Your Full Blue Moon in Capricorn Moonscope July 21st 2024

Your Full Blue Moon in Capricorn Moonscope July 21st 2024
With our psychic astrologer Elena
A ‘Blue’ Moon is the term used for the second full Moon to appear in an astrological sign during the time the Sun is in its opposite one. So, this is something that can only occur when the first one appears around the time of the Sun’s entry into a sign. Last month, we had a full Moon in Capricorn the day after the Sun entered Cancer. So, as full Moons occur approximately once every 29.5 days, and the Sun arrived in Cancer on June 21 and exits on July 22 – this means we get a second ‘Blue’ one.
They are fairly rare – occurring once every 2-3 years. Hence the term ‘Once in a Blue Moon’. The year gets an ‘extra’ Moon. In astrological terms, we can often find that ‘Blue’ moons will intensify the emotional qualities of the first full moon. So, think back to June’s full Moon and even check your Moonscope for that month and you may see some themes repeating now. We may also pause to gather our strength or focus. Before making one final effort to reach the top. Capricorn is the sign up for the long haul. The goat which can find the hidden path that eludes others. And the flip side of that stoic hard work is enjoying the overflow of well-earned emotional riches when we conquer that mountain. The image of Capricorn as the sea goat reminds us of the overflowing cornucopia with its tail. You reach the summit. Your ship comes in. Once in a Blue Moon.
There’s no doubt you’re a little more reserved and serious under this full Moon, Aries. You’re also not inclined to rush either. That boss, brassy, in-your-face default setting you normally adopt – rushing in, emotional sword blazing, is actually your defence mechanism. You do this to protect your incredible loving and sensitive heart. Others may not see this however. And because you come across as so courageous and capable, often others don’t realise that you too can be struggling.
Although this may not be a conscious thing, your emotional wisdom takes control under this full Moon. This is what hands you that more cautious and serious mien. You’re not only taking your time to respond, you’re choosing a different one. You are still coming from your warrior soul – but simply using your emotional strength differently.
You’re unafraid to quietly say ‘I’m not comfortable with that’, or ‘Right now I need . . .’. You’re unafraid to speak about your vulnerabilities and your quiet, considered way of expressing these paradoxically gives you a different kind of strength. Time to speak up under this full Moon rather than simply act, Aries. You will be quite strategic with whom you confide in however. And yes, you are gathering your strength in any pause. Just because you’re being open doesn’t mean others can underestimate you.
You may get uncharacteristically antsy or edgy if you feel something is restricting you under this Blue Moon, Taurus. Usually you just keep stoically on going in your reliable, uncomplaining way. But something about this full Moon stirs you. And you may find yourself pushing back against anything you feel confines you or is in the way of your progress.
In your 9th house, this Blue Moon links you to travel, foreigners and far away places. Or subjects and ideas that expand your mind. This is the house in your chart of trade, big business and mass media. Of wide open spaces. Your office if you work in one, had better have a window at the very least. You need to look out and remind yourself that there’s a big wide world out there.
This is the house where we leave our comfort zones. And what’s outside of yours may have been calling you since last month. Just ensure your answer to it is in proportion to the moment. And comes from a desire to explore possibilities rather than simply run away from the status quo.
And as regards anything you feel does hold you back or which you have left unattended, do own your own role in allowing it to persist, Taurus. The upside of this Blue Moon is that it illuminates the path not taken. Your exit ramp towards a better, freer alternative for you. You do have to consciously opt to take it however. An opportunity may appear which opens up the way towards the edgy and new. If so – first know that you’ve earned it. And second – you’re ready to leave what’s familiar behind you. It puts an end to that restlessness, Taurus. Answer the call.
Transitions, transformations and letting go come around again for you with the Blue Moon in your 8th house. This is also about your emotional strength and how you use it. Are you clinging on to something because you fear there’s nothing better out there for you? Or worse – have you allowed others to label you or tell you who you are? If so, this full Moon asks you to reclaim your power and become self-defined once more.
This is a full Moon where you tap into your vast inner resources and access the power of your own fierce determination and ability to come up with new options. It’s when you not only ask ‘What if . . ?’ but also ‘What’s the best that could happen?’ when it comes to initiating change. As you run through the possibilities, you’ll come to see that not only have you totally got this, that all the alternatives add up to something better than simply maintaining the status quo.
Resources and how you direct them, shared assets, your salary or money, what you owe or are owed and how comfortable you are with the level you are at could also feature. Hesitating about asking for a raise? Go back to the question above. Same goes for talking through changes within an intimate relationship. And if you’ve not been attending to your needs around this, then ask again why not? And if not now, then when? All of this adds up to a powerful emotional shift within you. And as that occurs, whatever is holding you back in your outer world, changes with it. Discover owning your power is easier than you ever dreamed possible.
Take ownership of love under the second full Moon in your 7th. Time to tell yourself a different story about relationships, Cancer. Certainly, this full Moon is going to show you where you’ve been coming from a place of being unable to ask for what you want if that’s what’s been happening. Perhaps you were shown this was the way to operate when you were growing up? You were given the example that to get what you need you had to resort to emotional manipulation instead of simply asking and sharing the emotions behind this?
