If you are alone this Christmas, Michele has a special message for you and guide to bring you the connections you seek in 2019.
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All of us experience heartbreak at some point but that doesn’t make it any easier! Here are five simple soul hacks to help heal a broken heart and sooth your spirit. Love is our greatest teacher use these five tips to grow and transform.
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All of us have experienced emotions such as anger, hatred or jealousy in such powerful doses that we can be literally knocked sideways.
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Who doesn’t want more love in their lives? Michele explains how simple it is to become a love magnet.
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Why do soul mates detach? What happens if you split up with someone you thought was soul mates? What is the purpose of a soul mate? David answers
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You may already be in your perfect relationship. Here Michele discusses the concept of Wabi Sabi love – the perfection that comes from being imperfect!
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Past life relationships can reek havoc and turn your world upside-down but usually they come into our life to teach us how to value ourselves.
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What prevents us from reaching our goals or having the love we deserve may not be what we think. Here’s how to banish blocks once and for all!
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The seven spiritual laws that govern all of your relationships.
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Have a burning question?
Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.
Leaving a toxic relationship takes immense courage. How do we open ourselves to healing and the ability to love again? Here are 7 soul-saving tips to help you do just that.
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This video meditation is for anyone who is strongly focused on another person. Whether this is a love interest, or someone else you have a difficult relationship with , this guided meditation will allow you to release your grasp and get back into your power.
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Waiting for that twin flame to appear? Seeking a true soulmate? These 5 simple tips could help you attract love into your life so much faster. Release blocks and say hello to a karmic love in.
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It might feel impossible to let someone go that you feel a deep psychic and soul connection with. You might feel as if you have such a strong link that letting go would create a void. possibly what you are feeling is a past life connection with someone who you were perhaps lovers with in a past life or someone from your soul group who is here to help your soul evolve
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Many of us have had an experience where we meet someone and it rocks our world. We feel a connection like no other and we know we have met a soulmate or twin soul. So why does it sometimes not work out? Our psychic Rosemary explains.
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