Weekly Astrology June 10th 2024 Forecast For All Signs by our astrologer Elena

What you say gets you attention
Spread your positivity
Everything little thing you do – magic!
You and someone else may find yourselves at odds this week. Your world views or simply your values, may turn out to be radically different. This may come as a shock as this could well involve someone you have known for a while. Yes, it may initially startle you as ruler Mars tightens its influence on Pluto in your friendship sector. But you’re not about to allow it to define the week.
Is that shade green? Because if others haven’t twigged that there’s a little bit of the superstar about you now, the attention you’re attracting with those ideas – IRL and on-line, at work and in your personal life, they can’t miss your headline making moves this week. Expect to either be or start a hot topic. In more ways than one.
Flirtation could quickly evolve into something where all those words get backed up with action. Maybe its just all this élan you’re exuding? No matter how you work it, you can turn even the most mundane task into fun. The end result this week is that you become not just the sign that everyone wants to party with, but the one they want to work with too. So, don’t let one party pooper affect that vibe.
Positivity is contagious on the 14th, and that light-hearted and playful outlook of yours means that not only is pleasure your takeaway from any situation, others benefit too. You’re on a roll, so use this to your advantage and ask for whatever it is you want. That’s the secret – those unafraid to ask, almost always get to ‘Yes’.
In a nutshell: It’s all about the message you send out this week. Including the non-verbal one, Aries. The fact is that upbeat vibe is oh-so-relatable. People want what you’re selling, sharing or simply broadcasting. Say it with love.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 11th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (3rd)
Give yourself the gift of acceptance
Pursue your passion
Reclaim that lost love!
Let’s talk about the love you gave up on, Taurus. And by that I don’t just mean an actual lover (although this may be what returns to you now). Reconnecting to love can sometimes mean re-embracing something we loved to do or a dream or ambition we once had.
You’re all fired up on the 11th when Mars’ angle to Pluto, exerts an irresistible pull and the desire to make your mark in some way. Ambitions are ignited. As is your capacity to dare and do. However – ensure that you don’t butt heads with anyone in a position of authority in order to get your point across. Yes, you may indeed be in the right here. Or feel that you have a just cause or point to make. But diplomacy may be called for rather than direct confrontation.
Frustrations can reach boiling point and again, do ensure that you keep your responses in line with what’s going on in the moment, and not all those feelings you’ve been bottling up for so long. What this week wants you to understand is that doing that simply isn’t healthy. Deal with things in the moment and don’t allow the pressure to build up.
That being said, what this week offers you is a chance to put a key area of your life back on track. That long lost love or path you wanted to take. Or to deal with what caused you to veer off course in the first place, once and for all. If you’re willing to give yourself or another a second chance, the pay-off could be bigger than you ever expected. The lesson is what’s meant for you has your name on it and can’t be taken from you – and this includes everything from that home, that job, that lover or that activity that makes your heart sing. Pursue that passion, Taurus. And don’t allow anyone to tell you that you can’t.
Yes, up to a certain point, you do need to factor in what other people may think because this all touches on your house of long term plans and career moves. As well as your public image and reputation. But the most important thing to focus on is – does this bring you happiness? Are you allowing pressure to build up around something that doesn’t? The 14th brings the Sun/Mercury cazimi which could offer you release. Or answers. After which – silence the critics including the inner ones. It just could be this is the time to simply allow yourself to be happy.
In a nutshell: Fire-starter Mars in your sign gives you the ability to push against what is holding you back or challenges you this week. You’re in a position to crush obstacles – including internal ones. Just don’t ruffle others’ feathers along the way, Taurus. Especially as rewards are within reach.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 10th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (2nd)
YOU are the real deal – no need to fake it!
Grab the momentum
Get your message out there
You’ve got something to say and you’re possibly spoilt for choice when it comes to how you choose to share it this week. And with Jupiter giving you its blessing, the results could be bigger than you ever imagined.
Something gathers momentum. But chances are you are the one that sets the wheels in motion. Be prepared for your actions to snowball. Even though it’s summer! Do step up and get behind anything that you say or do now. Standing by your word or ideas has a key part to play in the outcome. Especially across the 11-12th when accountability and follow-through rule. Whatever you do across these dates – deliver and don’t even be tempted to fake it. Do think through all possible long term implications of anything you set in motion.
News of just what you have initiated or that positive outcome could reach you on the 14th when the Sun and ruler Mercury collaborate. To place you at the centre of what’s happening. You’re in the best possible position to advance a personal agenda. Especially as this is your biggest cycle of attraction yet. This may involve an opportunity to increase your finances, broker your talents or act as your own agent. No time for shy now, Gemini! Romance may just add to that feeling you’re on a roll. The pace speeds up with lots of travel, meetings, invitations or places to be and people to be with. Good news or a breakthrough of some kind could be yours when it all finally slows by the end of the month. And yes, by then you’ll be ready to rest on those laurels!
