Testimonial for Carol by Wendy - February 4, 2013

“I have had two extraordinary readings with Carol in the last month and I think she exemplifies everything that is exceptional about the quality of the readers on Michele Knight. Both times she connected with me easily and a very deep level getting to the root of the issues that were bothering me. She gave me specific details from my birth sign to describing the people around me and the opportunities ahead. When I talked about a business opportunity she knew that it was a partnership with 2 people ( it is). Without knowing any of the details she told me that i will be travelling back to the city where my previous partner lived ( I will). She knew that I needed to change my life’s process and put myself first for once in business negotiations ( i am). I just felt such a strong connection with her, as through she could see right inside me to understand exactly how I felt and what was happening around me. I felt she was able to give me profound and wise insight into how to move forward and approach my life. Just so much more than a standard predictive reading – I felt what she actually gave me was priceless spiritual guidance.”