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psychic elena

Meet our incredible psychic and astrologer Elena

Here’s a video of our psychic and astrologer Elena. Elena has been with me for ten years and we regularly collaborate on written astrology. She is one of the most brilliant astrologers I know and a very in-depth psychic. Elenas psychic and astrology readings not only cover practical details but also profound spiritual revelations. Elena […]

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How to make the most of Halloween! With Michele Knight

October 31st marked the division of the year and end of the season of light and the start of winter and is also known as Samhain. It’s the night the barrier between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. So, Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve, is the perfect time to deepen your medium skills.

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Your interactive Tarot reading – Clearing blocks

I thought I would film some interactive Tarot readings for you. Watch the video below which tells you what to do and shows you three cards. Focus on the three cards and on your block and pick a number. Once you have picked the Tarot card number you are drawn to then click the corresponding […]

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Take care of your psychic well being

We all know about the importance of paying attention to our diet and exercise, but how do we nurture our psychic well being in our busy lives?Most of us are pretty clued in about what to do when it comes to taking care of our bodies. We know about how important it is to exercise and eat the right things, but what about taking care of our psychic well being?

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Soul SOS: Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is something we can often find difficult to here is some advice on the process to ease your mind – and your heart. How can we forgive and what can we do to let go of the past? Here is some good advice from our psychic Helen.

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6 wise women quotes to relight your fire!

Feeling in need of a boost? Check out these 6 wise, sassy quotes to reignite your passion and put you back on your spiritual path. Reboot your spirit and open your heart to your potential. Michele shares some of her favourite quotes from inspirational women.

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are you dating a psychic vampire?

Are you dating a psychic vampire?

Are you dating a psychic vampire? When we met our PV we were probably on a high, we felt complimented, boosted up and as if we were seen for the first time. These mysterious lovers are great at hooking attention.

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