Weekly Astrology December 18th 2023 Forecast for All Signs

Look back and count your achievements
No more comparisons
Intention powers you forward
A little reflection is allowed as the solstice occurs – but not too much, Aries! The tendency to look back at 2023 and assess what you did and didn’t achieve is expected. And also increased due to Mercury retrograde in your 10th. Just watch for being too hard on yourself or comparing yourself to others. This can happen especially in family gatherings. And when we may feel another sibling or family member is held up as the ‘favoured’ one.
Surprise returns or resets can occur. Or you simply decide to opt for a different dynamic and ditch any comparisons. That self-love and ability to celebrate all you’ve done rather than focusing too much on what you didn’t do, is what sees you gliding through the holiday season, glittering in fine, festive form.
Solstice time, and the Sun appears to pause in the sky. This is one of the two great reset moments of the year. For you, its about gathering up those achievements, and using these to cement your intentions for the coming year. Look at just how much you have done. Don’t allow this to be diminished by what others define as outer success.
This week also sees Pluto anaretic in your 10th (20th) and retroactive Mercury re-enter Sagittarius and your 9th (23rd). Yes, the usual Retro Rules need to be adhered to – especially if travelling anywhere. But this offers reboots, reintegration of goals for the coming year and a powerful realignment of purpose for you. Time to step into your power if that is what you have been shy of embracing, Aries. The 18th shows you just where you are heading next. And connects you to the knowing and resources to get you there.
In a nutshell: The best holiday gift you can give to yourself is to embrace your full power and potential, Aries. Don’t diminish your capacity for greatness but comparing what you have achieved to others. And don’t doubt the fact – you have a purpose.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (10th to 2nd)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (10th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (3rd)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (10th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (10th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (9th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 12th)
Make 2024 a procrastination free year!
See out ‘23 in Do or Dare mode
The path not taken calls
The path you take and the choice you make. No more putting off in 2024 what you promised you’d do in ‘23, Taurus. Or maybe this goes even further back than just 12 months? That bold, brazen step you know you should or need to take. But then find all those excuses not to. Such as the timing isn’t right for instance. Or you are just afraid of the consequences if you do. Often the thing we desire the most is also what scares us the most too. We may get what we want. That would take us away from what’s familiar. Even if what’s familiar causes us pain – sadly human beings are hard-wired to hang on to it.
This week makes not attempting something more painful than simply hanging on to the status quo. You see a life spent not exploring what could happen, is simply a life half-lived. You’re done with the twilight existence of that, Taurus! Pivotal moments or decisions appear on the 18th – when retro Mercury in your 9th tines Jupiter in your sign. And again on the 21st when ruler Venus in its ruling 7th opposes Uranus also in your 1st. Handing you a do-or-dare choice or option. If you are still asking yourself how could you possibly, then flip the dialogue and ask instead: How could you possibly not?!
Transformation, opportunity and freedom are what Santa has for you this holiday season, Taurus. An offer you can’t refuse. Or simply the choice of finally heading down that path you’ve been vowing one day to explore. Pluto in Jupiter’s ruling 9th moves to an anaretic (29) degree on the 20th. While the Sun lands in your 9th on Solstice Day (22nd). There’s a choice laid out in front of you. You’ve been here before but now it may be time to take that deep breath and simply jump in. One things for certain, Taurus – staying stuck is no longer an option. Explore something bigger for yourself.
In a nutshell: Something about the status quo needs to be shaken up, Taurus. What have you been putting off doing? With excuses the time simply isn’t right? This week tells you the time is right now. No more excuses. Just embracing the path you know you need to take.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (9th to 1st)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (9th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (2nd)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (9th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (9th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (8th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 11th)
Release yourself into something better
Focus your purpose
Take back your power and potential
Ruler Mercury retrograde in your 8th backs up into your 7th this week. As well as Travel could be impacted. You of all signs know the rules. But this week also concerns your past thanks to Mercury’s 2nd trine to Jupiter in your 12th (18th). You have one more superb alignment coming up. When Mercury heads direct again. This should have the effect of breaking you free of something. Or else it drops something (or someone) enticingly back within reach.
You’re in boss mode now, Gemini. And it’s time to take control. Of your future and where you want 2024 to take you. However, do understand that the universe or even your own soul and psyche, requires you to let go of something in order to have what you want. Perhaps that Dumbo feather or security blanket you’ve been clinging to, Gemini. The fact is, as Pluto moves to an anaretiic degree in its ruling 8th – you no longer need it. So releasing this is easy.
