Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 23rd 2020

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 23rd 2020
S/he who dares may win more than they thought possible
Go for the outcome you want to live with
Work it for all you’re worth, Aries!
Get a little bit daring this week and take a chance, Aries. But just not with your heart or your cash! This week wants to hand you surprises, discoveries and quite possibly a lucky break thanks to a fabulous solution creating a freedom-forming trine between the Sun in your 9th and Chiron in your 1st. A brave, bold step or a leap of faith could just break you free of restrictions or land you a fresh opportunity.
Bet on that self-worth!
You’ve a lot of activity in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th. Venus is in here and this week opposes Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 27th. This tells you to come from a place of value and self-worth when you are negotiating anything. From that raise to that relationship. Ask yourself if this reflects your worth or how you want to be treated. Daring to ask for more than you have done in the past could form part of that bold move.
Yes, this week favours risk-taking to a point. Just make sure you will follow through and be realistic. Mercury also in your 8th trines Neptune in your 12th on the 24th. And then meets Juno on the 26th. This says that you will live with the results of your decisions or actions for a long time to come. It is a good week to commit and say yes however. So, say yes to your truth and your true values.
In a nutshell: Ready to dare, Aries? This week says take a chance. Getting what you want may require you to make a leap of faith. Or just ask for what you’ve felt is out of reach. The outcome could just surprise you if you do!
What arrives could be unexpected – but just what you need!
Say yes to something new
Love may not look like it should
Take it this week may not deliver the outcome you expected. Just the one you need, Taurus. Ruler Venus is in its ruling 7th in your chart and opposes evolve-your-soul Uranus in your 1st on the 27th. the very same day as the Sun in your sector of sharing, sexiness and super-empowered transformation trines Chiron in your 12th. So, what you do, dare, set in motion, accept, try or attempt may get you a great result. But just not the one you thought you would.
Get fresh!
Life and indeed love, could begin to flow in a fresh and more interesting direction as a result of saying yes to what (or who) turns up as a consequence of all this. This week also sees Mercury in your 7th trine Neptune in your 11th of the future. Neptune will go to direct flow this week from the 29th. Neptune in here can have us dreaming about those goals, but also not doing anything about them. Or we may act but not look at the reality of what having them means. This is Uranus’s ruling house of course, so take it that it may have other ideas!
So, be flexible and open minded now. About what love may look like. About what outcome may actually benefit you. And about what you actually need for the long term as opposed to what you think you want. Mercury and Juno also meet in your 7th this week. Juno is all about commitments as it rules marriage. Also, it rules any long-term commitment we cannot easily exit. If we want out of a marriage for instance, we have to go through a legal process. If we take on a financial commitment such as a mortgage or loan, we are in it for the duration or else have to pay back the full amount if we want out. As in selling our home and then re-financing. You get the idea.
Mercury rules contracts. Both the written and the verbal kind. So, know what you say yes or no to this week is a commitment on some level. In or out it’s for keeps. Imagine that future and how this fits into it. Especially when it comes to love, money or anything you share. Sometimes what we didn’t expect turns out to be a future-proof choice.
In a nutshell: Ditch those preconceptions, Taurus. Opening your mind to what love and other opportunities may look like not only brings fresh possibilities within reach – but they could just be what you need right now!
Have a clear outcome in mind when it comes to career
Keep an intuition journal – and refer back to it as needed
Love is meant to life us higher – does yours?
We are heading into eclipse season, Gemini. So, start taking those soul notes when it comes to information your intuition is telling you now. No matter how far-fetched it may seem. Or if it contradicts what someone is telling you. Jot it in your journal and simply keep it in mind. It may be more accurate that what you currently realise.
