Weekly Written Horoscope – All Signs 08/01/2018

Weekly Astrology Forecast For All Signs December 23 2019


Opportunities may have hidden potential

Don’t be afraid to play the waiting game

Success rests on your reputation in 2020

This week sees an Annular Solar Eclipse in your 10th of public perception, career, recognition and status. It falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter will meet the following day. There’s an opportunity here for you. But you may not be seeing the big picture around it just yet. Remember – eclipses conceal and hide. With a total eclipse we are completely in the dark about something. An annular eclipse is what gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse photos. So, something has a ‘ring of truth’ to it but you don’t have all the facts you need just yet. I would say right now if something appears too good to be true then it probably is. The deal if there is one, is not done until it is signed. Or you have looked closely at the details. Or is there simply a better opportunity to be had if you watch and wait?

Mercury which rules contracts as well as news and communication, arrives in this house just three days later. New information could emerge now. With more possibly to come as we head on into 2020 – now just around the corner. This could be a big new beginning or a step up for you. If you have found doors being slammed in your face this past year, this could mark the time when they begin to swing open wide. You may however have to make that extra effort to make things happen or simply play the waiting game for a bit longer. Make your word your bond now. Your reputation is what takes you forward as this may all rest on how you are perceived. Carve yourself a new niche in 2020. But understand this is a process you simply can’t hurry.

In a nutshell: Success may be waiting in the wings but if an opportunity presents itself, you may not have all the facts you need. You’ve come this far, Aries. Play the waiting game a little longer.



All paths lead to your destination

Travel, learning and opportunity ask you to step into new territory

Go in the direction change takes you

Travel especially the long-distance kind is highlighted for you this week, Taurus. You may have a plan around this but take it that it may be subject to change. Or there’s something about the journey you are taking (real or metaphorical), that you don’t yet know. This could revolve around someone you are traveling with or meeting. Your destination. Or even the direction you believe you are heading in. All could be revealed to be something else entirely. Last minute changes to plans may happen so be flexible. Or you head in a totally fresh and unexpected direction. The Sun now in your 9th makes an angle of freedom to Uranus in your 1st on the 24th. The 26th delivers an annular solar eclipse along with the new Moon in your 9th. This is packed with potential and promises the release into something bigger as it falls within one degree of Jupiter which rules this house. However, due to the eclipse you may not yet be aware of just what is on offer. This is an annular eclipse which gives that ‘ring of fire’ effect. So, you have a flash into where this may take you. But not the full picture yet.

The Sun and Jupiter meet the day after the eclipse while Mercury’s arrival on the 29th could bring you more information. Again, this points to travel, study, expansion and learning in a key area. One ruled by the 9th. Foreigners, long distance travel, universities, the mass media, airlines, the law, the outdoors and crossing borders may play a role here. Understand that from now and right through January 2020, you are being given an invitation to move into something vaster and more heart-starting than you may have allowed yourself to experience in the past. Go towards it, Taurus.

In a nutshell: You’re on a journey now either real or metaphorical. Travel plans may feature but the route to your destination may change. Your ultimate goal is freedom however you get there.



Change is designed to meet your deeper needs

Ensure you and others are in agreement

Insights into the heart of the matter emerge

What you share with someone or what they share with you could be set to transform or deepen. This is not a time to let self-doubt hold you back when it comes to being the prime mover for change in either your relationship or your career, Gemini. Put your cards on the table now and ask for what it is you want. Got a feeling the other party is not being as direct as you? Then play the ‘wait and see’ game and heed your intuition this week. The Sun in your 8th strikes Uranus in your house of secrets and hidden truths. This could provide a valuable wake-up call. You need to observe now and if entering into a new agreement with anyone from your partner, to your employer or say, the bank, make sure the terms are understood by both parties. Ultimately this will be to your benefit. Eclipses conceal matters and we have one in your 8th coinciding with the new Moon on the 26th. This is an annular eclipse which gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect like a flash of illumination for a moment. This is what this hands you. A glimpse of the deeper truth behind what’s really going on.

Jupiter and the Sun meet in here the following day so what ultimately emerges from all this could meet those deeper needs within you. Ruler Mercury arrives in here on the 29th and more facts or information could begin to come to light. Just take it that there is more to come between now and the end of January 2020. Don’t be afraid to state your terms and conditions – even in your closest and most intimate relationships. It’s time for soul-forged agreements where you and another are totally on the same page.

In a nutshell: What you share with someone else or even an institution could be up for re-negotiation. Ensure you and the other party understand one another. It’s all to your benefit now.