In a nutshell: Just roll with it this week, Gemini. Something you say, start or initiate takes on a life of its own. It catches you up in a wave of synchronistic momentum. This isn’t losing control – this is riding that break. Go with it!
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 9th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (1st)
What do you need to toss – and what to take?!
Gain that fresh perspective
Align the outer you with inner changes
Soon it will be your time for new beginnings when the Sun reaches your sign next week. When you get to shed your skin to emerge as – just what exactly? You get to colour your own wings and decide now. Above all, leave what no longer works for you – anything from that hairstyle to a bad memories, in the past now.
You’re ready to embrace the new even before your birthday season officially begins – so let’s get this party started. You’re in the mood to tie up any remaining loose ends or attend to outstanding business. That situation you’ve known for sometime doesn’t work for instance. That habit you deep down know doesn’t serve you. Even on an inner level. Let alone an outer one. You’ll be seeking closure across the 11th – 12th. All in the name of welcoming in a brand new you. Choose your hue and colour away
You may be feeling reborn and released on one level. And while some things need to be let go of – others show you they are worth retaining. They stood the test of time. Everything old seems new again and this could simply be because you are looking at it with fresh eyes. Like The Shires song – All Over Again. The 14th has the ability to bring something out of your past – and reframe it with fresh relevance or simply infuse it with new purpose. Fall in love with love or just life itself – all over again, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Your impeccable intuitive skills allow you to see beyond the surface. Use them ahead of your fresh cycle to shift your perspective – one way or another. This allows you to see what needs to be left behind – and what is timeless and comes with you.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 8th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (12th)
Lean in to your future
Find your following
Kickstart that dream
If something’s built to last – you’ll know it. Just as you’ll know if it’s gone past its Use By date. So, whatever conclusion you reach, as Mars in your 10th increases its hold on Pluto in your 7th (11th). While the following day, Mercury in your future zone performs the same angle to Saturn in your 8th (12th).
Time for a positive shift is the outcome you’re decide on, Leo. No matter what your conclusions may be. Just know that any decisions made will be final. And others had better be in no doubt of this. The Leo’s not for turning now.
In planning your next move, stretch yourself and reach for the stars now you have Jupiter’s backing in your 11th of goals, groups and collective gains and visions. If you have felt their glitter may have been light years out of your reach, the alignment between Mercury and ruler the Sun could deliver the method or the means to draw them closer (14th).
I’ve talked about just how important it is for you to decide what it is your heart wants to experience or achieve in the next 12 months. Jupiter only deals in big dreams. Although everything is aligned in your favour, this doesn’t mean it’s about to drop in to your lap. Remember: heaven helps those who help themselves. Wonderful aspects for goal manifestation should act as catalysts, boosting your confidence and allowing you to step fearlessly in the direction of your dreams unencumbered. Those people, situations and fears that have tarnished your glow have no place in this cycle. Your desires represent a destination on the map your soul was given – even if you don’t understand the twists and turns of the journey. Lighten the load by only taking with you that which helps you get to the stars.
In a nutshell: A soul map to the stars? Jupiter in your 11th hands you it along with the compass. Do set your direction this week, Leo. It’s also time to face what you’ve outgrown. Is it that dream? If so – stretch into something bigger and more inspiring.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 7th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (11th)
Go for the love that reflects your values
Know your outcome
Your soul ‘gold standard’ defines the result
Lovers have to share your values and high standards now or it’s just not going to work. Picky? Maybe. Or perhaps you just have a better grasp of what you need to make love work than others. And yes, you CAN thank Saturn in your 7th for all this insight.
This cuts across all kinds of partnerships. Including the business, working, collaborative or friendship kind. And you’ll get to see if you are looking at a click or a clunk. Your destiny may be linked with that of another with the Sun, ruler Mercury and Jupiter in your house of status, rewards, recognition and ambition. Knowing what it is you want and need is always the first step to getting it.
You’re serving surety and gaining respect in return. This week also serves as a timely reminder that some things in life are too important to compromise on. We all need to know where the deal breakers – and the makers for that matter, lie. When it comes to possibly candidates for your heart – or for your expertise in business or at work for that matter, bear in mind that your first impression is usually the correct one. Look back and see how many times this has proved to be the case. If you are still unsure, take your time.
