Weekly Astrology January 6th 2025 Forecast for All Signs – This is it!


Know you are strong enough

Spiritual truths let down your defences

What you achieve must have meaning

Ruler Mars returns to your 4th of home, family, foundations, roots and security.What shields and protects.  Be a character who chooses their battles. They take a considered approach which is where their real strength comes from. So, suiting up for the remains of this Mars retro asks you do the same. Sure, you are able to kick ass if you need to. But do you actually need to?

You can see past the usual knee-jerk reactions and into the deeper meaning behind what may be impacting on your sense of sense of security. And also, you’re unafraid to own your vulnerabilities as well. And now see them as strengths rather than the opposite. You can also apply this perspective when it comes to how others act. Intuitively understanding there is more behind what they do and why than meets the eye. Which is why you feel strong enough to step back and try to get to the bottom of this rather than simply going in guns blazing as the North Node shifts from your sign and into Pisces and your 12th.

Know you are strong enough to confront the hidden truths and motivations behind not just someone else’s actions, but also your own. You change up your karma by becoming a spiritual warrior first and foremost. Of course you can back this up with right action if needed. But you now understand it may not be. The 12th also sees Mars trine Neptune in your 12th. You’ll defend what needs protecting, but also ditch unnecessary defences which keep others at a distance.

Mercury now in your 10th (8th) offers career and ambition progression. And you’ll lean in to a path that hands you meaning as well as tangible rewards. Ahead of you – your real mission and also the magic of good karma and past life connections. Know when you need to protect what matters to you. And also know when you can safely drop those defences, Aries.

In a nutshell: Material rewards and recognition aren’t enough for you, Aries. You need to feel what you do or contribute has a deeper meaning. As far as those defences go – ask yourself if you are actually under attack? Or really need them. Self-protection is one thing. Walls that keep others away – something else entirely.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (4th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (10th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (12th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (4th to 12th)


Join in – no excuses, no exclusions!

The past takes on fresh relevance

Variety is the spice of life – and destiny

People from your past are destined to appear as the North Node moves into your 11th. It also hands you goal getting magic when what you desire to manifest and bring into being, aligns with the reason for being here. Take it that who you know and what you want to appear are mystically intertwined. This is a cycle where you need to be at your most authentic. As well as being open to who and what appears.

The Bible saying – Judge not lest ye be judged truly does apply. When we judge someone and apply a bias – we exclude them. We are all guilty to some extent of doing this so I say this without judgement! When we first meet someone we usually ask what they do. And form a judgement based on that. This is merely their job. Not who they are. And yes, they are doing the same to us. So, it’s always worth stepping back and asking if that is how we want to be defined? Because there’s more to us than that.

The North Node in your 11th therefore asks you be as open and non-judgemental as it is possible to be. Especially when it comes to meeting new people. Or exploring new social spheres. If you exclude others on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, beliefs, social strata, profession or background, you will find yourself excluded in turn. Not by them – but by others. Social climbers and snobs will be spending a lot of alone time under North Node in the 11th. Party of one.

Embrace differences and variety. Get involved. Join in and find your soul group of mavericks, artists and outliers. This may bring you a feeling of being part of something that’s been missing up until now. Because the Nodes connect you to your karma and past lives, expect the appearance of people who offer friendship with no strings attached. They may offer help or support and if this occurs, then take it you have done the same for them in the past.

Mercury in your 9th puts progress and travel back on schedule. While Mars retro back in your 3rd and trine Neptune in the 11th could bring in reunions or an invitation from your past. Just take it that you are looking at 18-20 months where your task is to simply say yes to who or what wants to include you. It starts here.

In a nutshell: Spice up that social life and your future path with a delicious melange of old and new friends, enticing goals and a variety of out-of-the-box surprises. Explore a different social sphere or new group. It’s no use sticking to those old familiar places and faces, Taurus. Change your orbit – change your fate.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (3rd)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (9th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (11th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 11th)


Don’t buy into someone else’s truth

Know with certainty what you want to achieve

Lean in to destiny’s plan for you

Don’t let anyone pull the wool over your eyes, Gemini. Or feel that you are disconnected from your inner compass. This week’s square between ruler Mercury and Neptune (6th), can sow the seeds of self-doubt. Or someone could simply play on this. The upshot being that temporary disconnect leaves you wide open to be taken advantage of. Or simply agreeing that up is down, black is white – either to avoid conflict or because you’ve been made to doubt what you know is your truth.

