
pin: 2222

My reading with Fiona was amazing. She likes to tune in to validate the connection prior to me saying anything – and she was 100% spot on for a lot of topics. Some topics which I did not even ring for, but needed to have clarification and gentle motivation on. Fiona pulled out specific ages for me in the past when life changing events for me had occurred to 100% accuracy. Fiona is beautiful, kind and soft with her words, yet firm and very focused. It is definitely worth your time in having a chat with Fiona, I could have made a cup of tea and talked for hours. I highly recommend it. And the nicest part was Fiona wanting to leave the conversation with uplifting motivation on what needed to be done to help me feel empowered and strong.


pin: 2140

Jo is simply an incredibly talented, clear , efficient psychic and she charged through lots of very detailed and accurate readings of many subtleties of my dilemma without prompting  plus described the dynamics and emotions and patterns involved. I cannot say how extraordinarily accurate she was and at an amazingly fast rate of information. She was also able to look at these and help with ways for me to channel my positive manifestation route forward which helped me to walk ahead with a great deal more self belief and confidence. Jo is direct, warm, blunt and will say it as it is  and give encouragement  forward if her guides  pick that up as necessary ; all delivered with frankness and heart – and I really appreciated her help. It was quite pivotal.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River was able to tune in and pick up incredible subtle details in the first reading about the personalities and dynamics in my situation without me telling him. I already knew these to be the case – but not as fully as he was able to see-meaning that i knew them to be correct from my own prior gut feelings….plus it helped me not to feel that I was imagining things. That sort of confirmation was very validating at a time that felt pretty confusing for me emotionally. This really has helped me to contextualise what has been happening in my life and to retain some sense of centre within it all. River has been extremely good at picking up on where I am coming from as well and has been helpful in pointing out the bigger picture and suggestions for self care and protection/nurture which has also been invaluable and comes from a place of compassion and support.

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Available readers

Psychic Reader Sage 2391


pin: 2391

I was wondering what it would have been the meaning of “ sage” as  a name for the lady psychic ,which I had a reading with.
Yes, I feel it  is only just  and fair to write about my experience with Sage .
Searching  the exact origin and true significance of her name ,I found new and more useful information, bringing  a meaningful perspective  .
“In spiritual contexts, sage is often synonymous with wisdom and longevity.
Native American traditions use it extensively in rituals and ceremonies for its ability to clear negative energy and promote balance.
 It’s a plant with the power to connect the physical and spiritual realms.”
Some common synonyms of sage are judicious  , prudent, sapient,sensible. While all these words mean
 “having or showing sound judgment,” sage suggests wide experience, great learning.
This is how I feel about my session with Sage;  her steady , truly interested  quest in reaching deeper towards the essence of everything about my conscience ,  potentials , emotionally evolving  past and future experiences.
It felt so right. I know I am not easy  to guide , however we were on the right trajectory.
Thank you Sage for walking together with me….
Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River is not just a psychic, he has so much general knowledge that
he brings into the reading it is really refreshing and empowering. He
is indeed a special man, and he can see both sides of a situation,
from a male and female perspective, and speaks with honesty and
guidance on how to improve and evolve, which is rarity! It is like
talking to my brother, we have a good laugh, he lifts your energy but
then gives you accurate psychic insight and predictions. He truly is a
gifted psychic gem!




pin: 2227

I am so grateful to have connected with Sadie she is truly my soul
sister and I love her to bits, she is a phenomenal psychic! I can
honestly say that she should be celebrity psychic, because she is that
amazing!! She has guided me through difficult times with honesty,
laughter and accurate psychic in-depth  insight which I am truly
grateful for. She has been so sweet to not get bored of me! Instead,
with her truly gifted level of understanding of the situation and
people, she has translated that into empowering me, with her healing
and in-depth psychic and general experience. She has enabled me to
understand and validate my own psychic feelings. She is literally a
Godsend and her psychic gift is literally mind blowing and accurate!!
Thank you so much Sadie and you really are my soul sister and I could
spend hours just talking to you and never get bored! She is a stunning
psychic xxx”


