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Psychic Readings: Face to face or over the phone?

Gone are the crystal balls, dimmed lights and head scarfs (mainly!) psychic readings have taken a 21st century leap and many of us use psychics, soul coaches and astrologers as part of our life enhancing tool kit. A good psychic reading can be a real soul rejuvenator if you find the right one.

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How to make the most of your phone psychic reading

Having a psychic reading should be a special experience for you and that should be no different if the reading is face to face or over the phone. In fact it should be even better than a face to face psychic reading as their are no unconscious visual clues based on what you look like or what you are wearing.

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Jacky Newcomb November column: Angel interventions

Hello lovely people This month I thought I would concentrate on some more of your questions so here goes: Q. Jacky, I always enjoy reading your columns and books. Thanks for being so positive. Good luck with the move! Amanda x   A. Not a question but a lovely comment! Thanks Amanda! I am working […]

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Feng Shui Your Love life – Find Your Romance Hotspot

In Feng Shui, the art of placement, positive energy, or ‘chi’ is encouraged to flow through your home like a gentle breeze. If you have loads of clutter, dingy dark areas or just boring spaces, the energy can become stagnant. If you’re looking for romance you need to take a good hard think about why that romantic energy flow might be blocked.

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The spiritual gifts of unrequited love.

Unrequited love in the extreme can reduce us to shadows of our true selves. Love is one of life’s greatest teachers and mysteries, but it’s almost as though we become obsessed with cracking the code of love itself when someone doesn’t love us back.

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Healing from rejection

It might feel impossible to let someone go that you feel a deep psychic and soul connection with. You might feel as if you have such a strong link that letting go would create a void. possibly what you are feeling is a past life connection with someone who you were perhaps lovers with in a past life or someone from your soul group who is here to help your soul evolve

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