Weekly Astrology June 24th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Gratitude and appreciation fuel progress
Make the moment last
Reality doesn’t bite – it’s a blessing!
Enjoyment goes hand-in-hand with reality this week. We have free flowing trines and sextiles dancing across the summer sky between planets in Cancer, Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. The appreciation of what we have at our disposal should not be tainted by unnecessary yearning for what we don’t. That simply dilutes the pleasure. And comparison is the joy killer. Do remember this.
However, this week sees Saturn slam on the brakes and head backwards in sensitive, intuitive and empathic Pisces. This is the start of a long, slow haul which will put us in touch with how things truly are – not how we would like them to be. Now, that doesn’t not mean Saturn is acting like a party pooper. Or that we don’t get to be in the bliss of the moment. It just heightens our awareness of what’s right – and what’s not right. What holds up and what needs to change. Be it in a deeply personal/psychic level. Or on a wider one.
We may ask ourselves what stops us (and others because Pisces is the sign of compassion), from feeling like this all the time? Or at least more often. And look to how things can change realistically so this can happen. Be in your happy place this week be it home or away. Enjoy the free-flow. Saturn backwards will show you how to regain that if its been lost as well. Mine your past for what works. From now until November – expect the pursuit of happiness and real ways to bring it about, to be a priority.
In a nutshell: Falling in love with your life right now, as it is, doesn’t mean you’re not open to improvements. You have until November to decide what these will be, Aries. But it does mean you’re seeing what works – and what doesn’t, from a fresh perspective.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (12th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
A little self-promotion takes you further
Friendships go the distance
Make this a week of saying ‘Yes’
Ruler Venus in your 3rd angling to promotional Mars in your sign means you’re not backwards in putting yourself forwards this week. You will also benefit from unexpected good news or attention on the 30th when Mercury in its ruling 3rd makes the same electric charge to Uranus.
A ‘yes’ or even a sudden change in course will benefit you this week, Taurus. And if old friends or contacts reappear – it may be worth your while to say yes to them too. You could be taking on something new. With it may come increased responsibilities but also rewards.
Saturn retrograde in your 11th until November (from the 29th), puts you back in touch with people from your past. It may also see some of you galvanise your efforts when it comes to joining in, being part of group endeavours, movements, causes, parties and change. You may have a real desire to contribute to something greater. If you have been feeling somewhat cut-off and isolated recently, then that feeling of being restricted lifts. You reconnect to the world around you. Do be a joiner now, Taurus. And yes, this may require some effort from you. Saturn is the task-master but it never sets one beyond our capabilities.
If you have a goal that requires the participation of others – this should be your starting point. Find where those who share it hang out. When it comes to goals you’re about to look at where you are in respect to yours. Don’t forget – those who have walked your path already will prove to be your best resources now. Or those willing to go all the way and share the vision you want to bring about. Be united now, Taurus. And do say yes.
In a nutshell: Benefits come your way from joining in or getting involved in group activities now. While Mercury and ruler Venus align to Mars and Uranus in your sign delivering news or an alluring option which demands a ‘Yes!’ from you.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (11th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
Weigh up investment vs. rewards
Write your own playbook
Step up – and deliver!
Ruler Mercury could be about to deliver rewards or undertake a revelation which shows you where they can be found. Do think long and hard this week about what the path you are on has been delivering, Gemini. Doors could open wide on the 26th when Mercury in your money zone trines Saturn in your recognition sector.
Saturn is in its ruling house – your 10th, in your chart. And as it moves through here it will tug at your Gemini aspects. But wait – all this is happening with Jupiter in residence! What you have done in the past matters. With that track record or long-term effort now paying off. Unexpected financial news could reach you on the 30th. And you could be in a position where you can pay something off or back.
Saturn turns retrograde this week. A long, lengthy transit which will take us through to November. This is when you get to see tangible rewards come from those efforts. Or combined with Jupiter’s assistance – find yourself on a different path which delivers that. You could re-write your playbook, see clearly where you could do with some advice or mentoring. Whatever you do – deliver on your responsibilities and intentions now. Strangely enough – the more to live up to them, the freer you feel. And the bigger the benefits flow your way.
In a nutshell: Saturn is the great cosmic accountant. And from now until November you’ll be adding up whether or not you are getting that return on your investments. Be they that path, that relationship or even your money. Cashed up or cash in? You have so many options, Gemini.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (10th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
Non – Je ne regrette rien
(No, I have no regrets)
Edith Piaf, 1960.