Stick to the facts and ask questions. Above all, pay close attention to those answers. Are they really answers? Or is the other party deflecting? Or being vague? Either is your cue to go with your gut truth if so. Mars returns to your 2nd (also on the 6th). And it’s important for you to use your superpower – communication and intellect – combined with intuition, as feeling you are being gaslit or taken advantage of will have a big impact on your self-worth. You have the tools – and the smarts, for a reason.

Nobody can manage to deflect you for long however. Especially as Mercury shifts into your 8th two days later. Plus the Mars trine to Neptune on the 12th will shine a light on any untruths. But don’t wait for this moment of validation/revelation. You already are connected to it. Don’t be diverted.

This week has the North Node enter Pisces for the first time since 2006-7. If you were 18 or over back then, look at what occurred around your career, your path and purpose, your status (including your relationship status), your public image and reputation and what you established and committed to. This is about your reason for being here. Your path or purpose in life. How you walk your walk. And how you take responsibility for your decisions, actions and choices in life. During this period, you can discover your true calling or adjust your trajectory to find that. But if you are held back or continue to be met with obstacles to progress, you need to look within and stop blaming others. It’s all about accountability.

With Uranus poised to enter your sign in ‘25, your true calling may involve being true to you. Take it you’ll find it – and live it. Others are in line for big rewards if your feet are already on the path that destiny wants you to take.

In a nutshell: This isn’t the week to doubt your inner wisdom, Gemini. Make it unshakable along with your vision for where you want to get to, and the outcome you want to achieve. You’re willing to step up and own your truth. And your actions. Make certain others do the same.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (2nd)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (8th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (10th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 10th)

cancer seasonCANCER

Explore new partnership possibilities

Align with cosmic timing

Open the door to a wide, wild new world!

Mars returns to your sign this week (6th) and its important to keep things in perspective. Keep hold of the emotional truth: You cannot control what others do. But you do have control over how you view them. And how you react. Especially around the 6th when Mercury still in your 6th, may bring up an issue you would rather not deal with. It’s angle to Neptune in your 9th asks you stand your ground. And also if someone is making too many demands on you, simply say no. No guilts, Cancer. That’s a given.

When the Nodes change signs, the eclipse axis also shifts. We have one more eclipse in Aries and your 10th before the next set of eclipses occur across Pisces/Virgo – your 9th/3rd house axis. There’s a stunning preview of what’s in store for you during this time as Mars trines Neptune (12th). Pay close attention, Cancer. This is designed to free you on more than one level. Including a soul one. Especially around perfect timing in relationships and your career. After the stop/starts of the past few months this day offers an exit ramp to progress. And you’re poised and ready to take advantage of it.

Ahead of you – vast and untapped learning opportunities, travel, expansion and yes, freedom. Far, far away people and places will feature. And you may end up visiting somewhere that feels strangely familiar. Even if this is your first time. The mass media, internet, publishing, communications, planes, trains and automobiles, the law, advertising and teaching are highways which await your exploration. There’s a wide, wild new world filled with spiritual teaching and resonance, waiting for you to dive into.

It also eases you into working with the destiny driven timing of the Nodes and the eclipses. When to push and forge ahead. And when to stay and stick. Listen to your gut as always. Mercury moves into your 7th (8th), enhancing your yearly partnership peak with you and another very much on the same page. There’s a better understanding between you and another. Or you and someone new are about to explore joint possibilities. Align this with a sense of optimism and adventure. Destiny is a journey you get to live from now and on into 2026.

In a nutshell: Retro Mars returns to your sign this week and it’s important to keep things in perspective. Especially when it comes to partnerships and close personal ties. There’s a bigger picture unfolding now. So look to how relationships fit into this, Cancer. You’ve so much more on offer to experience even if you go it alone now.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (1st)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (7th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (9th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (1st to 9th)


What nudges you down a new path?

