Weekly Astrology September 2nd 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Upgrade those ambitions
Set your priorities
Intuition is grounded in reality
Final touches to changing up your path, status, public perception of you and those ambitions will be made as Pluto returns to your 10th (2nd), for its final lesson in mastery. You will be looking seriously at anything that has a long term impact on key areas – home, security, stability, work and wellbeing – and basing your decisions around this.
This week’s new Moon in your 6th (3rd) pulls your focus onto something that requires you give it priority over everything else. It opposes Saturn in your 12th while the Sun offers further illumination on this subject on the 8th. If you have been avoiding it or simply ignoring the need to take control rather than just allowing things to drift – this acts as a wake-up call. You now need to deal. You’ll also see how its influence may have been seeping into other areas. Which is one more reason for you to act.
You’ll do this in the name of your own wellbeing. Or even in some cases your sanity. And actually the moment you tackle it, you’ll feel amazingly better almost at once. Living your chosen path, taking your own needs seriously and moving away from anything that just represents unhealthy lifestyle choices become your new priorities. Not just this month with ruler Mars now in your 4th, but they will continue to influence you on into 2025. Living and being you is a full time occupation. What you need to do this is too important to ignore or dismiss as unimportant. Get busy with the business of being you. More in your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope.
In a nutshell: Acting with intention, focusing on something which deserves to be your priority, is only part of the story for you this week. The main theme is to make living well your main ambition. Do what it takes, Aries.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (10th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (6th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (4th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)
Tie up loose ends
Tackle what you’ve been putting off
As they say in showbusiness – once more with feeling!
Something you imagined finalised or dealt with turns out to need one final adjustment to make it work for you, Taurus. Last week’s Uranus station in your sign should have delivered this wake-up call. But in case you missed it – Pluto re-entering your 9th this week (2nd), for its final visit, shows you what barriers may still remain between you and much needed freedom from something.
Yes, this may have been allowed to persist for far too long. And if you have had a part in it doing so – you will courageously own that now. Maybe you have been doing something over and over again – and simply been getting the same result. Knocking on doors only for them to remain closed. Uranus can often see us dealing with rejection. And this can feel incredibly personal. Especially if this involves Uranus in our 1st or aspecting a personal planet. The rejection could be around what you do or offer – your talents, skills, career etc. Or you can be rejected by partners – potential and even present ones. Or even that larger audience – friends and followers, which Uranus rules.
If any of the above sounds all too depressingly familiar, then take heart as you are now being handed the power to change this. Either by changing your approach or path to another one entirely. Or shifting your attitude around what you are and aren’t willing to accept. You in other words, stop pointless pursuits. And instead, have the confidence and faith to see what pursues you instead.
That takes courage. Did anyone doubt that you have it, Taurus? There’s a strong sense of your own self-belief being ignited now as the new Moon appears in your 5th opposition Saturn in your 11th. It awakens something profound and unshakable – your surety of purpose. Commit to a fresh start. And one where you are upfront about what you will and won’t compromise over. Mars in your 3rd (4th), sees you follow up what you say with action. And also you won’t shy away from speaking your truth now. Sure, you may have to deal with something one more time. But by now you know – you got this.
In a nutshell: Power shifts and moves happen now. And you dig deep to access the resources to make them happen. What is most important to you is freedom and the only way to achieve the soul kind is by tackling what needs to be done – one final time.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (9th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (5th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (3rd)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)
Is it time to take on more?
Invest in that future vision
You’re where the smart money is at!
Expect changes around income, money, assets and resources this week. If you are in a position to pay off outstanding debts – do so. And if your income increases now thanks to Mars in your 2nd (4th), and a seriously ambitious new Moon opposition Saturn (3rd), then do have a plan for how you want to invest and utilise this. Do not fritter it away in other words.
This week also has Pluto return to its ruling 8th in your chart (2nd). Its final and very brief visit for this lifetime. This is about power money. And also you having the power over what you have. You may be in a position where you take on a long term financial responsibility. A mortgage or business loan for instance. Something may be on offer. When we think of Pluto we think of change – but this isn’t about small change as in those coins jingling in your pocket. Pluto rules the vault, the bank itself, the billionaire. You could gain access in some way as something is offered or held out.
