Your Aries Supermoon Moonscopes – Radical Changes

Your Full Supermoon in Aries Moonscope October 17 2024

Self-assertive, brazen and confident, this super-sized full Moon leaves no room for self-doubt. It packs surety and favours a bold approach. This is a full Moon ready to face something head on.

It can, however, lead us into acting impulsively. And without first thinking through the reactions of others. So by all means – go a little bolder. But not without keeping in mind that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thank you, Sir Isaac Newton. So, take it if you set something in motion – the apple doesn’t fall far from the original tree.

This full Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marked the beginning of game animal hunting. A Supermoon occurs when the Moon’s centre is less than 360,000 kilometres from the Earth’s centre. It can appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than the average full Moon.

This Supermoon will make a high tensile angle to Aries ruling planet in Cancer (the Moon’s ruling sign), and then another one to Pluto in Capricorn. This will form a T-square. This can cause a build-up of emotions that results in us acting impulsively in our desire to release the emotional tension. The trick is not in repressing or denying what we feel. But in how we express this. Just understand that no emotions are ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. They are valid. We are valid to feel our feels. But we are responsible for how we act on them.

This is a full Moon under which to tackle anything outstanding. To push something through to completion with confidence. To tackle that issue that’s seemed so daunting. Harness your courage and conviction. And take mindful action.


Your emotions are heightened, and anything you’ve been suppressing or keeping on the down-low demands release. Ensure you focus on what is really going on with you, Aries. And understand that with ruler Mars slammed by this moon, all energy has to find an outlet.

If we ignore this or try to keep a lid on it, the energy tends to explode, but in a completely different direction. We may have been sitting on resentment around home or family, for instance, but continuing to seethe rather than talk about it. Suddenly, someone pushes in front of us in the supermarket queue, and we go ballistic at them. This Supermoon asks you to not only keep it in proportion but direct it where it needs to go.

Don’t ignore your own feelings.  But also – don’t allow them (no matter how justified), to override the feelings of others. Time to open that dialogue and really listen, Aries. Jumping to conclusions doesn’t serve either party. Make clarity your goal no matter what.

Your superpowers of fearless warrior of love are ignited. Of course, deep in your bold heart what you seek is what’s best for everyone. As this Moon also harnesses the power of Pluto hours later, do use this to push ahead with anything that is linked to career, ambition and elevating your status. Keep your focus on one outcome. Be this close to home or elsewhere. A clear perspective sends your boundless emotional strength right where it needs to be. Channel it, Aries.


Taurus Full Moon

Whether you know it or not – it’s decision time, Taurus. Are you dragging your feet or ready to make one?The full Supermoon in your 12th points towards intuitive-led action, Taurus. And this is around something you have known needs tackling for quite some time. You’re receiving nudges.  Or should I say a push? From the angles between the Moon and Mars in your 3rd. And hours later, Pluto in your 9th. This is about what holds you back, confines or blocks you in some way. It’s persisted for a while. As has that feeling, you need to take control and act. No matter how uncomfortable this may make you feel.

Every aspect in the sky is always interlinked. And this Supermoon is no exception. It’s no coincidence in terms of cosmic timing that all this occurs with Mars in retroshadow and Pluto poised to change signs. It tells you no more thinking – you’ve done that. It’s time to act. Especially if deep down inside you know allowing things to simply carry on isn’t doing you any good.

This Moon + Mars + Pluto = release. Something must now be let go of. This includes past pain, trauma and allowing your past to define you. In order to make way for true healing. It also asks you own what no longer works or has passed it Use By date. Acknowledge it and let it go. If you have been sitting on an inspired idea – now it the time to stop sitting and bring it to the point of giving it wings. Or simply find yours, Taurus. Time to fly.


The card of the Four of Pentacles in the Tarot shows someone with a lot. But they are holding on to it so tightly, they have stopped the flow. Look to where blockages are under this Supermoon. Yes, Pentacles rule money. And the Supermoon in your house of friendships, connections and your future slams two planets – Mars and Pluto, across your money sectors. But what is stopping the flow of the new or you accessing the resources you need can also be emotional factors.

