Weekly Astrology June 3rd 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Do it and say it with love
Ideas are game-changing
The news is too big to miss
Big, fat mutable winds of change blow across the sky bringing with them lucky breaks and opportunities. Of course, you have to be willing to to be blown in the direction they want to take you. We have a massive stellium of planets in Gemini – Sun, Gemini’s ruler Mercury (3rd), a new Moon (6th) – which falls conjunct Venus. And of course – Jupiter. Adding an extraordinary element of opportunity, optimism and good old-fashioned luck.
June 3 is being lauded as potentially the luckiest day of the year – or even the decade, as this sees Jupiter trine Pluto in Aquarius in your 11th. We are being blessed with transits that trigger Jupiter’s ability to deliver breakthroughs, freedom and solutions for us. This is the first time these two planets have formed a trine in these signs. Both of them air signs. It’s the idea we follow. The people we meet and know. The goals which inspire us. All of which now contain a powerful alchemical ability to shift us on a path that leads directly to our dreams.
Of course, you have an important role to play in the outcome. You are the catalyst which sets the chemical process of soul transformation in motion. So, taking that chance, setting off the chain of events by making your move – or a move you have already made, is the key to your result now. And the other element – LOVE.
What you say, do, initiate, launch, apply for or to, share, create or pitch, has to have love as a fuel for this to work. Love is the key ingredient as the new Moon in Gemini (6th) falls conjunct Venus in here. You say it or share it with love. Craft that message, vision or opening line with love. That idea you have is infused with love. You no longer edit your emotional truth but speak from the heart. You are in love with a project, a subject, an idea. Or the thought of what that job or relationship could lead to makes your heart beat faster.
New beginnings follow and new worlds of communication and exploration open up to us as a result. Expect answers, offers and opportunities in response to your message or the actions you took. Game changing, off-the-charts results could be yours. Think it, say it, send it.
In a nutshell: The Jupiter/Pluto alignment which cuts across the axis of your 3rd/11th houses contains the promise of an opportunity, Aries. This week’s new Moon also in your 3rd, delivers that message with love.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (3rd)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 11th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (3rd)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (3rd)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (3rd)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (3rd)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (2nd)
Step up into something bigger
Rewards and recognition are on offer
Yes, you’re not just worth it – but deserving
If you have had any remaining doubts around whether or not you’re worth it, this week is set to banish them for good. Deservedness is very different from entitlement. Entitlement says I don’t need to do anything. You need to gimme. Deservedness is worked for and at. The hard yards and devotion we are willing to invest. To a path, a relationship, a career, a dream. And the growing certainty that springs from that which tells us we have earned the rewards.
We have to know we are ready to accept it however. Which is why self-worth plays such a pivotal role in all of this. We are certain of ourselves. The huge stellium in your 2nd house which includes ruler Venus, tests your readiness and your ability to receive. To step up and expand into something more worthy of you, Taurus.
Two pivotal events in this house offer up your entrée to acceptance. The first the trine between Jupiter in here and Pluto in your status seeking 10th. It tells you that the moment has arrived for you to step into something more powerful. And in doing so unleash all your potential. This is being touted as the luckiest day of the year by many astrologers. If not the decade as it is the first time these two planets have formed this angle in these particular signs.
This is a headline making event in your life. You may receive big news which in turn sees you with something big to declare in turn. The emphasis is on something lasting. This is no flash in the pan. The second event sees ruler Venus aligned with the new Moon (6th). In what is Venus’s ruling house. This adds that extra level of satisfaction for you around what begins now. It tells you that investment in self-love is the one which pays huge dividends as what you embark upon now stems from your belief in yourself. Mars adds that confident cherry on the top as it lands in your sign (9th). You’re powered by certainty. And know you deserve what’s on offer.
In a nutshell: The Jupiter/Pluto alignment which cuts across the axis of your 2nd/10th houses hands you a moment or opportunity of recognition and potential rewards. The fact that ruler Venus caught up by this week’s new Moon simply enhances your take-out from this.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (2nd)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 10th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (2nd)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (2nd)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (2nd)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (2nd)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (1st)
Enter a ‘No Limits’ era
Synchronicity and serendipity place what you need in your path
How far can you go?
Ruler Mercury joins the planetary party in your sign (3rd). The same day as Jupiter chimes with the trine of freedom, expansion and barrier-breaking transformations with Pluto in Jupiter’s ruling 9th.