Someone could literally ‘bank roll’ you. This is your house of what is shared with you and by you. Your partner or even a family member puts up the cash you need. Or even just gives you access to non-financial resources they have. Anything from that car to their expertise. No matter what – it hands you something on which to build something richer. Get ready for gains.
In a nutshell: The term ‘follow the money’ applies to you on so many levels this week. Follow up on those ideas to make gains or gain access to the resources you need. There’s a change jingling through your financial sectors. Cash in and invest in something for your future.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (8th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 10th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (4th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (2nd)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)
What you need is closer than you think
Love fuels your courage
Say what needs to be said – and move on
First let’s get local, Cancer. I’m talking what’s right on your doorstep – your neighbours, local shops, your council, the people next door, your locality, neighbourhood watch, your school and even siblings. All that stuff you take for granted. But also which make or break where you live.
This week’s new Moon in your 3rd which rules all this, opposes Saturn in your 9th. Because we are still in Mercury retroshade – and Mercury rules both this house and the sign of Virgo, there could be issues still to deal with which touch on these areas. The same goes for your ideas, projects and plans. Further refinement may be in order before you share, send out or launch.
Keeping all this in mind – is there something still left to be said? A conversation between you and another that is needed – but has yet to take place? Pluto re-enters your 7th for the final time (2nd). While Mars arrives in your 1st (4th). The combination of the two hands you the courage to finalise change or say what’s on your mind once and for all.
Anything that has been left unfinished, hanging or just not clarified by you, will be tackled and totally transformed at some point between now and the end of the year. Your candid and courageous approach will be appreciated. There’s a need to know where you stand, Cancer. And to get to that you may need to ask some tough questions. The 8th being the perfect day for this. And if the reason you hesitate saying what’s on your mind is because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings – withholding your true feelings hurts more in the long term. For both parties. Give the truth the airing it needs.
In a nutshell: Feel the full force of your intention this week, Cancer. Your courage rises when it comes to tackling anything outstanding. Especially if it means tough talk. Airing what you really think comes as a release. And sets the attraction process in motion.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (7th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 9th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (3rd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (1st)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
There’s no denying your truth
Release for growth
Change in the name of self-care
The Mercury retrograde may have shown you that something is simply no longer for you, Cancer. The fact is – you changed and it (or they), didn’t. This is nobody’s fault. So, do let go of blame either way. Adopt a philosophical approach to it. And even if you feel angry – Mars in your 12th can bring repressed feelings to the surface, try not to let this overwhelm you. Simply see this as a stage that has been lived out and which needs to be let go. This week calls Time’s Up.
It may be you have simply outgrown something. Your values may no longer align. Or you discover you want very different things. This week’s new Moon in your 2nd opposes Saturn in your 8th. And its intention is to highlight something more lasting for you. Your ruler’s same aspect to Saturn (8th) also shows you whether or not something is still fit for purpose.
Holding on for the sake of it – or because of what you have invested in it in the past, merely blocks the new from coming in. And all that stuck energy can turn toxic like food in the fridge that’s well past its Use By date. See this as a chance to clear it out and clean the space to welcome in something healthier. Pluto’s final visit to your 6th (2nd) in this lifetime sees you making permanent changes in the name of self-care and wellbeing. These touch on your work but also you’ll be tackling anything that needs decluttering from your life. What you take forward from this point onwards however will not only be lasting but also offers you growth and support. Toss what no longer does – once and for all.
In a nutshell: This week’s new Moon triggers a growing desire for abundance. But you’ll also be aware of what no longer provides growth for you. Anything from that work to those habits or even a connection. Don’t be afraid to move forward. Release delivers room for the new.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (6th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 8th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (2nd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (12th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
Renewal begins here
Go for keeps
Just how much is there to love about you?!
Refined. Redefined. And above all – unafraid. The new Moon in your sign (3rd) opposes Saturn in your 7th. Handing you surety and certainty – especially around your identity and how you see yourself. Taking yourself more seriously is only part of your approach, Virgo. You’ll be looking carefully at the image you present to others. And adjusting this as needed. But take it from me – you won’t be interested in being a slave to trends. This is more about showcasing your lasting authenticity and realness. A more carefully crafted you that says keeper. In any relationship – be this personal or professional.