The Sun’s scorching meeting with your ruler on the 22nd (Solstice Day and when the Sun leaves your 7th), can also highlight any issues around co-dependency or anything which is no longer healthy for you. Yes, people can be our Dumbo feather too. And we may not even realise it. There’s the flip side however. Where we have handed over our power to others. With retro Vesta back in your sign (21st), if that has what has occurred, you’ll know its you who has to bring about your own release. Letting go is easy this week. From emotional and mental junk to any other clutter that holds you back.
In a nutshell: Power. Purpose. Potential. Yours to direct and use to craft something more satisfying, Gemini. Especially when it comes to partnerships. The past no longer defines you. Release a part of it to clear the way for something that feeds your soul.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (8th to 12th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (8th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (1st)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (8th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (8th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (7th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 10th)
Love is all you need
Be ready to receive as well as give
Communicate that Christmas spirit
Are you in an ‘All I want for Christmas is you’ kind of vibe, Cancer? As the Sun lands in your 7th bringing us the Winter Solstice and your yearly togetherness peak, Pluto in here moves to an anaretic degree (29). You also have Mercury retrograde in this house. You’ve so much to give – in a limitless way. Not just this week but all year. That’s simply your style. Pluto in this house has been transforming those needs however. Or a key relationship in particular. You’ll feel that focus and intensity now.
If you’re single – watch for an unexpected rom-com twist around the 21st. Anything that needs tackling should be approached on the 22nd when you can find exactly the right words to express your feelings. The Ghosts of Christmas Past could appear in the form of a blast from it. Is it sentimentality that has them in touch? Or a deeper reason? Above all, ensure the love you get matches that which you have to give. This may be the season for giving but it is also one of receiving too. Love isn’t just for the holidays, but year long.
The retro rules apply no matter which house Mercury is backwards in. So, don’t ignore them. Especially when Mercury re-enters its ruling 6th on the 23rd. Mercury retro in a ruling house maximises its capacity for mayhem. This is your house of long distance travel and mass transportation. If you’re heading out anywhere – pack a Plan B. But really, all you want for Christmas is connection, Cancer.
In a nutshell: The solstice brings with it your yearly love and relationship peak. No-one doubts your capacity to give, Cancer. But are you equally open to receiving? All you want this holiday season is that connection which hands you both. Seek it out.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (7th to 11th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (7th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (12th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (7th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (7th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (6th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 9th)
What you say you’ll do – you mean
Prioritise wellness
Give yourself the gift of slowing down
Ruler the Sun leaves its ruling 5th and fun sector of your chart, and enters your 6th on the 22nd. This is Solstice Day – the longest or shortest day depending on your hemisphere. And the time where the Sun appears to stand still. It joins retrograde Mercury in here – which rules this house. As well as Pluto back to an anaretic degree from the 20th.
Health and wellbeing matters will dominate now. Beyond the usual new year resolution gym membership or Dry January. Your ruler stopping in the sky (or appearing to), is your clue and your sign here, Leo. You need to pause and look closely at what is affecting you. Mind, body and spirit. Especially on a mental level which Mercury rules. The 22nd sees the Sun and that retro Mercury meet. If you’ve been chasing the lion’s tail all the way up to the holiday season, you may suddenly find you’re all out of roar! Do down-shift and take a time out if so.
This week offers benefits and bonuses. And a big serving of everyday magic. You’ll benefit the most if you slow down as the second beneficial trine occurs between Mercury and Jupiter in your 10th (18th). You have one more to come when Mercury heads direct again. But this could deliver a reward for some of you. While others may shift their thinking and look to a new routine or regimen for 2024. The thing is Leo – you mean it and intend to stick to it.
Mercury retro creates the most mayhem in a ruling house/sign. Unintentional snafus, mistakes, delays etc. can occur when we have simply taken on too much. Mercury then tells us to slow down. Because chances are we’ve been running on empty for too long. You’ll know if this is the source of that Mercury confusion. Happy holidays mean a happy, healthy you, Leo. Gift yourself with that.