Have you been spending too much time in hermit mode? Holding on to memories of the way things were? And in doing this unwittingly put up road blocks which prevent new people, love and other opportunities reaching you? Sometimes we just have to let go of our attachment to the past to make room for our future. And often, if we are clinging to the past it is because we have told ourselves that the good times won’t come around again. Not so, Gemini.  Not with Jupiter in your sign.

Look to what you need to stop holding on to so tightly. To let go of trying to control. This can even be a person. As well as holding too tight to those purse strings. Have you become fixed in one area of your thinking? Have you been telling yourself you don’t have time to do something you want to? Like search for a partner or indulge in that hobby for instance? Or catch up with friends? Have you fallen into the trap of telling yourself you’ll do it tomorrow because you can’t today? And what about those financial goals, Gemini?

If you take some time under this Moon to tune in to the energy of the Four of Pentacles, one thing you’ll notice is you are using the traditional Smith-Waite deck that there in the background of this card is a magnificent castle and skyline of a prosperous city. But the figure is so intent on holding on, they don’t realise how close this is. Or that it is even an option. All they have to do to move there is turn and let go. That’s your move, Gemini. Simple.


New Moon in Cancer

This is the penultimate full Moon to appear before Pluto leaves your 7th house. It’s going to prove to be pivotal for you in terms of your relationship status, your personal ambitions, your career and reputation. Especially as it hooks in Mars in your sign. And Pluto several hours later.

It asks you for certainty, Cancer. To know what you want and where you are going. To be the boss of your life. To lean in and own all your decisions that have brought you to this point. And to be honest about what you need to do next. And not shy away from that.

Serving your best game could be part of this. This Supermoon is in your house of ascension and status. Some of you could find yourself in a ‘front of house’ position. Or asked to step up into a role where you take on more responsibility. If so, don’t give in to impostor syndrome. You’ve earned this.

If you are still waiting for someone to give you permission to act or tell you that you’re ready – stop. The only permission you need is yours. Now is the time to act, take charge, apply, ask, pitch and launch. Or make your move. Something may come to completion now. You crush a long term goal. You arrive. Doors open wide. A success cycle completes.

Just understand you of all signs under this full Moon need to have one eye on the future when you take action. What you do cannot be undone and has long term implications. Your foundation however is Pluto’s huge learning curve. Mixed with Mars’s confidence and self-assurance. And it’s these factors that make you pretty well unstoppable under this full Moon, Cancer.


new moon in leo

The Supermoon in your 9th offers freedom, change and break-away opportunities, Leo. Lean in to your courage to make the most of these.

Who makes it happen? You do. This Supermoon tells you it’s no good to wait for things to happen. You need to take action to bring solutions and opportunities to you. Being held in place by needless fears about what could happen or feeling Here be Dragons sees you stuck. Who told you about the dragons anyway? Are they even qualified? Did they really go there and see? Did they write a manual on dragon training? Look to where you may have unconsciously taken on someone else’s limiting beliefs. Based on nothing but fears that actually aren’t yours.

Doing things differently to how you may have acted in the past is what is on offer. That’s courtesy of Mars in your 12th which the Moon triggers. You may have to push past those residual fears to do this, however. Hours later, the Moon questions Pluto about the original of those fears. And this is the point you may discover there literally is nothing to fear but the fear itself.

Travel may feature for some of you. If so, prepare for eye-opening discoveries. But even if you are simply an armchair traveller, there’s something to be discovered on this night that opens up your horizons and frees you to go further. That program or website you accidentally stumble upon. That post or even job ad. You read it, take it on board and then act on it. Staying stuck isn’t an option. Nor is hanging on to those old ideas. Turns out dragons not only your new bestie but is ready to take you the on ride of your life. No fear, Leo.


new moon virgo

What are you feeding, Virgo?! What we direct our energy towards feeds it. And that’s good when it comes to those connections which support us and our goals. But do you really want those fears and frenemies to continue to get fat on what you continue to send them? The Supermoon in your 8th makes you aware of how powerful your focus can be.