Pluto re-enters your 5th (2nd) for the final time in this lifetime. Along with how you see yourself there comes a change in what you want for yourself as well. And around those big issues – children, parenting, love. And this includes your ideas around how lovable you believe you are. How accepted, received and seen. One final and permanent adjustment is likely to happen over the next few months. And when it comes to these issues across your wider as opposed to more intimate ties – you’ll get the opportunity to explore that rating across friendships, groups and communities with Mars now in your 11th – and especially during the upcoming Mars retrograde.
The Sun/Saturn opposition between your 1st and 7th, promises a check and then a reset (8th). Again, this may involve you feeling you can get what you want from others. And it being freely given. The surety and certainty of an outer relationship that matches your own belief in yourself. One follows the other, Virgo. This is a new beginning when it comes to how you see you. And what you believe that you deserve. As always – upgrade those factory settings within you to get that outer validation. There’s no better moment for you to set them to ‘I Am More’.
In a nutshell: The new Moon in your 1st marks the start of your brand new cycle. Along with this comes an upgrade to your capacity to embrace self-love. With this reset you’ll be looking closely at what you take forward with you. Embrace what reflects this.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (5th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 7th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (1st)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (11th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)
Does a fresh direction beckon?
Follow that soul compass
Bring home the changes
Home and lifestyle. Roots, removals and renovations. The family tree or the branches of a self-created family. Traditions. Your locality, country and yes, even that feeling of patriotism are all ruled by your 4th house. This week sees long term house guest Pluto return for its final Airbnb stay before checking out permanently by the year’s end.
Look back at the shifts or transformations that have literally moved you since 2008. You’ll see it now as part of a Grand Design. This may not just have included your residence but also your path (which your 4th also rules). Career changes may have either precipitated moves or been the result of them. Get ready for the final big staging of that home and living scenario. Especially if you have any chart factors at 29o.
Something may be calling or pulling you towards it. A new direction whispers and begins to make itself known. You are after all, just weeks away from the start of your new cycle. And have your ruler Venus already in residence. The new Moon in your 12th is a point of completion and closure. And yes, thanks to Pluto this may be quite literally one door closing and you unlocking a new one with regards to where you live. For others it will be metaphorical. An inner move away from something towards a new beginning.
The new Moon opposes Saturn in your 6th. It has been guiding you to pay attention to what you do and where you are each day. Saturn rules boundaries and in your 6th this translates to routines and systems. Diligence and attention to detail. Playing by the rules which can be those you set – but you have to abide by them. What works and what doesn’t. The Sun in your 12th also opposes Saturn on the 8th and with Mars now in your 10th of status, your long term path is highlighted and up for renovation. Chances are you know with certainty what you need to move towards or if you stay because it supports you and works for you. Whether its sending those roots deeper or pulling them up to transplant somewhere new – you will make all the right moves now. With permanent effect.
In a nutshell: Intuition rises and points you in a new direction thanks to this week’s new Moon. Ahead of birthday beginnings, you close off one cycle and prepare for a new one. This may involve moving on and away towards something that offers renewal and growth.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (4th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 6th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (12th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (10th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)
No more time wasting
Get that competitive edge
You’re on a winning streak!
Both your rulers change signs this week. Pluto re-enters your 3rd (2nd), for its final visit. Transforming ideas, projects, plans, your online presence, your neighbourhood and your relationship to neighbours, siblings, cousins. What you have to communicate and how you communicate it.
Old ruler Mars enters your 9th turbo charging the path ahead. Travel may feature as could anything competitive. Be this sports or winning that job. You are up for a challenge now and seek something that stretches you. Venus now in your 12th provides a link to your past and this week may see you revive a past goal or see you reimmerse yourself in something you used to love to do.
The impact of the new Moon in your 11th (3rd) should not be underestimated. Because it determines your goal path for the upcoming year. And also the temperature of that social scene. Its extra defining this time around as it opposes Saturn in your 5th. Which tells you that you are no longer interested in time wasting when it comes to what you want do have, do, attain or experience. The same goes for connections. Especially romantic ones if you feel it isn’t going anywhere or doesn’t offer what you seek.
