NEW Single Card Tarot Reading

Single Card Tarot Reading

Click the start button to begin your tarot reading.


Click on the card to view your reading.


Hello Wonderful Soul,

Do you want a little advice on how to make the most of your free one card Tarot reading? Read on!

What is the best way to use the one card Tarot Reading?

A one-card Tarot reading is a powerful tool to use if you want a simple yes or no answer. Lots of folks tell me they use the single card Tarot reading as their Tarot card for the day. You can ask a simple question like ‘What will my day bring?’. The one card Tarot reading brings you the energy or lesson of your day. You can also ask questions like ‘How can I empower my day?’ or ‘ What is the best use of my energy today?’.

How do I ask a question of the one card Tarot?

If you are asking a specific question of the Tarot, make sure it is clear and concise! The Tarot cards can give straightforward answers, but their meaning to you is very personal. Making a note of which card you draw and logging it in your diary can give you clues of what to expect when you next receive the same Tarot card. You can soon increase your psychic flashes and insights. Remember to always trust your intuition. The more you use it, the more it grows!

Is the one card Tarot just right for basic questions?

The single card Tarot reading may seem basic, but I’ve found it to be exceptionally enlightening. It’s easy to tune into our intuition and inner sage once we have the focus of just one card. Using the one card Tarot is also an excellent way to start learning Tarot. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or an absolute beginner, the one card Tarot always brings a meaningful message.

Much love

Michele x

16 thoughts on “NEW Single Card Tarot Reading

  1. So good to see your newsletter in my emails again Michele, and in perfect timing for my current overwhelming situations, The One Card reading is a really great way to start the energy of the 3 Card Reading – am working with both at the moment and enjoying every minute of it. looking forward to your next newsletter & your 1 & 3 cards.
    Lots of love, Susie Bear xx

  2. Since my husband passed away I have been using your tarot readings frequently and they have been such a comfort. Thank you.

  3. Since my husband passed away I’ve been using your tarot cards frequently and they have been such a comfort and helping me through my grief. Thank you.

  4. Youre a genius wizard goddess
    i am nothing without you in my life youve enriched it sooo much
    thankyou x x x x

  5. Will I ever find happiness because I have been unhappy for many, many years and I have had enough of being lonely, isolated, worthless etc….

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