Weekly Astrology January 29th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Embrace material and spiritual success

Go the distance

Seize the moment!

A rare and special window of opportunity opens this week as we enter a period where all the major planets are direct in the sky. Seize the day and ditch the excuses. Momentum catches you up and can take you where you want to go provided you don’t procrastinate, Aries.

Venus, ruler Mars and Mercury – the latter now free of retro-shadiness, are all in your status setting 10th house. Yes as Venus trines Jupiter (29th) and then Mars trines Uranus – both in your 2nd house, this is about material success and satisfaction. But it’s also about other blessings too. Your dedication to a path, a passion, a goal pays off with inner and intangible benefits that together, all make up lasting success and satisfaction for you. The material aligns with the spiritual as Merury angles to Neptune in your 12th (2nd).

Ideas and your belief in yourself and what you are capable of, translate into rewards, recognition and receiving something that may have been a long time coming. Or which you have worked hard to achieve. Joy, enhanced security, lasting benefits are all part of the package. Think in the long term when it comes to what you initiate or leveraging the benefits the universe sends you way this week. How you can use what comes your way to build something lasting for you and those you care for. And don’t for one moment doubt your deservedness when it comes to what’s on offer this week.

In a nutshell: Your ability to see beyond instant gratification and go the distance when it comes to your achievements, pays off for you this week. If success is merely defined by money, it can turn out to be an empty victory. You’ve included that spiritual dimension. Victory lasts.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)


Fuse your vision with that of another

They who dare dance with the divine!

The universe shows you it never lost the faith

Chime with the trines, Taurus! Ruler Venus trines Jupiter in your 1st bringing you the luckiest day of the year so far. Venus is in Jupiter’s ruling house in your chart so expect the effects to be max’d now. Personal goals, travel, learning, ambitions and the path to where you want to get to are all highlighted this week. That’s no longer a rocky road but a highway to heaven that’s opened.

And it could take you a different and more scenic route than you expected thanks to a second trine between Mars also in your 9th and Uranus in your sign (also on the 29th). Be prepared to break out, explore the path not taken or simply astound with the bold and fearless moves you make now. That choice or action you take could be one you never thought you would. Fortune favours the fierce this week, Taurus.

All this is in the name of a higher love or aspiration. It could well be you’ve nurtured a goal or vision for some time. And with all the planets now in direct motion, this is the moment you finally embark upon that quest. There’s a touch of luck and wish fulfilment in the air as opportunity appears to let you know it never passed you by. Even perhaps when you lost your faith in it. You are not forgotten.

Inspiration leads to solutions and a move forward when on the 2nd, Mercury in your 9th angles to Neptune in your house of friends and the future. Look to what you and others can co-create. And when it comes to a personal goal, who you know or meet has a role to play. If someone invites you to join in their vision quest, it may in fact, be a higher and quicker path to your own. That bold move may not be taken alone this week. You go further with a like-minded soul at your side.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus aligns to Jupiter on the 29th bringing you the luckiest day of ‘24 so far. It’s a week for bold, fearless moves. And for your faith in the universe – and yourself, to be restored, Taurus.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 1st)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)


Unleash the change within in

Let go of guilt or hesitation

Leave your usual comfort level behind you

Let loose the butterfly or fiery phoenix within, Gemini. Because without change and metamorphosis, things cannot improve. You should be highly attuned and your awareness of the necessary transformational steps you need to take for this to occur this week. No pain, no gain. No change – everything stays the same.

Ruler Mercury is now flying free of retro-shade in your 8th. In fact, we are in one of those rare periods where all the major planets are direct. One where we need to set in motion any changes we may have put off. And with the alignments between Venus and Mars in your 8th and Jupiter and Uranus in your 12th on the 29th, to follow your inner voice or gut feeling when it comes to enacting these.

If outer change sweeps you up and deposits you on a new and wonderful shore line, chances are you may have known on some level this was coming. Or have thought about it and wished for it for some time now. When it comes to what you need to do to free that fiery phoenix within you, there should be no more hesitation on your part from the 2nd when ruler Mercury angles to Neptune in your 10th. Just the practical, guilt-free steps you need to take.

This week also asks how comfortable you are with handling or having more in the material sense? Or does that take you too far out of your comfort zone, Gemini? Just bear in mind that the unfamiliar quickly becomes the familiar once we commit to exploring it. As does connecting with previously unexplored areas of our soul. Don’t be afraid to step into your power this week. And embrace it.

In a nutshell: Even if change is not self-initiated this week, chances are your intuition was telling you it was not only coming – but necessary, Gemini. If guilt is what has been holding you back from taking that step – you’ll take it now, guilt-free and sweeter.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 12th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Are you ready for wish fulfilment?