You are all-in now for your future. This week is the best of the year for goal setting, vision boarding or journaling and also for ditching any fears around expressing your authenticity. Craving social acceptance has nothing to do with peer pressure. And you don’t need fake friends or be made to feel you have to be anyone but you to fit in. Your need for genuine social connection is triggered by the Sun’s opposition to Saturn (8th). Pro tip for friendships that last – under this week’s influence be open to trans-generational friends, friends with life experience or those from different social spheres. Real friendship is exactly like true love. It sees past age, status, income and connects you with what you share on a soul level. People power your future. Find your fellow authentic souls.
In a nutshell: Groups and goals feature this week under the new Moon in your 11th. And while revivals around friendships and dreams are possible, you’re no longer interested in anything that wastes your time. Expand your influence this week.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (3rd)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 5th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (11th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (9th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)
Devote yourself today to something so daring,
you can’t believe you’re doing it.
Oprah Winfrey
Set your intentions, Sag. And open up to accepting more abundance in your life. Change will be on its way, but your focus and determination to bring it about is the catalyst for it happening.
Mars exits your 7th and moves into its ruling 8th (4th), while Pluto makes a final return to your 2nd. Changes around money, assets, income and your ability to gain and receive these begin with your determination to make them happen. The point of power lies within you. The Oprah quote at the beginning of this forecast is designed to awaken badass you. See yourself as limitless. And also the person who drives your destiny. You are the engineer of change and are not a victim or fate.
This week’s new Moon in your status setting 10th opposes Saturn in your 4th which rules this house. The Moon also rules your 4th so we say that these two astral bodies who normally have nothing in common, are having a mutually beneficial conversation. It centres around where you go from here (Clue: Up). And what you can attain or achieve (Plenty). You are the author of your path. You set the course.
Part of this may involve serving a refined public or professional image. Stepping into the role you want to take on an energetic/image level before it actually is on offer. Looking and feeling the part like an actor preparing for a role. It rests on your self-belief in your abilities. And yes, your willingness to astound by finding out just what you can do when you dare.
You’ve a plan of action in place by the 8th when the Sun in your 10th also opposes Saturn. Make them sit up and take notice this week, Sag. Your belief in yourself fuels your action. Which determines that unbelievably satisfying result.
In a nutshell: Prepare to go past the edge of what you dare to think is possible. This week sees you pushing the envelope when it comes to making inroads to ambitions or changing how others perceive you. But only if you dare, Sag.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (2nd)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 4th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (10th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (8th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)
Set attraction in motion
You are who you think you are
Change your identity – change your destiny
Pluto returns to your sign this week for its final visit. Look back to 2008 and see how your ideas around who you are, your face, appearance, look, style, brand, title and identity have changed – possibly more than once, since that time. This is your chance to make one final adjustment.
And yes, for some of you this may have been more than just a new do or different wardrobe choice. Some of you may have opted for cosmetic procedures – surgical or non-surgical. Or even still be contemplating taking those steps. Pluto in our 1st works by changing how we see our identity on an inner level. And when that changes we then transform the outer ‘us’ to bring both into alignment. It begins with how you see yourself. Then ripples out to how you showcase you to others. And then right down to the message you send not just by how you look, but by how you communicate who you are.
Use the new Moon in your 9th opposing ruler Saturn in your 3rd to change up your message if needed. So this goes far beyond physical looks. Integrate that entire package. There’s also an open minded curiosity triggered by this new Moon. And that is around just what can happen if you dare to follow through? No, you are not necessarily flying by the seat of your pants. Saturn in the mix tells you that you have a plan of action. Or a clear idea of where you want to get to. Stick to this or put one in place now. You are your own best calling card. Brand you goes further than you dreamed of especially with the Sun/Saturn opposition on the 8th. Don’t be constrained by your own fears or limitations.
Mars in your 7th will allow you to experience how the you that you have become responds to what they attract in or currently experience. Especially when it comes to relationships. All bets are now off. Others cannot measure or predict what you will do based on the past. One important element to attracting what you need is to serve understanding, patience and a gentle approach. Even if someone seems determined to push those buttons. That doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. Just that you’re now operating from a higher level, Cappy. New you brings a whole new deal to the table in relationships. And how you relate to yourself.
