The bonds that we share with the animals we love can be deep and extraordinary, but is the animal you share your life with psychic?
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A film about our psychic, medium and clairvoyant Pam. Pam passed her test readings with flying colours. Pam is another solid old-school medium who likes to provide proof of the connection. Our test readers found her very detailed
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If you are thinking about having a psychic reading, it’s important to understand the difference between psychic readers and psychic mediums.
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Don’t freak out but you might be psychic! Yes, you might already have a hunch that you have secret psychic skills! Even if you don’t know let me reassure you. we all have psychic skills.
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What separates a good reader from a great one? Their signature psychic style! Here’s how to tune into yours.
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Michele shares some secrets on how to recognise if someone from the ‘other-side’ is sending you a message.
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Monitor how you’re developing your psychic skills with these two simple exercises
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We are all intuitive. But we receive our information in different ways. Take our quiz to find out what your psychic ‘style’ is! You might be surprised. This quiz can also help you discover the psychic skills that suit you.
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Michele takes you through a simple three card Tarot spread and reveals how you can use it to step into your power.
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Have a burning question?
Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.
Your animal soul companion can hold the key to improving your psychic skills as animal communicator and MK reader Helen explains.
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Getting the answers you seek or expanding your psychic skills can be done anywhere – and in 60 seconds with these 30 soul-skill expanding exercises.
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Need an answer to something quickly? Just want to work on your psychic skills but feel you have no time? Then get ready to discover truths, uncover answers and expand your clairvoyant abilities as you go about your everyday business.
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Got a question about your general focus or direction in life, or any potential past life issues? Michele Knight reader, Lisa (ID 2211), is here to help!
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The idea behind walking a labyrinth is to move out of one perspective into another one. A labyrinth is a metaphor for our point of view, so the process of walking a labyrinth is about shifting our awareness and consciousness.
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