Your Weekly Horoscope 12th November 2018

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 12
- Love yourself to get the love you need
- Become a soul warrior
- You have what it takes
Ground breaking changes in how you relate to yourself and also to others are possible this week. Ruler Mars is allowing you to become more confident when it comes to your individual self-expression. Being yourself and feeling supported in that by those around you connects you to freedom and also a new and sexy kind of authenticity now. Your RuPaul moment of ‘If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?’ gives you a fresh perspective on relationships, and as ruler Mars shifts into spiritual Pisces, turns you into a Soul Warrior. Loving and accepting ourselves for who and what we are translates into extending the same to others. You’re not seeking to change someone else, just looking for compatibilities instead of differences and championing their right to be who they are too. And those differences? You love those too. All this in time for Venus to head direct once more in its ruling 7th on the 16th, putting love and partnership matters back on the table.
There’s a touch of mayhem in the air however as Mercury turns retrograde in your 9th. This is your house of travel, airlines, mass transportation – you get the idea. Allow extra time to get where you are going and have that alternative route planned. Take a map if you are using Sat Nav in case you need to go analog. However, Mercury in here can take you ‘back to school’ – this is a great time to sign up for continuing education or reviving dormant knowledge or skills. Travelling back to places you visited in the past and ideas you discarded could feature. Lack of optimism? Rekindle that now too as you come to realise you have what it takes after all.
In a nutshell: Become a soul warrior this week, Aries. Fearlessly express your unique individuality and love others for theirs. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on love in the process.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (8th House to 5th House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (8th House to 10th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (11th House to 1st House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (12th House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (7th House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (4th House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (8th House to 12th House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 9th house) until 6th December
- Join the cosmic tango!
- Know your worth
- What’s the rush?
Stops and starts feature this week, Taurus. Ruler Venus ends its retrograde in your 6th on the 16th while the cosmic North Node enters your 3rd of business and commerce. As well as love coming back on line you now should be looking to your income from what you do and those ideas. There’s one piece of news or idea that has future-determining potential this week. How do you intend to work that?
Friendships and goals are also in focus as Mars enters your 11th. You’re asking yourself what you want and also what is relevant. Take care not to rush anywhere now as Mercury presents a stop sign from the 17th when it turns retrograde in your house of mortgages, loans, taxes and your salary. How you feel about your money, what you owe, are owed in turn or negotiate is every bit as important as the amount you have. Feelings of insecurity or not feeling ‘worthy’ could surface as could worries about debt. See this as an opportunity to deal with these rather than ignore them. As Mercury rules getting around, this is one reason why I am telling you not to rush anywhere – especially if you are running late due to a retrograde cancellation or snafu. If you’re going to be late you may as well just relax into it. You’ll have a deep desire for a more stimulating social life and take the initiative to make things happen. However, choose your company carefully. Mars in your 11th gives you the need to really express yourself and let off steam. Just ensure those you are with are on the same page. Check your friendships for resonance and their willingness to support who you are. Love shifts forward again even if other areas are telling you to slow down.
In a nutshell: The planets are like contestants in Strictly Come Dancing this week. Ruler Venus heads direct on love matters while Mercury goes retrograde. Out of step? Let the universe lead, Taurus.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (7th Hse to 4th Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (7th Hse to 9th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (10th Hse to 12th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (11th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (6th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (7th Hse to 11th Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 8th Hse) until 6th December
- Hot – or not?
- Second chances have new outcomes
- Success is sexy
Every sign may be experiencing stops and starts this week but none more so than you, Gemini. Especially around romance, partnerships or any activity that involves you and at least one other person. So, you can include working relationships within this. Romance may have been on-hold thanks to Venus which rules your love life, throwing a thankfully all-too-rare retrograde. This week sees it finally head direct once more in your romantic and creative 5th house.
However, just as you appear to get a green light for love matters, ruler Mercury begins to head backwards in Venus’s ruling 7th. This could leave many of you asking: Is it on or not?
All this may seem a little unfair – as if your sign is being singled out (sorry, pun was not intended for those of you who are single!) to be the unloved ones now. So, aside from all the usual Retrograde Rules which you know by heart, what extra ones apply from now until Dec 6 when Mercury will head direct once more? 1: Don’t look for anything long term. Yes, I know this applied during the Venus retro but this is a continuation of this. See this as an extended opportunity to get clear on what it is you need. 2: New love may be off the table, but past love could be revived. If a second chance appears, you may get a different result this time. This also applies to going back to work for someone from your past or reviving a joint project. 3: If you are settled – time for love maintenance. Look to clearing up issues or misunderstandings.