In a nutshell: Pluto is back in your sign for one final visit. Fine tune your appearance. And on an inner level, adjust your beliefs around who you think you are. Or can be. There’s no fate other than the one you believe yourself capable of creating, Capricorn.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (1st)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (9th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (7th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
Lean in to change
Follow through on that desire to act
Know where to draw the line
Whatever you do, between now and the end of November – please don’t stand in the way of change. What you resist, persists. And releasing resistance sees you flow with life.
Pluto leaves your sign this week and re-enters your 12th. When it returns to your 1st in November it will be taking up permanent residence. With this brief Pluto re-visit, combined with a new Moon in your 8th opposition Saturn in your 2nd (3rd), something will surface from the depths into your awareness. And as it does, it will trigger the desire for structured change in your life.
It is asking you to lean into this. To no longer ignore the call the cosmos is sending you. If you do, what you will find is that your feelings of being held back, restricted or suppressed in some way, intensify. And following inaction on your part, the universe takes matters into its own hands and brings about the change anyway. But in a way you may not like. The need to act may be revealed to you on the 7th when Mercury in your 7th squares ruler Uranus in your 4th. Surrender to the need for change. Or simply changing your attitude to it.
Mars is on the move this week. There may be a clear link between your emerging feelings or that need to set something in motion, and how you feel. Your energy, outlook, state of being. You should be able to join the dots between cause and effect. Again, don’t ignore the call to action. You are too important for anything that detracts or drains you to be allowed to continue.
Yes, tackling things head on requires self-belief, conviction and a willingness to set boundaries. You will have no problems enforcing the latter on the 8th when the Sun opposes Saturn. Drawing a line through or under something may be easier than you think. And it gains you respect as well as the change you need.
In a nutshell: Enhanced self-assurance sees you willing to set healthy boundaries. Especially if others don’t respect these. You’re awake to the need to implement well-considered changes. By November these are cemented and as a result, what you get back improves out-of-sight.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (12th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (8th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (6th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
Draw on that knowledge base
Act with surety
Action activates attraction
Let’s talk about a little known benefit of Mars – now in your 5th from the 4th. Mars in here allows you to act by drawing on knowledge and wisdom you’ve acquired with its transits from your sign to here. This is one of your main houses of attraction. The other two being your 1st and your 7th. And this week sees all of them highlighted for you.
With Pluto now back in your house of goals and the future until November, do use the experiences you’ve gained on your Mars journey since March this year, to mindfully adjust those wishes around what you wish to attract. And the steps you are going to take to make this happen.
Just sitting waiting for fate to act like a cosmic Deliveroo won’t work. You have to be an active participant in the process. And knowing what you really want boosts your ability to get it. And only experience teaches us that.
Saturn in your sign has been your guide when it comes to gaining certainty around what you do and don’t want. And this has opened you up to owning anything you have done in the past that ran counter to that. Saturn always rewards us when we show we have taken the lesson on board. With the new Moon in your 7th opposing Saturn, there’s something about the attraction process that says you could just pull in someone or something that becomes a permanent part of your path from this point onwards.
Don’t be afraid to be open now. Share your real feelings with others. Perhaps around topics you may have kept under wraps. Loneliness. Insecurity. Fears of not being enough. Sadness. Disappointment. Worries. No, you are not having a pity party. Being candid will prove to be a key element in connecting on a real level to others. They will reciprocate when you serve a genuine desire to share what truly makes you tick. Airing those feelings means no longer being under their influence. And the result of that means they are no longer impacting on you being able to attract what you need. Of course, choose who you confide in wisely. But as the Sun moves to oppose Saturn on the 8th – you see exactly who that is. Trust in others – and trust in yourself, is reborn from experience this week.
In a nutshell: You’re fearlessly open when it comes to sharing those feels. And also around what you do and don’t want. This knowledge comes from looking back on past experiences. And leveraging what you’ve learned. And in turns brings you what’s right for you, Pisces.
2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (11th)
3 Sept 2024 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 1st)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo (7th)
3 Sept 2024 New Moon in Virgo Opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
4 Sept 2024 Mars enters Cancer (5th)
7 Sept 2024 Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
8 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)
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