Psychic Reader Ayr - 2355


pin: 2355

I loved my reading I had with Ayr on 3/2/25 . She is such a beautiful person.  You have an amazing gift,uou picked up on what’s going on around me,so accurate.
She made a prediction which I can’t wait til it  unfolds and I’m back out  working with the cows.
Thanks Ayr x
Psychic Reader Barbara 2126


pin: 2126

Barbara is a rare find because she’s an experienced professional reader in the old school tradition which is a good thing. She is accurate
in her predictions. She is neutral, (doesn’t over embellish or pseudo-psychoanalyze), she will go into the recent past, present and onward into the future – about six months to a year. She is relaxed, honest and ethical and warm natured. She is genuinely prescient so write it all down! Barbara also knows her astrology aside from her expertise in tarot readings. She’s the real deal
Psychic Reader Amana - 2356


pin: 2356

Amana greeted me very politely and explained the reading process
clearly. She had a warm, uplifting and genuine tone. She was very
accurate in her descriptions of my situation. She also took time to
focus on my spiritual journey and things I could do to improve me
life. I really like this.  She talked about me being
guided by a very beautiful woman and then she said I am being given a
name, which just happened to be my mother’s name. I was very pleased
at this validation. I really liked her approach and she is exactly
what an MK psychic should be – emotionally intelligent, empowering,
accurate and kind . I will use her when I feel I need a reading again.


pin: 2284

India is an absolute gem. She is the only psychic that I go to on the line and she is on the ball. She’s also very uplifting and encouraging. A great reader.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

Had a reading with River. He greeted me by name when put through which I found very personable. I asked about my POI and he was able to pick up that had been very stressed recently and had a lot of plates spinning. Very accurate and on the button! Really liked his accuracy and approach!

Psychic Reader Strawberry 2177


pin: 2177

Strawberry is such a lovely person and has been listening to me talking about the same situation for nearly 20 years. It’s like chatting to an old friend. She offers guidance and support and is accurate in her insights and predictions. She’s very kind and easy to chat to, and non judgemental. I am always grateful for a chat with her.


pin: 2160

Carol has been listening to me talking about the same situation for nearly 20 years and she is just brilliant. It’s like chatting to an old friend. She is scarily spot on every time I speak to her and it’s not always what I want to hear but I know she’s right when she says it … and then it happens. Sometimes what has happened has broken my heart, but when you know something may happen you can brace yourself for it, prepare yourself and sail through it with more ease and understanding of why knowing you will find your way through to a happier ever after. Thank you Carol.

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

Arya is a very special reader, supportive and kind; she will put you on the right track. She will guide you in such a caring way, always helping you to put your needs and self care above anything or anyone else you might be concerned about whilst offering insight, accurate predictions and demonstrating a very real understanding of what is going on for you. Thank you Arya.

Psychic Reader Ayr - 2355


pin: 2355

I love Ayr, she delivers information as she comes across it, it is always accurate and she is always to the point without you having to give her any information. Her predictions are always spot on. She’s a very clever lady and a definite go to for me.


pin: 2295

Amazingly accurate predictions Gina gets straight to the point without wasting anytime. If you can pin down a reading with her, you will not be disappointed. A very special reader.

Psychic Reader Zara 2376


pin: 2376

Zara is amazing, she gives so much detail and information and it is all scarily accurate. I love speaking to her and listening to her as she runs through everything she is picking up. If you haven’t spoken to her, do, she really is unique. I will often call back several times because more and more information becomes apparent. Really very special. Thank you Zara

Psychic Reader Sophie 2377


pin: 2377

Sophie is a kind and supportive reader who immediately connects with you and gets straight into the situation reeling out information in incredible detail. She can give detail on your person of interest and information on what to expect coming up. She’s lovely to speak to and a favourite go to for me.

Psychic Reader Lynda 2318


pin: 2318

Lynda has an uncanny way of keying straight into the situation and I love the messages she passes from spirit, some of which are very funny but always very supportive. One told me to watch my car tyre. I thought that was odd as there was nothing wrong with the car. But a day later I got in and the tyre light was on! Lynda is kind, supportive, accurate, a stunning psychic and a very definite go to for me. Her predictions are always spot on.