This marks the start of an important and potentially, life-changing journey for you. This may be an actual one as some of you could well be travelling. There’s a green light of forward motion, opportunity and progress guiding you forward. Others could embark on a learning adventure. On the job, via a relationship or even immersed in a subject or activity you love.
Anything that has been holding you back or acting as a barrier between you and what you want or where you want to get to, is magically erased from the picture as if by the hand of cosmic AI. But more real and convincing. And lasting. Confirmation or the next stage happens on the 4th when ruler Mercury performs the same angle to Pluto as Jupiter.
We are in big, fat mutable weather and you love it, Gemini. Ideas flourish. You gain the followers, answers or validation you’ve been craving. You also draw to you exactly what (or who), you need to fuel you for the next epoch defining stage on your journey. At the time of your kick-starter new Moon (6th), you have a total of five planets in your 1st. This includes both benefics – Venus and Jupiter.
The new Moon appears infused with gliding, gilded allure as it appears conjunct Venus. Another rare and special event. It sees you at your most creative and open emotionally. You’re receptive and curious aura acts as tantalising magnet. Effortlessly drawing what you need to you. It enhances all the potential of the Jupiter/Mercury/Pluto trine.
This is the very start of the magic journey for you. You have cast your spell (or need to by setting something great and glorious in motion). These actions now take on a life of their own – carrying you forward with their own momentum. There’s nothing stopping you now, Gemini. Ride that horse called Serendipity. Nothing is by chance now. It’s all designed with you in mind.
In a nutshell: You’re the sign at the nexus of attraction thanks to the Jupiter/Pluto alignment in your 1st/9th houses. Expect the arrival of something which alters your course for the better. Is love part of that destination? The new Moon’s meet-cute will Venus whispers fresh encounters.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (1st)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (1st)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (1st)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (1st)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (12th)
Change is the choice you make
Live the dream – for real
What needs to be released in order to gain something better?
So many choices swirl around you this week, Cancer. It’s all down to the massive mutable weather front which is focussed on your magical 12th house. But which also extends on into your 5th. Something is waiting to be born into your life. The question is: what will you choose?
This does involve change however. Something may need to be released or let go of before the new can emerge. There is nothing to fear around this. Often to welcome in something wonderful and yearned for into our lives, we have to give up something in order to have it. And we understand this. If we want a loving relationship, we have to relinquish being single for instance. If we want to succeed at our work and/or earn more money, we have to give up a greater portion of our time to make this happen. It’s a trade-off, but a beneficial one. And one we are usually happy to make. We give up something but get so much more in return.
So, take it this week is all about the more and not the less. You will be making your choice in a state of total mindfulness and empowerment. And if you are asked to relinquish something, you’ll know you are totally getting more back in return as Jupiter in your 12th trines Pluto in its ruling 8th (3rd). Letting go has never been easier. Neither has saying yes to what option that makes room for.
This may well have links to your past. And what you may be asked to let go of to make room for something vital and renewing, could have links to that. Don’t allow sentimentality to stand in your way as the new Moon appears in your 12th on the 6th. You may pause for a moment and look at the choices you have made in the past. And see ‘past’ them now to the others that were available. This empowers you in the present moment to choose different.
This is a rare and special new Moon for you. Not only is it the final new Moon before your birthday one, but it falls conjunct Venus. This could show you a way to live a long held dream or fantasy for real. The fantasy lives up to its promise. The reality falls within your grasp. Powered by higher love, you step into something you have long held in your imagination. Perhaps that’s an image of how you’ve always seen yourself. Or something you’ve wanted to try, experience or have. As you choose or commit to it, it takes physical form. That’s magic in motion.
In a nutshell: You’ll experience heightened insight, intuition and a boost to your creative gifts thanks to this week’s Jupiter/Pluto alignment which cuts across the axis of your 12th/8th houses. The change that’s coming could well be one you’ve hoped for or anticipated. And the new Moon in your 12th along with Venus sees the past no longer having any power over you.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (12th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 8th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (12th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (12th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (12th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (12th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (11th)
Your people are all around you
Future proof those goals
Make a wish and fuel your soul!
Powerful truths emerge around wishes, goals and dreams this week, Leo. Especially if they involve at least one other party. The fact is – unless that goal of yours is to become a hermit in a cave in the Himalayas, you need people. And as the classic Streisand song tells us: People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.