Ruler Mercury sits in its ruling 6th along with Juno and Venus. It aligns to Neptune in your career sector on the 24th asking you stay grounded and practical when it comes to long term career matters. Neptune will shift to direct motion on the 29th. Know what results you want helps you now. Long term decisions can be made or if you have felt confined when it comes to work or career choices, you could be looking at a major shift as Venus opposes Uranus in your 12th on the 27th. The same day as Mercury and Juno ask for you to commit to something lasting. Perhaps just a change in your habits for some. Or a new way of working for others.
Love lifts you up where you belong
You’ve a deep need for something more exciting and freeing now. The Sun in your 7th now is all about partnerships. But those which allow you to shine and soar rather than ones that fence you in. Before Venus arrives in here and that eclipse season starts, its time to be asking what you want from love, togetherness or even working relationships for your future. The same or something different?
Lockdown love aside, some of you could see an unexpected development around some kind of double act this week thanks to the Sun trineing Chiron in your 11th. Love could take an unexpected turn, arrive in an unusual form or invite you to join a different kind of double act as in a working or collaborative partnership. It’s all love and it’s all designed to free and evolve you – heart, mind and soul.
In a nutshell: With the Sun now lighting up your partnership sector, look at those double acts and dynamic duos. That past, present or potential partnership. It may be romantic or love of another kind. But it sends you soaring, Gemini.
If the dream is worth having then live it, don’t just dream it
What you believe is out of reach could be closer than you think
Shine in your own way
This week wants you to know the difference between inspiration and escapism, Cancer. Yes, dare to dream. But then act on your ideas. Otherwise – well, they remain just that. Also, don’t look to escape via someone else as in that Prince or Princess Charming. Because here’s the heads up – they are human just like you!
Mercury, Juno and Venus all sit in your romance zone this week. You may be feeling creative, romantic and infused with sensuality and the desire to express yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. I always tell people when Neptune transits are around it’s a question of head in the stars and feet on the ground. Lucky you has Mercury working to keep is real in your 5th as it trines Neptune in your 9th on the 24th. This is days before Neptune heads direct again. This can on the one hand be a heart and imagination opening transit. Or you can get so caught up in the dream you lose touch with reality.
Time to shine!
Mercury will meet Juno which plays for keeps in here on the 26th. While Venus opposes Uranus in its ruling 11th on the 27th. So, love or your children, adult children or the younger generation or your creativity, could have a big influence on the future that is unfolding now. Again, don’t be content to just dream. This week could also hand a different kind of success story. One where you are recognised for your unique and individual talents, skills or experience. Or else an opportunity to turn something mundane and every day into a better way of living and working. Try saying ‘I get to do this’ as opposed to ‘I have to’. Others could decide to take a chance and apply for that position, promotion or job they may have previously considered out of reach. That’s not escapism, Cancer. That’s having a vision of what you want and having a plan to get it.
In a nutshell: There’s a difference between inspiration and escapism. Having a vision and dreaming. Get a vision which inspires you to take action. Perhaps in ways you never thought of before.
Saying ‘yes’ leads to freedom
Go for the long-term choice
Fall in love with your life
There’s a sense of commitment around you this week, Leo. As in committing to where you live, a lifestyle, your home, roots, your idea of family, country or where you feel you belong. Mercury, Juno and Venus in your 4th are asking you about belonging. And as Mercury trines Neptune on the 24th and then aligns with Juno on the 26th, this is all about saying ‘I do’ for the long term.
Venus also opposes Uranus in your career zone on the 27th. So, the decision being asked of you may involve work, your partner’s career, your relationship status or even making the decision to work from home. Juno rules long term commitments such as marriage. But really this includes those agreements we cannot easily exit. In this sector of your chart this would also include long term financial arrangements such as a mortgage, lease or loan. Or a work contract. You’re being asked to sign on the dotted line, literally or figuratively, for the foreseeable future.
Freedom takes you down a new path
But at the heart of this decision, is freedom. Ruler the Sun in your fabulising, Leo-cenrtic 5th trines radical possibility Chiron also on the 27th. That shift, decision or commitment you make this week may ground and centre you. But it frees you at the same time. It also reignites fire, passion and all those things you need. Yes, you may fall in love with a person, an idea, a goal or a project. But you could simply fall in love with your own life. So, go all in for the long term as far from tying you down, making that commitment will set you free at the same time. Perhaps simply to shine in a new environment or more brightly.
