Are Psychic Phone Readings Accurate?

All You Need To Know About Online Psychic Readings. 

Are Psychic Phone Readings Accurate?

Michele Knight Psychics has been going for over 20 years. Many of our customers started as my private clients, over 30 years ago and I’m happy to say, decades later, they and thousands of others continue to receive readings, and we are so encouraged by our consistent, positive feedback.

Many of my trusted psychics on my line have been a part of Michele Knight Psychics for many years. I started my psychic line as I wanted people to have an accurate, uplifting, and empowering psychic phone reading which is ethical and emotionally intelligent. There are so many psychic phone lines popping up all over the place, so how do you know you are getting a quality psychic reading?

Having done tens of thousands of psychic phone readings, I can hand on heart, say they are incredibly accurate. Why? I love them as there are no visual clues which leaves space for a pure psychic connection.

The key to giving an accurate psychic reading is to remove your mind and let your intuition take over. With the best will in the world, things like wedding rings can be distracting, as the mind can hijack intuition! When we only have the voice vibration, the psychic can relax and flow! Leaving you comfortable that there is no ‘guessing’ or making of assumptions based on what you look like. The psychic can quickly get to the heart of what is going on .

We are an award-winning psychic line, voted by Soul and Spirit magazine readers. I hand-pick my psychics, and they usually have 4 or 5 test readings before they get to me. We test the readers’ ability to tell us specific information they could not guess. 

On top of that, I chose my psychics based on psychic accuracy and how they made me feel! No one wants a psychic that spews facts but doesn’t empower or uplift. 

We have readers with many psychic styles, so make sure you read the reviews to find the style you like. Many of our readers have videos, so you can get a stronger feel for their vibe.

So What Happens in a Psychic Phone Reading?

The Psychic will introduce themselves and link with your energy. They may ask you if you have an area you would like them to look into. Our psychics are quite happy even if you say a general reading. 

At this point, the psychic should give you detailed information that resonates with you. Usually, your psychic will tell you precisely what is going on around you now. You can now relax, as you have five minutes to see if you gel with your reader. 

Hopefully, you will be blown away by their ability to connect with you and your life. (if you don’t feel this then please ring reception who will top up your phone minutes or give you a refund*)

A key point – The more relaxed and open you are the easier it is for our psychics to connect. You have nothing to lose by being open-hearted as you have your 5-minute guarantee!

Finding the right Psychic is like finding the right hairdresser! There are many brilliant hairdressers, but when we experience the one that gets us, it is a lifelong match! Having a psychic reading is an intimate and deep experience, and we really need to find one that feels like an old friend. Or our favourite teacher!

After you feel that your Psychic has connected with you will get a deeper reading if you’re open. A psychic reading is an intimate exchange between the psychic and you. Your chosen Psychic will then use their intuition and psychic abilities to interpret your energy or the energy of any person or situation you seek advice on. 

You are in charge

One of the key pieces to having a great psychic reading is that it leaves you feeling empowered. We will always be honest about what we pick up, but even if you don’t get the answer you want, you should still get solutions and future information that hands you the power to make the right decisions for you. Clients often tell me their psychic ability, and intuition get heightened after a reading.

Psychic readings can help provide clarity, direction, and insight into your life and the potential events that may occur in the future. It is important to remember that YOU are in charge and should never feel obligated to follow the advice given in a psychic reading. You must always make choices based on what you feel is right for you. 

Other tips to have an accurate psychic reading

  1. Research the reader: Look at the reviews and use intuition to pick the right reader. All our readers are different, if the psychic reader you choose doesn’t tell you something they couldn’t possibly know in the first five minutes, we will refund you or top up your minutes to find the right Psychic for you. (credit card or online bookings only)
  2. Prepare your questions: Write down any specific questions you want to ask the reader and any concerns or issues you want to address. This can help you get the most out of the reading.
  3. Be open and honest: It’s essential to be honest with the reader about what you seek and to be open to the messages and guidance they provide.
  4. Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right or if the reader is not providing the type of guidance you are want, it may be a good idea to end the reading and look for another reader.
  5. Take notes: It can be helpful to take notes during the reading to refer back to later. Writing notes will help you remember the key points and messages from the psychic reading.

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