Weekly Horoscopes September 9th 2024 – Wonderful News!
Plans move ahead
Take that chance
Welcome to the green light district!
From next week onwards, you will experience a foreshadowing of a new karmic cycle which will begin in 2025. Take it that this will be subtle and what it holds for you will not be immediately obvious. In preparation for what I would call a ‘Feet on the ground, head in the stars’ experience, Mercury ends its retroshadow in its ruling 6th this week across the 11th/12th depending on where you are in the world. Leave the narky, snarky, madness behind. Push ahead with plans but do stay pragmatic and grounded. Hopefully you have used this time to create systems and schedules which support, not hinder you. And make life flow in practical ways.
This will enable you to navigate what’s ahead. Something you’ve been waiting on could move ahead on the 12th as cleanskin Mercury sextiles ruler Mars (12th). The day the stars really align for you is the 15th however. When Venus its ruling 7th trines Jupiter. Big loves, foreign affairs of all descriptions, good news, yes answers – gateways to what you’ve been hoping for open wide. But you need to recognise the green lights – and follow them. Actor Matthew McConaughy is a perfect example of someone who has become adept at doing this. His book Greenlights is worth a read on how to spot them. Yours are lit this week, Aries. Venus is represented by the colour green. Watch for it. It’s four leaf clover luck and leprechaun gold all rolled into one. That’s your signal to go for it.
In a nutshell: Taking advantage of ‘luck’ involves us recognising which paths green lights wink on inviting us to explore them. This week you may have several channels where unimpeded progress can be made. This includes partnerships – working and personal.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (6th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (6th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (6th to 4th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 3rd)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 3rd)
Time for hot pursuit of what you want
Validation for sticking to that path arrives
Spread the joy!
You are back in the mainstream of your annual attraction cycle, Taurus. Now that Mercury returns to your 5th and clears its shadiness on the 11th/12th (depending on your time zone). Now there is nothing in the way (or should be), between you, fun and heady delight. You bring the playfulness, the zest and the passion on the 12th. And others can’t help but want to share this with you. That joy is contagious. And also self-generating.
Time to devote yourself to the pursuit of something you love. Without the guilt trip. This week can see some Taureans sparkle with the knowledge that they have been right all along to invest so much of themselves in a particular path, pastime or purpose as recognition or validation arrives. It can be as small as a compliment or as big as a massive following or offer. But the effect on you will be the same. You glow.
Ruler Venus now in your 6th triggers an influx of abundance and self-worth boosting opportunity as it trines Jupiter in your 2nd (15th). This can bring some of you a better paid job but because your ruler is in your house of work and duty – this is the result of all the effort you’ve put in, Taurus. Joy is its own reward this week. But soul and/or material validation simply makes it so much sweeter.
In a nutshell: Step back into the light this week as Mercury dispels the retro shadows in your attraction and romance zone. Ruler Venus rewards you for that investment in what you value now. The material satisfies, but the emotional take-out is the lasting gift.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (5th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (5th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (5th to 3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 2nd)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 2nd)
Are you ready to be the chosen one?
Embrace your manifesting magic
Acceptance + receptivity = having it!
Ruler Mercury is set free from retro shade across the 11th/12th (depending on your time zone). It reinjects plans around home, family or moves the momentum you’ve been waiting for. This is also your house of life path so don’t forget this includes those career and work moves as well.
The highlight of the week for you comes on the 15th however. This is when Venus planet of love, creativity and attraction, trines Jupiter planet of luck, expansion and abundance in your sign. Are you ready to be the chosen sign this week? Because along with Libra and Sagittarius – you are.
Attraction is linked to our capacity to receive and accept. Yes, we can magnetise our dreams and draw them to us. But once they appear, we have to be able to grasp them and not let go. There’s a saying: Grab opportunity while you can or else it moves in another direction. This is an extraordinary alignment which could just deliver on what you have been wishing and hoping for. It offers happiness, the ability to place you in the spotlight, expansion, travel, good luck and joy. It can take you further, see you capture attention, hearts and minds along the way. Or simply just see a big break land in your lap. Of course, when it does you do have to grab hold and know you deserve it, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Big dreams receive their answer this week. Are you ready to fully embrace the experience when they arrive? Wanting and working to manifest what you want is only part of the process. You have to be willing to accept and say yes when you get your result.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (4th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (4th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (4th to 2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 1st)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 1st)
Go from mayhem to momentum!
Delays work in your favour
Your direction is clear
Mercury retro in a ruling sign/house can serve up more than the usual share of madness and mayhem. The first piece of good news I have for you this week is that Mercury returns to Virgo and its ruling sign/house (your 3rd), on the 9th. And stops serving the shade across the 11th/12th depending on your time zone. The change in the vibe should be immediately apparent as something that has been blocked or stopped, goes from 0-60 as it angles to Mars in your 1st (12th).