Psychic Reader Louise 2271


pin: 2274

I love Louise. She is a say it as it is, get straight to the point kind of lady whilst being non judgemental, kind and supportive. She will pull you up if she thinks you are off track with your feelings and put you back on the right path. She is scarily accurate and her guidance is second to none. She can delve into the person of interest and describe in detail what she believes is going on. Many times she has advised me on what I should be saying and doing to get the response I want and it never fails. She is a definite go to for me.


pin: 2278

Karen is the most amazing lady. I know that if I speak to her she will educate me and enlighten me and I always leave a call feeling so much more in control of my destiny and my emotions, and happy! She leaves you feeling positive and hopeful that actually you can have faith in life and what is yours will not pass you by. She is funny, kind and understanding. Even if there was nothing going on in my life that I needed guidance on, I’d just call her for a chat and I would be bound to learn something new and have a good laugh in doing so. God bless The Cap wherever he is and God bless Karen xx

Psychic Reader Tifara 2393


pin: 2393

I spoke to Tifara for the first time yesterday. I was incredibly impressed by how she understood me in such depth as well as my Person of Interest not just that but the situation as it stood. She was so detailed but in a really concise way that managed to explain something that seemed so complicated into a really neat understandable format, she almost boxed it up, making it easy to understand what the situation was, why it was and what I need to do. She made me feel empowered, enlightened and totally understood. She gave me a snapshot of what was likely to happen in the future but gave me incredible clarity. Difficult to explain but she is very special. Thank you Tifara.

Psychic Reader Honey 2305


pin: 2305

Honey has been an incredible source for me while I have been navigating a lot of changes over the last couple of years. Always been left feeling calm and with a better understanding. Honey has predicted friendship changes as well as work changes with details. Even changes within my self as I grow.


pin: 2290

I’ve had a few readings with Maya, I like the way she works. She is an incredible psychic and lovely lady. So honest, warm and supportive. She really has helped me over the last months, and is so spot on with my situation. Keeping positive everything will unfold soon, I need to be patient. I trust her. Highly recommended you call her. Will speak soon.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River is so good please do give him a try he was spot on and comforting and kind – sorry I had to go River but I will be back!

Psychic Reader Louise 2271


pin: 2274

Louise is an outstanding reader, she hits the ground running and gets straight into the reading! No prompting, I love how direct and to the point she is.

She described my situation and my worries so accurately. Speaking to Louise is such a healing experience. She is incredibly kind, compassionate and humble… and so much fun to talk to. Louise genuinely cares about her clients and is so happy, when things are going well. I always feel comfortable talking to her, it’s like speaking to an old friend.

During my last reading, Louise was able to feel the presence of a passed loved one, giving me comfort and assurance.

All the information she has given me has been accurate. 3 years ago I had a reading where she had picked up on some negative characteristics of someone. The information turned out to be true and I was thankful to have had the awareness.

I am so impressed how she can pick up on such specific details, giving me confirmation that she is completely tuned in. Louise is incredibly talented, it is such a privilege to be able to receive a reading from her, I am ever so grateful!



pin: 2227

Tonight I had the absolute pleasure of talking with Sadie. It took a while to be able to speak to her, but well worth the effort of getting on to her. Sadie absolutely nailed the connection and the conversation and information just flowed. She brought so much ease to my current situation; gave me complete understanding and validation to what I believed; and has given me total dedication and determination for me to live my path forward. Thank you Sadie.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

River promptly delivered his message in a gentle, empathetic and truthful way. He confirmed a lot of things that I could sense but was unsure if it was just my imagination. I genuinely appreciate the fact that he was non-judgemental and help put my complicated situation in a perspective that help ease my pain and inner turmoil. He did not give false hope but instead showed me the path forward that is empowering and authentic. River reassured me to stay strong, not to lose myself and to put my needs first. I came out of the reading feeling stronger and more at peace. Thank you once again River.

Psychic Reader Light 2375


pin: 2375

“Light” is such an apt name for this beautiful and very genuine Lady. Thank you for a very poignant and relevant reading. You connected perfectly and covered everything that was required to bring me clarity and comfort. Everything you said resonated strongly and you also gave me a couple of much needed reminders! I look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

Psychic Reader Ayr - 2355


pin: 2355

Ayr is amazing. I love her analogy that she is like a fish swimming around a bowl seeing all the different information. She tuned in immediately to my situation, giving me so much insight and confirming what I believed I already knew. She is beyond kind and gentle in the way she delivers her information – but absolutely spot on! Thank you Ayr, best Christmas Eve present to myself.

