unexpected offer, opportunity or encounter. That arrow lands on a target. But possibly not the one you thought you were aiming for. But take it that bullseye could be better for you. This is the surprise you didn’t imagine you needed. Or could happen. It could be the opportunity to step up into a new and more prominent role, a bonus or sum of money, or someone giving you their blue tick approval rating.
Like next door sign of Cancer, new Moons for you come laden with massive potential for fresh starts. Because at this time the Moon is infused with ruler the Sun’s life-giving energy. It amps up the love between you and your boo or Ride or Die. The energy is boosted by the Mercury/Pluto encounter. Which opens up the potential of authentic and fearless emotional sharing. This can take you all the way into the beginning of February as the two of you make plans going forward.
Like any 7th house transit, this isn’t a panacea or fix if things are awry. But if they are, you will be able to communicate honestly and come to a joint decision moving forward. Needless to say, for singles this new Moon and the days immediately following it, are the time when you should put yourself out there in a way that seems natural and comfortable to you. So love can see you’re available. Please don’t try methods to meet someone which really don’t sit with you. What works for one, won’t for someone else. The method has to align with your emotional truth. At the end of the day, Leo – just be the most open version of you that you can possibly serve. Love and other unexpected benefits will find you.
In a nutshell: A new era of relating or partnership opens up for you with the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. And the Now Age of Loving with the new Moon in your 7th. Be open to sharing authentic love. More in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (7th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (10th)
Evolve those systems and routines
Make yourself your own object of devotion
Work it different!
Do it different this week, Virgo. We know how you are the boss of the system, the schedule, the organisational ruler and crusher of the To Do list. The sign who doesn’t shirk those pesky tasks. Well – usually anyway.
But is that usual Can Do Devotion missing lately? Things piling up? List getting longer? Things remaining undone? Procrastination becoming a default simply because you’ve lost your focus or that usual verve? If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above – hang on, because help is on its way this week.
You may simply have felt trapped and overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. Or suddenly realised that you need to address a mind, body or soul matter which was in fact, the reason behind you uncharacteristically dragging your heels or losing your usual enthusiasm. Keep your focus with this as ruler Mercury enters your 6th and encounters Pluto on the 29th.
This may usher in a fresh process. And you may ditch the To Do list for a more positive Done one instead. Looking over what you have completed is far more motivating that looking at what you still need to do. You know what’s outstanding. No need to keep reminding yourself. The new Moon in here (also the 29th), could usher in a new job, way of dealing with the everyday business of living or habits which stick.
Many of you may have been looking at the future with regards to a partnership or union. You are approaching a decision one way or another. And solutions or a new direction could be at hand – over this or a remaining sticky issue as Uranus rolls forward in your 9th (30th). That feeling of spinning your wheels over something is usually associated with your ruler backwards. This one may have persisted a lot longer – September in fact. You shift back into high gear and can see the way past any remaining obstacles. Just by changing up your everyday, Virgo. And taking care of the business of being you.
In a nutshell: That total focus and devotion that you effortlessly bring to any task now needs to be turned on you, Virgo. Health, real self-care and that all-important work/life balance needs a fresh set of priorities for the Now Age of Aquarius. More wellbeing in your New Moon in Aquarius Mooonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (6th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (6th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (9th)
Show your love
Link to fresh empowerment
Embrace the new lightness of being for the Now Age
If you are an extremely sensitive Libran (is there any other kind?!), then you would have been feeling a fresh sense of optimism and lightness from mid-month. Just after the full Moon in your 10th in fact. Even if you have yet to see what this brings you, your fabulosity is on show for all to see now. And the fact that it is, is what puts you in the position to attract the new which simply adds to that feeling you’re in sync with the cosmos now.
The Sun entered your 5th last week. It’s entanglement with Pluto would have felt like a shot of extra zhuzh adding sparkle to everything you do. You get a second one on the 29th when Mercury holds Pluto in a tight embrace and says: Talk to me! What do you have to say, share or send out? Or what are you in the process of creating that encompasses this?
Hot, hot, no holds barred love could be one thing. Or uncontained, majestic and radiant love for something you do that allows you to stand out. You follow this path with no other agenda but to express your true essence. And the universe responds by placing people and opportunities on it simply in response to your playful self-expression.
Needless to say, if you are single, the new Moon (also the 29th) in here, is the perfect time to go seeking someone new. Do act now as we are headed towards a rare Venus retrograde at which point you need to stop. You are the nexus of attraction no matter your status. And provided you simply let go of the how and be open to receive, how easily things flow your way could even scare you. Yes, this power was always within you, Libra. It just took the stars to draw it out.
Uranus retro in your sector of sex, shared resources and change, powers ahead on the 30th. If something has been stalled since last September, it now powers ahead with a result that could simply hand you even more to work with. And to be joyful about.