Control + surrender = transformation

Where focus goes, change flows

Cosmic changes lie ahead of you. You may be aware that these are already underway as Mars retro leaves your sign for your mysterious 12th house (6th). Change is how destiny makes itself known. Or nudges (or in some cases, pushes), us down the path we are meant to take. It’s both a taking of control and a sweet surrender all rolled into one.

Focus your energy on one particular area you need to change. And don’t scatter your energy or allow yourself to be distracted once Mercury enters its ruling 6th in your chart (8th). Mercury rules your cash, your self-worth and your values. This is a transit of being in the here and now. And making what you already have at your disposal, work beautifully for you. Sticking to the facts and reality, shifting your perspective onto what you can actually accomplish more than what you dream you can do, puts you always in charge of the direction in which you pivot.

The past can and will reappear. And if it does, no matter what form it takes (or who!), you decide how you will deal with it this time around. That’s the change that’s occurred within you. The same goes for who or what you invest your resources into. What chimes with your values. And your money karma. Yes, we all have one, Leo. When the Nodes shift, the eclipse axis changes with them. This makes any change of sign by the Nodes an important turning point for you. And also a new path of destiny to work on. It’s especially powerful for your sign, as your ruler the Sun is always involved in any eclipse. Just like your neighbouring sign of Cancer.

The last time the North Node was in Pisces and your 8th was in 2006-7. If you were 18 or over at this time, look to transformations around money, assets and resources, self-empowerment and your ability to take control, your intimate life and endings and new beginnings. There are openings and closures around these themes happening again. And also fundamental changes to your attitude and your inner self. If you have lived through this before, the last cycle holds clues as to the form change may take this time around.

And yes, something may re-emerge for you again on the 12th when Mars trines Neptune. You imagine something so much better and more resonant for yourself. Or a new outcome. And the way opens up for you to create this as change offers a new way of dealing with an old situation. You embody the grace to bow to change, and the ability to direct it. That’s power, Leo. Yours to access for the next 18 months.

In a nutshell: Hone your focus and stay laser sharp on one particular area you want to transform. You’ll begin to experience a shift this week. An outer situation transforms or you transcend it effortlessly simply by choosing to react differently. This is the cycle where you get to see just how powerful you can be, Leo.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (12th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (6th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (8th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (12th to 8th)


It doesn’t have to be perfect to be perfectly right

Karma? That was always meant to be easy

Love yourself – just the way you are!

Sweet Virgo – turn that matchless devotion on to yourself. Practice self-forgiveness and let go of any pressure you put on yourself to be ‘perfect’. I could go all Bridget Jones and say ‘Love yourself just the way you are’ as the Nodes switch signs this week.

The North Node enters Pisces and your 7th. Which of course puts the South Node in your 1st. This is about the karma between you and your spouse, long term partner or any kind of duo or double act. And yes, before we get hung up on ‘soulmates’ – you CAN fall in love, marry and have kids or start a lifelong connection with a soul you have no previous connection with in any lifetime. The arrival of the North Node in Pisces can see you and another create squeaky clean, sparkling brand new karma. As well as bringing an existing story full circle.

But no matter what your present story or connections, what the South Node is here to teach you is to love yourself first. And this can not only be the greatest love of all, but the hardest love lesson to grasp. Go easy on yourself. Forgive yourself and let go of trying to live up to impossible standards of perfection. The thing is, the more you practice this on yourself, the more you extend the same to others. And see the perfect things about them – just the way they are.

Ruler Mercury makes this easy as it lands in your pleasure zone. Friendships could be the first area where you put this into practice. Retro Mars reverses into your 11th (6th). Then trines Neptune also in your 7th on the 12th. There’s no perfect friend just like there’s no perfect partner. But are they perfect for you? Forgive yourself your imperfections as they are what make you fascinating, Virgo. And once embraced, love others for theirs. Who knew getting to grips with karma could be so easy! Or that you are in fact, so easy to love.