You have the opportunity thanks to your ruler, to create your best and most lasting impression. If you are seeking anyone for the long haul from anything from cohabitation to collaboration, the chances of you settling for the superficial now are about 17 trillion to one. In it for the long haul? You are so they had better be on the same page. Together – you ascend. Or you’ll meet someone on your way up.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury tasks you with a ‘stand and deliver’ moment this week. Where you stand by what you value the most or are asked to ensure your word is your bond. And that could just ensure your success, Virgo. As others know exactly where they stand with you.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 6th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (10th)
Love needs surety – not questions!
Take a chance
Go for what starts your heart
Someone may keep you guessing about their long-term (or even short-term), intentions. Friends? With benefits or without? Are they or aren’t they? Do they or don’t they? Before you get on that merry-go-round, ask yourself is it really worth wasting your time on someone who either can’t commit, won’t commit or is the ghost of FOMO. As if they would be missing out in the first place. The fact they might even think that should tell you everything.
If it looks 1) like hard work or 2) raises more questions than it hands you answers, then its probably not worth your time or effort. Others are waiting and will a loaded 9th house which includes Jupiter, you’ve people to see and places to be. Follow the fun instead. If love’s stuck then travel, friends and social events offer the outlet you seek. As do those grand plans and big ideas.
The 14th could mark the start of a fresh new phase unfolding. Or news that has a profound impact on a direction you take. An old contact could be instrumental in creating an opportunity for you. And if that wasn’t enough, what may have seemed like a risk on your part pays off. Honey – you’re so free so take that chance. And avoid anyone who slows that process. Time wasters? Really, your diary is going to be far too full.
In a nutshell: Libra – with Jupiter in your 9th its all about freedom. Anything that slows you down or gets in the way of that process – and keeps you guessing, should be avoided. Something which is far worthy of your love and energy appears. That’s the direction to head in.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 5th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (9th)
Showcase your power
Own your path
Know what you want then – claim it!
You could be put in a position where you have to draw on your wealth of experience or show others just how far you’ve come. If they have been dismissing you as a lightweight – this could turn into a heavy lesson for them. You’re flexing those maturity muscles this week. And ready to do whatever needs to be done. Tough decisions? You got this as both your rulers cross alignments on the 11th. You’re a force to be reckoned with. And what you say goes.
Power moves and sexy self-authority. Being in control – at least of how you choose to respond, is what determines your outcome. And sees others sit up and take note in the best possible way. It’s time to make in-roads professionally and be seen as someone who knows their stuff and is not afraid to state their opinion. Whatever you do, do not be a ‘Yes’ individual as this will get you nowhere.
Relationships take on a fresh intensity. And for many Scorpios, Jupiter in your 8th could serve it just the way you like it. This cycle offers you one of the most supernova cycles for over a decade to either meet that perfect package – sex and depth? Oh, yes pah-leeze! Others could make a surprising re-encounter with a blast from the past and find that flame is still burning. Settleds discover that flame was merely dormant. All it needed was igniting with a twist.
Others gain materially. You find yourself with simply more at your fingertips. The 14th offers access to a vault containing something you’ve needed. Even lost power. Go claim it.
In a nutshell: Has anyone ever told you that being boss of your own destiny is sexy, Scorpio? It hands you that extra magnetic charm and attraction factor to anything you do now. Take it this is your green light to follow those desires!
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 4th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (8th)
Go where change wants to take you
What you love sets you free
Just when you thought it wouldn’t – it does!
Like a bolt from the blue comes news you neither expected or had given up on ever receiving. Don’t worry. When I say this may take your breath away, I mean this in a positive sense. There’s a feeling of release in all of this, as if doors that have been closed are now thrown open wide as you realise in fact, this is what you have wanted to hear for a very long time. You may have to push against it, but then you gain access. Nothing pays off like the persistence of self-belief, Sag.
Travel and recognition on some level may form part of this as the Sun and Mercury meet in your 7th. This all occurs against the backdrop of ruler Jupiter in here. So, chances are this involves you and another party.
Funny right now as if you are seeking that partner-in-crime your ideas around double trouble and what makes that, may take a surprising turn. You could give someone who’s not your usual ‘type’ a chance. You’re usually attracted to the adventurous, out-going, free-spirited types like yourself. However, not everyone who wears a suit is a stuffed shirt and a conventional exterior can hide the soul of someone wild-at-heart, so bear this in mind. If you do, you may just strike gold with the perfect balance of the love you can rely on yet sets you free.
In a nutshell: Free spirited, free-wheelin’ partnerships – the kind that don’t fence you in, are what make your heart beat faster. Big love – including what you love to pursue or do, feature now. It could be this arrives in the form of news you never expected.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 3rd)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (7th)
Ideas illuminate your path
What links you past to your future?
Harness your genius!
Travel could reconnect you to something from your past. You could return to old haunts or if going somewhere new, have the distinct feeling of déjà vu and that you’ve been there before. Consider the fact you may have.