You may need to cut off the supply when it comes to that situation that has been lived out. Or any feelings of powerlessness or around not being enough. Or have you been bending yourself out of shape to people please? Have you been doing this for so long that you’ve actually lost touch of who you actually are? Fears around expressing your authentic self (or even reclaiming this), are what you need to go on a diet from. Or should I say permanently cut out.

It’s a funny thing about this particular supermoon. It will manifest what your energy has been invested in one way or another. For some of you, this can bring about goal realisation as the Moon activates Mars in your 11th. For others – someone may reflect those fears you’ve been dwelling on. But in a way that makes it impossible to ignore. Or do something about.

Getting out of your own way, being unafraid to act in your own best interests, and letting go of worrying about what others think are your gifts. As is a demonstration by the universe as to the power of your mind when it comes to manifestation. Now you see all this Virgo – and take it this is Pluto’s parting gift to you as it prepares to exit your 5th for good, you also know with unshakeable certainly that where your energy goes, real results flow. Use this from this point onwards to feed the good which wants to come in.



A Supermoon in your 7th supercharges cardinal energy as it ensnares Mars in your 10th house and later, Pluto in your 4th. Take it change is in motion, Libra. And love is the fuel that moves you.

One chapter may close and even if it is not obvious right at this time – when you look back you will recognise that this full Moon marked the culmination. But also know that it also marks a point of new beginnings as well. Time is up with something that has been part of your life for a while. And even if this is not a hard ending, how you go forward with something from here on in, will be in a different way to what you have done in the past.

No matter how much we would like it – nothing stays the same. We change jobs. We move homes and relocate. We arrive at a point where we commit deeper or commit to going to search of the new.

Yes, someone may well be going forward with you. Or you will head out alone but can expect to find someone new on that path. When it comes to where you belong and also projects and plans, there always comes a point where we have to commit to moving or taking action. If your life is a map and you are looking for the You Are Here pin in it – you’re on the brink of the new. And that new territory is called Change.



Both rulers are activated by the powerful lunar energy of the Supermoon in your house of work and wellness. First, the Moon hits Mars in the Moon’s ruling sign of Cancer and your 9th. It then t-bones Pluto in your 3rd of contracts and communication. What haven’t you been saying, phoenix? Or doing? Or bringing to a conclusion? Chances are whatever is hanging over you now – those loose ends or plans you never quite get round to, they are draining you on some level. No, thinking about it tomorrow (a line uttered by one of the most Scorpionic characters in literature, incidentally) just amps up the guilt trip that’s responsible for the mess you feel. So, don’t delay. Just do it.

And when it’s done – you have earned the right to chillax. Also under this moon, do look at whether or not you have in fact taken on too much. Which may turn out to be partly responsible for anything on that stubborn To Do list. I would like to remind you that at the time of this Supermoon, you will be mere days away from the start of your new cycle. Do you want to meet it drained and depleted? Or leap into it revived and restored? So, if need be, recharge. Especially if that is what you’ve been putting off. But don’t carry the undone or unfinished with you. Mark To Do as Done and Dusted.


Let’s talk about fun, Sag. Long term plans. Being seen. A Sag without a plan sags. A Sag without an outlet for their passion droops. A Sag not in love with the world or off in pursuit of something wild and free withers and dies. Yes, you may have been dealing with challenges these past few years. And these may have limited or restricted you. Dulling that bright spark and visionary dreamer that you are. And putting that star out of reach.

All this may seemed to have dragged on for far too long. But take it in the grand cosmic order of things – this too shall pass. And is right now. And the Supermoon will mark the turning point for you. Limited resources may have clipped your wings. If so, you should now gain access to what was missing with a little bold effort on your part. All thanks to the Moon asking you to lean in to your power with its angle to Mars in your 8th. Hours later, it makes the same angle to Pluto in your 2nd. Offering an opening to access what it is you need.

Others may simply have lost faith in love or that dream. If so, expect it to be restored. This may come with no warning. As if a switch in your mind got reset overnight. You go to bed with the same old, same old running feeling things are hopeless. And then wake up knowing you’re back – optimistic and fiery once more. You grasp a new vision. And not only that, know it is absolutely and positively possible for you to have it now. Funny what a difference a Moon makes, Sag.