Your best investment is now in your career as Mars has moved into your 10th from the 15th while the North Node is in Venus’s ruling 2nd from the 16th – the day Venus heads direct. It’s time to look at what you have achieved so far, rev up those ambitions and channel that energy into long term goals. You can bring a passion to what you do or want to achieve now. Remember – success is sexy.
In a nutshell: Is love once again on hold? Or is that lover blowing hot and cold? Fear not, Gemini – the road to love may have twists and turns, but you’re on a path to success.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (6th House to 3rd House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (6th House to 8th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (9th House to 11th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (10th House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (5th House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (2nd House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (6th House to 10th House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 7th House) until 6th December
- Destiny opens a new doorway
- Don’t be afraid to try again
- Soul contracts fall due
Fate is at work now Cancer as the North Node, that cosmic, spinning, destiny determining vortex, arrives in your 1st this week. Make no mistake, there’s a purpose behind everything that happens now. The people and situations you encounter now form part of your fate and soul agreements fall due. These may particularly affect your career path and what you signed up to do this lifetime. Finding or fulfilling your long term purpose, achievement and recognition are yours to explore and discover. Look for unexpected opportunities or people in positions of authority and influence who can help you or guide you on your path.
Venus heads direct this week in your 4th of home and security while Mercury turns retrograde the very next day – in its ruling 6th. When Mercury is retrograde in a ruling house in our charts we need to treat the Retrograde Rules as gospel as its capacity to create mayhem is increased exponentially. Treat the Retrograde Rules as your playbook from now until not just Dec 6 when Mercury moves forward, but Dec 24 when it moves out of retrograde shadow. However, this retrograde combined with the North Node in your 1st could see past work opportunities reappear or you receive the recognition you have been waiting for. Remember, Mercury retro favours ‘re’ words – revise, review, renew and even return. Mars enters your 9th this week – the house of travel, learning, law and mass media. Mars in here puts you in a bold mood and willing to take on the world. Just ensure if you do, that you don’t ignore the details or have a back-up plan. But don’t be afraid to give anything a second try now. This week is all about remembering that if at first you don’t succeed, try again.
In a nutshell: Is success part of your destiny, Cancer? This week wants to show you that what’s meant for you has a spooky way of returning. If at first you don’t succeed – try again.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (5th Hse to 2nd Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (5th Hse to 7th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (8th Hse to 10th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (9th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (4th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (5th Hse to 9th Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 6th Hse) until 6th December
- Reconnect to a past love
- To purr again you may first need to roar
- Get your glam on!
Are you feeling you are in competition over something or someone? Or that someone else is calling the shots, perhaps in a covert manner? On the domestic front some of you may be feeling that things are far from equal. Are you keeping the home fires burning while others are out doing their thing? Or just juggling work and domestic responsibilities and feeling unsupported? Time to get your roar back this week as you have the ability to make changes without ruffling too many feathers. Venus direct in your 3rd not only gives you that touch of diplomacy but allows you to reach for the right words. Plus Mars in your 8th from the 15th may have you pushing for changes, but not in a selfish way. But if things are unequal or you feel manipulated, you do have what it takes to reset the situation but putting in the boundaries and taking back your power if necessary. You’ll make the best call on this now, Leo.
Venus may now be direct but Mercury turns retrograde from the 17th in your 5th of all things Leo-centric. No matter which house Mercury retrogrades in remember, the usual Retrograde Rules apply. A bit like poor Gemini, you may feel you are spending extra time in the Love Wasteland where romance is thin on the ground. But Mercury retro in here connects you to past loves – be it that romantic interest, creative endeavour or even that hobby or pastime you used to love. Use this retrograde to look at where your natural Leo shine has been dulled. You can restore your lustre for when Mercury moves forward again from Dec 6. Time to revive the glamour and relaunch that star skyward once more.