In a nutshell: Saying ‘I do’ to something this week isn’t about tying you down, Leo. Long term promises result in the stability and also the freedom you’re craving. Whatever it is, say yes and play for keeps this week.
Your choices create freedom
Shake up the status quo – and your future
Feel the fear – and dare it anyway!
Something requires a definitive yes or no response from you this week, Virgo. You have to say whether you are in or out. Decisions can be made around anything from work, a choice or a relationship. How you get around may change as in buying a new car. You may commit one way or another to a purchase, job or person. All down to Mercury in its ruling 3rd. It trines Neptune in your 7th which is about to head forward from the 29th.
You have the clarity you need now plus the desire to make that choice. Your ruler than meets Juno on the 26th asking you to sign your name on anything from an agreement to a heart or decision. It’s now for the long term and don’t think it’s not in your best interests either. Venus also in your 3rd opposes Uranus in your 9th on the 27th. Uranus always wants us to evolve and in here, via something which creates freedom for us.
Play with paradox
This may be edgy, take you out of your comfort zone or involve a very different choice than what you have made in the past. Daring to do, to jump in, take the plunge or opt for something previously untried could initially make you shake in your Jimmy Choos. But once you do, you then wonder what all the procrastination/fuss was about. Or what you imagined would be so difficult about it.
The Sun in your 4th trines paradoxical Chiron in your 8th also on the 27th. It points to a change and a radical one around home, income, family or living arrangements. Dare to disrupt the status quo if needed this week, Virgo. It could be just the thing you need to say yes to.
In a nutshell: Don’t be afraid to shake things up a little this week, Virgo. You’re being asked to make a choice or commit to a direction. Yes, it may take you out of your comfort zone. But that’s where possibilities and magic happen!
Get organised for abundance to flow
Solutions send you soaring
Something takes you by surprise
The good news of the week is your ability to punch through confusion and fogginess when it comes to your income, budgeting, work or simply getting in gear on a daily basis, Libra.
You may have been caught in a rip tide or drift when it comes to your work, study, daily habits, scheduling or even budgeting. That disconnected, unreal feeling where you may not have even been able to pay attention to these areas even when you consciously tried. One Libra client of mine reported always nodding off when she tried to a) study or b) look at her bills.
Blame Neptune in your 6th. What neutralises Neptune? Mercury. Mercury’s trine to Neptune on the 24th and Neptune subsequently direct from the 29th points you towards clarity and dare I say it – organisation which results in wellbeing not worry. For the long-term following Mercury joining with Juno in here on the 26th. Commitment is both the solution and the investment in your future now.
Solutions bring surprise results
Ruler Venus also sits in its ruling 2nd. In here Venus always wants to deliver more abundance on some level. As well as boosting our self-worth. The 27th sees Venus oppose Uranus in your 8th, setting you free. Perhaps by putting more resources at your disposal. And bear in mind, these can be intangible ones as well as material. You could simply find a way to transcend something that has been keeping you stuck for far too long.
The Sun in your 3rd also trines Chiron in your 7th on the 27th. News you never expected to receive could arrive. It’s also asking you take a chance when it comes to any dealings between you and another. Whether personal, business or financial. Dare to ask, try or do this week and banish that feeling of being all at sea, once and for all.
In a nutshell: Ship to shore! Time to stop that feeling of being adrift and to anchor yourself to new ways of working on a daily basis. Getting to grips with practical matters in new ways charts a new course for you this week, Libra.
Love, intuition, imagination, inspiration – these are your superpowers!
Shake it up to shine!
Is it time for self-love too?