Psychic Reader Strawberry 2177


pin: 2177

Strawberry is possibly one of the most kindhearted souls I ever had the privilege to encounter. She has this beautiful positive, upbeat energy about her. She is incredibly compassionate, calming and understanding.

Strawberry is very passionate about her readings and is extremely genuine and honest. She cares so much about her clients and their wellbeing. This is definitely not just a job to her.

She is extremely accurate and can pick up on the scenario and atmosphere very quickly. Right from the get go, she can tune into the energy and deliver messages fearlessly, giving distinct details. I adore her clear confident messages.
Strawberry has been guiding me with my situation for a few months and has been incredibly accurate on everything she predicted.
Every time I end a reading, I feel I have clarity and confidence to know I am on the right path and to move forward in my situation.

Psychic Reader Serene 2378


pin: 2378

I had a reading with Serene one year ago and everything she said has been exactly what has happened regarding my love life. She is incredible. I just had another reading with her and am looking forward to seeing what unfolds for me! I highly, highly recommend her if you want an honest, accurate, compassionate, motivating reading!

Psychic Reader Arya 2359


pin: 2359

I love this woman’s spirit! She talked some sense into me. If this wasn’t a paid line I could talk to her all day. She gave me some great insights for which I am truly grateful.


pin: 2136

I want to leave a review for Vuyiswa – I call her “V for Victory”. I have had many excellent readings on this site but V is so profound and brilliant and managed to make me laugh too She gave me tarot readings regarding my ex and the way forward. She remembered my prior reading about it and told me I had fallen for someone who wasn’t there and she was sorry for that – such a concise and compassionate way to sum up what had happened. Most importantly she gave me an empowering way forward such that I feel I can move forward after the worst couple of months. Thank you V!

Psychic Reader Carmela - 2354


pin: 2354

I have been going to Carmela for many years now over issues and questions in my life. She is very accurate on some predictions – even naming exact dates, sometimes with names of people, and today she specifically said that I will have 1 more round of interview over a job I asked about. I doubted it because I was told there would only be 2 interviews which I completed but several hours later, I got a call for another interview. That’s not the only time she was spot on but it compelled me to finally leave her a review. She doesn’t use any tools at all. She just fires off information. Amazing.

Psychic reader Kelline 2346


pin: 2346

Kelline has astonishing psychic abilities which she has demonstrated time and time again through her accurate predictions for several months. I have undergone a series of unprecedented and unforeseen events, personally, through which Kelline has been a steady and confident guiding force. She is astute, refined, candid and caring at once. She has envisioned details with spooky accuracy that I couldn’t have imagined at the time, would apply to my situation. And yet, months later – things have happened exactly as she had predicted. She is my go-to. Understandably hard to get hold of but absolutely worth the wait! Thank you, Kelline.

Psychic Reader Louise 2271


pin: 2274

Louise is a very grounded, compassionate soul who truly sees the scope of her clients’ situation. She gave deeply insightful input to me and I appreciated how she communicated so clearly and empathically. I would recommend her with 5 stars and warm thanks!

Psychic Reader - Summer 2381


pin: 2381

I had a reading with Summer last week and was stunned by the way she homed in straight away on my life situation and the choices facing me. She was very specific in her offerings and they all made perfect sense . This gave me the confidence to take seriously the guidance she offered. There was nothing vague – it was all very solid and confident. She was uplifting and encouraging – the time was jam packed with information. I would highly recommend.

Alesso is years beyond his age. An outstanding reading. He connects straight in to you and the insight into what is happening in your life is just WOW. You don’t need to tell him much, he just knows. He has a beautiful calmness and amazing advice on how to move forward and tackle what is on your plate. Definitely worth connecting with.

Psychic reader Kelline 2346


pin: 2346

Kelline is such a beautiful soul. Connection was immediate, and it was like having the most beautiful chat with a safe person who cared and could see right into your soul. The calmness created from Kelline’s insight is worth its weight in gold. Absolute beautiful woman, and definitely worth having a chat with if you can get on to her. Make sure you make a cup of tea as you are going to want to chat for ever. Thank you Kelline.

