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When Does Flirtation Cross The Line?

Many people in long term relationships find themselves having to deal with questions about what counts as harmless flirtation and what gets too close to a very fine line that crosses over into dangerous territory. My friend has what she calls a Sid James (he of the Carry On Film series, if you remember those) […]

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We need your help

The Soul and Spirit Magazine awards are open again for this year’s voting. Last year, with huge thanks to everyone who voted, this site won the award for Favourite Spiritual Website second year running

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Sex with an ex

Most of us at some point in our lives have had sex with an ex or wanted to. There are times when we split up from a lover and the only thing in the world we want is to rekindle that sexual and love connection.We can get obsessed or perhaps we have sex with an […]

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Make The Most Of Psychic Reading: The Ancients

Making the most of your psychic reading like the ancients! Back in ancient Greece, if you wanted a psychic reading, you might have been drawn to join those making their pilgrimage to consult with the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle of Delphi was the most important oracle of the time. She was Pythia. A priestess […]

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Quiz – Should I go back to my Ex love?

Is it ever good to go back? Some say that you should never get back with an ex. I believe in life that there are no hard and fast rules and that every situation should be looked at on a case by case basis, but there is such a thing as making a wise choice […]

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Planting with the Moon

As part of our sacred gardening project we’re going to be trying out the idea of planting in synch with the moon’s phases. As it waxes and wanes, the energy of the moon affects the tides here down on earth – but its influence doesn’t end there. As the accompanying video explains, age old folk […]

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Cosmic Ordering Someone By Name?

A question that comes up over and over again is whether you can put out a Cosmic Order for love with someone specific along the lines of asking the universe to return an ex lover or for a romantic relationship with someone you’ve got your eye on.

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Sacred Gardening Our Project

Growing our own food is essential for so many reasons from global warming, nutrition to helping build a sustainable food network. It connects us to the Earth, reduces stress and helps save the planet! In fact one could say it is one of the most spiritual, practical and fun things we can do with our […]

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Creating a Sacred Space in your Home

In ancient cultures and in many traditional cultures today every home had or has a sacred area.  Sacred areas can be as small as a shelf on which you might find an altar comprised of some fruit, a picture or two of ancestors and a candle, or they can occupy entire rooms, lavishly decorated or […]

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