In a nutshell: Le your love flow as the North Node arrives in Pisces and your 7th of partnerships this week. Here’s the thing about karma, Virgo. It’s like all mysterious spiritual truths. There is no mystery. It’s easy. It starts with what we set in motion. And in your case – loving yourself.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (11th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (5th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (7th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (11th to 7th)

full moon in libraLIBRA

Find your everyday beauty

Reaffirm your path

Work your effortless

Let’s talk how you can work in a spiritually aligned way. Your dharma or the service you perform. We all have to do the work. Or work at something. No matter who we are or how successful we’ve become. Even billionaires have to do the work. Unless they want to lose their billions. Sometimes that work is hidden. We perform it behind the scenes. Others don’t notice. Unless of course, we were to stop doing it. Or we do it so naturally, it looks effortless. And so it seems we’re actually not doing very much. When in fact, we’ve worked very hard to create the end result.

The ideal situation for anyone, is to find work which gives our lives meaning. And also as your sign is ruled by Venus, for you to be able to work towards creating something beautiful. See this as both your job and your opportunity as the North Node moves into your 6th this week (12th).

During this cycle, you will discover just how special that thing that you do is. Or can be. Find this hidden in what you do and where you are. The here and now. There is value in a simple idea beautifully executed. Don’t over-complicate it. A stunning example of someone who made a name and career doing this is Martha Stewart. Just stop and think: How can I bring beauty into this? And then do that. There is nothing mundane. And if your job or your routine is that – then look forward to a great escape.

You will be aware of this if that is where you are beginning with Mercury in its ruling 3rd in your chart, and its square to Neptune in Mercury’s other house – again your 6th. You will also be able to harness your creativity and enhance something you are already doing. Especially on the home front.

Mars retrograde now in your 10th offers you consolidation. And the ability to spin straw into gold. Look back at your track record to date. Your talents, skills, abilities. This is about leveraging them in a new way to rework your path. It’s not a time to push ahead with plans and job changes. But to look to just what you have to offer. And that’s a lot. You’ll be inspired to work this out beautifully on the 12th. Expect a total relaunch by June.

In a nutshell: Find the beauty in where you are and what you do each day. Success flows in all directions from this. It’s also time to recommit to that long term path. No short cuts, Libra. But the rewards – yours to enjoy in the next 18 months.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (10th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (4th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (6th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (10th to 6th)


You know what’s right – and what’s not

Hold the dream

Love is your destiny – and your destination!

Lovers, babies, children, Gen Z-ers, the younger generations, creativity and conception, your passions and pastimes, hobbies and holidays, pleasure and hedonism and what or who makes your heart sing. All dusted by destiny’s sparkle as the North Node enters your 5th (12th).

Be aware that what is in fact the beginning of a heart-starting cycle of pleasure, can also begin with something coming to a halt. Old ruler Mars reverses into your 9th this week. Plus Mercury’s angle to Neptune in your 5th could highlight the fact that there’s a chasm between what your values and those of another’s you were unaware of until this point. But this could turn into a deal-breaker.

Take it if this occurs, it’s simply time to acknowledge this and move on. Luck is turning in your favour now. Mercury arrives in its ruling 3rd and many of you could be looking for that new platform for your personal brand or message, to launch that project or to apply for that position. Mars retro means you won’t rush but are likely to take your time in assessing if something is truly right for you. You’ve the confidence to say no if it’s not. And also to look past the surface glitter to what lies beneath.

The 12th hands you one such opportunity. You’re never one to be entrained by the superficial, Scorpio. You need to go deeper. Especially when it comes to dating. Sure, what’s on the outside may be hot as *&$%! But if the inside doesn’t match, you’ll quickly lose interest. And that runs both ways. Unless the other party wants to get to know the real you, it’s simply not sustainable. And if that’s not on offer right now, the Node is set for approximately 18 months in here. Have faith in the cosmic delivery system, Scorpio. Whether the kind of love you want is with another person or for success in what you love to do – take it that it’s on its way.

In a nutshell: Is love an experience, a destination or a dream? Or maybe it’s all three. Don’t doubt your dream of it can be made real as the cosmic delivery system awaits your order. Old ruler Mars retrograde has you retracing your steps. You know what to keep and what to let go.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (9th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (3rd)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (5th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (9th to 5th)

full moon in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

It’s time to try defying gravity
I think I’ll try defying gravity
And you can’t pull me down

Stephen Schwartz. Wicked

Wicked moves are on their way. Defy gravity when it comes to transcending blocks and barriers. Or being forced to live as someone you’re not. If you’re not loved and accepted for who you truly are – why are you bending yourself out of shape to people please? Why not simply go find those who embrace you – well, greeness and pointy hat not withstanding?