In a nutshell: Attend to all matters in the Holy Trinity of Health and Wellness this week, Leo. That mind, body, spirit connection. Mental tiredness may result in mistakes or simply you feeling less than festive. It’s your cue to slow down and prioritise yourself.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (6th to 10th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (6th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (11th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (6th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (6th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (5th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 8th)
Dodge the Mercury mayhem!
What you’ve been waiting for appears
A twist in the tale could lead to a happy ever after
You don’t exactly have a Mercury Retro Get Out of Jail Free Card. But it’s pretty close to it this week. While other signs wonder whether Santa received that letter, or wallow around in confusion, you sparkle brighter than the tinsel on the tree. And also know exactly what you want to find under it.
Mercury’s trine to Jupiter in its ruling 9th (18th), removes blockages and barriers (18th). This is the second of three trines Mercury will make. Not only can it lift retrograde restrictions if you are travelling or around communications, it can deliver something you have been awaiting. News, that solution or answer. The return of an opportunity. A surprise release or twist which can appear between the 18th – 22nd. You have one more amazing trine coming up once Mercury heads direct once more. Which could quite literally seal the deal or open up something wilder and wider for ‘24.
You are entering your yearly pleasure peak once the Sun reaches your 5th. With Mercury backwards and also Pluto anaretic (20th) in here, love and other pursuits has a Back to the Future flavour to it. In the nicest possible way, this along with Mercury re-delivers pleasure, romance, nostalgia – but not in a mawkish, over-sentimental way. It’s sweet, sweet love, good times, the reappearance of someone from your past you’re happy to reconnect with. It’s gifts and giving. And perhaps returning to people and places you associate with being carefree and happy.
Watch for opportunities to let the good times roll again. Or a reboot around your work or how you do things. As Mercury backs into your 4th from the 23rd it’s Home, Sweet Home when it comes to what lights you up this holiday season.
In a nutshell: Your yearly pleasure peak coincides with your ruler backwards. But something puts a fresh spin on romance or other passions, Virgo. Returning to what’s familiar has you seeing it through fresh eyes. Recapture that past love.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (5th to 9th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (5th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (10th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (5th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (5th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (4th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 7th)
Closeness is your best gift
Ideas ground you
What’s been held up, holds you up higher
You’ll appreciate your roots, family or small, intimate gatherings with people who feel like home to you this week. Something left hanging could suddenly come together for you as retro Mercury in your 4th trines Jupiter in your 8th (18th). News that has been held up – especially around money, contracts, payouts, could reach you just in time for Christmas as ruler Venus in its ruling 2nd opposes Uranus on the 21st.
The usual Mercury retro rules continue to apply here. Do allow extra time if you are travelling home for the holidays. Or travelling in general after Mercury backs into your 3rd – which it rules, from the 23rd.
The Sun’s arrival in your 4th along with retro Mercury and anaretic Pluto in here (from the 20th), promises a period where you will be looking at who and what underpins or enhances that all important sense of security. Any extra money you may receive now will most likely be channelled into that. You may be drawn to small gatherings rather than large ones. In fact, if you find yourself drawn into larger holiday celebrations, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed or may opt to leave early.
What feathers your nest – or what you need in order to do this, will be very much on your mind. Be it your home (or a potential change of home), your family or those you live with and can’t live without, or what materially grounds you and adds to that feeling of security. Shore this up now. Someone who enhances this feeling of belonging for you could make this season extra special. Their thoughtfulness and the way they show they care, touches your heart. Others grasp an inspired idea which could literally lead to them putting down roots or sending them deeper. In the deep midwinter – it’s time for new growth, Libra.
In a nutshell: You’ll seek out the warmth, the closeness of connections and what makes you feel safe and secure this week. Small gatherings or homecomings add to that sense of belonging. Something you’ve been waiting on simply adds to your sense of home is wherever you find yourself.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (4th to 8th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (4th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (9th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (4th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (4th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (3rd)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 6th)
What’s cooking between you and someone else?
Put the finishing touches to plans
Ideas or talk changes everything
Ruler Pluto moves back to an anaretic (final) degree of Capricorn and your 3rd this week. Making those final transformative moves to how you communicate, those ideas, writing, visual communication, speaking, teaching, publishing and the internet. As well as the devices you use to convey what you think or share.
