Quiz – which Goddess are you?

The Goddesses of ancient Rome and Greece give us a rich range of divine archetypes through which we can express all of the qualities they possess. Working with the energy of the Goddess can help balance you and connect you to your own Goddess within. You can meditate with all the different Goddesses to enhance any areas where you need confidence or a boost, but which Goddess are you naturally like?
Make a note of whether you answer a, b, c or d to each of these questions and look up your answer at the end.
As a child, you were
a) Always playing out. You had good mates but you were just as capable of keeping yourself entertained alone for hours.
b) Quite affected by everything that went on around you. You can look back and remember in acute detail the joy of playing with a new toy and the pain of playground fall outs.
c) Frustrated. You hated being treated like a child and couldn’t wait to grow up, get away and live life on your terms.
d) Shy, quiet and always in the background somehow.
The best thing about you is
a) Your independence
b) Your strength
c) Your courage
d) Your compassion
At the end of a relationship, when someone leaves you, you feel
a) Fine. Actually, it’s all worked out quite well because now you’re free to take that six month trip across South America.
b) Absolutely heartbroken. It’s hard for you to function day to day and it takes you ages to get over someone. You always do, though.
c) More incredulous than anything at the idea that someone could leave you. And you’d better not find out they’d been seeing someone else whilst they were seeing you, for their sake.
d) In all honesty, a bit lost. You don’t feel fully yourself unless you’re taking care of someone else.
Your ideal job is
a) Outdoors – a tree surgeon, forestry conservationist or park keeper – or something to do with animals. Either that, or anything that means you can use your brilliant mind to solve complex problems, but preferably on a freelance basis where you can go in, get the job done and leave. Not an office bound nine to five.
b) An actor. Not for the attention. You think it would be fascinating to explore the full range of human experience, motivation and emotion through the roles you’d play.
c) In a boardroom, where you can use your strong mind to make tough decisions.
d) Anything where the real joy comes from nurturing others, whether you’re making them a perfect cappuccino or looking after them when they’re sick.
Your ideal partner is
a) Someone who can keep up with you when you’re doing things together, who gives you lots of space and who doesn’t try and treat you like a helpless little girl.
b) Someone who is ready and willing to explore the amazing depths that real love can go to.
c) Someone you can respect. You do tend to go for the alpha types.
d) Someone who lets you play the slightly more traditional role of home maker in the relationship.
Someone gives you a bunch of flowers. What do you do?
a) Say thank you but secretly wonder what to do with them as you don’t own a vase.
b) Thank them profusely and marvel at their beauty and perfection.
c) Accept them with grace and gratitude, at the same time noting whether they are hand-picked or arranged by the most expensive florist. Not that you’d mention it, of course.
d) You might feel a bit stunned for a few seconds that someone has done something so wonderful for you! You thank them and immediately start thinking of exactly where they’ll look their best in your home.
A friend is in trouble. What’s your response?
a) You’re straight in, offering whatever practical support you can give.
b) You do whatever you can to help – in friendship you believe in being there for all the tough times as well as the good. But it’s hard not to feel just as upset as he or she is.
c) You always know exactly what to do and give lots of good advice. But you might lose patience if you feel they flounder in it for too long.
d) You’re always there with whatever they need. Actually, you notice that a lot of people in trouble come to you first when problems come up.
What’s your ideal holiday?
a) Anything where you get to be physically active – whether it’s a hiking holiday or a week at a tennis camp. A lazy beach holiday would drive you insane.
b) Something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. It could be anything from staying at the most luxurious hotel in the world and being waited on hand and foot to a week spent as a volunteer, helping teach kids in a school in the African bush. It’s not so much what you do, it’s all about the impact.
c) Five star the whole way. You would love drivers, butlers, personal chefs and dawn to dusk pampering in stunning surroundings. A package holiday where you’re herded around and forced to mingle with the masses would push all of your buttons.
d) Close friends or family in a huge, lovely holiday home (self catering) where you can all just be together and connect. The pinnacle would be a preparing and all sitting down to a feast, adults talking and laughing and kids running round the table.
If someone crosses you, what happens?
a) Nothing slips past you so you spot it easily. If you can resolve it, you do so quickly and with minimum drama. When you’ve done what you can, you move swiftly on. You’ve more important things to do than get bogged down in conflict.
b) Your first response is emotional, ranging from hurt to devastation depending on what it was. It’s hard for you to hide your feelings. It might knock you down but you always get back up.
c) Bring it on! You might not go looking for it, but if someone wants to try and play you they soon learn that they’ve picked on the wrong person. To be honest, you’re actually quite talented at coming up with punishments that fit the various crimes a person could commit against you!
d) You might be hurt but your first response would be to wonder what bad thing had happened to them that would make them behave that way. You’d try whatever you could to sort it out between you.