Get relating

Freedom is the journey, love is the destination

Explore the magic of opposite numbers

There’s simply no escaping that your destiny now is linked to someone opposite you. Now this could be a marriage partner, long term love, working, business or collaborative partner, a close friend or yes, that opponent or rival. You have never experienced such a focus on your 7th house of opposite numbers and dynamic duos in your lifetime. Nor will you again. Love is all in or all out. New and possibly lasting loves could be found. One way or another it’s all about you and someone else.

This week sees a new Moon in your 7th on the 26th. Yes, this usually hands you a new phase of relating to someone. But this time your ruler triggers an annular solar eclipse. That’s the kind where we see the ‘ring of fire’ effect around the Sun. Eclipses conceal. Total eclipses totally. But that ring means you have a flash of insight into what has, is or will be going on with that opposite number. The eclipse falls within a degree of Jupiter in here. So, you are poised on the verge of a big new relating experience. But just cannot see it yet for what it is. The Sun and Jupiter meet on the 27th while Mercury enters this house on the 29th. Togetherness talks could feature, flirtation and communication hot up between you if you recently met someone new or you begin to move forward with that work or business union. Even ‘consciously uncoupling’ may be easier. From now and on into January the message is it takes two of all kinds of descriptions. More than one kind of partnership may hold the key now, Cancer.

In a nutshell: It’s all about you and the person opposite you this week, Cancer. Past, present and future partnerships feature. Whoever this is sets you free on some level. It’s a new love journey.



You’re becoming someone new – work it

What’s the connection between what you do and how you feel?

Worship that body – it’s the only one you’ve got!

Ho ho ho. Despite this being the season to be jolly, your focus is not only on that – but on your work, routine and wellness factors. Simply put, your want the gift of working smarter with flair and creativity – not harder. In ways that allow you to express yourself. This applies even if you don’t engage in paid work. You also want to feel your best. A pre-New Year resolution focus could transcend upon you when it comes to that mind/body/spirit connection. What you feed your body with, how people and places affect your mood, and exercise. Take it you don’t have the bigger picture yet around any of these issues. So, hold back on the gym membership or the Pilates ball for now. There is more still to be explored and more connections to be made around this. They are going to take some time to emerge now. All thanks to your ruler being eclipsed by the new Moon in your 6th on the 26th.

This is an Annular Solar Eclipse which gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect. So, you have a flash of insight into something – nothing more. It also falls within one degree of Jupiter. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter meet in here the next day. So, what is happening is all to your benefit. The expose around what you need to do next will begin from the 29th when Mercury arrives in here. This is Mercury’s ruling house. From now and right through to January, the way you work and feel – in other words, work that body, is set to change. This holiday season could hand you the gift that simply keeps on giving. Enhanced wellbeing that lasts a lifetime, Leo.

In a nutshell: When there’s an eclipse you know you don’t have the big picture. Yet. This week’s annular eclipse brings a flash of insight around work and wellbeing. Mind, body, spirit – yours to explore.



Stand out to attract

Travel, holidays, parties and good times feature

Love is your ticket to ride now!

Romance, children, babies, young people, holidays, pleasure, fun and getting yourself noticed. Yes, it’s time to play, Virgo. And not just because this is the holiday season. Some of you may however be travelling now thanks to Jupiter in your 5th and Uranus in Jupiter’s ruling 9th. Jupiter is joined by your ruler Mercury this week from the 29th. Spending the holidays away from home by taking that trip overseas could be on the cards for some of you. You’ve never experienced planetary weather like you have in your 5th right now in your lifetime. Nor will you again. This will last right through January 2020. During this time your role as lover, parent or even how you express yourself and who you are seen with, may transform you.

This week brings us an Annular solar eclipse in this house at the time of the new Moon in here. This falls within one degree of Jupiter in here – the Sun and Jupiter will meet the following day. There’s the promise of big, passionate adventure in the air. But with an Annular eclipse we get that ‘ring of fire’ effect. It’s like a flash of insight in the dark. So, take it you are taking the first step on a longer journey but cannot yet see your ultimate destination. Romance could feature – especially one that could make you a parent or step parent in the future. This could also mark the start of a significant creative journey for others. News around a child could be part of the surprise package for some of you. While others may find themselves in the spotlight or even in the media! Ensure you look your best. You are set to attract in ways you have never experienced before. Between now and the end of January 2020, expect more revelations around this as what you love and who you love transforms and frees you.

In a nutshell: Love is your personal alchemy now, Virgo. Who you love or even doing something that you love, expands both your world and your heart. Take the first step towards a bigger love now.



Bring those values close to home

Who and where do you belong to or with?