Psychic Reader Zara 2376


pin: 2376

What a beautiful woman. Her connection is always spot on. Zara looks at issues that need to be resolved with such calmness. You will need to make a cup of tea, as you will just want to talk and hear her take on things. Such beautiful forward direction.

Psychic Reader Light 2375


pin: 2375

Light’s name says it all – she is such a beautiful ray of the most pure light. Her reading was amazing. Connecting in immediately on all the topics that have been unresolved in my mind. She gave me pure confidence in the direction I needed. From the moment we connected I could not stop this amazing smile on my face. Although the topics discussed are not necessarily ones that have brought me joy – but the light and direction out of them was soul touching. Thank you Light.

Psychic Reader Carmela - 2354


pin: 2354

I had the most incredible reading with Carmela last night.

Wow, I have never had a reading like this. Carmela picked up on all my family members that have passed, along with their names . She was even able to pick up on my current work and living situation.

I can honestly say, this reading has given me such comfort and such belief in the spirit world.

Can’t wait to give Carmela another call in the new year, as she gave so many predictions for the first two months in 2025!

Thank you MK for finding such an amazing, talented and gifted reader.

Much love to you Carmela and Thank you so much.

Psychic Reader Strawberry 2177


pin: 2177

Thanks for an amazing reading from a warm, caring lady. Strawberry got right to the heart of things and picked up exactly what’s going on. I will definitely consult her again.

Psychic Reader - River 2387


pin: 2387

Just wanted to leave a review for one of the best psychics I have spoken to – he is able to connect deeply with your POI and the situation – his predictions are accurate. He is kind and funny.

His advice has been invaluable and has definitely helped my life take a better direction. He is an absolute Gem and as I said one of the best psychics out there by far in terms of remote viewing and predictions.

Psychic Reader Ayr - 2355


pin: 2355

Ayr was absolutely phenomenal. If Carlsberg did psychic readers….Ohhh gosh, it would be Ayr! She connected instantly, gave me tons of validations and some keywords very specific to my situation. She is the definition of “clairvoyant” ~ crystal clear indeed!

Ayr, it was soooo lovely to “meet” you and speak with you this evening (26/11/24), Loved your energy and I really appreciate you and what you do. Not only it’s so nice to get such useful guidance, but it’s very comforting, healing and inspiring to have someone see you and understand you and the situation so well. You’re truly blessed and extremely professional. If I read professionally, I’d want to do so at your level. WOW! Thank you for a fantastic reading. I look forward to the next ~ Much Love xxxxx

Psychic Reader Rachel 2389


pin: 2389

I recently had a reading with Rachel and can confirm she is beautiful, gentle Soul. Rachel connected with me immediately and my message was delivered in a reassuringly gentle and uplifting manner. The evidence flowed effortlessly, I’m so very impressed with her.

It is quite clear that Michele Knight has a star in Rachel, another great addition to the MK team. I would have no hesitation in recommending a reading with Rachel and I look forward to contacting her again in the future. Thank you.

Psychic Reader Rachel 2389


pin: 2389

Rachel is an excellent reader, giving very confident, straightforward readings, going straight to the point, picking up on my worries and the situation at hand, giving me very clear and accurate answers.

She is able to describe the people involved with distinct details and also the situation at hand very clearly and precisely. I did not need to give her any inputs nor descriptions. She predicted some events which happened, within the timeframe she had given me.

Rachel is an incredibly compassionate, understanding, warm and kind person.She assured me that even though I felt uncertain and left in the dark, I can (and should) just let go, relax and focus on myself, as clarity arrives one bit at a time, which it is.

I really appreciate how Rachel always takes a moment to ask me if it all makes sense to me, making sure we are on the right track. She is a very positive reader, realistic and with absolutely no sugarcoating.

There was also another offer entering my life, which I was unaware of, which she had very distinctively picked up on. She described the person and the situation so accurately, I knew immediately whom she was referring to.

Psychic Reader Louise 2271


pin: 2274

Louise is, in my opinion, the best spiritual medium you will ever be lucky enough to find. She connects very quickly and she always astounds me with her accuracy and delivery of information. I get goosebumps during the reading and I often get emotional because I have complete trust in Louise and find her readings to be genuine, caring, insightful, hopeful and healing.


pin: 2284

Thank you India.. you answered the question I didn’t realise I had. Thank you, thank you, thank you.