You will be able now to leverage any delays or revisions to your advantage. In fact, you may be grateful for any stalling you’ve had to deal with. In some cases, this can even result in a better, clearer alternative presenting itself. So, you end up glad you waited and didn’t take the first option. Door #2 turns out to have something more fitting behind it.
That classified project or plan you’ve been nurturing behind the scenes or simply keeping on the down-low, now hits the fast lane with demonstrable results thanks to the Venus/Jupiter trine (15th). This can also indicate a welcome break from the past or a situation that has had you trapped. Venus is in your all-important 4th when this occurs. Destiny works in your favour, as does the Wheel of Fortune. You end up in the right place in terms of where you live. Someone moves in who enhances your life. A cementing of your career path adds to your feeling of security and enables you to plan for the future. This week could see you right where you want to be.
In a nutshell: Something you’ve been hoping for or holding on to moves ahead now. Changes around what, where and who you call ‘home’ enhance your life or see you moving towards something more satisfying and sustaining. Stops and starts are replaced by big moves forward.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (3rd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (3rd to 1st)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 12th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 12th)
Chart a course into uncharted territory
You no longer need to account for the past
The path ahead points to goal fulfilment
This week has Mercury return to your 2nd and escape the shady cycle across the 11th-12th (allowing for time differences). There’s an element of escape attached to this. As in leaving a past financial pattern behind you. Or no longer allowing self-esteem issues to play a role.
Anything that detracts from your re-booted sense of worthiness meets with a freshly minted zero-tolerance policy. So anyone seeking to erode yours does so at their own risk. This week could bring you a shift around friends, contacts and your social scene. Especially if you come to realise that you no longer share the same values. Do watch for the 12th for a demonstration of this when ruler the Sun also in your 2nd, squares Jupiter in your social sector.
If goodbyes feature – you are unlikely to dwell on them for long. Maybe because you are already glimpsing the Next Best Thing on the horizon. Possibly a crowd as new people and connections appear. Be on the look out especially for any who come from different countries or cultures to yours. And/or who are worldly and well travelled. They will offer as part of the friendship package an opportunity to explore an alternative and exciting path. If you recall your Lucky Jupiter in Gemini Forecast for the year.
I told you to make three wishes when it entered Gemini and your 11th. And provided you followed up with this, to expect at least one to come true. The trine between Venus in your 3rd and Jupiter (15th) could see the granting of one. Or the person or way that leads to it appear. Re-awaken your sense of adventure. Yes, the territory may be uncharted. But the treasure can be found if you’re willing to go explore it.
In a nutshell: Jupiter is a planet which often appears in human form. In your 12th in the guise of a new connection – larger than life, generous, well-travelled or with foreign connections. Be on the look out for who crosses your path this week. They’re here as a cosmic ambassador to broaden it.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (2nd)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (2nd to 12th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 11th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 11th)
Seize that intention
Something proves its worth the wait
You are another go in the same direction – UP!
Your rulers back, Virgo! Mercury re-enters your sign on the 9th and escapes retro-jail across the 11th – 12th (depending on your time zone). It re-fuels itself with confidence following its alignment to Mars in your 11th (also the 12th), putting you in a goal-getting and sociable frame of mind where you are intent upon making up for lost time.
Talking up a storm is one way you’ll show it. As well as expanding your orbit. But you’re not just content with talking. It’s action you’re really craving. Any big decisions you’ve been (wisely) waiting on, can be made now. Especially if these involve your look, face, appearance, profile, style or brand. You will now be uncharacteristically impatient and unwilling to wait or put up with further delays. You’re also not interested in excuses either. You own you right now and that boss mindset means you expect others to be doing the same. Just watch for clashes if another party refuses to take responsibility or follow-through especially around the 12th.
Long awaited rewards could be heading your way however as part of that birthday benefit package. Venus is in its ruling sign and house in your chart (Libra and your 2nd). Its alignment to Jupiter in your 10th promises attainment around an important personal goal or ambition. This could be to do with your work, your home or even a relationship. It’s status shifting and elevating. It has you and also the world looking at you in a new way.
Success comes after effort however. A lot of it. No matter how easy you may be making this look. You and someone else could be moving on up together. The whole and their capacity for success is greater than the sum of the two parts. If this involves you and another – both of you are now on the same trajectory – up.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury returns to your sign and is finally out of the shadows this week. You’re ready to kick-start something new. Recognition and rewards are on offer – but this is no coincidence. Its in answer to that commitment and hard work, Virgo.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (1st)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (1st)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (1st to 11th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 10th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 10th)
Escape the shades of your past
Know what you want
Prepare for a peak experience
Chances are you have spent a lot of time reviewing the past during Mercury’s retrograde in your 12th/11th houses. Revelations and insights would have rewarded you for the time you’ve spent revisiting it. Especially when it comes to not allowing elements of your past to repeat themselves.