Expect the unexpected

Put yourself where luck can find you

Let’s talk about making a wish. Remember I’ve been talking about how you should make three wishes with Jupiter in your 11th house? And that provided you took steps towards their manifestation, you could expect at least one to manifest during its transit through this house? Possibly in unexpected ways or via those you know and encounter thanks to Uranus’ presence in here as well? Well, this week is when you may see magic happen and that cosmic delivery occur.

Venus is in its ruling 7th in your chart. As well as Mars and Mercury. Better yet – Mercury has now ditched any retroshade and all the major planets are in direct motion. A rare window where barriers to progress vanish and all we see are green lights to progress. What do you want to happen when it comes to partnerships or any venture that you dream of that involves you and at least one other person?

If love itself and finding it is your goal, then ensure it knows where to find you. This is one of those times where yes, you can put yourself on the dating apps. And then meet someone in a place where you least expected to find a partner. The act of doing something or taking that key step towards getting what you want is what is engages the energy and the universe’s capacity to deliver. Do bear this in mind no matter what your vision is.

Others could meet someone who has a key role to play. While an offer leads to a new path or short cut to getting what you want. The key is to be open-minded and simply willing to explore. No matter what direction you do in, something wonderful is waiting. Just choose one and take that step, Cancer.

In a nutshell: Venus’s alignment to Jupiter on the 29th delivers one of the luckiest days of the year so far. For you it’s all tied to your wishes and dreams, Cancer. Especially if they involve at least one other person to enable them to come true.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 11th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Rewards spring from long term commitment

Move on up

Ready to make that boss move?

Small steps combine to produce a giant leap forward this week. Ruler the Sun is now in your 7th house. So, this could even impact on your relationship status or your partner’s path.

It’s not just the season for partnership matters, but seeing the seeds you have planted and nurtured, blossom into something real thanks to Venus, Mars and Mercury in your 6th. Mercury rules this house and asks you pay attention to the details, the things you have to do and what you enact on a daily basis which builds to have a longer term impact on your future.

This week’s trines between Venus and Jupiter in your 10th and Mars and Uranus also in your 10th, infuse you will positive energy and a willingness to do what it takes when it comes to work, your career, your work/life balance and those ambitions. A door to promotion or progress could open. An unexpected change or development at your current workplace sees your stock on the rise. Or you hear positive news about that new position.

Changing up our routine, evolving and refining what you currently do or unleashing your inner entrepreneur could see you gaining the satisfaction and the recognition you’ve been looking for. If a path has not yielded the rewards or results you hoped for, you’ll see that there’s no point in pursuing it any further. And you’ll switch in a fresh, freeing and more inspired direction after the 2nd. Choices abound this week. The universe may present you with more than one option, Leo. The steps you’ve taken have brought you to this moment. Now – take that leap.

In a nutshell: A week to know what you want to achieve. And to take the direct route to get it, Leo. Rewards and opportunities stem from your long term efforts. Be ready to take this to the next level.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 10th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

No more accepting ‘just because’

Rise and step up to that challenge

Don’t stop until you get there!

Feel the wind in your hair and ditch the stagnant and stultifying, Virgo. Let the hero – and I use this term in its gender-neutral meaning as in your inner explorer and warrior for love, rise and leave you free to explore something new, freeing and more soul-starting.

Ruler Mercury is now free of retro-shade in your 5th of romance and attraction. This week sees all the major planets in forward motion. Rock and roll to free your soul. You also have Venus and Mars in here and their trines to Jupiter and Uranus in your 9th tell you it’s time to look forward, not back. And to focus on the new, the novel and the heart-starting. Jupiter is in its ruling house in your chart (9th) and the trine it makes to Venus is one of the luckiest and most opportunity creating of the year so far. Are you willing to leave the mundane behind you and live a little and love larger, Virgo? Don’t settle because you feel you should. Or if others make you feel this way.

No small moves this week. It’s literally Go big, or go home. You can control the results or drive your life in the direction of your heart’s quest now. Simply by focussing on that bigger vision or result. Be ready to explore a new dimension in love or what you love to do which calls you to embark on an adventure. And leave what’s familiar behind for the limitless potential of the unexplored as ruler Mercury aligns to Neptune in your 7th. Explore your higher calling. Or that higher love this week.

In a nutshell: Where you go from here is triggered by your own self-belief that yes, you CAN, Virgo. Time to make a bold move to make it happen. And if you do, watch how the universe moves with you. No more settling for less than that.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 9th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Fly free of restrictions

Your decision making process nears perfection

Tap into hidden assets – material and spiritual!