Je ne regrette rien. That’s your mantra this birthday cycle, Cancer. By all means look back at the past. Take from it any lessons. But no regrets. Think of it this way – without these experiences you would not be who you are today. Once you see every event, every choice and decision you made as a learning opportunity – no matter your result, you gain in knowledge, experience and wisdom.
That’s your key to spiritual truth and true insights you can apply not just to this birthday cycle but your next one in 2025, Cancer. That’s when Jupiter brings you its once in 12 year expansion and blessings. Time to find your power by seeing past mistakes as adding to your knowledge base. Ditch self-blame as well as those regrets as Saturn heads backwards in your freedom zone until November (from the 29th). Fabulous alignments this week link you to those who have your back and also who share with you your history and similar experiences. Just knowing you are not alone and that strangely enough, even when things didn’t work out how you wanted and are part of a larger plan, gives you all you need to forge ahead with renewed confidence.
And yes, as well as your mantra, Non, Je ne Regrette Rien is your anthem as well. Whenever you are filled with any remorse or regret, crank it up on Spotify. It’s a reminder of how your life is meant to be lived, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle continues with a call not to become bogged down in regrets and ‘What if’s?’. See every choice you made as you gaining in experience. And now leverage that to make new ones with confidence. No regrets.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (1st to 11th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (9th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)
Influence your future
Know what you want
Make that beautiful move matter
Be ready for a big reveal this week, Leo. Planets in your 12th including ruler the Sun, heighten your intuition so this may not come as a complete surprise. Are you waiting to hear something likely to boost your cred? Take that career to the next level? Even gain traction and attention for that podcast or social media presence? Yes, you ARE in a position to work your influence this week. And I use the term in its broadest sense. Others may seek you out for your expertise or to take on a leadership role thanks to the presence of Mars and Uranus in your 10th.
Into the mix this week is Saturn in your sector of major assets and powerful transitions. It’s retrograde from the 29th which will take you all the way through to November, turns you into a major player set for the big leagues, Leo. You are savvy, shrewd but can combine this with thoughtfulness and sensitivity.
Yes, your ambitions are stirred. There is something you want to attain or achieve on either a personal or professional level. But you are not about to sacrifice what’s close to your soul to get it. You come from a place of compassion and also an awareness of the long term implications of your choices. Be ready for lasting, beneficial gains and changes. Chances are however – you already know they are on their way.
In a nutshell: Something emerges from your past and you’ll carefully weigh up how it fits in with those future plans. Be prepared to step up and take on more if asked. The fact is – you’re ready whether you realise it or not, Leo.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (12th to 10th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (8th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)
Join the love evolution
Be a retro boss
Ride that wave!
You’re ahead of the curve this week, Virgo. Or should I say you’re not latching on to the next big thing. You are it. Innovate and experiment. Evolution time is here.
Certainly, history doesn’t need to repeat itself. Especially when it comes to relationships. Seeking the new? You should be connecting or ensuring others can find you in a way that feels right for you thanks to the angles between ruler Mercury and Venus in your 11th. And planets in your 7th/9th houses. Do venture forth and look outside your usual circle if you are able. Consider someone from a different background or even a different age group. Ditch that ‘type’ especially if you suddenly see how the pursuit of it hasn’t got you what you wanted previously.
This week brings one of the most important retrogrades of the year for you. And we know you are the retro boss! This one is very different from the usual Mercury retro mayhem you’re used to navigating however. The 29th has Saturn, planet of the long haul commitment, head backwards in your marriage and partnership sector. This is a slow burn retro as it will last right up until November. If you have been ignoring red flags or blissfully unaware of those patterns in your previous or even present relationship, Saturn now delivers the reality check.
The good news – what you then create from this point onwards is real, lasting connection. And isn’t that what we all truly, madly, deeply want? So, the love or even close working relationship evolution means fit to last, Virgo. By November – you’re the boss when it comes to establishing exactly that.
In a nutshell: Put a ring on it Saturn heads backwards in your house of partnerships this week. Unions get a much needed reality check. But let’s face it, Virgo – weren’t you done with a fantasy that doesn’t actually deliver a long time ago?
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (11th to 9th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (7th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)
Angels are in the details
Your emotional state contains your truth
Get it Done!
There’s no way around it, Libra. You have to Do The Work. Structure, schedules and systems are your friend from this week onwards. Setting deadlines and delivery dates and sticking to them sets you up for success. Ditch procrastination. Get it done.
Your success sector is lit not just by the Sun, but by Mercury and Venus your ruler. Making lasting changes, leveraging what you have already achieved could lead to satisfaction and recognition. Both Mercury and Venus angle to planets in your areas of resources and work. Plus the free-flowing energy makes tackling anything you might have been putting off, easy.