So, when Mercury finally flies free of retroshade this week, you should be feeling lighter and more optimistic about the cycle ahead. More sure and aligned within yourself about what you do and don’t want for your future.
While the Sun’s arrival in your sign is still over a week away, your new cycle is now most definitely in motion thanks to ruler Venus in your 1st. It’s trine to Jupiter in its ruling 9th is telling you that now you have grown and escaped what has held you back, you are no longer going to allow luck to slip through your fingers again. Opportunity, travel, solutions. You feel the break generating beneath you like a surfer does a powerful wave. You’re ready to ride that energy shift. All the way in, Libra. The past no longer applies as you grasp a peak experience. And you also know what you want so are ready when it appears. Ride that wave – all the way in.
In a nutshell: The Mercury retro may have delivered some soul searching moments. But you emerge free of past shadows and ready to embark on something new. What’s more knowing what you want means you recognise it when it arrives. And aren’t about to let it pass you by.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (12th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (12th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (12th to 10th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 9th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 9th)
Have you met before? Consider you have!
Explore the past to change your future
Someone adds that secret sauce
Don’t be surprised at a shift around your social life this week as Mercury escapes retro-shadiness in your 11th. A friendship or a group dynamic may shift as a result. And this could be down to a conscious decision on your part, Scorpio. A new connection could lure you forward on the 12th as Mercury aligns to old ruler Mars in your 9th. If you’ve been thinking about joining in – a gym, a group, a cause or activity, meeting someone with whom you have a lot in common or are instantly drawn to, could be the unexpected bonus.
Venus in your mysterious 12th points to the past. Someone new may actually feel like an old friend or that you’ve known them before. As you share backstories, you may discover points in the past where you almost connected – but didn’t. If so, this is a sign destiny is at work for you. And you have one together going forward. Just as you may be linked by it in the past.
Venus’s angle to Jupiter in your 8th (15th) could deliver an influential, powerful connection or put one that turns into something highly beneficial for you both in the long term. This may not necessarily be a romantic union. Do not try to read or make more of it than what it is in other words. There’s a sense of being willing to let go and simply explore where this can take you both. Also what’s going on between the two of you may be kept under wraps or confidential for now. Your own secret world? Possible. Just ensure if the curtain were to be pulled back on it that the exposure wouldn’t involve something clandestine or that you’d be ashamed of.
You may also have a sudden desire to research past lives, the multiverse aspects of existence or karma. There’s more going on than meets the eye this week, Scorpio. Past, present and future intersect this week. And when they do, you can go round again – or switch it up this time around.
In a nutshell: New and compelling contacts can be made this week. And if you feel you’ve met before – you may have once upon a lifetime. Going forward – the direction the future takes is up to you. Change your choice – change your fate.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (11th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (11th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (11th to 9th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 8th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 8th)
Facts supercharge success
Escape what holds you back
You and another join forces
Big, fat mutable energy makes you not only impatient for something to change, but actively initiating it, Sag. Been feeling confined? Restricted? Shut down or even downright unappreciated? This week points to the exit away from all this as Mercury clears retroshadow in mutable Virgo and your 10th. While the Sun’s square to ruler Jupiter in your 7th (12th), marks an end to frustrations and spinning those wheels. Provided you are willing to acknowledge what needs to change that is.
If this involves another party – it’s now time to have that conversation. Solutions are there but you do need to focus. On the facts primarily. Not that your feelings aren’t valid. But there’s a need to be all business here. Especially if the talk relates to your career, promotion, application or role. Choose your language carefully. Stay cool and professional. And if you are interviewing or presenting – do you research and due diligence. It can make all the difference.
Yes, there are some days where you can fly by the seat of those Sag brave pants. And it all works out perfectly for you. And yes it can do now. But this time you need that parachute of facts for a happy landing. Provided you keep this in mind the Venus/Jupiter trine promises bigger and better results than usual. Someone likes what they hear and/or see, Sag. And yes, you can crush that goal, you and a partner – present or potential, can forge a new future together or that goal drops right into your lap. You can thank planning and preparation if it does. But you also know you did add that extra pinch of love to ensure success. Even if you don’t talk about it.
In a nutshell: If Mercury retro has left you feeling restricted and hungry for change, this week releases you into freedom and solutions. Success could just rest on your ability to stick to the facts however. While love-struck Jupiter and Venus put you and another on the same page.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (10th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (10th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (10th to 8th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 7th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 7th)
Passion and purpose fuel progress
Your integrity prevents faking it
Rewards stem from reputation
Forward motion, travel and all new ventures are released into a new cycle of progress as Mercury leaves retroshadow in your 9th this week. There’s a passionate intent and renewed purpose around relationships or something you want to achieve. You’ll reignite the fire. Or else be off in search of what lights it on the 12th as Mercury turns up the heat of Mars in your 7th.
