Hello Beautiful Soul, Look at the three cards, each holding a unique message and intuitive spark for you!, Take a moment to pause and connect with your wild wise one within. Which card feels like sayng pick me? This isn’t a message, it’s an invitation to tune into your power and take inspired action. Let’s […]
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Pick Your Card: 4 Cards to Unlock Your Next Move Hello Beautiful Soul, Take a breath and let your intuition take over. In front of you are four cards, their faces hidden. Which one stirs something in you? Don’t second-guess it—your first instinct is always your strongest. Once you’ve chosen, scroll down to reveal the […]
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Pick a Card for Your Weekly Intuitive Inspiration Hello Beautiful Soul, Take a moment to pause and tune into your inner knowing. In front of you are five cards, their faces hidden, each carrying a unique message for your journey this week. Which one stirs something in you? Trust that the card calling you holds […]
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Hello Beautiful Soul, Take a little time out to activate your intuition. In front of you are three cards. Does one have a message for you? Remember to trust your instincts when interpreting the cards. Look at the colours, any figures, or energy that leaps out at you. A tarot journal can spark extra insight. […]
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Hey Gorgeous Soul, Ready for a little magic? Let’s take an intuitive dive into your future! Look at the backs of these tarot cards. Do you feel anything? Which one is calling your name? Trust that spark, that gut pull, and go with what feels right. Whether it’s a flicker of curiosity or something deeper, […]
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Your weekend Tarot reading with Michele Knight-Waite.
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Want an intuitive boost? Check out the backs of these Tarot cards. Does one catch your eye? Focus on the colours and the feelings they stir up. Write down your first impressions, then scroll to reveal the message. As usual, let your powerful intuition guide you! Tarot Card One – Ace of Cups Joy is […]
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Fancy a little intuitive super boost? Look at the back of the cards and see if you feel one of them has a message for you. Take in the colours, what the card makes you feel, jot down your immediate feelings as well as reading the reveal Card One – The Ace of Wands The […]
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Your Full Moon Tarot Reading – Which card has a message for you?
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Have a burning question?
Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.
The Universe is packed with synchronicities, messages, and nudges toward our journey. Tarot readings are an excellent way of deciphering the clues and getting us back on track. Take a look at the three Tarot cards above. Do you sense one of them has an intuitive message for you? Pick a Tarot card and scroll […]
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Tarot Reading – Choose two Tarot cards Hello, Wonderful One, When you look at the picture of the Tarot Cards, do two jump out at you? Our intuition is a powerful part of who we are and Tarot helps us access it. Choose two cards, read the meaning but take the time to see if […]
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Your Tarot reading. Fancy a quick intuitive delve? We have an amazing ability to bump into synchronicities and signs when we need them. Do you feel one of these three Tarot cards has a message for you? Take a deep breath, gaze at the card backs, and pick the one (if any) that stands out. […]
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Hello Wonderful One, Look at the back of the four tarot cards and pick one that jumps out at you. Do you get a psychic sense that one of the Tarot cards is meant for you. Scroll down for the outcome, but use your intuition, too. Let me know what you think and please share […]
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Your New Moon Tarot Reading – Which card has a message for you? Hello Moonchild! New Moons are fresh starts and portals to release what no longer serves us. The energy of the New Moon calls for us to step into a sparkly fresh cycle. We can upgrade our vibration and shimmy to the next […]
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