Whatever you do however – don’t be tempted to cut corners. Saturn in your house of everyday work is all about attention to detail. This is also your house of health. And as Saturn enters a long retro cycle in here from the 29th which will last past your birthday, what you may need to get done and pay closer attention to is your soul and mental health and wellbeing. And the habits you have establish which support this or simply take away from it.
Pay attention to your emotions. You are entitled to feel what you do. There is a good reason for this so don’t dismiss or diminish them. How your emotional state affects your physical body and ability to do what you need to get done, will be increasingly clear. And you’ll make lasting adjustments around this. Do tackle loneliness, isolation and any tendencies towards depression. Get professional help if needed. Your red flags are anyone telling you that you are exaggerating, over-sensitive or who tries to negate your feelings.
All that being said, this week could well mark the start of a consistent and rewarding cycle for you where work-related and financial gains become reality. Chunk those tasks down. Don’t multitask. It’s about tackling one thing at a time to completion then moving on to the next with this Saturn. The take-out however can be something lasting in terms of your time, energy – and those material rewards.
In a nutshell: No short-cuts, just due-diligence and focus when it comes to work matters this week, Libra. Changes you set in motion crush those tasks. The more organised you get – the better the flow. And the result.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (10th to 8th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (6th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)
No is the new yes
Is it time to put a ring on it?
Love needs boundaries to thrive
Parenting issues and long term loves will be impacted by Saturn retrograde in your 5th. As could be how well you parent yourself, Scorpio. Sometimes that means saying no and setting boundaries. You may be asked to set them with a child or young person. Just as you may have to tell yourself – no more when it comes to someone else. Or at the very least let them know where the line has been drawn.
You have feisty, fiery Mars in your 7th. Mars is all about the boundaries. And Saturn’s rings symbolise these. Saturn also rules time, taking responsibility and commitment. If you are dating now, you’ll need to know where you stand or what the long term picture looks like.
This is a long, slow retrograde. Lasting right up until your birthday season. So you may take your time in your approach. Or when it comes to self-parenting and protecting you from well – yourself, the new rules you instil may take a while to be fully integrated into your approach. Yes, this all sound like tough love, doesn’t it? But the thing about this week is that it shows you that getting tough and setting limits (be this with others or with yourself), earns you respect and strangely freedom at the same time.
Don’t shy away from putting someone on the spot, asking for what you want or from stating your needs right from the get-go. Your decisive approach gets you the outcome you desire and also strengthens ties. As well as eliminating time wasters when it comes to your precious time and emotions. Between now and your birthday you could seal the deal on a relationship, offer a child the strength and guidance they need or simply self-parent yourself to a wiser, better outcome. Get ready for lasting love.
In a nutshell: You’ve a more serious approach to love. And what you love, Scorpio. Saturn’s slow-down in your 5th of romance, creativity and children sees you willing to say no to something if you see it can eventually get you to yes.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (9th to 7th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (5th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)
No more castles in the air
Build those foundations
Is it time for something moving?
No more bubble living, Sag. Neptune in your 4th house could have left you either living in a dream world. Or ignoring the fact your home, family situation or lifestyle is anything but. This week marks the start of a cycle where you can build on the foundations you have created. Or need to. One which will take you right up until your birthday season as Saturn begins a long retrograde of home truths in your 4th.
This may bring one cycle of living somewhere to a close for some of you. Especially if there have been elements of it that have not been working for quite some time. A family issue that may have dragged on sees you unafraid to grasp it, thorns and all. You may find yourself having to parent an ageing parent for instance. Your roles suddenly reversed. Those who have been simply making do or constantly juggling their resources now see there is a clear road out of this.
Going back to your roots in some way may involve a literal relocation to somewhere you have ties to for others. You have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your change sector as well this week. Angling to Saturn as well as Mars and Uranus in your 6th. Resources to make changes or decisions are at your disposal. Don’t forget – ruler Jupiter in your sector of partnerships is working away to bring you the support you need. And thanks to it, you’ll even find confronting things you’d rather not have to, in facts brings you rewards. Your best life is the one you consciously create by looking at things realistically and in the long term. Lay those foundations, Sag.
In a nutshell: Change is in the air. From how you use your resources to changing rooms or eyeing up a move into something sustaining for your future. Don’t be afraid to deal with emotionally charged issues now. You’re bringing home truths to bear.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (8th to 6th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (4th)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)
Attraction and intention get you your result
News you’ve been waiting for arrives
Work that sincerity
You’re in your yearly partnership and attraction peak now. With extra sprinkles of love and allure thanks to Venus also in your 7th. It’s a week where something hots up. Or something you’ve been waiting on or for, concludes just the way you wanted it to. All thanks to Venus and Mercury’s angles across to your 3rd and 5th houses. And ruler Saturn’s ability to deliver on those intentions.