When you’re old and looking back across your life, what do you hope to see?
a) A string of adventures rising like mountain peaks on an endless horizon.
b) Everything. The highs, the lows, the laughter, the tragedies, the love and the heartbreak. As long as you have lived true to your heart, it will all have been worth it.
c) Your achievements and that you carried yourself well within them.
d) All the people you have loved.
Mainly A: Divine Diana
Like the Goddess Diana, you are an amazingly powerful individual. When you were young, you were probably a bit of a tomboy. You can stand on your own two feet and have the power to hunt down and capture any reality you desire. When you set your sights on something you become totally single minded until you’ve got what you want. You can be alone and happy and do not need anyone to fulfil you. In relationships, you expect to pull your weight and shrug off any attempts to nurture you as you just don’t have a need for it. Too much of what other people see as pampering you would make you feel smothered. You love the great outdoors and probably excel at any kind of physical challenge, whether it’s hiking up a mountain or turning your hand to sailing.
Diana is one of three Goddesses in the ancient Roman pantheon who never married. Ancient texts talk about her being a virgin, but when this term was first used it meant a single woman in control of her own sexuality. Only later did it become associated with a woman who had not had sex. Known as the Goddess of the hunt, she is also linked with wild animals and woodland. Diana is also associated with the moon and is said to offer special protection to women. Ancient rituals were performed in her honour by women wanting to have children and a safe delivery in particular. In ancient Rome, slaves were granted sanctuary in her temples. She appears in the Greek pantheon as Artemis and is still worshipped today across many cultures.
Mainly B: An incarnation of Ishtar
No matter how hard you might try, it seems that you just can’t walk the middle ground. Emotionally, you feel everything intensely, whether you’re happy, sad, despairing, hopeful or angry. When you love someone, it is total, all consuming, without inhibition and almost overwhelming. If you lose them, it is devastating. Charismatic and talented, you nevertheless can’t seem to hold things together and chart a stable course through life. Instead, it often feels that your life revolves around a wheel that takes you up to the very peak of experience and then plunges you back down into excruciating losses.
Ishtar was the Babylonian Goddess of fertility, lust, war and sex, but is best understood as being the Goddess of above and below. Associated with Venus, planet of love, she was said to have had many lovers, including most of the Gods. She was also bold enough to demand entry into the underworld and intelligent enough to return safely, a legend that reveals her connection to the cycles of ascent and descent on which life itself revolves.
Mainly C: Heroic Hera
You are incredibly strong to the point of having regal qualities. You’re likely to draw attention and respect wherever you go and you’re definitely comfortable being both the centre of attention and at the very top of whatever field or arena you are in. When it comes to relationships, you need to be with someone who’s strength matches yours and you wouldn’t be able to stay with someone you didn’t feel was your equal on all levels – socially, intellectually and even in terms of their physical attractiveness. In relationships, you are intensely loyal and faithful. You’re actually quite conventional – woe betide anyone who is unfaithful to you. In fact, anyone who makes the mistake of underestimating you had better watch out. You might not go for all-out revenge, but they would certainly find themselves treated to a slow, cold freeze out of your inner circle.
Hera was the wife of the Greek God Zeus. She was the great matriarch, both of the ancient pantheon and also of women as a whole. She is also associated with marriage, but not motherhood. Unlike deities of more modern times, the ancient ones showed many human qualities and Hera was no exception. She was said to be intensely jealous. Stories about her are litanies of the most extreme kinds of revenge she took when slighted. She was a major figure in the power plays between all of the ancient deities in the entire Pantheon.
Mainly D: Harmonious Hestia
No matter whether you are at home or work, you quickly take up the role of nurturer and are likely to find yourself indispensable as a result. You don’t seek out recognition and are quite happy working away behind the scenes on anything. Because you don’t push yourself forward, it can mean that you miss out on the praise and thanks you deserve. As long as everyone else is happy and things are running smoothly, you’re quite content. In relationships you have a tendency to put the other person first and second guess their every need.
Hestia was part of the Greek pantheon whose name translates as ‘home and hearth’. Her domain was the home and family and the first offerings of every sacrifice in the house were made to her. In fact, the domestic hearth was her official temple.
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My New Tarot Deck
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