Weekly Horoscopes October 21st 2024 – Sizzling!

Unstoppable confidence propels you forward
Know what’s right for you
Be fearless
That unerring sense of what’s right and what isn’t just happens to be your superpower now. Do pay attention, Aries. The decisions you make in the next few weeks will stay with you for a very long time to come. Know you have the power of choice. And it’s not Hobson’s.
Chances are you know you’ve been working towards this point now for a while. There’s a fated inevitability about what you decide to do or choose. But you are still the one in control here. See yourself not as a victim of outer influences or circumstances, but as a powerful co-creator constantly evolving and embracing change. You don’t need stagnation. You thrive on action.
The Sun’s arrival in your 8th (22nd), is merely an opportunity for you to showcase your fearless self-confidence, determination and yes, bring sensuality back. People who know what they want, who take action rather than sit talking about it – those individuals are usually perceived as the most magnetic and attractive. That’s because others know where they stand with them. And also what they stand for. So, don’t hesitate or be shy, Aries. Not that that is your usual style.
Do channel your energy and don’t scatter it. Maintain your focus. Again, that usually comes automatically with self-assurance. You might also notice how others hang on your every word. Or simply gravitate to you. This is especially good for any of you who deal with the public or consider themselves an ‘influencer’ – in the broadest sense of the term. Money and resources may also feature thanks to ruler Mars and Uranus on the 2nd. This week marks the start of an Access All Areas cycle when it comes to getting what you want. Or making serious inroads towards it. Knowing what it is – and knowing you CAN have it if you make the effort, adds up to some powerful moves this week.
In a nutshell: The Sun in your 8th highlights your power, Aries. Self-directed determination, sass and changes you set in motion. It tells you that you are in control. Especially when it comes to whatever you want to transform.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (8th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 12th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
Ready for a fresh take on love?
Brave new elements reignite your passion
Just go with it!
Your yearly partnership peak started early due to ruler Venus landing in your 7th a month before the Sun. This extended attraction cycle continues as the Sun lands in here this week.
Mercury’s angle to Saturn on your 11th (22nd) could bring in a new connection that turns into a lifelong one. Just a word of advice here – yes, this could even turn into a long-term romantic union. But it could take time before it gets there. Even if that seems to be on offer from the start – things may go slowly. You or the other party may have other commitments. Past disappointments also mean you take time to ensure this is right. Don’t be in a hurry to push things along. Or even to find out what form it will take. Just be content to go with whatever pace it sets.
This is your main cycle of attraction as the Sun is in your opposite sign. So, you’ll draw to you people, friends, money, gifts and yes, opportunities now. Something may need your signature this week. Or an agreement is reached. You could even make a decision that surprises everyone – even you! Look to the 25th when Mars in your 3rd angles to Uranus in your 1st. It may be that you opt for something entirely different than you have done in the past.
Sudden news or a surprise could be what lights up your life from now on. And if someone is not as happy for you as you might have expected, you won’t allow that to dampen your spirits. Or to stop you from exploring something fresh.
In a nutshell: In the Book of Love there could be a surprise plot twist this week, Taurus. Your yearly partnership peak hands you the opportunity to go for something soul-evolving. With who you love. Or what you love to do. Reignite the passion.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (7th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 11th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
Attend to that sacred Mind Body Spirit trilogy
Long term efforts pay off
Be all you can be – and brilliantly!
Follow insight and intuition when it comes to health and well-being. And also, please don’t be afraid to seek out second opinions on important health matters. Get the facts and the details, Gemini.
Repartition and boredom are never your thing. However, when something is worth your attention and captivates it, you can give it your total focus. And maintaining this. Ruler Mercury in your 6th delivers results and rewards when it aligns to Saturn in your 10th (22nd). If you’ve been consistently doing what was required of you, then know now that your efforts will pay off.
This can even be for what you have done behind the scenes or something that doesn’t carry the traditional pay cheque. Such as supporting others, donating your time or for unpaid work at home. No matter what it is, it feels like success.
The Sun in your 6th is your transit of good housekeeping when doing the work and caring for yourself. Look to how you can elevate that routine or create better habits. You do this by moving. This is especially important if you work from home or remotely. Begin to pay close attention to how long you remain sitting or doing that one thing. If you feel your energy levels going down or if you’ve noticed burn-out, boredom or worse – mood swings creeping in – set your timer for two hours and then when it goes off – MOVE. Do some yoga stretches? Go for a short walk. Studies have shown that people who move for 15 minutes every two hours are more productive and have better mental health.
It’s all about giving your best. And feeling your best. If you need to make long-term changes to your work or habits, do so now. Don’t forget – you’ve an extra long attraction cycle happening this year. Don’t let too much on that To Do list and not enough energy to do it, get in the way.
