Weekly Astrology July 29th 2024 Forecast for All Signs – Manifesting Magic!

new moon in leo

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Sort your value system

Measure your future investment/cost

Choose what aligns to your heart

With the Sun, Venus and now a new Moon (4th), in shining Leo and your 5th, attraction and feel-good activation is the theme of the week for you, Aries. However – first go through what no longer aligns to your value system. Hopefully you have already been in Sorting Hat mode when it comes to this before Venus squares surprising and awakening Uranus in your 2nd (Venus’s ruling house/sign) on the 2nd. Have you been continuing to invest in something that honestly no longer contributes to your self-worth or is even worth your continued time/investment?

Maybe this is the ‘Sunk cost fallacy’ – where we continue to devote ourselves to an unworthy cause due to what we have already invested in it. As in ‘I will give this another month’ – and so on. The Venus trine to Chiron in your sign could bring a surprise alternative that is so much more worth your while and allows you to shine at the same time. While the slightly snarky angle to Uranus actually works in your favour as if you have been reluctant to cash something in, it could suddenly and surprisingly be removed by circumstances outside of your control. If so – don’t fight it.

And then the new Moon opens the path to attract something (or someone), beautifully and creatively aligned to your heart’s true calling, Aries. And also allows you to shine at the same time. So, let go of anything that’s been dulling that lately. And focus that beam of attraction on what’s truly worthy of your time, love, energy and creative zeal. More in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.

In a nutshell: When we are willing to release what we know no longer aligns with our soul or our true calling – we make room for and attract what does. Under the creative energy of this week’s loving new Moon – don’t be afraid to let go, Aries.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (5th to 1st)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (5th)


Awaken to what truly fills that need

Get creative and certain about what it is you want

Go in a new direction

Sometimes we don’t know what we truly need until well – it turns up. Then we know in the very core of our being this is what we’ve been missing all along. First usually comes the awakening/revelation however. And this can often mean something we thought would happen, falling over. Or the wake-up to fact that what we thought we wanted – well, we no longer do.

When the universe wants a good laugh at our expense – it hands us exactly what we asked for. So, as ruler Venus in your 4th aligns to Chiron in your 12th, take this moment to intuitively examine just what it is that you have been focussing on getting. And why you want it. Be open to your real need being filled as opposed to that ‘want’ – which could be the real benefit hidden in this week’s New Moon in Leo and your 4th.

This may ask you to be open-minded, place your trust in a higher power and use every atom of your true creative essence to look at something from a radically different perspective. If you remain attached to one outcome, then you may find yourself stuck instead of moving on into something I can only describe as ‘beautifully sustaining’.

The new Moon in Leo is in the Moon’s ruling house in your chart (4th). This is the new Moon which always offers an opportunity to rebuild your life in some way. To move, to establish and to connect to ‘family’ in the broadest sense of the term. From where you live, to your path in life and all the way to that biological and even soul DNA you share – who and where you belong to or with offers a change of everything from location to pace to connections. Don’t stay stuck, Taurus. More in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope.

In a nutshell: We can’t get what we want until we truly understand what we really need. And what that is may surprise you. No matter what this is – you’ll awaken to it this week. And see that nothing now stands in the way of the need being filled.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (4th to 12th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (4th)


Insight or news adds that unexpected element

Inventiveness knows no boundaries

Prepare to go retro-active!

Something unexpected adds meaning to what you say, share, send out or even a pivotal piece of news shared with you this week, Gemini. It can serve up a new solution or opportunity. Especially around business, commerce, studies, your on-line life, neighbours and siblings.

Words and images may also form part of this. And the new Moon in your 3rd is all about ideas and how you get them across. From that TikTok feed to that thesis or that manuscript that’s lurking in your desk, your camera roll – all are areas to be mined now.

We are in retrograde weather however. Ruler Mercury is retro-shady in your 4th and will reverse next week – the day after the new Moon in fact. Mercury will begin its retro-action in its other ruling sign of Virgo and then reverse back into its ruling 3rd house in your chart. Being the retro boss you know this can deliver that extra dose of Mercury mayhem. So, you can adjust your plans accordingly.

Plans around home, family, moving and relocating may stall or simply reverse. And the same goes from pushing ahead with those ideas or job related progress if not signed, sealed and delivered by the time of the new Moon. You of all signs know the drill. This is your time to perfect something. Revise and review it and then when you have refined it to sheer perfection, hit that launch button once Mercury clears retro-shade in September. If you didn’t think you could make something even better than what it already is – prepare to astound yourself with your sheer capacity of imaginative inventiveness, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Something adds to that bigger picture or opens up more options for you this week. When it comes to your ideas and ability to enhance them with sheer, jaw-dropping invention – give your imagination free rein under this week’s new Moon.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (3rd to 11th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (3rd)

july horoscopesCANCER

Wealth begins with your values

Know what you can bank on

Money is immaterial – it’s your emotional rich that matters

This week’s new Moon asks you what truly matters and what gives you that all-important sense of emotional security as well as the material kind. What hands you that lasting ‘rich’ feeling? Because the deeper you are willing to delve into this and look past the obvious – money and possessions, the more abundant, satisfied and secure you are going to feel.