Freedom and security are opposite sides of the same coin

Where do you call home or want to call home, Libra? Where you currently live or somewhere else entirely? Home and family and what these mean to you are calling you. Don’t forget, family doesn’t just include people with whom you may share DNA. It includes your soul family too. This week marks the start of a period where you will be looking at your roots, foundation and sense of belonging and creating a lifestyle that truly supports and sustains you. Moves, buying, selling, leasing, lodgers, flatmates, Airbnb, relocations, emigrations may form part of this. You instinctively know where you belong or how you want to be living. Even if you’re not sure yet how you make this happen. This week could mark the start of a moving experience for you in more ways than one.

The new Moon in its ruling 4th is always a signal to look at matters close to home. Right now however, you have a game-changing line up in here the like of which you have never seen before. Nor will again. Major shifts which enhance your long-term security are possible. This new Moon however triggers an Annular solar eclipse and falls within a degree of Jupiter in here. You have a sudden insight into what you need to do or where you need to be – but not the way forward perhaps. However, if assistance or access to resources is preventing you from moving forward, the Sun’s angle to Uranus in your 8th and the meeting between the Sun and Jupiter on the 27th, could mark the point where you are given access to what you need. Mercury enters your 4th on the 29th favouring contracts and property deals. This extends into career factors too. Align your outer ambitions with what truly matters to you and sustains you. Security is freedom, Libra.

In a nutshell: Click the heels of those Jimmy Choos together and repeat after me: There’s no place like home. Security vs. freedom may vie in your heart. Understand they are one and the same thing, Libra.



What’s the story, Morning Glory?

Are you the idea whose time has come?

Say it anyway you can now

Breaking news! Your ideas, message, work, brand, screenplay, project, thesis, manuscript, social media feed, blog, vlog, side hustle or website has the ability to take you further in 2020 than you ever dreamed possible, Scorpio. If you have taken the first steps towards this, you may have some details already in place. But there’s a bigger opportunity or even more details yet to be revealed. This week tells you – one step at a time. Don’t just refine that message – look at the myriad of ways you can work it. Perhaps ways you have not thought about before.

The internet and all means of communication are both your playground and your superpower now. Travel may also feature. If you are not travelling then travel plans for 2020. Think big and aim high but be prepared to alter course as new, easier and quicker pathways may reveal themselves in time. This week sees you take that first step towards something bigger as the Sun in your 3rd trines Uranus in your 7th. The new Moon in your 3rd on the 26th triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse. This is the ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in many eclipse photos. Unlike a total eclipse which plunges us into a blackout, this one hands us a flash of insight. But we need to wait for the big picture to emerge. You are on the verge of this as the eclipse falls within one degree of Jupiter in here. Big up that message, review and refine and wait for your launch signal which could come as early as next month. Mercury which rules this house hurries the process along when it too hurtles in here on the 29th. Next month will see ruler Pluto take an idea you have or something you say to transform your life. The countdown begins now.

In a nutshell: Messages, news, ideas, writing, publishing and the internet take you not just on into 2020, Scorpio. But further than you ever dreamed possible. What’s the big idea? You now.



Start a new relationship with abundance

Boost your self-worth

Time is on your side – and on the money, Sag!

The Sun and your ruler Jupiter meet in your 2nd this week. It’s been 12 years since this last occurred. Think back if you can to that period at what was happening around your money, earnings, possessions and abundance in the broadest sense of the word. Plus anything that happened then which boosted your self-worth. Job accolades perhaps? Or a soul soaring relationship. The same themes could reappear now but not fully formed. A job offer could be on the table for example, but you have yet to be given a start date. You have a money making idea but are not sure what to do with it – yet.

The new Moon in your 2nd is usually a time when you can make a fresh start with your relationship to the material world – and your money personally. The Moon of the 26th comes pre-packaged with this promise as it falls within one degree of Jupiter. However – this Moon also triggers an Annular Solar Eclipse. You’re not completely in the dark as with a total eclipse. The ring of fire effect this eclipse produces gives you a flash forward of your abundance future. But then the light gets switched off again. Take this insight but wait for more information to emerge. Above all, resist any pressure to get you to sign on the dotted line with anything to do with your money until you have more insight. As this is the holiday season, you should be able to delay. That idea you may have may require more research. Mercury’s arrival in here on the 29th facilitates talks and research as well as the information you need emerging. Jupiter is offering you a cashed-up opportunity to build true self-worth now. Invest in time to make the most of this.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter hands you an opportunity around self-worth and abundance. But you may not see its full potential yet. Time is your best investment to make the most of it now, Sag.