In a nutshell, New habits or adjustments to that routine will likely stick now. All thanks to ruler Mercury and now the Sun in your house of wellness and work. Your dedication and ability to stay the course are recognised and rewarded.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (6th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 10th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
Flit, flirt and be seen
Do it just for fun
With the Sun in its ruling 5th this week (22nd), and Mars infusing you with surety and self-confidence in your sign, this is your moment to put yourself out there, Cancer. It is time to bring the heat of what makes your heart ignite with passion and joy.
Your best day of the week for being seen and socialising will be the 25th, when Mars and Uranus put you in social butterfly mode. If you are not feeling at your most sparkling, open and playful, you need to ask yourself why not? Or rather what is getting in the way of this?
It’s your cycle of feeling at one with the world. Where life should flow effortlessly in the direction of love, creativity, dreams and children. When you find a respite from worries and take a holiday from mundane concerns. When you indulge your desires and rekindle your child-like wonder. So, if someone is dampening your spirits or raining on your parade, use Pluto’s final weeks in your 7th to deal with this. Once and for all.
Luck is a mindset and also an energy we can harness. And it is flowing your way right now. It’s time to take a chance on something. And also to play with the powers of attraction. Let go of serious. Sure you can be serious about what you want. But the process should be fun. You engage by simply expressing yourself via what brings you delight, joy and sends you into The Zone. That place where time stops and you let go of worrying about what others think. And we access this by simply doing what we love. That hobby, pastime or even – dare I say it – that performance. See the coming month as your livestream, Cancer. And watch how others can’t help but tune in.
In a nutshell: The Sun turns up the heat as it lands in your 5th. Indulge in playful, effortless fun. Which in turn engages with the Law of Attraction. When you express yourself authentically, the universe can’t help but sit up – and take notice. As do others.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (5th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 9th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)
Changing rooms with a grand design
Make security and sustainability your focus
Take the path you were always meant to
Sun transits are extra special times for you as when your ruler changes signs, it always brings a renewed focus or illuminates a key area for you. The Sun’s entry into your 4th (22nd), will bring to fruition any improvements or changes you began with Venus in here over the past month.
There could be a move or change of lifestyle ahead of you. As always, with a Sun transit, this is fuelled by your desire to make this happen. You bring all the power of the Sun to it. What’s more, the Sun ignites action. If you keep track of how your focus changes each month when the Sun moves from one sign to the next, you’ll also see how you take action soon. If you haven’t really been aware of this until now, do make notes of the house in your chart the Sun enters when it changes signs. And what you do around the themes it rules over the next month. And you’ll see how you were unconsciously following the Sun.
So, in focus for you – what’s permanent, lasting and gives you security. Both the emotional and the material kind. You’ll take whatever action is needed to create this. The Sun in here reminds you – this is YOUR life and your path. Not your parents. Yours. So, walk the one that’s right for you. And create your life that’s worth living. Watch for potential unexpected changes on the 25th. And if they occur see past the obvious. There could be an element to this that has been sent to adjust what doesn’t meet your needs. And instead put your feet back on the right road to the place where you truly feel you belong, Leo.
In a nutshell: Home and heart-felt decisions build on that sense of security and belonging. Place and also life path are in focus thanks to ruler the Sun in your house of home and family. Get a grand design for really living. Your way.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (4th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 8th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)
Launch projects and plans
Start that conversation
You and another find yourselves on the same page
The Sun joins ruler Mercury in its ruling 3rd this week. At the same time, Mercury facilitates talks and discussions with someone key to those plans. The 22nd could prove pivotal for agreements or for initiating that conversation thanks to Mercury’s trine to Saturn in your 7th. With both of you on the same page.
Important paperwork, contracts and projects feature. Mercury is free of any kind of retro-phase right now. So, this is your window to push ahead, apply, share, send and launch. Set plans in motion. Also, you have a green light when it comes to purchasing anything from technology to getting around. If you work or study from home, it’s important to feel connected and not isolated during this cycle. This is your house of neighbours and what’s right on your doorstep.
In my forecast this week for fellow Mercury-ruled sign Gemini, I discussed how important it is to break up time spent working with physically moving the body. And the resulting uptick in both productivity and wellbeing. For you, the advice is a little different. And that is to consciously make time to be part of your neighbourhood. Ensure you get out for at least some part of your day. Even if it’s just interacting with people in your local shops. Depending on the area you live, please make an effort to discover all it has to offer that you may have overlooked. Take time to read local noticeboards and ads. Check out that supermarket or coffee shop you’ve been meaning to. There’s more on offer than you might imagine.