Venus rules your 2nd house and just happens to be in residence the same time as this new Moon appears. Venus can have you splurging or trigger extravagance in Leo and your 2nd. It can tell you that of course – you’re worth it (and we won’t argue with that in principle as of course – you are, Cancer). But there’s a fine line to be drawn between that and seeking to shore up your self-worth with ‘stuff’ or defining yourself by a label or what you possess. And also – yes, you may be able to have it now, but the bill can sting when it falls due if you are stretched yourself too far. There’s a call out to avoid that – to value yourself enough to not only not get into debt but to understand richness comes from what you have to offer within.

That being said, this week and this new Moon could offer material rewards thanks to Venus’s trine to Chiron (30th). It can also usher in a new relationship which reflects and validates the value you put on yourself. And which turns out to be something you can bank on, Cancer. Keep in mind that Mercury now in your 3rd is about to get very retro-badass as it heads backwards in a ruling sign and its ruling house in your chart. It begins in your house of contracts and commerce and then returns to your money zone. All the more reason to invest in what really holds its value for you, Cancer. Emotional security and that sense of just how valuable you are.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sector of assets and possessions highlights that your values and how you value yourself are the soul stock that’s on the rise for you this week. And any gains both emotionally and materially reflect the price you put on what’s most important to you, Cancer.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (2nd to 10th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (2nd)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

A new cycle begins

Take your time with those plans

Refine, reinvent and relaunch you

There’s something unusually secretive about this week’s new Moon in your sign. And it could well be that you are keeping the plans you are setting to yourself for now, Leo. Perhaps you intuitively know you can enhance them or even replace them with something better? Or your instincts are telling you that the time isn’t quite right to go for that launch right now – even if the plan itself is as close to perfection as it can get.

You could also be in the mood to experiment a little and try a new look (or several), on for size before deciding on which one rocks the fiercest. And a little patience and/or experimentation goes a long way this week. Adjustment and reinvention go hand-in-hand with Venus’s alignment to Chiron and Uranus. Finding yourself looking at a new role or invited to take on a more prominent one could also have you evolving your outer look, appearance, style, face or brand. There’s something about readying yourself to meet your future – or should I say donning the costume of the role future you is about to step into.

All this takes place against a retrograde backdrop. It’s not over until Mercury clears retroshadow. Stops and starts, readjustments and a lot of experimentation are part of your process. As is changing your mind around what it is you want and opting for something else. And yes, if you want to keep anything from those revised plans to a big reveal under wraps for now – that too is not only expected – but your right to pick your moment, Leo.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sign is always a brand new beginning. And the start of your new astrological cycle. But it’s okay this time around if you’re not yet ready to reveal those plans to the world. Or wanting to keep those fierce, blazing and brave new aspects of you under wraps for now.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (1st to 9th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (1st)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Intuition ensures that nothing comes as a surprise

Creative pearls are for those prepared to dive deep

Be like water and go with the flow!

Stay tuned when it comes to love, children, creativity and those insights you pick up around these themes, Virgo. Retro-active weather means just one thing – take it slow. And also that what looks to be a new beginning for you may stall, stop or even reverse completely. As always – your higher self sees past any confusion to what lies beneath.

Being the Retro Boss, I should not need to remind you of any of this. Especially when retro season falls in the run-up to your birthday cycle. Because if anything comes as a total surprise this week, it only happens if you have totally ignored what your intuition has been telling you.

Also – remember that just because something is a surprise – don’t mean it’s unwelcome. There’s an invitation to delve deeper into something now. But do so in the knowledge that you may go so far, then come up for breath again before another deep dive back into it. The new Moon in your 12th (4th), enhances your insight, creativity and desire to look beyond the obvious to the hidden truth. Like a diver in search of a pearl, you may need to shuck a few empty oysters before you open the one containing what you seek. Again, the slow stop/start process or time this takes goes hand-in-hand with that retrograde motion on your ocean, Virgo. Take all the time you need to breathe in each stage of wisdom you gain. Or simply enjoy stopping and go with the flow when retrograde currents force you to pause. Don’t swim against the tide – be the tide this week.