Jupiter rules luck. It’s currently in your people populated 11th house. Is it one person or many you’re seeking? Or both? Now, normally we’d say 11th house transits are about the love of friends, groups, communities, followers, bands, parties and movements. But this intense 11th house weather unpacks a different flava for you. That’s because the planets in here will trine Pluto in your 7th house – which Jupiter and then Mercury do across the 3rd – 4th. But also the new Moon on the 6th is conjunct Venus also in here. And you have a meeting between ruler the Sun and Venus on the 4th.
If a romantic union is your goal, this adds that extra special level of the attraction dynamic which defies the usual friendzone factor of your 11th. And certainly no matter who or what you are looking for, across the entire week you should take any and all steps that feel right for you to be out and about, mixing, meeting and mingling. Note I said ‘feel right’ because this is all about joyfulness, authenticity and self-expression. You can’t be or enjoy yourself if you are attempting to make connections in a way that simply doesn’t sit right for you. Be it that dating app or going to that venue or event where you feel out-of-place.
Trust the universe to place who you need in your path. Provided you’re not in hermit mode and lurking where they cannot find you. You may also be on the receiving end of invitations from past or present connections. And do make this the week of saying ‘Yes’. Or even issuing some of your own. If you’ve been contemplating joining that club, group or association – what are you waiting for? I spoke about wish fulfilment in your Lucky Jupiter in Gemini Forecast. Do re-read it. This week could provide the delivery system for a wish you made. Or begin the journey towards. It’s people that make it happen, Leo. Yours are waiting. Lucky you.
In a nutshell: Wishes, goals and dreams which involve you and at least once other person, are drawn down by this week’s Jupiter/Pluto alignment. Make a wish and watch for a pivotal connection which facilitates this under this week’s new Moon.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (11th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (11th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (11th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (11th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (11th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (10th)
In every area – you’re the contender!
No small moves
Reach boss level with what you need to achieve!
Big, boss level energy dominates the sky for you this week, Virgo. It’s due to the massive stellium in Gemini and your 10th house. This includes Mercury your ruler from the 3rd. As well as the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and a new Moon on the 6th.
There’s nothing small about this. Or about the potential to bring you recognition, respect and rewards. Maximalism rules. So, there’s no small moves either. No fading into the background. No more refusing to toot your own horn.
You are in the position to make your mark or impress like no other time. The Jupiter/Pluto conjunct of the 3rd – which takes place across your 10th/6th houses, could see you rise to previously unattainable levels of excellence. Your work or contribution has been noticed. You ace that interview, exam or pitch. You rise above the competition. What you serve is outstanding in every sense of the word.
This may involve one key figure – an employer (present or potential), a gatekeeper or someone in a position of authority who can open doors or grant your request. They may embody the kinds of qualities we associate with both Jupiter and Pluto combined. This is strong archetypal energy which transcends gender. There’s no bias here. The person has attained a certain level of success. They have gravitas and influence. And can turn into your best advocate or backer. Watch if something who matches this description crosses your path.
The new Moon of the 6th appears intertwined with Venus. Enhancing your reputation and marking a point of ascension into something bigger and more satisfying. An extra note for singles who are seeking. Get serious about what you want. This is your house of the keeper. The serious contender. Ensure that’s also how you come across. No matter what position you’re seeking to fill this week.
In a nutshell: Double your luck and potential this week. You’re not only set for a boost for those ambitions from the Jupiter/Pluto trine across your 10th/6th house axis, but ruler Mercury makes a similar power move to Pluto as well. Be ready to step up into a more prominent role, Virgo.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (10th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 6th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (10th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (10th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (10th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (10th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (9th)
I want to see how lucky, lucky can be
Melissa Etheridge. Lucky
No dream is unattainable. No star is too far out of reach this week, Libra. Just ensure you know that for a fact. A million million light years may not be too far when it comes to where you want to go next. And Jupiter provides the starship while Pluto is your warp drive.
No more countdowns. No more delays. This is your launch window which is about to take you further than you ever imagined. Jupiter is in its ruling 9th of long distance travel, expansion, opportunity, solutions and luck. Pluto sits in your house of love, pleasure and attraction. Astrologers are calling the Jupiter/Pluto trine of the 3rd the luckiest day of the year. If not the decade. Your 5th house is where you effortlessly attract. Pluto rules power don’t forget. So, drawing to you what you want should be as easy as child’s play. And as playful. Provided you believe that’s the way it should be however. If you still carry around thoughts in your head that love or having what you want is hard work, you’ll stop the forward making magic from taking you to it.