Polish up that project, focus on that social media feed or channel and click Send. The more lines of communication you open now, the more replies and the faster the response. Start the conversation, Virgo.
In a nutshell: From a great opening line to the perfect pitch – you’ve all the right words at your disposal. Time to start that conversation or press Send, Virgo. Discussions lead to offers, agreements and you and another wanting the same result.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (3rd)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)
Going the distance gets you results
Lean into something new
Make that final, definitive move
Pluto has been slowly handed you the building bricks of empowerment in your home and lifestyle, Libra. Since 2008 you may have seen moves and relocations. Or even seismic family shifts. Some of these may have been by design. Others outside of your control. There could be one more finishing touch or relocation ahead. Or you now know you are where you are supposed to be. To pull up roots or now send them deeper? Watch for which, what or where on the 22nd as the Sun in your sign makes its final strike to Pluto from your 1st.
Hours later, the Sun moves into your 2nd. Money, income, assets and yes, property are ruled by this house. All your houses of cash, work, career are active this week. And of course this is linked to your home, where you live and your lifepath. Mercury promises recognition and rewards for that focus and diligence as it trines Saturn in your 6th. Anything from your experience to sticking with that side-hustle pays off for you.
Mars in your 10th is slowing down. But harnessed correctly this hands you a more strategic, considered approach. You are also able to lean in to new or even different opportunities. A job change or chance to move in a more exciting direction could appear around the 25th. You could be asked to apply those skills in a new area. Or simply opt for something which asks for a big learning curve from you – but which you are more than ready to take on. Take an innovative approach to where you’re living and how you make your bread this week, Libra. And if you have more than one string to that bow now – flex both.
In a nutshell: Time and talent add to you feeling you have so much more at your disposal than you thought, Libra. Home, family and lifestyle matters call for one final effort. From that moment on – you’re set for the long term. Make that move.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (2nd)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)
Cross the bridge between the old and the new
Love reflects inner change
Happy birthday, Scorpio!
A new cycle lies ahead. It’s not just marked by the Sun’s arrival in your sign this week (22nd). But by ruler Pluto’s exit of your 3rd house. Which is now less than a month away. Pluto is at its most potent and transformative at a very early (0) or late (29) degree of a sign. Right now the latter sees it poised on the threshold between your 3rd and 4th houses.
The Sun in your 12th reaches the same, late degree just hours before crossing into your sign. It strikes Pluto which may bring you news or a revelation that in some way acts as a closing point between the old and the new. There’s no looking back from this point onwards. You’re totally focused on what lies ahead.
Both your rulers feature this week. Old ruler Mars is slowing down in your 9th and will retrograde in December. Across the 22nd – 25th you’ll be looking at pleasure and partnerships. Love, what you love to do, creativity and conception. Babies, children, and co-parenting may also feature as Mercury in your sign trines Saturn in your 5th, and Mars impacts on Uranus in your 7th. Sudden shifts, unexpected news, startling attractions and letting go of the old in favour of the new and blissfully aligned to the changed being you have become, show you what your new cycle can offer. Leave the past – and who you were in it, behind you, phoenix. And embrace rebirth and reinvention.
In a nutshell: Prepare to rise higher, phoenix. You’ve been forged in the fires of soul transformation. The alchemy’s complete now. You emerge, gorgeous and glowing. And ready to fly in a fresh direction now one major cycle ends. And a new one awaits you.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (1st)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 5th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)
Enter the dreamtime
Adjust your image
Serve it with love
Thanks to Venus’s arrival in your sign, your fresh cycle has already begun. It’s already clicking on those Sag planets in your chart. And of course, is about to oppose ruler Jupiter in your 7th. Making this an extra-long attraction cycle lasting two months.
You’re meeting this with openness and playful experimentation, especially regarding how you present yourself. That impression you make and the image you serve. Ahead of you in 2025 is Pluto’s long term transit in your 3rd. Neptune and Saturn’s move into your 5th for grounded dreamtime. And Uranus’ arrival in your 7th. All of which will be game-changing, Sag.
Adjust your look, appearance, brand, style and image for now. IRL and online. Some of you may simply update yourself. Others may opt for a more extreme makeover. Especially if what they see in the mirror no longer reflects how they feel within.
Recapturing certain elements from your past while letting go of other aspects of who you were will form part of this process as the Sun joins Mercury in your 12th (22nd). Changes this month could impact on your work, your routine, your home and your money thanks to late-stage Pluto. But again, this is all aligning to support you and where you want to go from here. Expect huge transformations ahead in how you communicate, your social media, your devices, your travel, and how you get around. Anything from that horse to that escooter. Adjust who you are to be ready to step into this brand new era, Sag.