The Sun may have left your sign, but you still have plenty of planets having a house party in your 1st, Scorpio. Mercury, Venus and Juno. Draw on love, imagination, intuition and inspiration this week as Mercury makes a magical alignment to Neptune about to head direct once more, in your 5th.
It may be time to commit to showing yourself more love. To investing in your image, look, appearance. And making an outer statement as to your worth and what you deserve. Long term changes around this can be implemented as Mercury and Juno meet on the 26th. Make and keep a promise to yourself now.
Feel it, be it, attract it
Venus in your 1st supports this and reminds you that if you want to attract you need to feel it first. The 27th sees it oppose Uranus in your 7th. This could see you ditching what has become stale, restrictive or simply does not reflect the true ‘you’. The Sun is now in Venus’s ruling sector – your 2nd. And trines Chiron in your 6th of the everyday. Your day job (paid or unpaid), your studies, your habits and routines. Shifts within call for shifts in every other area.
Along with that new you that you’re showcasing, this could extend to shaking yourself out of a routine that has become a rut or opening up a new and positively radical way of working or earning a living. Simply take a walk on the outrageous side this week, Scorpio. Which includes walking out an outrageously gorge new you.
In a nutshell: Inspiration is yours to play with this week, Scorpio. But don’t forget to direct this towards yourself. Like an actor stepping into a role you need to look and feel the part. So get creative and cast yourself in the light of self-love this week.
Is what you promised in the past still true?
Work that image
Time to move from the shadows back into the spotlight!
We’re heading into eclipse season, Will Robinson. And this is your danger signal. If not danger, then certainly your inner Robbie is giving you a heads-up to be on high alert now. Especially as you still have a big line up of astro factors in your 12th of all that is hidden.
The past or what has held you in place, confused or caused uncertainty may feature. But if you stay connected to that inner voice, you will be able to see this for what it is. Mercury’s alignment from your 12th to Neptune in your 4th could show you the way forward when it comes to matters pertaining to home and living arrangements on the 24th. Deal with these in a practical way as Neptune shifts direct on the 29th.
Mercury will meet Juno in your 12th on the 26th. Juno rules marriage and all long-term commitments. Ones we cannot back out of easily. But you may now be examining one or looking at doing just that. If so, then understand it has run its course. Venus’s opposition to Uranus in your 6th on the 27th all points to prising you out and away from something that has become a chore, hard work or a treadmill.
Get ready for your close-up
The best aspect of the week is the Sun’s trine to Chiron in your 5th. It can take you from behind the scenes to in the spotlight instantly. Think of this as being the understudy to a star and suddenly being told you’re now stepping into the lead. Taking a chance when offered something may be involved here. As could be your look, image, brand, style, appearance, social media profile, photos, videos, messaging etc. So, don’t give in to stage fright whatever you do. Be ready for your close up this week. Free of what has been keeping you confined for far too long.
In a nutshell: Look to what you have committed to in the past and ensure it is future-proof this week, Sag. There is no point continuing if it has been lived or worn out. It’s time for a new focus – on you. So commit to showcasing yourself – any way you can.
Stick to the facts
Your truth is the one you can rely on
Let your energy move you
Question what you hear this week, Capricorn. And continue this process into the next and onwards. Above all, avoid jumping to conclusions and always question the source this is coming from.
Keep your word even if those around you fail to do the same. You may find yours is the truth you can rely on. And stand by for revelations. Mercury in your 11th trines Neptune in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. Remember, Neptune clouds and confuses. It will be direct again from the 29th but keep in mind that next week brings us an eclipse in Mercury’s other house – your 6th. Hence, wait for more facts to emerge. Try to avoid gossip and speculation now. Or being drawn into it. The cheque is not in the mail. Chances are there is no conspiracy. Or that person did not do or say what others are saying they did. You need the facts and nothing else.