Yes, you are one of the most stable and dedicated signs when it comes to long haul efforts or agreements, Capricorn. But you are also one of the most honest. This also means that you are unable to continue with anything under false pretences. And this week’s challenge between the Sun and Jupiter (also the 12th), may have you owning that something simply no longer works. Or just isn’t good for you.
Honesty in these situations is always your best policy as your natural integrity and commitment to doing what’s right means you have to be upfront. Yes, this may be difficult but it is also freeing. And also right.
Venus in your 10th aligns to Jupiter in your 6th (15th), enhancing your rep and offering up rewards and recognition. This elevates your status. Especially when it comes to being seen as someone whose word can be relied upon. No matter what the circumstances. Reputation and respect form part of who you are, Capricorn. Something you have worked so hard for pays off. Those whose opinions matter like what they say. And honestly – success comes from everyone knowing where they stand with you. You’ll deliver on your word this week.
In a nutshell: Long haul love, investment, hard work and others seeing you as the one who always deliver prove their worth in the form of tangible rewards this week. But if passion has left the building – you won’t be able to fake it. But your honesty is what you are most admired for, Cappy.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (9th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (9th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (9th to 7th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 6th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 6th)
Look at what adds up
Work what you have more effectively
Expand your passion experience
If you are partnered up, chances are you and that significant other will have been looking at joint finances or money matters during the Mercury retrograde. If you are flying solo, then income, investments, property, loans, budgets, taxes and assets will have been a theme. If you are divorced or on benefits – what you receive, collect or can expect will have been under the microscope as well.
Taking chances with your money, entering into anything new is not advised during a Mercury retro in this house. Mercury slips out of the shadows in your 8th (11th-12th depending on your time zone). And hopefully by now you have a greater sense of control over what resources you do command. Taking the time to number crunch – no matter how boring or even confronting it may be, will now prove to be a turning point when it comes to your financial future. If you are still uncertain or simply overwhelmed, please do seek professional advice on this.
A lucky break or opportunity to free yourself of limitations or attract what you need in order to gain more could be closer than you think. Or simply in some cases appears in the form of that person who can help you. The 15th has Venus in your 9th trine Jupiter in your 5th. This can bring some of you a wild new love interest. News of a pregnancy, birth or around a child. Creative ventures take off. Travel is on the cards – especially if it involves someone, something or somewhere you love.
This also involves both your houses of luck. And while all that work you’ve done around income should have told you that 21 Vegas style speculation isn’t the way to go, this does speak about taking a chance or rather a calculated risk. This may involve trying something, putting yourself forward or simply deciding to have a go and let go of worrying about either the results or what others think. That hobby, pastime or what you do that makes you glow could turn out to be what takes you where you want to go. No book keeping or further investment needed. It simply adds up.
In a nutshell: The time you spend looking at what you have and how to utilise it more effectively, pays off for you and puts you in control of your money from this point on. It’s not the only path to freedom this week, Aquarius. The pursuit of what you love puts luck firmly on your side.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (8th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (8th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (8th to 6th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 5th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 5th)
Give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it
Carlos Santana. Smooth
Making decisions around love under Mercury retro in your 7th isn’t a great idea. Hopefully you already knew that and simply steered clear. If you didn’t – well, ghosting (was it you or was it them?), mixed messages, not feeling it any longer or that worn out ‘It’s not you – it’s me’ – may have featured.
Mercury’s escape from retroshadow puts an end to any confusion. And also sees you emerge from this with renewed clarity as to the current state of your union. Or what you are seeking from a potential one. And yes, realness tops your list. As well as the need to know someone is equally all in the way you are.
You have help when it comes to this with Mercury’s angle to Mars in your 5th. Which could attract in someone new who fits the bill if you are seeking. Or enables you to have the talk and gain the clarity you need if you are currently involved. But if you discover you’ve been led on – that is the ‘forget about it’ trigger for you. You need shared intentions. And passion now.
Changes to your lifestyle, home and living situation may form part of this next stage. Ancient ruler Jupiter in your 4th makes a beautiful angle to Venus in your 8th (15th). Some of you may take a relationship to the next stage – buying a home or moving in together for instance. Others may be looking at resources which allow them to establish a base or something for their future. And if you are single, this also provides you with the best possible environment to create a loving future. No more indecision. Something better is ready to move on in.
In a nutshell: Questions around relationships get resolved this week as Mercury is freed from retrograde and Cupid goes from confusion to aiming accurately. Old ruler Jupiter hands you the key to create something sustaining. And room for love to move in.
9 Sept 2024 Mercury direct re-enters Virgo (7th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Virgo (7th)
12 Sept 2024 Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer (7th to 5th)
12 Sept 2024 Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 4th)
15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 4th)
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