In a nutshell: Venus’ arrival in your sign this week means your new cycle begins a month early, Sag. The power to attract is yours to play with. Adjustments you make to how others see you, sets you up to get a head start on 2025.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (12th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 4th)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)
Say ta-ta to couch potato thinking
The future has a plan for you
‘Tis the season for saying ‘Yes’!
This isn’t hermit season, Capricorn. So, please don’t be one now the Sun joins Mercury in your social sector. On offer, this week is someone who has the potential to become a lifelong friend or ally for you. Or an existing contact shows you their worth thanks to Mercury’s angle to your ruler Saturn (22nd). Be available and open and whatever you do – don’t knock back any invitations on this date.
You now have very late stage Pluto in your sign. In less than a month, Pluto leaves you. Never to return in your lifetime. Take note that what happens now the Sun is in Pluto’s ruling sign has long-term implications for your future. Whether you realise it or not at the time.
Your 11th is also your house of goals. Do use this time to review them. As we change, what we want changes as well. This is always a good transit under which to check our goals for relevance. And to set new ones. But more so for you this time around due to the Pluto rebirth effect in your sign reaching its peak. Take it that who you attract in now is a reflection of who you have become. And that those friendships which have stood the test of Pluto, are now locked in for the long term. If there is one more ending, please keep this in mind.
Surprises feature thanks to Mars in your 7th activating Uranus in your other main house of attraction (25th). Who or what appears could just be in answer to that unspoken wish or call your soul has been sending out. This could be a meet-cute, an opportunity to shine, to gain attention, followers, snag that hottie or bring you good news around children or those younger than you. Once more – it fits your future, Capricorn. Time to show the world the beautiful you that you have become.
In a nutshell: The more open you are – to new experiences, ideas and people, the faster you move in the fresh direction that awaits you. One major cycle is ending. And it calls for open minded exploration of the new, Cappy.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (11th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)
Change makes itself known
Follow those psychic prompts
Occupy a peak position for the Now Age
Poised on the precipice of transformation, you feel the new forming on a psychic level. But you may not yet know what form it is going to take. How does this make you feel, Aquarius? Pluto is less than one month away from becoming a permanent fixture in your sign. And take it this week may sweep away anything that prevents your soul evolution from taking place.
A new path or direction to take may hold a clue to Pluto’s first-stage plan for you. Naturally those of you will early degree Aquarius planets will benefit from this first. But for all of you, positive elements this week boost your professional and personal reputation and enhance that public perception of who you are. And all your have to offer.
Rewards may be forthcoming in the next month thanks to alignments between Mercury and Saturn (22nd). To be followed by another between the Sun and Saturn later this cycle. Pluto is about to hand you power. The power to move yourself to the position you want to occupy in the Aquarian Now Age. Where you want to be and what you want to be doing are the other key components to this.
Mars in your 6th alignment to ruler Uranus in your 4th (25th) could bring about the way to get yourself into this position. Either via a shift in your work or what you do each day. Or a change in your home or lifestyle. This is from where you get to live the full Now Age of Aquarius experience.
In a nutshell: Pluto’s return to your sign is now weeks away. Your new cycle is making itself known. This may begin with an opportunity to move on up in some way. Do be ready to accept a premier position for the Now Age of Aquarius.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (10th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)
Reach for a new level of experience
As you move – fate moves with you
Change your mind – change your world!
Follow your higher truth as the Sun lights up your 9th. For in that direction lies luck, expansion, opportunity and freedom.
Your soul compass is firmly aligned towards one particular destination now. Something you want to experience, reach for or explore. Understand that this is all about stretching yourself. Opening up to fresh ideas, new ways of looking at the world. And expanding your ideas around what it is possible for you to have or simply do. There’s a boundary-breaking element that happens along with this. Where restrictions get demolished or what you have imagined to be standing in your way turns out to be the platform from which you get there. And yes, this can result from you seeing it from a totally different viewpoint.
There’s something on offer to explore. A fresh direction, soul stretching connection, travel or a journey you set in motion for yourself. Following up on that idea or plan. Just to see where it can take you.
Beautiful shifts and opportunities appear if you are prepared to go there. Forward motion defines the next month. Mercury also in your 9th makes a barrier dissolving angle to Saturn (22nd). While Mars in your zone of attraction angles to Uranus. Finding a solution, running rings around the competition or a release into something new follows. No more dead ends. Just a highway to heaven, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Being willing to explore the new and different, always results in startling and fresh opportunities to be discovered. That familiar path contains nothing new. Be willing to branch out this week, Pisces.
22 Oct 2024 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)
22 Oct 2024 Sun enters Scorpio (9th)
22 Oct 2024 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 1st)
25 Oct 2024 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
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