You’re 9th house is lit by a massive, positive change creating stellium comprising of the Sun, Mercury (3rd), Jupiter, your ruler Venus and a new Moon (6th). The day of the new Moon is your launch date. The start of an eye-opening and heart-starting cycle of expansion into a wild world of new experiences. All of which may revolve around a big love or vision. Near or far, far away. It’s attainable for you thanks to the love infusion from your ruler Venus conjunct the moon. Love is a journey you undertake this week. And whatever the distance, it’s more reachable than ever.
In a nutshell: The Jupiter/Pluto alignment which cuts across the axis of your 5th/9th houses hands you superpowers when it comes to luck and attraction. Watch the 6th when the new Moon conjuncts ruler Venus. It marks the start of an exciting new phase.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (9th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 5th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (9th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (9th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (9th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (9th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (8th)
Change brings emotional satisfaction
Soar up and away from restriction
Make this your most glowing transformation yet
You are the sign most adept at transformation, Scorpio. You reinvent. Rebirth yourself and rise, phoenix like, time and time again. Each time powered by more surety and deep, glowing knowledge of what it is you truly need.
So, you’re more than willing to dance in the heart of the forge of change this week. Your 8th house of soul power, direction, shared resources and yes, intimate ties, peaks at five planets at the time of the new Moon (6th). Not only that, as the planets move through here, they trine your ruler Pluto in your 4th. Jupiter, planet of big benefits and opportunities, does this on the 3rd. An event we’ve never experienced before across these signs. And one astrologers are calling potentially the luckiest day of the year for all signs.
Mercury performs the same angle to Pluto on the 4th. The Moon is the ruler of your 4th and the new Moon falls conjunct Venus also in your 8th. All this points to a change or move into something more emotionally satisfying. And the means to make that happen. Other signs may fear the ‘C’ word, but you innately understand that without change, things cannot improve. All this points to a big improvement.
Your co-ruler Mars is on its own mission as it lands in your 7th this week (9th). Feel the heat as it adds that all important element of desire to home in on what fires you up. Settleds could well jointly decide to move or change up their home. Seekers of any kind of union need it to offer depth and meaning. Even if it is a working one.
There’s no more wistfully sitting on the sidelines watching others live their lives for you this week. You’ll be willing to set those changes in motion to ensure you’re a participant, not a spectator watching someone else’s reality show unfold. What you’re being handed now is the power to direct the power of change and channel it to bring about the shift you’re craving. Surrender to it, phoenix. It’s what you do best.
In a nutshell: You’re the double threat sign this week thanks to highly charged moves by both your rulers. Jupiter’s alignment to Pluto offers big benefits from releasing yourself into change. While co-ruler Mars unpacks the missing element and turns up the heat in relationships.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (8th)
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 4th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (8th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (8th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (8th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (8th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (7th)
Double acts, dynamic duos, partners in crime and mischief makers
Love is a person, a place or a pursuit
It’s about you and your boo, your bae, your ride-or-die!
No more so-so love. No more settling or being the recipient of someone’s silver medal. All or nothing union is what you seek. And the other party has to feel the same way.
You can be partnered with a soul, an idea, an activity, calling or country. With ruler Jupiter in your 7th house along with the Sun, Mercury, Venus (which rules this house), and a new Moon this week, this is about a big love, duo, duet or double act. It’s about invitations, saying ‘I do’ – perhaps not in the traditional marriage sense although for some it can be, but going all in in the pursuit of what you want or how you seek to express that love.
There’s no more holding back. If past wounds, rejection, abandonment and betrayal have left you unwilling to take that chance, you are no longer willing to allow these to hold you back. What’s more you’ll share this fearlessly if need be.
There’s an invitation to enter into something relatable on the table this week. And no matter what form it takes – it’s completely heart-centered. If it does involve another party – you and they are on exactly the same page. Watch for Jupiter manifesting in person on the 3rd when your ruler trines Pluto in your 3rd house. This is the first time in our lifetimes that Jupiter and Pluto have made this alignment in these signs. Many astrologers are calling this the luckiest day of the year. If not the entire decade.