In a nutshell: New beginnings beckon in love, children and creative self-expression. The Power of Love fills you with passion, purpose and optimism. Attraction comes easy when you simply go with it. More free-flowing delight is in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (5th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (8th)
Recognise your own achievements
Find your belonging
A real homecoming moves you onward
Honestly, Scorpio, I have to hand it to you. If you have made progress around your career or a key area, then you need to give yourself a pat on the back. And if you’ve managed to keep your cool even when others seem to be conspiring to make you lose it – an extra pat. Having your ancient ruler Mars retrograde doesn’t make progress easy. Even with your nearest and dearest.
Your No Place Like It, your refuge, your abode, family situation, place, path and lifestyle are in for a welcome change which not only moves you forward (literally in some cases), but also takes some of the pressure off this week. Mercury’s arrival in your 4th of homeland security (28th), sees it meet modern ruler Pluto on the 29th. This is the same day as the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake begins with a new Moon in here.
The snake is the perfect symbol of regeneration as it sheds its skin. This may see you move somewhere you can do just that. Or shed those layers of defence to become more open and glowing to allow the new to enter. You will also be aware there is more than one kind of move you can make. Sometimes this means mental distancing from something that limits your growth. Other times – you can make a sideways shift if forward motion isn’t possible.
Relocations however may now be on the cards for many of you due to Pluto now in permanent residence in this house. Those of you caught up in disasters and in need of rehoming could be offered assistance from your community or even a government agency.
Alternatives move into focus in both relationships and living arrangements now Uranus – ruler of your 4th, heads direct in Taurus and your 7th (30th). This also helps alleviate that sense of being stuck. Or being placed under pressure by others. Our living dynamic may change. As could who you live with. Not looking to move? You will renovate or even redecorate as you want to create a space where renewal begins. Shopping for that perfect piece? You may surprise yourself by buying something very different to what you might have chosen in the past. But it suits your grand design now, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Click your heels together and repeat: There’s no place like home. No matter what this looks like for you, or no matter how far away it is, know you are moving towards your place of true belonging and community this week. Fly on home with your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (4th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (4th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (7th)
Press Send
Take those ideas further
The news is too big not to share (or miss!)
And now for the good news, Sag. Mercury moves into Aquarius and your 3rd this week. It’s Pluto encounter on the 29th adds up to powerful news or even a short distance trip that has immense significance for you.
It also occurs the same day as the new Moon in Aquarius. Which is also the start of the Chinese New Year of the Snake. Think snake charmer, Sag. Your words and ideas are sweet music. Your social media feed gets a frenzy of likes. People tune in to that podcast. Your pitch or application gets a positive response. That hottie hangs on your every syllable.
Do keep in mind that you will however have to stand by or follow through on what you say. Pluto insists on this. And as it is now in your 3rd until 2043 – keep this in mind. Contracts, agreements and paperwork may also feature. And will be binding. While even a day trip or business trip will hand you satisfaction, others may cast their eyes further afield. Do make those long distance travel arrangements before Mercury begins its next retrograde, Sag.
This new Moon coaxes you to reveal your thoughts and feelings. And to initiate that conversation. Others could be focussed on that side hustle, that innovation, service or product you’ve had on the back-burner for a while. Uranus direct again in your 6th reboots your dedication and hands you solutions if you’ve been stuck. The 30th could provide a Eureka! moment. Where finally all the pieces of the puzzle slot into place. Inspiration hits you like a bolt out of the blue. Whatever you start, launch, say or share – expect success or yes to follow.
In a nutshell: No use sitting on those ideas, Sag. Time to take action and do something with them. It’s a week to apply, launch or press send. And the replies you receive in return could be too good not to share. Lots to talk about in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (3rd) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (6th)
Value yourself
Work that worth
Open to receive more
Money matters and that priceless feeling of knowing yes, you ARE worth it, will continue to be your focus not only now – but for some time to come. Pluto has left you but is now acting as your soul investment advisor in Aquarius and your 2nd house. This extends to relationships. You need to know you ARE valued and that others are as invested in you as you are in them. And this is something you will be working with and on into next month with Mars retrograde in your 7th house.
Mercury leaves you sign this week (28th). And engages in an audit process with Pluto on the 29th. The new Moon in here is the ideal moment to look at your financial goals. And to also negotiate anything from that pay rise to who takes responsibility for what in your partnership budget. This includes those chores as well as those bills.
If you are feeling short changed in any area, look to how long you have been allowing this to continue. Often we allow things not connected to our money to slide as we don’t make the connection between this and how we value ourselves. One example of this is the friend who constantly cancels plans at the last minute. Or else consistently turns up late.