Positive change brings long term satisfaction this week thanks to ruler Venus in your 4th and its angle to Jupiter in your 8th. This is the luckiest day of ‘24 so far. And for you it could deliver lasting benefits around your home, lifepath, living arrangements, family, security and career. The same day (29th) also has Mars in your 4th trine Uranus in your 8th bringing sudden, sweeping transformations and a compelling move around anything that has kept you stuck.

Solutions are at hand when it comes to income, property matters, assets and resources. Fears and insecurities no longer exert any power over you. You feel free to take action and make your decisions knowing that your choice is the right one for you. Emboldened, you set something for your future in motion. And transcend restrictions once and for all.

Right now the Sun is in its ruling 5th house in your chart. Supercharging your ability to attract to you the opportunities, solutions, resources and luck you need. We are also in one of those rare periods where all the major planets are direct in the sky. So, this truly isn’t a time to limit yourself or fall prey to fears and restrictions, Libra.

Opportunities appear around your day job (paid or unpaid), studies and daily routine or living arrangements on the 2nd when Mercury angles to Neptune in your 6th. Cutting through any remaining hesitation or indecision. You know what needs to happen in order for you to live your best life. Take the direct route towards it. No u-turns, Libra.

In a nutshell: There’s a different between what grounds and supports you – and what keeps you stuck. Expect enhancements to the former and the removal of the latter thanks to ruler Venus and Jupiter giving you access to what you need this week.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 8th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)


Love is the fuel – and the feeling

Make that inspired move

What you send out receives a reply in kind

Fuel up on love and partnership potential this week, Scorpio. Both Venus and ancient ruler Mars in your 3rd act as cosmic Cupids as they trine Jupiter and Uranus in your 7th (29th). Double acts of all descriptions feature. That work collaboration, that bestie, bae or boo. What you hear, say or send out bears all the hallmarks of togetherness. And your target audience is oh-so-receptive to what you’re selling.

It’s all about the winning move whether you are seeking to capture someone’s heart, that gig or that opportunity as the Venus/Jupiter trine is the best aspect of the year so far. And coming from a place of heart-centered openness and truth. There’s little doubting your intentions. And honesty as you won’t be able to hide your real feelings. Your heart is on your sleeve. And talking about those feels.

You’re serving passion as a side-order. Because when it comes to how you come across your message is authentic, clear and genuine. No matter what the topic. The internet, social media and apps are not just your playground but your cosmic ordering delivery system. Post, swipe, pitch, launch and cast that message far and wide. You’ll get that response and maybe more than one.

Tap into inspiration with a slice of pure spiritual love. The 2nd is excellent for romance and also showcasing those creative ideas. Mercury sits in its ruling 3rd aligning to Neptune in your attraction zone. Lost for words? Unlikely. What you broadcast acts as a magnet and attracts back in kind. Prepare for responses and positive results this week.

In a nutshell: You won’t be able to fool anyone this week, Phoenix. Your heart is on your sleeve and you broadcast those authentic feels for all to see. Don’t doubt this is a good thing. Because truth is always answered in kind.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Join the everyday evolution

Focus on one perfect result at a time

Work it your way, Sag!

Free yourself from the mundane! Just how is that balancing act between your role, responsibilities and your all-important quest for freedom? Also – does your current role hand you not just the rewards you seek but also allows you full expression of your talents? The trine between Venus in its ruling 2nd and ruler Jupiter in your 6th opens up new ways to work. And the rewards that come with this.

This is the best transit of the year so far for every sign. But extra loaded for you as it involves your ruler. The same day this occurs also sees Mars in your 2nd trine Uranus in your 6th. Sudden, exciting and positive shifts around your day job, role, routine and again, what you receive from this propel you out of any remaining rut. If you are seeking a new position at this time, contemplating taking a course of study or simply switching up those habits – now is the time to apply or enact those changes. The benefits will be instant. And brilliant.

All the planets are direct in the sky right now. A rare highway of green lights and open road. Do however focus your energy on one thing at a time for maximum results. Multitasking is not your friend. And is the devil of the inefficient and lacklustre take-outs. You know that’s never your jam. Bring that energy down to your everyday environment, lifestyle, living arrangements and purpose. Small adjustments and signalling to the universe you are ready for change brings big shifts.

In a nutshell: Face it, Sag. The biggest benefit you can take away from any job is the freedom to work it your way. That’s on offer this week thanks to ruler Jupiter and Venus. And yes, it could just come with enhanced material rewards as part of the package!

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)


Share the muse

The sign who dares rises highest

Let’s get this after-party started!

We’re gonna par-tay like it’s still your birthday, Capricorn! In fact, this week makes it seem as if the Sun never left the Capricorn building. Not only are all the planets direct in the sky – a rare highway without red lights we can cruise towards our goals, but your sign is the crucible of the best transit of the year so far – the trine between Venus in your sign and Jupiter in your 5th which takes place on the 29th.