In a nutshell: Attend to any imbalances now, Leo. This week allows you to get your roar back if you have been reduced to mewing lately. Revive that golden glow – it’s time to shine again.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (4th House to 1st House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (4th House to 6th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (7th House to 9th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (8th House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (3rd House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (12th House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (4th House to 8th House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 5th House) until 6th December
17 Nov 2018 VESTA SQUARE ERIS (6th House to 9th House)
- Review and renew what makes you secure
- Passion makes a reappearance
- Take action on love
It’s that time again, Virgo. Ruler Mercury shifts into reverse this week in your 4th of home and security. You are the last sign that needs me to remind you of the Retro Rules as chances are they are engraved on your frontal lobes. Never one to neglect the details you’ll be checking them off one-by-one. Don’t deviate from them now and also consider this additional information for Merc retro in here: little annoying things may come up that need fixing, or the people you live with may irritate you. Do not enter into any real estate dealings either buying or renting unless you have no other option but to move. Do not buy domestic appliances unless your current machine breaks down beyond repair. This is an excellent transit for remodeling, redecorating and even refinancing if you need to especially now Venus which rules your money house, is direct again in here the day before Mercury heads backwards.
Mars enters your 7th this week and this is not a house where Mars feels comfortable. This is your house of relating and partnership and Mars is all about action – of the self-determined variety. So it usually doesn’t feel the need to consult with anyone about what it will do. Mars in this house is all about our responses – to what we love and conversely, what we hate. This is after all, the house of open enemies as well as those we love. Mars has to take action and the trick with it in this house, is ensuring that action is underwritten with love. Now Venus is direct once more, Mars in here can send you hurtling out filled with renewed confidence in your ability to attract that lover. You’ve gone from not to hot in one fell swoop, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Love and romance are back on the menu this week. And Mercury retrograde isn’t likely to stop you. Rekindle the fire and the passion now, Virgo.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (3rd Hse to 12th Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (3rd Hse to 5th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (6th Hse to 8th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (7th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (2nd Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (3rd Hse to 7th Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 4th Hse) until 6th December
- No more being overlooked
- Pick up where you left off
- Fire up but fuel up too
Ruler Venus heads direct once more in your sign this week. Love, partnership matters and most importantly, your ability to attract and be recognised, are all restored to their normal setting. However, no sooner has Venus moved forward, than Mercury heads backwards in its ruling 3rd in your chart the following day. When Mercury retrogrades in a ruling house in our charts, its ability to make mayhem with communications, travel plans and technology, is increased. So, please whatever you do now, abide by those Retrograde Rules as if they were set in stone. You may find it difficult to get your ideas across and people may seem determined to misunderstand you. Crossed wires and missed connections are also possible as could be disagreements with neighbours or siblings. What’s good about it? Time to pick up something you left off – that idea, course, plan, screenplay, book or even conversation. There’s more to be said now.
Mars hurtles into your 6th this week. Your work whether paid or unpaid is in focus and the danger here is taking on too much. You’re on fire and able to get so much done but the key here is not to overdo it. If you’ve been under the weather lately, Mars in here sees you firing on all cylinders again but equally, if you overdo it you can find yourself running on empty – and getting unusually cranky as a result. This is your house of health so look carefully at how your body or energy levels affect your emotional state. This is a Mercury-ruled house and with its ruler retrograde this is not a good time to look for a new job. However, when it comes to the job in hand or shaking up that routine – you got this, Libra.
In a nutshell: Just as you may be wondering If you had turned invisible, the whole world starts to sit up and take notice again. Your ability to attract is back. Thanks to ruler Venus direct this week.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (2nd House to 11th House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (2nd House to 4th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (5th House to 7th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (6th House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (1st House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (10th House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (2nd House to 6th House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 3rd House) until 6th December
17 Nov 2018 VESTA SQUARE ERIS (4th House to 7th House)
- You make it happen
- Work that sexy self-confidence
- Hidden assets could be right under your nose
Venus which rules your money as well as your love life, heads direct once more in your 12th which is good news for you as ancient ruler Mars arrives in your romance zone this week. It’s time to take what you’ve learned from the past and now take action on it in the present. If that includes looking for a new lover, you have the confidence plus the sex appeal to put yourself out there now. Single or settled, you are searching for something to pour that raw passion into now. For some of you this could be a creative project or an activity you love to do. It’s up to you to initiate things under this transit and not sit around hoping or waiting for things to happen. Who makes it happen? You do.