If that’s been a pattern, take it you’re done with this now. This is the final full Moon to appear in this house in your chart during Pluto’s end game in this house. Yes, right now it is in its ruling 8th of changes. It has one more very brief encounter with your 7th left which will take place between September – November this year. Then it exits for good and never to return in your lifetime. So, the next time a full Moon appears in here (next year) – it’s over. So, this Blue Moon marks the very end of a long emotional journey you’ve been on with regards to long term loves, spouses, marriage, divorce and how you relate to others – and yourself. It’s the point at which you vow to love more deeply, differently and openly. You own your needs and are no longer afraid to talk about them. No, that’s not neediness, Cancer. That’s the real power of love. Get ready to work that emotional strength.
Look after yourself as you would care for others under this second full Moon in your health and healing sector, Leo. And while you are at it – are you being too critical of what you believe are imperfections? It’s absolutely okay to want to be better or improve yourself. But not when it tips into the kind of negative self-talk you would never dream of saying to anyone else. ‘You have no willpower’, ‘You’re lazy’, ‘You’re always procrastinating’ – how’s that for starters? Do watch for this and if you find yourself engaged in this kind of internal dialogue when it comes to all those things you feel you should be tackling – losing the weight, decluttering or tackling that To Do list, then stop and tell yourself that right now, you’re doing your best.
This is a fabulous full Moon to examine that work/life balance, that routine and your habits however. But this does need to come from a desire to support yourself rather than demotivate! When this Blue Moon appears, ground yourself and be totally present with how you feel, where you are and what surrounds you. Look to what your body is telling you. Sit with this and don’t be in a hurry to make changes. They will arise organically from your higher wisdom provided you are willing to listen to it now. A shedding may take place. And yes, this can just be your own attitude towards yourself. Literally, the universe is saying: Tomorrow is another day where you get to begin again, Leo. That is because the day after this Blue Moon your ruler the Sun lands in your sign and your new season begins. Meet it with real self-care and validation firmly in place.
Lacklustre you’re not with the second ‘Blue’ full Moon in your 5th, Virgo. And you’re going to have a real emotional aversion to anyone or anything that is. You need to express yourself at this time. And if you’re not showcasing yourself and giving yourself the emotional gift of allowing yourself to shine, then it honestly is time to look not just at why not, but the effect this has on you.
Sadly this full Moon may illuminate the parade rainers in your life. Or the jellyfish who appear to pay you a compliment – with a hidden sting attached. ‘It’s fabulous you’ve managed to do that – considering . . .’ being a prime example. Considering you are going out of your way to compliment others and make them feel awesome and special under this full Moon – ensure you clear out that circle of those who don’t make you feel the same in return.
If the spotlight turns your way under this full Moon and you capture both hearts and attention – bask in it! And yes, this is your house of romance (moondance!), creativity, fun, play and pleasure. If you are a parent, you will be very focussed on your children now. There’s a desire to give them experiences you didn’t have growing up. And this can boil down to simple encouragement. Above all, this is a full Moon of activated attraction. It can cement something that began to manifest with last months for you. Or draw down that catalyst which leads to goal manifestation. Bring your most glowing vibe now, Virgo. As like will answer like. No lacklustre allowed.
This Moon is in its ruling house in your chart. So, security, family, home, lifestyle, locale and country can feature. As well as your vulnerabilities and home truths. A property issue may complete or a decision is made when it comes to where you are going to be living. You’ve been through one of the biggest and most intense periods you will ever experience when it comes to where you hang your hat, reside or where you belong. This Blue Moon marks the beginning of the end and the start of a new era for you which will see you establish yourself in a very grounded way in 2025.
Harmony is always a priority for you. You hate conflict. But also you do understand that sometimes harmony only comes after addressing anything that is unbalanced. If you now feel that’s happening, you won’t shy away from tackling the issue under this Moon. Of course you approach it with your signature diplomacy and sensitivity. But that doesn’t mean you’re not prepared to stand your ground over what’s important to you.
Steer clear of taking things too personally under this Moon. That’s not to say you should bottle up hurt feelings. This Moon is all about airing them. But do acknowledge that it may not have been someone’s intention to deliberately wound. Work or career rewards could be on offer as this is tied into our sense of security. And if you are looking at additional income, you are likely to spend this on your home. A vintage, maximalist look could be just what you’re aiming for now. Bring abundance into your space and make it a real home.
You’ve plenty to talk about under this Blue Moon in your 3rd. At work – expect to be asked for your opinion. Do speak up and share, Scorpio. It’s a little bit Jerry Maguire (1996). Not as in the famous ‘Show me the money!’ scene – but in the memo Jerry (Tom Cruise), circulates in his company mission statement entitled ‘The things we think and do not say’. Now is your chance to say them.
