NEW Three Card Tarot Reading
Start by clicking card number one and proceed through the cards in sequence.
CloseYour Free 3 card Tarot reading for guidance on your past, present, and future.
This Tarot card reading is brilliant if you want a quick psychic overview of your day or week ahead. It’s a simple no waffle past, present, and future Tarot reading. Your personal Tarot reading is an insightful, instant, snapshot of the info you need to know.
How do I interpret my Tarot Card Reading?
As well as reading the Tarot cards description, be a super psychic sleuth and jot down what you feel about each of the individual cards. Look at the cards and see if any particular colour, image, or feeling leaps out at you. Take a moment to write down the three cards and piece them together as if they were a picture story. What’s happening? What people, places, and events are occurring? It’s also great to keep a Tarot journal to refer back to.
Can I change the future of my Tarot Reading?
Modern mystics and Tarot lovers know that we have the ability to transform our present and future. The Tarot reveals where we are going, which in turn empowers us to take positive action, ditch problematic outcomes, and head towards our desires.
What if I need more information from a Tarot Card Reading?
If you fancy a more detailed Tarot Card reading you can take a deeper dive by doing my free Celtic Cross Tarot reading. I also have an audible Celtic cross Tarot reading where I voice your cards here. Lots of people leave feedback and say it’s just like having a personal reading with me! Or if you feel you want further psychic guidance you can grab a phone or web chat Tarot reading with one of my handpicked award-winning psychics.
I also do daily video Tarot readings on my Instagram page
I do hope you enjoy your reading.
Sending lots of love and positive vibes
Michele x
today's featured reader
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Credit card readings:
Calls recorded, 18+ with bill payers permission. Entertainment SP . Terms and conditions.
My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.
Is there a reason personal questions are never deleted here? Obviously people don’t realize they’re posting in an inappropriate spot..
i always delete them when I see them
Hi I think there may be a glitch with the free readings. I have just done the three card reading 3 times and it was the exact same cards.
Thank you for this website
Could that be your cookies? Try it in a different browser and then let me know x
It’s working again thanks Michele.
These card readings are spot on. But I want to know when and where i will meet the man I am supposed to marry. Or if I will ever find true love. I don’t want to cast love spells onto the person I love, but will I have too?
I would never cast a love spell over another person, you can do a ritual to attract the right love into your life. Imagine you are a beacon attracting just the right love to you!
I need guidance for my health and am hoping for a reconciliation with my daughter .
Will I ever fall madly in love with someone whose feelings are mutual
Hey! Great information, get know something about love in future. It makes sense that having a tarot card reading done for that would be good! It’s interesting that it can be so specific, Thanks this helped me so much. Discovered that I should work with my inner child. Love you site. So helpful.
Great Information you have Provide to us thank for Sharing, Get your Best Tarot Cards Reading App, it is in Trend it sound really cool to know about your Future, past, Career, Love, family. Now you can also know about this with just one step only you have to install a Tarot Card Reading App. To know more About It visit tarot Life.
When Will I Recover From My Chronic Illness?
Am about to divorce my husband because I don’t think he’s the right one for me. Should I continue with the marriage or should I go ahead and divorce him?
Follow ur heart! Im literally going through the exact same. We can do it
I love my ex a lot . But she betrayed me . infact she use to show much care and love for me. I just wanted to know can we be together again or i should move on..
I just want to know if I have a very bright future
Just interested in if my ex will be back intouch or not ?
I’ve tried several times to access free readings. I’ve got an iPhone 6s, no screen rotation lock, yet I can’t get to get past the ‘rotate phone graphic’ and a start bottom never shows….can you help please?
Hi Tina,
Sorry to hear you are having problems.
So, you don’t have the screen rotation locked to portrait, and you don’t see the app even when you rotate the phone to landscape, is that correct?
Are you able to view any of the other free readings, such as this one celtic cross reading on your mobile?
Can you tell me what browser app you are using?
Also if you can send a screen grab to [email protected] that would be very helpful.
Thank you
I feel really anxious lately I feel like I have done something wrong I have weights on my shoulders, have I done something wrong?
Will I get married with my love interest ?
I have been struggling with being able to find like minded people or person that I can have a healthy relationship with. Will I be able to find the right person? Who could he be?
Has my girlfriend cheated on me
My nephew died in suspicious circumstances in September 2018 nobody seems to know what happened my sister and her husband are devastated they adopted him as a baby will we ever find out the truth
Will my ex girlfriend come back in my life ?when?
When will I be Pregnant and when will I get a job
Will my ex boyfriend come back in my life or will I find a good paying job thru a friend or will I have twin girls by my boyfriend, can I trust my friend Annie or do she also talk about me behind my back.
How will be relationship with my wife this time
I want to know if i will be mother that year or not
I m very much tensed .When will I get pregnant and will it be healthy pregnancy this time???
Hey there Ivy, sorry i just saw your comment, and thought it was worth mentioning this, as i have watched a few different women report getting pregnant after years of trying when they changed there diet and detoxified their bodies, go on youtube and check out some videos of raw vegan diets and some of the women on there are so inspirational and have gotten pregnant from fasting and eating raw fruits and vegetables. and have beautiful healthy babies. Good luck and all the best xxx
How will my life be? (Love and career)
If my manifestations will be fulfilled both professional and personal.
Need confirmation that my partner is being faithful to me. Ive had some suspicions, but need to know if its just in my head or if he really is being truthful to me
Will my husband leave the other woman and return to me
Will I get married with my boyfriend Vaibhav
Is rayan the right one for me, is he interested in a commitment with me?
Is there any possibility of new love life for me in this coming year?
Is scotty in love with me
Does tj love me like he say he does and is he loyal and true or has he been lying to me this whole time about how he cares for me
Will me & Andy get together?
I want to know will iget money this year
Do I have a girlfriend and will I ever meet her
Will my ex call me again this weekend
will i get married,cos i am not in any relationship