Big love, big luck factors act as the ultimate attractor for you. Put it out there – playfully, do what is within your own power to bring about the result you want – and above all leave your comfort zone and experiment with joy and curiosity around what all this could possibly bring you. Then watch what answers you. Your daring, sexy, creative self surfaces and demands expression and an outlet as Mars also in your sign trines Uranus (also 29th). Put yourself out there, Cappy. Fearless and fierce. Without filters. So last year.

Mercury also in your 1st has left all retro-shadiness behind. There’s a touch of inspiration, of channelled, divine muse behind what you create, say, share or send out on the 2nd. Mercury’s angle to Neptune in your 3rd makes this the perfect day for that application, that pitch or presentation, submission, business idea or launch. Initiate that conversation. Make the first move. Share something which takes a current connection to the next, deeper level. The more you dare – the bigger the results.

In a nutshell: Big, bold moves bring you breathtaking results this week. This is no time to be shy or think small, Cappy. The fiercer and more fearless your approach – the results will be plain for all to see. So, don’t be afraid to stand out and shine.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 5th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)


You gotta have faith!

If it’s meant to be – it’s effortless

Intuition is your alert system

Let’s talk about what you’ve been waiting for, Aquarius. Or working towards. Anticipating patiently. Keeping the faith in. If so, this week is when rewards fall due and your ability to told on to hope or that dream, is validated.

Your birthday season this year occurs in a rare and special direct motion phase in the sky when all the major planets are in forward motion. This tells you its time to act and take those steps you’ve been thinking about. Especially on the 29th when Mars in your 12th trines ruler Uranus in your 4th.

If something is meant to happen, return from your past or a dream realised, this is when it will thanks to another trine between Venus in your 12th and Jupiter in your 4th which occurs the same day, This is the luckiest day of the new year so far for all of us. You may get that feeling something is about to occur – and then it does. If something has been held up, the barriers which blocked it come tumbling down. Work with cosmic timing and the universe. If you need to push or struggle – you need to understand you need to let go instead.

If something no longer works for you, there will be no more hiding in denial about it. Yes, denial is a wonder-drug. Because for a while it honestly seems to work. However, when we come down off it, reality is still there waiting to bite. We need another fix. Denial is the cosmic opioid crisis. But you’re past that now. Ruler Uranus along with Mars will act for you if you refuse to act for yourself. It’s all in the name of soul evolution. And that means getting rid of anything that no longer serves that. Do keep this in mind.

If you have been on the wrong path, you are now shown the shining open diversion. The short cut which takes you where you need to go thanks to a wayfaring sextile between Mercury and Neptune on the 2nd. This is your new cycle, Aquarius. New you, new attitude. Accept what occurs this week fits You 2.0 perfectly.

In a nutshell: Out with the old. In with the new. If any aspects of your past remain relevant – they will effortlessly reboot now. If not, consign them to the past and don’t look back. If you’re constantly looking over your shoulder – you’ll miss that glittering opportunity ahead.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 4th)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Expand your circle of joy

People power your future

Remember – it’s ALL love!

Abundance, joy, friendship, interconnectedness, belonging. News ripples out across your social circle. Invitations, offers, opportunities spring from who you know, meet or are connected to thanks to a massive planetary gathering in your 11th house.

Do note this is truly about the wider love of friends rather than romantic love right now. If you are single, something could start as a romantic attraction but you may discover that it morphs into a steady friendship instead. If you are seeking a mate, you might want to wait until Venus arrives in your sign.

There is no one ‘better’ love to experience than another however. So, do keep this in mind. And that at the end of the day it’s all love no matter how the human (or even soul animal connection), is packaged. Look to who you meet, encounter, connect with, hear from, interact with on the 29th when Venus in your 11th trines ancient ruler Jupiter in your 3rd. Expect news, offers, opportunities and friends or contacts with all kinds of benefits. Schedule meetings and interviews for this day if you can. And do accept any and all invitations that come your way. Without double booking yourself that is!

Uranus rules your 11th and this day also brings a trine between it and Mars also in your 11th. Sudden, exciting and unusual friendships may feature. As could the knowledge one connection may be outgrown. Again, if you get the opportunity to step outside your usual circles on this day – take it.

We are in a cycle of massive momentum and forward progress as all the major planets are direct in the sky. Including Mercury free of retroshadow which angles to ruler Neptune on the 2nd. A day to enjoy the company of like-minded souls. And to celebrate just what you share together.

In a nutshell: Friendships and connections hold the key to your future, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to explore new and very different circles to discover just how big an impact people can have on your future path. What you have in common – so worth celebrating!

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)

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