Keep those dreams close to your heart

Opportunity finds those who believe in themselves

Take the first step towards that vision you’re creating for the future you

Be your own work in progress this week. Go deep into the hidden aspects of yourself. Plan for the future. However, you may be keeping all this to yourself – for now. It’s a time to conceive of something new, Capricorn. A fresh take on who you are. The universe is handing you an opportunity now like no other to reinvent yourself, your dreams and to change how people see you. Ask yourself who you want to be seen as now. The 24th could hand you an unexpected chance to shine. The highlight of the week however is the Annular Solar Eclipse triggered by your personal new Moon on the 26th. This also occurs within one degree of the bringer of opportunities – Jupiter in here. An annular eclipse is one where the ‘ring of fire’ effect occurs. So, unlike a total eclipse which plunges us into darkness – a flash of insight occurs. This could revolve around who you want to become or how to achieve that goal.

There’s more to you than meets the eye. Or you are letting on. The Sun and Jupiter meet on the 27th asking you to reach higher and set your opportunities in motion. Who makes it happen? You do. There’s more information or insight for you emerging over the next month. Take this as the first step you are taking on a larger, personal journey now. The quest is all about freedom. Mercury arrives in your 1st on the 29th. Time to share those plans? Up to you. Or you may just choose to wait until you’re ready to launch, Capricorn.

In a nutshell: Grand plans and great works of art aren’t finished overnight. Destined for greatness or to become your own best creation? Take your time with the process. A new you begins here.



Explore your past to create your future

See the bigger picture

Ask and be answered

Your relationship with god, the multiverse, astrology, Tarot, mediumship, your guides, your higher self, your past, intuition, your karma and the karma that you share with others, is about to go through a cycle of change and also revelation, Aquarius. What you believe may now undergo a profound shift as you embrace events designed to show you that yes, there is more in heaven and earth than you ever dreamed possible. You’re an explorer of mysteries now. The big questions around life, the universe and everything to quote Douglas Adams. And if you ask the right questions and truly want to know the answers, you will receive them now. The cycle you are entering will take you to the deep side of life. It asks you to have faith in what cannot be seen but nonetheless exists. This is the quantum and spiritual realm where magic happens and secrets are revealed. However, this is a process and they may come to light slowly.

The first of these revelations may come to light on the 24th when the Sun in here trines ruler Uranus in your 4th. This could bring you enlightenment or an ‘Ah-ha!’ moment. Whether you know it or not, you are on a journey of discovery now to unearth the secrets that give your life mew meaning and direction. Another flash of insight could accompany the Annular Solar Eclipse of the 26th. Triggered by a new Moon in your 12th. Unlike total eclipses which leave us in the dark, annular eclipses provide that ‘ring of fire’ effect like a ring of truth. But you still don’t have the full picture yet. Follow those hunches. They could lead you towards a destiny changing realisation as Jupiter and the Sun meet in here on the 27th. People or places from your past and karmic connections usher you towards 2020 as Mercury also enters this house on the 29th. If you are confused about someone or something – ask. Clarity is about to emerge long with answers.

In a nutshell: Revisit the past to unlock your future. If you’re seeking answers to life’s big questions, or just want clarity around a specific issue, all you have to do is ask. And then wait, Aquarius.



  • People cross your path for a reason
  • Kick start 2020 – and beyond
  • Friends open doors

Deck the halls, Pisces. With a massive line up of holiday planets in your social sector you should be very much in ho-ho-ho mood rather than Bah, humbug. Grab the reindeer by the horns when it comes to surprise invitations and go with the flow as the Sun in here trines the ruler of your 11th, Uranus on the 24th. This festive season has the surprise element attached to it.

Your 11th is not only your house of friends but it is where you set your future in motion. So, the people you know or meet now could be key players in this during 2020 and even beyond. Time to ditch judging a book by its cover when the new Moon appears in here on the 26th. The people you are connected to are where your direction and ‘luck’ reside for the coming year. Their role may not be obvious to you at first due to the new Moon triggering an Annular Solar Eclipse. That’s the kind where we see the ‘ring of fire’ effect. You may have a hunch or flash of intuition. But that’s all. This all takes place within one degree of ancient ruler Jupiter. In fact, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact conjunction the next day. Your future and fortune reside with who you know and who has the biggest part to play may be far from obvious. Mercury also arrives in here on the 29th so expect invitations, meet ups, get togethers and parties to take you on into 2020. Don’t whatever you do stay home. You’re part of a ripple effect now. As others influence your future, you do the same for them in return.

In a nutshell: Who you know or meet now could open doors or influence your future in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Friends bring benefits now. So, celebrate with the old and the new.



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