There’s also your hidden story with money and the Now Age of Aquarius offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rewrite this if needed. Again, this can include your reluctance to talk to a partner about finances or who pays for what. Or simply your hesitation to ask for a payrise or raise your rates if you are self-employed. Yes, you may get a refusal. But you have now declared you are worth more. And can then take steps to get it elsewhere. And sometimes you do have to say: The buck stops here.
The new Moon infuses you with confidence and also fresh receptivity when it comes to having more. There is no use in working on manifesting extra if when it appears, those inner tapes tell us we don’t deserve it! The appreciative energy of this new Moon gets an extra nutribullet of abundant attraction and joy now that Uranus rocks forward in your 5th of love and pleasure from the 30th. Super surprising ways to gain or get are on offer. And now you’re ready to say yes to them.
In a nutshell: Feelings of lack, being taken for granted or short-changed can be addressed this week. It all begins with your own value system, Capricorn. Self-worth isn’t egotistical. Or self-entitlement. Cash in on the new Moon in your 2nd with your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (2nd) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (5th)
What are you saying without words?
Send a consistent message
Get ready for your relaunch!
Ruler Uranus heads direct just 24 hours after the new Moon in your sign launches the Chinese New Year of the Snake. And marks the astrological start of your new era. The Now Age of Aquarius as this is the first Aquarian new Moon to appear since Pluto took up permanent residence last November.
So, take it the new Moon gets infused with future perfecting potential. Goals you set are those most likely to be realised. And in fact this will apply to every new Moon in your sign until 2043. Do make the most of them. If there is anything you want to change about your appearance, profile, appearance, style, look, brand or message – now is the time to make them. Especially as Mercury now in your sign, meets Pluto on the 29th. What you say about yourself via how you appear is all important. Remember – most communication is non-verbal. Do ensure what the outer you broadcasts is congruent with who you are. Take it you are an evolving work of art and there may be many stages ahead of you. This may mark the most impactful however. Prepare for others to notice the results. And yes, expenditure is allowable on that makeover. Think of this as investing in yourself.
Although Pluto in your sign is your power transit right now, keep in mind that Jupiter in Gemini and your 5th will continue to make beautiful angles to your Aquarian aspects right up until June. Any astrologer will tell you that this is one of the best Jupiter transits to deliver your heart’s desire. Be this in romance or around something you love. That heightened ability to attract vibes off the new you energy. Align yourself, look the part. Then get ready to receive.
In a nutshell: How you see yourself is all important this week. Ensure the outer you reflects your new image of who you are thanks to Pluto and the new Moon in your sign. It marks the start of the Now Age of You. Rebrand and be an original. More in your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (1st)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (1st) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (4th)
The truth is out there
Step free of the past
Synchronicity is how spirit speaks
Hello from the other side! If there’s a message from a departed loved one, a guide or whatever you believe may be ‘out there’ – this is your week to receive it. Mercury moves into your 12th on the 28th. And meets Pluto planet of resurrection, the following day.
Pluto’s long term stay in your 12th adds up to the most transformative journey into life’s mysteries you will ever embark on. If you are seeking answers to life’s big questions, proof of life after death or even extraterrestrial life – this is the cycle most likely to hand that to you. You will also take a plunge into the recesses of your own psyche. Fearlessly dredging the past to bring old wounds to light for real healing. You may combine astrology, the Tarot, psychotherapy or even a spiritual practice to do this. And emerge from the process whole and with a better understanding of the epic and mythical journey your own life is.
If secrets are being withheld from you – they won’t stay buried for long. Pluto likes things ‘clean’. It is a planet that despises hypocrisy or dishonesty. And that determined approach means you now actively want the truth – even if reality bites. You’ll probe until you uncover it now. And yes, it will set you free.
This week brings a powerful new Moon the day Mercury and Pluto conjoin. Expect a revelation. Once that sets you on a fresh path. Or liberates you from any prison of delusion. If you have been trapped by your own thoughts, habits or beliefs – this is your point of recognising them so you can liberate yourself. You have the keys to soul freedom. Which translates to actual emotional freedom in this life. Go forth unencumbered by your past!
You will be helped with a big switch-on with your ideas courtesy of Uranus now direct in your 3rd from the 30th. A new direction erases uncertainty. Or you turn what you believed on its head. See things differently and re-write not just your past but the stars this week. The truth is out there.
In a nutshell: If you truly seek answers, you’ll find them this week. The truth will not be withheld from you. Remember – there’s no such thing as ‘coincidence’. That’s often how the universe delivers its answers or points us in the direction they lie. Tune in with your New Moon in Aquarius Moonscope.
Jan 28 2025 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)
Jan 29 2025 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (12th)
Jan 29 2025 New Moon in Aquarius (12th) (Chinese New Year of the Snake)
Jan 30 2025 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (3rd)
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