Some of you may be travelling. And let’s face it Sag, for you travel is the big, eternal love experience. Others could receive an invitation or offer. If so you’ll feel the person extending it ‘gets’ you and you both speak the same language. The ‘L’ bomb could detonate for others. And actually this week, no matter what you engage in, or with whom, or why, it’s all love.
The new Moon in your 7th falls conjunct Venus. That in itself is a rare and special event. It promises a blessed fresh phase of relatedness. This is a new Moon of enhanced connection. It could be between you and a present or potential partner. A friend or close collaborator. A four legged soul. A place or a pursuit. Whatever form it takes – you are on the same trajectory. Hearts in sync this week, Sag!
In a nutshell: Who, what and even where you love or feel at your most free, carries Jupiter’s blessing this week. News, opportunity or travel could send you towards this. A new Moon in your 7th along with Venus promises relating, not just dating, Sag.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (7th)
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 3rd)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (7th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (7th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (7th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (7th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (6th)
Find your fit
Work that everyday magic
True self-care begins with just asking!
Teamwork makes the dream work this week, Capricorn. Partnership, sharing and delegation could be your keys to enhanced satisfaction on a daily basis when it comes to your work (paid or unpaid), studies, routine and just that feeling of being in the flow.
As far as that fit goes – are you a square peg in the proverbial round hole? If you have been battling that feeling you’re either working to live as opposed to living a life, or that you are trapped on that hamster wheel – this week offers you the opportunity to reset everything from that routine to that day job.
Pluto has only spend a few months at an early degree of your 2nd house of money, income and self-esteem. This week you get to work your true worth and also escape that rut or trapped feeling as it trines Jupiter in your 6th. Mercury is the ruler of both this house and sign, and arrives in here on the 3rd. And it too trines Pluto the following day (4th).
This is your house of supreme self-love and self-care. Which transcends Tiktok ideas around this. How you use your day and how what you do, where you spend your time and how good this makes you feel are all-important. Does self-care mean you have to look for a new job? Refine your daily routine (see what I have to say about delegation below). Or make healthier choices? Jupiter steps in with big love this week. And this could be a new job for some. Or it could be your job from this point on is understanding that nobody can do everything. And certainly not alone. Not billionaires. Not Kardashians. Not dot com entrepreneurs. Not brain surgeons, diplomats, or even that person juggling that work/life balance. And certainly not you.
Emotionally, the new Moon in here conjunct Venus (6th) reminds you that it is okay to ask for help if you need it. Even if it’s just for something mundane like the chores. No matter how close we are to people, they are not mind readers. And it may seem obvious to us that we are struggling. But we may be unaware that we are coming across to them like we are supremely capable and have got this!
This new Moon falls conjunct Venus asking you to express your needs if assistance is what you are craving. And also asks to look at your attitude towards delegating anyway. Do you secretly feel that even if you ask for help it won’t get done properly? So you do it anyway rather than let others step up? Are you holding on to the idea that there’s only one ‘right’ way to do it – and that’s yours? Provided someone else’s method gets the right result why not let go and let them do it their way? Do release any desire to micromanage now. And if you have been making yourself live up to unreasonable standards of performance, that’s not self-love. That’s the opposite. Need to ask or get it done? Mars lands in your 5th on the 9th. You’ve now a burning desire to ask for what you want. And need.
In a nutshell: The ultimate act of self-love is the decision to ask for help and opt out of doing it all by yourself, Cappy. We know you have the staying power. You’ve nothing more to prove. The Jupiter/Pluto alignment this week tells you – strength is knowing when to ask.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (6th)
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (6th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (6th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (6th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (6th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (5th)
Focus your manifestation power
Change your mind – change your world
Become the creator of magic and miracles
Big, beautiful heart-starting moments dominate this week for you, Aquarius. There’s no such thing as the universe forgetting you. Or love passing you by. What occurs this week proves this with what many astrologers are calling the luckiest cosmic event of the year. And while it is great for every single sign out there, you are the main focus of it.
How do you rate your Magician like qualities on a scale of 1 – 10? I do hope you have unerringly answered ‘10’ as a lot hinges on your belief in your own manifestation capabilities. I know I can is very different to I think I can. Whether you believe you can or can’t or that inbetween ‘maybe’ – you’re right. But it does impact your results.