One more river to cross, Capricorn. This is the penultimate full Moon before Pluto leaves your sign for keeps next month. It’s in the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. And is supersized. Not only that, it slams Mars in your 7th. And then hours later, does the same to Pluto still in your 1st. This can leave you breathless and also feeling strangely vulnerable. Yes, even if you are the archetypal Capricorn and CEO of the entire Universe (including the black holes).

Your sensitivity is heightened. And as a result, you need to take great care when it comes to sharing your feels. You may feel hurt or rejected when in fact, this wasn’t meant at all. So, if this happens do explain how this made you feel – but don’t accuse or blame. The other party honestly may have no idea about their delivery.

There have been many rivers to cross on your Pluto journey. But take it now you are neither wandering nor lost to borrow from the song. You know there is a decision to be made now. That one river to cross. You have found the bridge. And crossing represents a choice around where you are living, your career or a relationship decision. You’ve been building up to this moment for a while now. For many of you, all the events which have occurred since 2008 will have led you to this moment. You decision should be based on the perfect fusion of meeting your needs for security and love aligned with feeling safe and that who you are with and what you do matters. Yes, there’s a toll to pay as you have to relinquish something to cross. But what you let go of is a small price to pay compared to what’s waiting on the other side.


Have you been holding on to something for just a little too long, Aquarius? Overworked that idea so it has lost its original and unique zesty bite for instance? Kept on reminiscing about the days when you and your boo first fell in love – even though your relationship soured a long time ago. Keep on catching up with others ‘for old times sake’ – even though your lives have gone in very different directions and you have nothing left in common? What aren’t you acknowledging?

Feel the fear and say it anyway under the Supermoon in your 3rd. It’s time for honesty and admission. Especially with Pluto now knock-knock-knocking on your door. No more sugar coating. The truth and nothing but.

If that idea or project that once fired you up has gone stale – time to reverse engineer it, strip it down and take it back to its original form. Where it excites you again. If you secretly know that connections are past their Use By date – admit this and bring closure. You don’t have to serve drama or hurt someone’s feelings. Often we can simply fade out of the picture. But it goes without saying that if you have been DM-ing someone for a while, have met them at least once in person or this is a longer term connection, then you do owe them an explanation. Don’t keep them or yourself entangled if there is no future.

The Supermoon slams Mars in your 6th and the Moon’s ruling sign of Cancer. It tells you trying to make something work that isn’t good for you. Or others. And saying what’s on your mind – provided it is crafted with forethought, is an act of caring. Yes, sometimes you may hurt someone’s feelings. Especially if this isn’t what they wanted. But it’s not deliberate. And it’s only temporary. Say the kind thing, Aquarius. The truth can hurt. But ultimately sets you free.


pisces season

What’s the balance point for you, Pisces? Are you poised and ready to find it? If life has turned into a juggling act, how about simply letting something go if it restores that equilibrium? Too much invested in one area at the expense of another for instance. As the Supermoon is in your money house, we have to touch on issues around what is enough for you. A common theme would be emotional spending. Feeling you have to have certain things in order to project a certain image. Or keep up with the Joneses. A phrase coined before the Kardashians took to our screens. But you get my drift.

The Moon will square off with Mars in the Moon’s ruling sign of Cancer. And your 5th of indulgencies. Do avoid the impulse buy, Pisces. But that’s one reason I asked you to look closely at this theme. And the hidden costs of keeping up. Which will be revealed when Pluto reaches your 12th. So, asking if you are enough – just the way you are, is a far better exercise than simply saying ‘Because I’m worth it’. Nobody doubts that, Pisces. But do you? A Birkin doesn’t change that.

This is about your values. The price is right. The trade and what you will or won’t sell your soul over. Yes, you can be spurred on to make changes which improve the flow of money into your life. But do ensure first your efforts are aligned to your core values. If time with loved ones or doing something you love ranks high on that list of what’s most precious, you immediately set yourself up to create another imbalance in your life if you have to take too much time out from that to make more bread. However, you can get very creative to find ways where you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other.

It could be going for less sees you end up with more. Less debt means less stuff but more freedom. More time with who or what you love makes you feel rich. You already know what matters most, Pisces. Balance that.










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