ARIES Time to shed the old and unveil the new Fan that ember into a flame Express your love! It may not yet be spring – that happens next month with your birthday season, but you feel the bloom of new beginnings this month with the arrival of Venus in your sign (4th). It may […]
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ARIES That topic goes viral Find your people Happy new era! Something to talk about or over defines your week, Aries. This may involve a friend or even a group of them. Perhaps you are the hot topic as Mercury, ruler of DM’s and face-to-face discussions, slides into your 11th (28th), and Pluto joins the […]
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ARIES Path, place and purpose align Revisit the past to step into your future Imagine limitless! There’s a big reclaim with a potential reboot occurring over the next two weeks. Ruler Mars retrograde tells you ‘Never say never’. What looked like a lost cause or missed opportunity could revive or return. That being said – […]
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ARIES Answers await you Reimagine your future No comparisons This week kicks off with a powerful full moon in Cancer, illuminating your most private and personal sector. It’s a time of deep reflection, where you’ll be drawn to explore your inner world and re-evaluate what truly matters to you. With your ruler, Mars, retrograding through this same sector, you […]
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ARIES Know you are strong enough Spiritual truths let down your defences What you achieve must have meaning Ruler Mars returns to your 4th of home, family, foundations, roots and security.What shields and protects. Be a character who chooses their battles. They take a considered approach which is where their real strength comes from. So, […]
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SAGITTARIUS Yearly Horoscope 2025 Ruler: Jupiter Marriage & Partnerships: Mercury Home & Family: Neptune Romance, creativity, attraction: Mars Money: Saturn Friends and goals: Venus Change: The Moon Career & Public Image: Mercury Mercury flies free of retroshade in your sign on Jan 1. Your desire is to embrace change as 2025 begins. Like The Fool […]
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LEO Yearly Horoscope 2025 Ruler: The Sun Planet of Spirituality & Intuition: The Moon Money Planet: Mercury Planet of Marriage & Partnerships: Uranus Romance & Attraction: Jupiter Success, Career, Communication: Venus Travel and Learning: Mars Home and Family: Mars and Pluto Your ruler the Sun never retrogrades. Neither does your planet of insight and spiritual […]
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ARIES Yearly Horoscope 2025 Ruler: Mars Planet of Marriage and Partnerships: Venus Money planet: Venus Home and Family: The Moon Romance and Attraction: The Sun Career planet: Saturn Travel, luck and expansion: Jupiter Welcome to 2025, Aries. We’ve a lot to unpack for the year ahead. Take it that it will be off to a […]
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Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.
Capricorn New Moon Manifesting: Your blueprint to success The New Moon in Capricorn allows you to create your desires with action. To trust in your ability to manifest a fabulous future and know you deserve what you’re building. Capricorn energy reminds you that manifesting combines belief, knowing and trust with grounded, practical steps. This is your […]
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ARIES Slow is the new fast Trust that heaven knows Return to your past to rewrite your future Party like it’s 2024, Aries. Because the start of ‘25 puts you in the slow lane. Hardly where you want to be. Although Mercury’s retroshade lifts from Jan 1, ruler Mars is backwards and re-enters Cancer and […]
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Astrology of January: The North Node in Pisces and Fierce Transformations The North Node, the light of our future and the evolution of our spirit enters Pisces this January, opening the floodgates to brand-spanking new intuitive superpowers and life-changing synchronicities. Pisces whispers to your soul, inviting you to trust those subtle signs that steer you […]
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ARIES Adjust your settings for lasting success You know what works Reclaim what remains timeless The New Year usually brings that resolution rev up – but cool your jets due to ruler Mars retrograde, Aries. In any event, the real ‘new’ beginning actually takes place on the 30th. A far better day to set those […]
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ARIES Fate pushes you towards a choice Lean in to integrity You’ll never know if you don’t try Once, twice, three times the charm. Mercury in Sagittarius lines up with Jupiter in Gemini across your 3rd/9th house axis for the third and final time (26th). You’ve been at this point now twice before during Mercury’s […]
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