Hang on, I hear you reply – in the movie, didn’t that character get fired for saying that? Yes, but it led him to following his conscience and ultimately success. But when it comes to using this movie as an example of speaking up, director Cameron Crowe delivers some of the best and most memorable lines of any film in his script. ‘You had me at hello’, ‘You complete me’, ‘Help me, help you’ and the ultimately hilarious ‘Don’t cry at the start of a date, just cry at the end like I do’. (Not that you’re going to do that as flirtation rules under the Blue Moon!)
I merely use this example to illustrate the power you have to communicate something memorable. Lasting and impactful. Simply by sharing what’s really on your mind. You will however be choosing your words with care. In the film, Jerry’s revelation is that it is quality not quantity that matters. So, its the words you choose and the meaning behind them rather than verbiage. Emotional integrity and truth matter to you. Serve yours.
Rich begins with a feeling. Abundance is actually – all around you, Sag. And isn’t defined by your income or what does or doesn’t sit in your current account. Or stuffed in that mattress. I know you know this. This is just a reminder of what you need to focus on under a Blue Moon in your 2nd house.
This Moon asks you focus on earthly beauty and the timeless riches of nature. You link to this easily as you are the sign of the great outdoors. And often ideals such as freedom are what hand you that ‘rich’ feeling rather than ‘stuff’. Choices, time spent where or doing what you want are often your most prized and priceless commodities. This Blue Moon asks you focus your resources on what really matters to you. And chances are it all boils down to a simple but very rich choice for you.
The gift of this Blue Moon is you are not giving up what matters to you. But you are able to call on a solid emotional practicality to get what resources you want. You will tackle that budget for instance. Stop robbing Peter to pay Paul. Direct what you have into what matters the most. And yes, some of you could well be grasping gains for long term investments in your work or money making side hustle. But again, you know what you’re going to do with any extra. From this point onwards – it’s all about what adds value. And truly matters.
One particular union is back in focus under the second Full Moon in your sign in a month, Capricorn. And hopefully it’s not about the relationship blues. There’s another element to this. And that is what is reflected back at you by the outer world. Your outer package matters in some way. You’re filled with an awareness of how you may be coming across to others or the image you want to convey. IRL or on line. We usually associate this kind of image tweak or relaunch with your birthday cycle. But this Moon means you’re having a second reboot this year.
And yes, if you are looking for someone new, their image matters too. At least to begin with. And a little more than usual. Of course, you still need to know the inner person matches the outer package. But someone could captivate on looks alone initially. Or your look is what draws attention your way. Unveil a true blue facet of you under this full Moon.
If you have defined yourself solely by your relationship status or connection to another, this full Moon will make you stand alone. And see yourself as miraculous and worthy – just the way you are. You are now at the end of Pluto’s extreme makeover in your sign. This is the final full Moon in your 1st you will experience before Pluto leaves your sign for good. It asks you integrate inner changes with your outer appearance. And acknowledge you have changed and now how you relate and what you need from partners has changed along with that. You are aware in a way you never were before about what you need. And now need to know what it is the other party really wants as well. Deep blue love, Capricorn.
Maybe you’ve never seen someone’s aura. But you’ll be able to sense their emotional one under the Blue Moon in your 12th. Because of this, you’ll be able to read others like an open book. Not a lot is going to escape you now. And this includes hidden agendas, motivations and attempts to pull the wool over your eyes. As well as their emotional integrity and true feelings.
It’s a fabulous superpower even if you’ve only got it on a temporary basis. Like Superman’s x-ray vision but you can use it to look into hidden realms and the heart of people’s souls. And yes, we do have to acknowledge that what we see can sometimes be something we wish wasn’t there. With Pluto now in your sign and ending its transit in your 12th, if this happens, know you are ready for the reality. And have the power to deal with it.
Look at it this way, Aquarius. Wouldn’t you rather know who you can rely on and who has your back – rather than labour under the illusion you can trust someone? This Moon delivers the steel of emotional reality.
Whether you are dealing with a revelation or not, you may choose to unplug or spend time surrounded by what nurtures or inspires. This full Moon favours flying where your imagination wants to take you. Visualisation, creativity, your psychic abilities. The latter will confirm those insights. Sit with those thoughts. Sift through what your insight has downloaded. You’re about to take this forward and use it in a way that strengthens your future path. And your relationships.
Think of this Blue Moon as the centre of that social circle, Pisces. You’re right there in the middle too. The hub around which others – and your future, all revolve.
Look back to last month’s full Moon in here. Was a particular friendship or goal in focus then? Did your social sphere expand or contract? Did you fall out of love with a particular goal or set yourself a new one? Whatever it was – the theme continues or comes around again.
You should be at your most outgoing and curious now. Do be very open to who crosses your path. And by that I don’t just mean accepting all invitations that come your way. But also with whom you may be able to form deep and meaningful friendships with. We tend to stick within a certain sphere or even criteria when it comes to who we socialise with. In other words – people like us. This Blue Moon could offer up important connections to be forged with those from different backgrounds, professions, life paths, positions in life or even age groups than our own. Cross-generational friendships. Across social, religious and political divides. If you are offered the opportunity to get to know someone outside of that usual orbit, it’s just a once in a blue Moon gift.
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