Mercury turns retrograde this week and in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. Money matters remain on the agenda for you. This represents a time to reassess those values and know what you stand for. Unexpected bills or expenditure can occur under a Mercury retrograde in here – usually associated with something Mercury—ruled. Are you looking to make extra cash during this time? If so look back at ways you have made money in the past. Re-approach an old employer or revive a side hustle. Have a stocktake of those talents and skills and also at the resources you have at your fingertips that can yield extra income. If you have been waiting for money to turn up that you are owed, Mercury retro could deliver it. It could be you’ve overlooked a resource or money making opportunity that’s right under your nose. Look closer this week.
In a nutshell: See yourself as your own best asset this week. And have the confidence to go after whatever it is you want. Don’t wait for life to happen, create it now.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (1st Hse to 10th Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (1st Hse to 3rd Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (4th Hse to 6th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (5th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (12th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (1st Hse to 5th Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 2nd Hse) until 6th December
- Get to do it all over again
- Face those insecurities
- Solve those problems
Revive the dream now Venus finally heads direct again in your goals sector. Old friends and old dreams may have featured during this cycle. Now, take what you have reconnected to, reshape it and move forward. While Venus may be forward once more, Mercury in your 1st heads backwards from the 17th and will remain so until Dec 6. I could say because of this disregard the usual Retrograde Rules as Mercury retrograde in our 1st can seem as if the usual mélange of mayhem is aimed at us personally. Just take it that everything that possibly can go wrong, will go wrong if it can. However – now for the good news and yes, there is some. Because this retrograde covers anything and everything, this means you get second chances at just about anything. That’s right. Stop and think for a moment what this means. Not just the Mercury-ruled stuff but anything at all. Think about what you would like to do, experience, try or even say again. Bet you didn’t realise retrogrades could get this cool.
Mars enters your 4th this week. The warrior planet is hardly comfy in your house of throw cushions, cupcakes and everything hygge and nurturing. Mars is all about action. In your 4th it can make you cranky about really trivial and unimportant things such as your roommate leaving their coffee cup on the draining board or your kid dropping their dirty socks on the floor. Even though this happens every single other day and you take no notice. However Mars in here is great for making changes to your home, redecorating or even solving problems – whether yours or someone close to you. Look to what you need to do to ensure your security both emotionally and materially in the long term but remember, with Mercury retrograde it’s not a good time to start something new. Going back over the past and looking at where you came from – especially in family or emotional terms, can set you up for a more secure future. Face those insecurities once and for all.
In a nutshell: Want a second chance? At anything you regret or can think of? You’ve got that opportunity now, Sag. Revive that dream.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (12th House to 9th House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (12th House to 2nd House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (3rd House to 5th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (4th House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (11th House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (8th House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (12th House to 4th House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 1st House) until 6th December
17 Nov 2018 VESTA SQUARE ERIS (2nd House to 5th House)
- Give yourself permission to say what needs to be said
- Follow through with action
- Something returns from the past
What do you need to say that you have been putting off, Capricorn? That’s the big question that’s hanging around you this week. No matter what, you can rest assured what needs to be said will be now whether you believe you have the courage to say it or not. Mars enters your communication sector from the 15th and isn’t likely to mince words when it does. Championing those ideas will be easy for you and you can easily win others over to your point of view. Just don’t discard others’ opinions that’s all. There’s a big difference between collaboration and opposition. However, you won’t have much time for waffle or for people who don’t mean what they say. Back up what you say with action. If you say it – mean it and be prepared to follow through especially if what you end up saying involves some kind of ultimatum.
Venus is now direct in your 10th from the 16thallowing you to move forward again with pursuing the rewards and recognition you’ve earned. However, Mercury is retrograde in your 12th the day after and will remain so until Dec 6. This is your house of the past and also secrets. Something you may have thought over and done with may reappear or if you have been ignoring your intuition over something lately, you’re made to see this was in fact spot-on. Either situation may require you to say what needs to be said. Your 12th rules the occult and Mercury retro in here offers you the opportunity to pick up psychic studies again or reconnect to your creativity. Do you need to let go of something? This can be anything from a limiting thought or belief to a relationship that just isn’t working any more. Don’t continue to cling to the past. Say it like it is, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: What’s on your mind this week? If you’ve been putting off saying something for fear of rocking the boat, you’ll say it anyway now. Holding back isn’t an option. Say what you need to say.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (11th Hse to 8th Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (11th Hse to 1st Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (2nd Hse to 4th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (3rd Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (10th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (11th Hse to 3rd Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 12th Hse) until 6th December
- Make a reconnection
- Grab that opportunity
- Luck is back on your side with love
Grab opportunity when it arrives as if you hesitate, opportunity may move in another direction. Mars in your 1st fills you with confidence and this week could put you on the receiving end of news or a sudden surprise thanks to ruler Uranus. You could need to jump straight in to make the most of it and lucky for you, Mars hands you the ability to do just that. It could involve a leap of faith and this could just be in your own ability to make the right choice. Don’t overthink it. S/he who hesitates is lost now.