In a nutshell: Ahead of that fresh cycle, you’re asked to look beyond what’s obvious and follow where insight leads. Going with the flow also asks you attune yourself to the current retro energy. Take a deep dive, come up for air, float and then repeat. As many times as you need, Virgo.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (12th to 8th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (12th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

To reach the future mine the past

When it comes to who you meet – there’s only fate

It’s all about the who – not the what this week!

A goal-getting/setting new Moon appears at the same time as ruler Venus is in your 11th. But this also takes place against an up-coming Mercury retrograde across your 12th/11th houses. So, the past impacts on not only your present, but your future too. Think updating a previous goal for fresh, future-proof relevance.

Old friends and contacts may also feature. So look to who gets back on touch especially around the 2nd. And also who you feel strange compulsion to reach out to needs to be acted upon. There’s a strange and charmed path opening up for you this week. One which may take you places or gain you entree into something you cannot yet envision. Charmed and enchanted encounters could also feature.

And please do make a concentrated effort at the start of August to reboot your social life if it is lacklustre. Do understand if you are going through a period of loneliness – this is no reflection of who you are and what you have to offer as a friend. Loneliness can happen to anyone – of any age or social standing. Even celebrities. And finding your people or the right group to join can be a lot like dating in that you may have to try out a few before finding the one that’s right for you. So, don’t shy away from road testing that club, group or association. Or moving on to the next one if you don’t feel that click.

This is one of the most important new Moons of the year for you. There’s more in your New Moon in Leo Moonscope. But take it this new Moon is the one that offers you an opportunity to pursue a new vision for your future. And it does this through people. Get connected, Libra.

In a nutshell: Take it that who you meet, hear from or encounter isn’t by chance this week. That includes thinking about someone and then they get in touch. There’s no such thing as coincidence. Just fate placing you in the right place, at the right time to connect to your future.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (11th to 7th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (11th)


Know what you want – and be upfront about it

You are who you believe you are

Serve it your way!

You’re on show and need to be ready to strut your smarts under this week’s new Moon in your 10th. Also in your 10th – the Sun and Venus. Work what you bring to the table. And whatever that is – do it in your unique way that only you can serve. Understanding that there is something that you can offer in a way that nobody else can is your secret to success now.

This doesn’t just apply to your career or worldly ambitions. But personal goals too. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is your other secret ingredient. Self-respect being the foundation stone. Take yourself seriously and what you want seriously first and then the world reflects that belief. Being rewarded and respected for what you do and what you bring to the table extends to your personal life. So, don’t sell yourself short here either. This has nothing to do with narcissism or self-aggrandisement. It simply translates in dating and mating to know your deal makers – and the breakers. Being upfront about them and sticking to them.

Beneficial changes can occur this week around your job, career, status and how you are regarded and recognised. You’re not only doing it your way but defining success on your terms as well. Understand what’s on offer reflects who you believe you are, what you have to offer and your commitment to getting it. Success is simply being the best version of you that you can be now.

In a nutshell: In some way you’ll be front of house or in the ‘hot seat’ this week. Take it that people who matter are taking note. So, ensure you project that aura of someone who knows what they want and where they are going. Both in life and in love.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (10th to 6th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (10th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Free your wild side!

Serve is real and unfiltered

Where do you want to go next?

One of your favourite new Moons of the year appears in your 9th this week (4th). And along with Venus also in this house and ruler Jupiter in your 7th – you’re off in hot and passionate pursuit of something you love. Or would love to explore, Sag.

Does this hand you the added benefit of standing out and expressing your wild soul at the same time? In any way you can think of from your Insta feed to unleashing that free spirited creativity or desire to go further? Then that’s the direction you need to head in now. If you are travelling under this new Moon – it occurs in shady Mercury retro time. And we are moving into full fat retrograde weather the day after the new Moon appears. So along with that sense of adventure, do pack Plans B + C. Better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them.

A sudden, delightful and even brazen opportunity may appear in the lead up to this new Moon. Watch the 30th when Venus trines Chiron in your 5th. If so, this is a preview of the direction this Moon opens up for you. If you are not actually travelling now, then plans to do so made under this new Moon have the best possible chance of turning into real trips.

The other message of this week is to Be Authentic. Although the aspects call on you to make big, bold, beautiful moves, please don’t exaggerate. Truth is beauty and yours is what will bring you the move forward or opportunities you are seeking, Sag. Don’t be tempted to ‘fake it till you make it’ or bluff your way through something – either IRL or online as you could be caught out. And honestly, with so much fierce to serve – do you honestly need to exaggerate anything?!

In a nutshell: You’re yearning for something bigger and more breathtaking under this week’s new Moon in your house of expansion and adventure. Bold, courageous moves are what self-generate opportunity for you. Time to leave restriction behind you, Sag.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (9th to 5th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (9th)


That radar tells you what’s hot and what’s not

Wait for the final result

Fierce – reborn and glowing!