Bring the truth home
And look closely at whether someone is all talk and no action. Do they promise but never deliver? This could be anyone from that friend who keeps letting you down, that employer who keeps promising that raise/promotion, or that lover who says they want to commit but they have ‘too much going on right now’. Mercury’s meeting with Juno in your 11th asks you to look at long term promises which are not being fulfilled. As well as your own promise to your future. Plus, you have Venus also in your 11th opposing Uranus in your love sector. Is it time to let others know you are not a ‘someday’ kind of person?
The Sun in your secretive sector of spiritual freedom highlights any home truths around this as it trines Chiron in your 4th on the 27th. This is about what (or who) you need to give you that all important feeling of belonging, foundation and security, Cappy. Some of you may commit to moving on as a result of this. Especially if you have thought you never would. This includes moving home or simply moving that energy away from people and situations who don’t support you. It’s radical living at its very best – and supportive.
In a nutshell: Time to fact check, Capricorn. To accept nothing but the truth. This week is all about demanding that from others – and yourself. You don’t need ‘Promises, promises’. You need words to be bonds now.
Set your direction and state your terms
Connections open up new goal possibilities
Explore a new way to get where you’re going
Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve when it comes to your income, career or long-term path, Aquarius. You have a stellium of activity in your 10th of rewards, recognition and status this week. Including a meeting between Mercury and Juno in here pointing to a decision which elevates you or cements your long-term efforts. In a way that sends a message about all you can accomplish as this is your house of public image.
Mercury trines Neptune in your money house from here on the 24th, just prior to Neptune heading direct. So, this is why you need to know your worth, price or values. Venus in your 10th enhances your professional image and reputation. It will oppose your ruler Uranus in your 4th on the 27th telling you that shifts around home, living arrangements, relationship dynamics or your work bring double benefits of freedom and security both at the same time. Yes, they can and often do go hand-in-hand.
Go off the beaten track when it comes to getting to goal
The Sun in your 11th of all things Aquarian linked, trines Chiron in your 3rd on the 27th. A connection could bring radical new possibilities. You may change direction when it comes to a goal. Is there another, different but perhaps more interesting way to get there? Others could find themselves standing out, going viral or the subject of much discussion for something they post on line. Rock your message any way you can this week. It could just turn into the ultimate cosmic order.
In a nutshell: Ready for a fresh and possibly radical approach when it comes to getting what you want? Or even where you need to go? Stand up, state your terms and don’t be afraid to be noticed now. The brave get the goals, Aquarius.
Bring that insight back to shore
Aim for something bigger
What’s far, far away is closer than you think
Ruler Neptune heads direct this week. Come back down to earth with that wisdom you’ve been gathering, Pisces. News or thoughts from far far away could feature due to Mercury in your 9th making a perfect trine to Neptune on the 24th. You might also want to look at those ideas now. One could just take you further than you imagine. Provided you utilise it that is.
There’s no doubt your intuition is your compass this week so follow its directions. Although the Sun is now in your 10th of status and career, you still have plenty of planetary focus left in your broad vision and mind-expanding 9th with Mercury, Venus and Juno in here.
How far can the road take you?
Foreign affairs, study, publishing, podcasts, big ideas, the law, the outdoors, a belief system, far, far away places you have connected to in your mind or want to visit – there’s a desire and a commitment coming up around these themes. Committing to something bigger or a journey (real or metaphorical) for your future begins as Mercury and Juno meet in your 9th on the 26th. Venus opposes Uranus in here on the 27th and surprising news or a revelation could send you hurtling down a new path to explore.
For some this could even be linked to work and career as the Sun in your 10th trines Chiron in your 2nd. You could be seeing the world in a new way this week, Pisces. Either from what you’ve discovered during your Neptune down-time, or via the world knocking on your door and sending you an invitation to come explore. Just like Bilbo Baggins, the journey could be unexpected. But also offer adventure and freedom.
In a nutshell: You could commit to a path, a course of study, an idea or that bucket list item this week, Pisces. It could offer the first step into something bigger. So, don’t be afraid to take it now. The journey begins here.
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