Funny how we can be made to feel ‘wicked’ simply by being true to ourselves and what we know to be right. Yet, when we do, we soar. So, as retro Mars re-enters Cancer and your 8th and the North Node lands in your 4th – are you going to own yourself? Or continue to allow others to own you and keep you earthbound?

Gravity bites. You could come down to earth with a bump as Mercury in your sign squares Neptune in your 4th (6th). Mercury moves out two days later allowing you to see that sticking to your values is actually the only way forward. Even if this ruffles a few feathers. Who are you giving your power away to? Have you leaned into your greatness or do you still think the Wizard is better/smarter/more deserving than you? Or do you now realise you were always the powerful one and all there is is a sad little man behind a curtain pulling your levers?

Just because your friend has the Insta equivalent of the sparkly ballgown and Fibonacci features to match, does not make them more deserving or loveable than you. Stop comparing. Because when we compare we diminish our worth. Expect all this and more to be revealed to you as Mars and Neptune align (12th). Funny how we get labelled ‘Wicked’ by others simply for refusing to conform or go along with what they want. Who said living our truth was easy? It’s the ultimate act of self-love and bravery.

The North Node will free you to find your perfect place and come home to yourself. If your family of origin sees you as the odd one out, expect the embrace of the soul family where you fit in perfectly. Without anyone dropping a house on you. From Yellow Brick Road to Emerald City – find your people and your place where you defy gravity. And soar.

In a nutshell: That wicked cool attitude shift sees you determined to live in a way that reflects your real needs. You have but one life to live, Sag. This week hands you the tools to go live it on your terms. Rather than simply existing playing by other’s rules.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (8th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (2nd)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (4th)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (8th to 4th)

capricorn full moonCAPRICORN

Ideas change your destiny

Fate is linked to what you say, share or send out

Talk like an Egyptian!

For your birthday cycle this year – let’s take a trip to ancient Egypt, Capricorn. Ready to time travel? Of course, the Nodes of Destiny do rule that as they link us to our past lives. And our karma in this one. But why Egypt? Well, in the time of the Pharaohs and pyramid power, people believed that words were so powerful that to utter or speak something was to bring it into being. Now, that makes sense when you consider their language was hieroglyphic – a series of ideograms which later evolved into the hieratic.

So, we can say the Egyptians understood right from the get-go that words are spells. They fuel intention and infuse what we say with the magic of manifestation. They got it. Now – don’t just walk like an Egyptian. Write, speak and share like one too as the North Node enters your communication and ideas sector on the 12th. What you put your intention behind and what you say, bring it into being.

Naturally, you have to follow through with action. And have done your research and your due diligence. But there’s no doubt you have something to say, the means to say it and the ability to make it happen now. Which of course, makes this the time to progress those projects and plans, advance your online life and send that personal message rippling across time and space. From Egypt to Eternity and back again.

Something you set in motion now or news you receive, changes your direction. As could travel and learning as this of course, puts the South Node in Virgo and your 9th. Mercury landing in your sign, aids you in weaving that compelling message or spell. Or in simply giving that application, pitch, story, plan or design, wings. Now all you need do it let it fly and wait for the result.

Do also say what needs to be said in partnerships and all close connections. Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer and your 7th (6th). It’s trine to Neptune – also in your 3rd, enables you to speak with sincerity, compassion and come from a place where you also want to understand the other party’s perspective. But whatever your topic, you say it and mean it now. You are aware of the spell you are casting. And the impact this has. Talk like an Egyptian.

In a nutshell: The ancient Egyptians knew a thing or two when it comes to the power of words. The believed if you spoke something, you brought it into being. That’s why it’s called ‘spelling’ after all. Now you have the ancient power of manifestation at your command. Say it, write it, share it – and make it so!

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (7th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (1st)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (3rd)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)


Tie up loose ends

Love what you already have

Reset your karma with abundance

We’re weeks out from what will be one of your most redefining and powerful new cycles to date when the Sun reaches your sign – and Pluto, Aquarius. Ahead of this – well, leave no job unfinished, no loose ends and nothing unsaid. Time for closure and completion.