The 26th marks a date when you could hear what you’ve been waiting on. Or that cosmic delivery arrives. Mercury’s angle to ruler Saturn which sits in Mercury’s ruling 3rd, tells you that this is something lasting. Once a decision is made there’s no going back.
Hot stuff happens with the 29th starred for romance too. You’ll say it and mean it thanks to Venus and Mars’s intense angles of attraction. This day sees Saturn turn retrograde in your 3rd. A long, slow cycle which will last right through until November. It’s a time where your words carry extra meaning. You’ll review all communications and projects to date. Agreements, papers and contracts may feature during this time. And yes, you will read the small print. You understand signing on the dotted line is binding in so many ways.
And as for the spoken word – you state your intentions in a way that no-one doubts your sincerity. Coming from a place of higher truth and integrity. Chances are you’ll use this retro to plan something big, Cappy. And watch it all come together in a way that’s both realistic and optimistic at the same time.
In a nutshell: You mean what you say. And follow through on heart-centered matters. Your yearly partnership peak brings you opportunities to explore and express the love. In oh so many ways.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (7th to 5th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)
Clear your space
Change up your routine
You have more at your disposal than you think
You’re in a positive frame of mind and also ready to innovate when it comes to work and home matters this week. Mercury in its ruling 6th aligns to ruler Uranus in your 4th (30th). While Venus also in your 6th makes the same angle to Mars also in your 4th. There could be a burning desire for change. To clear out the cobwebs, move or simply shake up that routine.
Any extra money you may have could well be spent on your home or moving thanks to the trine between Mercury and Saturn in your 2nd on the 26th. There’s an increased need for sustainability with both your work and what underpins your life. And don’t be surprised if space becomes an issue as well. Feeling surrounded by too much stuff and clutter or simply cramped surroundings has you rethinking. It’s a week that’s ripe for changing rooms.
Saturn is your ancient ruler. So, we always say the old rules apply. Therefore Saturn retrograde in your money zone this week is a very big deal for you. This retro will last right up until November. During which time you’ll be paying close attention to what resources you have and what you do with them. Yes, there are astrologers out there who will tell you that Saturn in your 2nd isn’t great for making extra money. The answer to that is yes and no. Saturn works ‘by the book’ – and those books need to balance. Pay attention to the bottom line and make what you have work harder. There’s no quick fixes with Saturn. But when it rewards, it can do so in spectacular fashion. Many extremely wealthy individuals have Saturn in the 2nd house as a natal factor. Add up where you spend and save. Prioritise. Conserve. Saturn will show you that you and your money have karma together. You can change yours now.
In a nutshell: During Saturn’s retrograde in your 2nd, you’ll discover you have more resources to work with than you imagined, Aquarius. And a new way to make the most of them. Make them work for you.
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (6th to 4th)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (2nd)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)
What appears shows you your focus
Review, reboot, reset
Take yourself seriously
This week sees you taking yourself more seriously, Pisces. And that includes the serious pursuit of what you want to attract. You are in your yearly pleasure peak with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your 5th. And although you are at your most playful and light-hearted now, you’re seeking more than just that heady, sparkly, being-in-the-moment rush. You need to know that something lasting may result. Especially when it comes to romance. Your heart may be on your sleeve, but you won’t throw it recklessly into the ring.
You may also come face-to-face with your power to attract, manifest and create thanks not only to the trine between Mercury and Saturn in your sign on the 26th. But Venus and Mercury to Mars and Uranus in your 3rd. You are one of the signs especially likely to hear good news or see the arrival of something you’ve been working towards now. The week is especially good for the water signs.
Saturn turns retro-active in your sign on the 29th. This is a particularly long, slow retrograde which will last until November. During this time expect to press the reset button on a key area. And to continue that process where you see yourself in a vastly different light. This is going to involve looking at where you sold yourself short in the past, diminished or dismissed your power. Yes, this may involve going further back and looking at where your attitude towards yourself was shaped by others. This can often involve pain. Don’t blame and don’t bog yourself down in regrets, Pisces. By the time you emerge you’ll be on a whole new trajectory. Just like Saturn’s rings – you’re becoming gold.
In a nutshell: Saturn turns retrograde in your sign this week. And asks just how seriously you’re taking yourself. Time to see yourself as deserving and an invaluable part of the great cosmic pattern, Pisces. Because if you don’t – then who will?!
26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)
29 June 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (1st)
30 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
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