Something lights a fire under your creativity or genius this week. Follow inspiration. Especially if it offers you the ability to move up that pecking order at work. Or even hands you more time or energy.
Mercury is in its ruling sign and house in your chart. Gemini and your 6th. The 14th is touched with brilliance – as are your ideas. Innovation hands you results. As does clearing away what’s no longer needed. Keep in mind that in order to have something new, something old must be given up first. That routine. A habit. And then more subtle yet powerful things. Threads in your closet that you wore during good times – but which no longer fit you. To message threads between you and that old boo. Is it serving you to hang on to what might have been? Or to keep something hanging around because of nostalgia fed by fears good times have gone for good? It’s fear that often needs to go first. Followed quickly by untruths.
Set your sights on the future and stop looking back – there’s nothing now to be seen. If you’re still waiting for improvements in any area to arrive, work on your relationship to yourself. Pay attention to what your body is saying in its responses to what you do, eat, think. Self-love means positive choices. Your negativity diet starts here.
In a nutshell: Best face forward this week, Capricorn. A flash of inspiration or genius level idea could break you free of the past and send you spinning into fresh potential. The fact is – you already have what you need to make it happen!
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 2nd)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (6th)
Claiming what you love takes courage
Cosmic balance reasserts itself
Powerful passion and pleasure are yours to explore!
You’re in one of your major attraction cycles which usually occurs when the Sun is in your 5th each year. This one is different as Jupiter in here turns you into a magnet for your desires for an entire 12 months. And in turn, this is superboosted by Pluto in your sign.
That doesn’t mean you can simply wait for things to happen. But it does mean that you can tap into next-level courage, magnetism and determination which when added to this planetary mix, see you attract the results you are after. And yes, it may seem effortless to those watching on the sidelines. But we know its down to you bringing your best game yet.
Take it that you’ll be seeking what you feel is your share of attention, adoration, success and all things that fall under the general category of good times. If you have been putting your own needs aside in favour of others recently, it may be time to address that as well as any tendency to steer clear of the limelight or in taking on more responsibility at work. It’s time to know you deserve your share of the spoils – be they emotional or material. Dynamic and dramatic actions bring you accolades, attention and most of all, hand you that sense of self-satisfaction. Is there anything wrong with that?
Lovers or someone close to you may surprise you with a sudden about-face allowing you to reach the compromise you’ve been looking for. Perhaps as a result of you realising things had gotten out-of-kilter. It’s not so much about having to demand what’s rightfully yours – just about becoming more aware of the imbalances we ourselves create. If lack of love, an outlet for your passion, recognition and positive strokes have been yours – take it that everything must balance now. Get ready for the big restoration.
In a nutshell: Don’t guilt-trip yourself when it comes to dismissing your need to be loved, seen and appreciated. No, these things are not off-limits. Neither are they reserved for someone ‘more deserving’. Adopt a bigger willingness to accept. What you want is waiting for you.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 1st)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (5th)
Be your own s/hero
Just how capable do you believe you are?!
You are here to slay!
Wishing that someone will come along and rescue you or ‘fix’ those pesky, Piscean problems is not your solution now. Instead draw on those deep reserves you keep so well hidden – usually from yourself, and if you’re swimming solo, become your own Prince or Princess Charming rather that wait for that knight to sweep in. Especially if in the past, you’ve failed to notice that armour is a little tarnished.
The up-side of being able to slay your own dragons (or simply get on and ride them), is that you attract someone equally strong. Look back this week if you have in the past, been taken advantage of by someone who has exploited not only your empathy and compassion but also your almost limitless reserve of spiritual strength. Especially around the 11th. If you realise this is a mistake you have made in the past, there’s no need to 1: Repeat it. Or 2: Stop trusting. The key difference is you are now saving what you have for someone worthy. And saving yourself first. Plus you now know you have the strength you have been seeking in others. Not feeling needy, weak or incapable means those who are give you a wide berth.
You are now in the position to write your own story – and make it one of lasting enchantment whether you have someone at your side or not. And not only that, you are done with anyone hanging out of that tower window and yelling ‘Help!’. Knowing you are more capable than you have given yourself credit for in the past kind of makes you like Violet in Fourth Wing. And just like that character, Saturn and Neptune in your sign have handed you not one but two dragons. Next year is even more commanding for you. So, get on and ride. You’re here to slay.
In a nutshell: This week’s home truth is that you are here to slay, Pisces. Ancient ruler Jupiter along with Mercury puts you back in touch with your own core strength. No, you don’t need anyone to rescue you. And you’re done with the rescuing back. Saddle up that dragon and ride.
11 June 2024 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 12th)
12 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)
14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (4th)
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