Mercury is the ruler of this house, and is retrograde in here. This does mean it can serve extra Mercury madness. Do bear in this mind especially if travelling this week. However, you and another – that fellow mischief maker or partner-in-crime, could be hatching a plan together which could turn out to be a game-changer for both of you thanks to the trine between Mercury and Jupiter in your 7th. For others that old boss or ex could suddenly reappear or a bolt from the blue sees you contemplating something new and exciting as Venus in your 1st aligns to Uranus also in your 7th (21st).
Despite the backwards Mercury, there’s the promise of expansion or something new in the air around you as the Sun enters your 3rd on Solstice Day. If you have been sitting on an idea, now is the time to begin to refine it ready for launch in the new year. Anaretic Pluto promises a conversation or big idea which transforms you. Anything that still blocks your path will be laid bare. And what’s more by January you will have found your way around it.
The future of love or other options may look a little different to what you thought, Scorpio. But that doesn’t mean you should say no to it. Above all, get talking now. And rope others in to that grand design. Success comes from deciding you no longer want to go it all by yourself. Bring others into that conversation.
In a nutshell: What’s the big idea? Possibly the one that you and someone close to you are hatching, Scorpio. This week favours any venture that involves you and at least one other person. Don’t keep those thoughts to yourself. Share them or even re-start a conversation.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (3rd to 7th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (3rd)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (8th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (3rd) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (3rd)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (2nd)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
You have the talent to make it happen
Returns deserve serious consideration
Self-belief opens the way
Score one for Team Sag this week! Retro Mercury’s alignment to your ruler Jupiter in your 6th (18th), could see something you have been working towards suddenly come together. Or that news you have been waiting on finally arrive.
Do keep a tight hold of the purse strings however as Mercury is in your money zone – and joined by the Sun in here from the 22nd. This week stirs up themes around what you believe is possible for you to achieve financially. The Mercury/Jupiter trine – the second of three, should give you a nice boost around this. But Pluto has been responsible for a transformation in your attitude towards your resources and your earning power. You should be feeling more powerful when it comes to your financial destiny as a result. And as for that self-belief? Hopefully its now a force in its own right.
Venus in your 12th could also deliver on something from your past. Or a sudden twist to those plans actually frees you to go towards something better and more satisfying. Don’t get too attached to plans. Or even that visual you’ve been carrying around about what success or rewards look like. If someone from the past reappears with an offer – do give this serious consideration.
The usual retro rules do apply. Especially after Mercury returns to your sign (23rd). Do allow extra time to get where you are going if travelling. And check and recheck departure information and connections. Even the weather can play a role. Be prepared. If your goals for ‘24 include travel, there’s no better time to look to how you can fund this, Sag. Time to think big when it comes to that budget. Even if in the present moment, you’re all too aware of where the money goes. And think big when it comes to those ideas, too. One of them now could turn into a real money maker.
In a nutshell: Your birthday season ends but you’re left with a fresh determination and sense of self-empowerment when it comes to where you want to direct your destiny in ‘24, Sag. Anything returning from your past deserves serious consideration this week.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (2nd to 6th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (2nd)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (7th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (2nd) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (2nd)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (1st)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
Let passion direct your path
Events show you that you’ve not been passed by
Happy birthday, Capricorn!
Happy solstice, Capricorn! Something could be on offer now that asks you to say yes to it. Maybe its been bubbling away on a back burner. That solution, opportunity or idea. Now it reaches boiling point thanks to the second of three amazing trines between retro Mercury in your sign and Jupiter in your 5th (18th).
Time to go where your passion wants to take you. By now you know Pluto doesn’t do things by half-measures. It moves back to an anaretic (29) degree in your 1st from the 20th. Those of you with your Capricorn factors at this degree will be unable to ignore an irresistible call to act or initiate something. But no matter where those planets are for you – the urge will be compelling. You have to follow up, follow through or set something in motion for yourself. Some desires and dreams are too important to ignore. They are part of who you are. Too deny them is to diminish yourself. And your birthday season is about your right to shine – not the reverse!
If you’ve felt you have been passed by, ignored, or that you’ve not been the chosen one in work or love, these end of year aspects are set to put things to rights for you. Of course, you have to be open to possibly accepting something that may come in a different wrapper from what you expected it to. Yet it feels close or familiar.
This week asks you direct your destiny by following your heart. And also if in doubt, allowing it to make the choice for you. As the Sun enters your sign and fuses with retro Mercury, step out of your own way and be willing to trust yourself. The timing is perfect. You’ll know when to act – and also what to say yes to. Prepare to be gifted with the wait being well and truly over now.