Tackle those pesky outstanding tasks. And confront your own reluctance to do so if this is what you encounter. If there is a pattern of procrastination happening, do examine this closely as Mars returns to your 6th (6th). There could be another reason for this – other than the excuses you may have been making, that is. Is it because your heart actually is no longer in something? Just own it if so, Aquarius. And please – with what you do decide to deal with – don’t rush or skip the details. You’ll only up the ante when you have to go back and do it all over again. Take your time to get it right first time. And then it’s ticked off and you’re done.

Funny as many of you may now be looking at rewards for exactly that. Getting it done and staying the course. Mercury in your 12th (from the 8th), favours working behind the scenes – possibly thinking your efforts haven’t been noticed or recognised. So, this week could bring you a pleasant surprise as something gets paid forward for you.

Mars also trines Neptune in your 2nd (12th) offering up something soul boosting – either in material terms or simply positive strokes, for what you’ve invested in. But the real change comes with the North Node’s arrival in your 2nd. This is about your money, your values and worth, your income, possessions and what you have, owe and share. And what is shared and owed to you in return as this puts this South Node in Virgo and your 8th.

If you were 18 or over back in 2006-7 which was the last time the North Node was in your 2nd, inroads you made with your earnings, self-esteem, what is priceless to you and also lending and borrowing, will show you where gains can be made now. If some of you took out a mortgage or loan back then, you may now be paying it off for instance. Or some of you may be in a position to take that step this cycle. Money is ‘currency’. And like karma what goes around comes around. Expect payouts – or bills to fall due. Cashed up or broke – as with any cycle, you can change how it plays out – and in this case, pays out. And if more is what you want – be it money or love, start by taking care of what you already have and watch how it takes care of you.

In a nutshell: Money like karma goes around. That’s why it’s called ‘currency’. But there’s more to the North Node in your 2nd than just cash. This is about your relationship to abundance. Gratitude opens the door.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (6th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (12th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (2nd)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (6th to 2nd)


We have never arrived. We are in a constant state of becoming.

Bob Dylan

Destiny rides out this week. And you direct it as the North Node enters your sign (12th). Do you believe you are simply a passenger on the journey? A victim of fate? Or do you know with every atom of your being you are the creator of it? And can take it in any direction you want? And how do you live this process? Is it not a destination but a constant unfolding of your soul? You decide now, Pisces.

Of course, we are not living this life alone. We are impacted by the actions of others. And events in the outside world over which we have no control. But we always retain our power to choose how we react to these. And the awareness that any any time, we can choose different.

Choose a different approach or choice as retro Mars re-enters Cancer and your 5th just prior to the North Nodes arrival (6th). Around love, children, romance, your creative life and the right to follow your bliss. Mercury now very much direct again moves into your house of friendships and goals (8th). You may shed what has become a heavy responsibility as it does. Instead consciously choosing to focus on friendships, your social life and the control you have when it comes to turning those goals into concrete results.

Becoming you. Becoming more. Or ready for more. The same day as the Node moves into your sign, retro Mars trines ruler Neptune. It removes illusions and clears away the cobwebs when it comes to anything that’s turned stale or which blinds you to other options. You suddenly realise you no longer have to put up with something simply because you have been made to feel you don’t have a choice in the matter. Imagine what form destiny takes for the ride ahead. Is it a magnificent horse? A fast and furious muscle car? A starship? Or even a dragon? (The latter fitting as the Nodes are known as Dragon’s Head and Tail!). See yourself either climbing on its back or else grasping the wheel and turning the ignition. You now direct where you go from here. One long term cycle is now at an end and the road ahead is open. Fate may have a plan for you, Pisces. But you decide which direction it takes you.

In a nutshell: The North Node arrives in your sign putting you in a state of becoming. To become whoever you imagine yourself to be. There may be no destination. Commit to the journey of becoming more – in this lifetime – and all your lifetimes.

Jan 6 2025 Mars (retrograde) enters Cancer (5th)

Jan 6 2025 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)

Jan 8 2025 Mercury enters Capricorn (11th)

Jan 12 2025 North Node enters Pisces (1st)

Jan 12 2025 Retrograde Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (5th to 1st)

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