This week sees both progress and reversals. Venus finally heads direct in your house of expansion, opportunity and luck. Putting love and all bank account boosting activities, back on the table. However, Mercury turns retrograde in your 11th of all things Aquarian-centric from the 17th. Now all the usual retrograde rules apply here. Mercury retro in here has you looking at the company you’re keeping – friends, groups, associations, clubs and checking this is still a good fit. Then there’s those goals. Check for continued relevance. Old friends could be back in touch and please bear in mind with Mercury that if there is a falling out with someone now, it’s likely to be only temporary. Nothing lasts long not even a Mercury retro (it ends on Dec 6). As a rule of thumb however, it’s best to avoid crowded places, big events or group activities as you are likely to feel overwhelmed and go into sensory overload instead of enjoying it. Reconnect under this influence even as you dive into something exciting, new and unexpected this week.
In a nutshell: A sudden opportunity or news may require a quick decision. Go with your gut feeling on this Aquarius. If it feels good don’t hesitate – jump right in!
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (10th House to 7th House)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (10th House to 12th House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (1st House to 3rd House)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (2nd House)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (9th House)
16 Nov 2018 NORTH NODE ENTERING CANCER (6th House)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (10th House to 2nd House)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 11th House) until 6th December
17 Nov 2018 VESTA SQUARE ERIS (12th House to 3rd House)
- Enter a cycle of action and desire!
- Don’t be afraid to ask a second time
- Rehearse and research for success
Focus your desires and know what you want now as Mars enters your 1st this week. This is no time to be a wallflower or sit on the sidelines. Mars says life is a contact sport. You’re more confident and fearless in your self-expression now. Mars in here can bring all kinds of temptations your way but it’s a chicken-or-egg situation. You won’t be content to be a spectator so you take action. Does the action bring in the new choices, situations, people to tempt you? What came first – the desire or the action? Set things in motion and then you decide what came first. Venus which rules both our love life and our bank account ends its retrograde cycle on the 16th in Mars’s ancient ruling 8th in your chart. This is your house of power money and sex. If either of these are behind those desires you’’ll take action in pursuit of them now.
While Venus is in forward motion once more, a day later Mercury turns retrograde in your 10th of career matters. The usual Retrograde Rules apply but with Mercury backwards in here your key word is rehearse. If attending an important meeting, presentation or interview: rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Also, do your research and have the answers to hand. Above all, do not fudge or pretend you know something when you don’t. You will get caught out if you do. Better to admit you don’t know and leave it at that. Mercury retro in your 10th favours going back to a past career, reapproaching past employers or clients you have contacted before or recommitting to a long term goal. No matter what happened the first time, you could get a different answer the second time you ask. Know what it is you want to achieve – and rehearse what you need to do to get it this week.
In a nutshell: Does desire lead to action or do your actions ignite your desires? Asking for what you want a second time could result in a very different answer. Take action and ask again.
12 Nov 2018 CERES SQUARE NORTH NODE (9th Hse to 6th Hse)
14 Nov 2018 SUN SEXTILE VESTA (9th Hse to 11th Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS SEXTILE URANUS (12th Hse to 2nd Hse)
15 Nov 2018 MARS ENTERING PISCES (1st Hse)
16 Nov 2018 Venus Turns Direct (8th Hse)
16 Nov 2018 SUN TRINE HYGEIA (9th Hse to 1st Hse)
17 Nov 2018 Mercury turns Retrograde ( 10th Hse) until 6th December
17 Nov 2018 VESTA SQUARE ERIS (11th Hse to 2nd Hse)
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