In a nutshell: Any remaining feelings of being ignored, passed by, overlooked or that you’re not the chosen one, vanish during this extra-refining birthday cycle, Capricorn. The fact is if something didn’t work out the first time, it was because your destiny involved an alternative which is so much better.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (1st to 5th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (1st)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (6th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (1st) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (1st)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (12th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
Answer that call
What works for others may not be best for you
Design your own destiny
Venus in your 10th opposes ruler Uranus in your 4th (21st), while Pluto moves back to an anaretic degree in your 12th (20th). What you want to keep from your past, your roots, your beliefs, your path and purpose – and what now needs to be discarded, will occupy you this week. There’s a soul call happening. A pull towards something. People, a place, a path. You need to answer the call from the soul of your authentic self. And at a time when many of us return to our families for the holidays, to remain connected to your truth. What works for others may not work for you. And your path is yours and yours alone to walk, live and discover.
What’s right and remains relevant could enjoy a revival as retro Mercury also in your 12th trines Jupiter in your 4th. If travelling back to somewhere you have been in the past – it may appear new in some way. Past options or ideas get reinjected with present purpose and future potential. But what’s no longer a good fit for you is also apparent once the Sun arrives in here on Solstice Day. Its meeting with Mercury could bring an important truth around this. Or the return of something that remains future-proof for you.
The usual retro rules apply during this cycle. Don’t ignore them especially if travelling. Past friends and connections could be in touch or the holidays promise a reunion as Mercury backs up into your 11th. However, be wary of anyone with a history of asking for favours. Especially if this involves you lending them money. Sometimes the way to empower someone is to say no. You could recommit to an old goal or dream now. Again, this may be upcycled or repurposed to fit in with your increased awareness of what’s now right for you. And what isn’t. Your gift from the universe this holiday season will be the understanding that it’s never too late. To go after that dream or what’s right for you.
In a nutshell: Claim your true path. And the destiny you are supposed to live. Living your life on others’ terms is no longer an option for you. Sure, their choices may work for them. But this week reminds you to stay true to who you are.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (12th to 4th)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (12th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (4th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (12th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (12th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (11th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
People, Henry Robert Merrill
Funny Girl
Friendships, your social network, connections and contacts will be front-and-centre this week. It’s not what you know, but who during this cycle. It’s also not the time to be in hermit mode either. Nobody gets there alone is the message. Even solo round-the-world sailors need someone to build that boat and also to stay in touch during their voyage. People power is the greatest gift you can receive now.
The quote from the song ‘People’ at the start of this forecast highlights the fact that people co-create our future. As we play a role in co-creating theirs. People are what sets the luck factor in motion for us. Watch for invitations, news, DM’s, messages linked to goals or those who can assist in you reaching them around the 18th when retro Mercury in your 11th trines co-ruler Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. If you’ve been waiting for something or that answer, this is when it can appear. Breaking you out of the retrograde blues.
People from far off places, who appear larger than life in some way, friends in high places or with influence, could open up surprising new paths or opportunities. That chance meeting or introduction turns out to be most significant than you first thought. Do keep an open mind as Pluto moves to its final degree in your 11th. This will also show you which connections still hold meaning. And which ones are now past their sell-by date.
Someone could show you just how good a friend they are as the Sun moves into your 11th and meets retro Mercury. While the Sun angles to Saturn in your 1st on the 24th. If help is on offer, it is held out with no hidden agenda in mind. A contact has a long term role to play in your future. Or you in theirs. Your squad, your entourage, your circle could enlarge or contract this week. But what it contains are the people who have your back. You’ve come together to make things happen. For the kind of good that goes around.
In a nutshell: Your future is in motion this week. Even as people from your past may resurface. You’ll know for sure if a connection still has that old resonance. Who is drawn into your orbit, has an all-important part to play.
18 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd time) (11th to 3rd)
20 Dec 2023 Pluto anaretic in Capricorn (29 Degrees) (11th)
21 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
21 Dec 2023 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Gemini (4th)
22 Dec 2023 Sun enters Capricorn (11th) Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern
22 Dec 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Capricorn (11th)
23 Dec 2023 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Sagittarius (10th)
24 Dec 2023 Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 1st)
Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.
Tarot Deck Guide Book
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.