Free your soul under the new Moon (4th) in your sector of personal power and magnetism, Capricorn. A transformation is taking place now although it is worth bearing in mind that the final results may not be apparent until September. This is due to the upcoming Mercury retrograde which enters its main phase next week. So, expect a process where there is progress one minute and you pause to integrate the changes the next. Before heading into the next stage.

Venus is also present in your empowered 8th house along with the Sun. All of which adds up to you having a personal charisma that acts like catnip. Some may be drawn in by that compelling quality you effortlessly radiate. While others put their resources at your disposal. This is your house of rebirth so don’t be surprised if you emerge from a period of suppression or even challenges, with a feeling of release and renewal. And be ready to meet something new which reflects this.

The only warning I would give you under this influence is to be alert for scams, clickbait and anyone or anything that simply seems too good to be true. That prospective lover who love-bombs you or seems just that but too keen considering the length of time they’ve known you is one obvious red flag. If you feel the ‘ick’ – that’s your exit cue. Other than that minor caution – you’re feeling empowered and powerful and as a result may opt to take on something long term and lasting. Taking something to the next level – or freeing yourself to find what gives you the depth you seek, are all ways you can express the Power of You.

In a nutshell: You may feel as if you are emerging from a cocoon into a bright light of being under this week’s new Moon in your house of rebirth and transformation. How you use this reclaimed power is up to you. Make any necessary changes.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (8th to 4th)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (8th)


With so much to give – don’t waste it

Transform the how, the who and then why

Yes, you WILL do anything in the name of self-love!

The new Moon in your 7th coincides with Venus which rules this house in your chart in residence. It’s angle to ruler Uranus (2nd) could have you looking at the future of a particular partnership. Move in or move on in other words? You will be confident in your choices this week. And as far as doing anything for love – you will do what you need to when it comes to your future. And come from a place of giving self-love equal priority.

Self-love could be the key to the greatest love of all. Because it is only by really knowing ourselves that we can come to understand what we need when it comes to other people. So, if you want to look at it another way – working on this turns into the ultimate unselfish act. As it means when we do enter a relationship we are truly, madly and deeply present for ourselves and the other person. We don’t waste our precious love – or theirs. If we are already in a relationship, the more we understand what makes us tick and what we need – the better able we are to communicate this to partners. Which turns into a two-way street. If something has held you back from honestly baring your soul, the Venus/Chiron trine on the 30th has you letting go of shyness or fears around this.

Love the way you’ve always done and all you get is the result you’ve got in the past. If that hasn’t been what you’ve really wanted, along with Pluto’s transformational prowess in your 1st, you can use the energy of this new Moon to bring about a total shift in how you love – and how you express that love. It’s the love you have to give that gets you the outer result. And getting to really know this can see partnerships and your partnership status shift. That’s the power of love.

In a nutshell: How you see yourself in relationships, how you love and are loved in return – all are undergoing a primal shift which heads into a fresh phase with this week’s new Moon. If you love the same way you get the same result. And the change begins with how you love yourself.

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (7th to 3rd)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (7th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Make the mundane magic

Turn work into play

Who redecorated your 6th house?!

Gorgeous, sensual, beautiful, charming, irresistible, timeless. That’s the combination of Venus and a new Moon in your 6th house, Pisces.

Wait a moment, I hear you say! Isn’t this my house of work, routine, habits, must-dos and duties? The taking out the trash and unplugging the hair from the bathroom sink drudgery? When did it all get so well – enticing and indulgent? Did it get a makeover I’m unaware of?! It’s true your 6th contains all the mundane aspects of the jobs we have to do but wish we didn’t. But like all the houses and the planets, there is always the flip or hidden side. And it just so happens that the delightfully indulgent side of your 6th house is prominent under this new Moon.

It can usher in work you love. It can turn that routine into something playful because it unleashes your creativity and ability to see ways to make the mundane into magic. You can discover a garden of earthly delights in yes – gardening, cooking, shopping for fresh produce and preparing food, showcasing what you do from home or as part of your daily life in an enticing and creative way.

This week isn’t concerned with trends or fads. It’s classic. It favours quality over quantity. You may find yourself decluttering or paring something down as a result. Less is more in other words. This process may take you a month and a half to complete. And it also may extend to your own image as well as your work and your environment. You’re dedicated and worshipping at the altar of the simple and refined. And you’ll be amazed at how in doing so, other totally unrelated areas of your life effortlessly follow.

In a nutshell: No matter what you may have been told about your 6th house – it contains the magic to change every other area of your life. So, time to see it differently. As a source of wonder, sensuality and pleasure under this week’s new Moon in here!

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (6th to 2nd)

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (6th)

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