Change your mind and you change your world. And never more so than when it comes to changing our minds about what we believe we can manifest, have or experience. So, expect the biggest and best result, the one that is a complete and utter game-changer as Jupiter in Gemini and your 5th trines Pluto in your 1st on the 3rd.
This is the first time in our lifetimes that these two planets have aligned across these two signs. The following day, Mercury bears news or an opportunity as it too trines Pluto.
Are you ready to accept more? To catch that perfect break and ride it in like a pro-surfer? Yes, this may ask you to leave your comfort zone if your comfort zone is defined by your own limiting beliefs. It may feel scary to experience what you can bring about when you try. But its also exhilarating. You feel totally alive.
Good news may be on its way. You could find yourself the centre of attention. Capturing hearts and minds as you go. This is your area of lovers, children, passions, creative outlets, holidays, pleasure, indulgences, hobbies and lucky breaks. Or turning that passion into a profession. One, some or a hedonistic melange of these may feature. Or invite you in.
We have a massive stellium of pure creative potential in this house right now. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and a new Moon in here on the 6th. This new Moon carries the potential to bring something new and wondrous into your life. It invites you to indulge yourself in fantasy. To wrap yourself in imaginative potential just like you would that expensive designer outfit. You wear it well, Aquarius. Feeling it fits you is what supercharges the manifestation effect. Believe in yourself. And it will appear.
In a nutshell: One of the most powerful portals of manifesting magic opens in your sign this week. What will you decide to create with the energy of the Jupiter/Pluto alignment? It’s yours to direct when you work with love.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (5th)
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 1st)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (5th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (5th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (5th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (5th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (4th)
Move into expansion
The change you wished for arrives at last
Create a Grand Design for your life!
Have you come to doubt there is a Grand Design for you, Pisces? Have things felt somewhat restrictive of late? Have you taken on too many responsibilities? Are circumstances beyond your control keeping you stuck? Or have you been trying your best to make improvements or bring about change but the results aren’t what you wanted? Or even reflecting the amount of effort you are putting in?
If you’ve had that feeling of being lost, this week sees you found again. Your faith in a higher power, the universe or even yourself, restored. Something effortlessly eases. You move ahead again and on into something freeing and bigger. Get ready for expansion thanks to the planetary full house in your 4th. The Sun, Mercury (3rd), Venus and your co-ruler Jupiter are in residence. Topped off by a new Moon in its ruling house in your chat on the 6th.
The change may come sooner when it comes to freeing you from anything that has you limited or stuck. The Jupiter/Pluto trine (3rd), is being called the luckiest transit of the year, if not the decade, by many astrologers. It’s the first time these two planets have formed this aspect in these signs in our lifetime. The fact that Jupiter is your ancient ruler, means you may reap bigger benefits from this than other signs (aside from Sagittarius). If you have been wishing, hoping and even working towards a change, with Pluto in your 12th, you can look forward to no longer being limited by your past.
Mercury will make the same angle to Pluto the following day. This could well hand you written or verbal confirmation that the change is indeed, happening. Of course for some of you this may be an actual physical move of home or even job. For others, it can be a metaphorical or emotional one of leaving the past behind you.
What I can promise you is that this move will be a beautiful one. If you are looking to move home, extend your current one, or looking for something that enhances your sense of security and belonging, the new Moon in here comes pre-packed with promise. And upgrades. It appears intertwined with Venus. An extremely rare event in itself. Property matters, lifestyle and living arrangements take on an enchanted upgrade.
Be willing to explore the new. To uproot yourself from anything that no longer supports you or which makes you feel as if you belong. You can find your space, your space, your community and your ‘real’ family now if the one you were born into or raised in has made you feel like an outsider. What you need to truly feel safe and secure and in the right place is on offer. As is the key to escaping what holds you back from this. Move out and onto the path which leads you to the place you were always meant to be.
In a nutshell: If you’ve been waiting on change to arrive – the big, beautiful utterly transforming kind that sees you transcend what’s holding you back, there should be no doubt it’s happening this week. Thank ancient ruler Jupiter (and Pluto), for freeing you from past limitations.
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
3 June 2024 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (4th)
3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
4 June 2024 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 12th)
4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (4th)
4 June 2024 Sun and Venus conjunct in Gemini (4th)
6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (4th)
6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (4th)
8 June 2024 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)
9 June 2024 Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)
9 June 2024 Mars enters Taurus (3rd)
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