Weekly Astrology October 30th 2023 Forecast for All Signs

Spooky surprises, treats – no tricks!
Love has a heart beat
Something is ready to live again
Big resurrection energy points to something coming alive or a powerful reawakening for you this week. Potential swirls about you, Aries. How will you harness it?
The ghosts of lovers past, reappearances, revivals, something you thought had ended resuscitated, and second chances. The Halloween vibe sees something that you thought lost, gone or over with, very much back from the Twilight Zone. It’s unexpected. But heart-starting as Venus trines Uranus in your 2nd.
Of course, it’s up to you what you do about it – or them. There may be another chapter in this story to be written but you get to decide the ending this time. Any new beginnings spring from something that you set in motion in the past. People do 180 degree turns, that job you were turned down for gets re-offered, money you were owed turns up, you ask a second time and get a different answer. Or that lover wants another go-around. Walking Dead or walking back to happiness? That’s up to you.
There’s certainly a new deal on the table as Mercury and Ceres meet (4th). Or something re-imagined or renegotiated. Saturn direct lifts the lid on where to go next. One way or another, this spooky week promises either a passion revival – or else the realisation that something is best put to rest. If it’s the latter – have no fear, Aries. Nature abhors a vacuum and November brings you plenty to fill it.
In a nutshell: That’s not the past come back to haunt you, Aries. That’s the beating heart of something you thought dead and done with! A new beginning springs from the past. Right when you least expected it.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (8th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (4th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (12th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
All or nothing love – each has a message for you
Get a taste of spooky love treats
Your heart reveals the truth around what it wants
This week is either all treat or all trick. So, love is either on like Donkey Kong. Or else, that promising new connection ghosts you. Maybe you feel you and that boo are on different planes suddenly. Or else so close you can dispense with words as you already know what the other is going to say? Or just as you thought you had exorcised that toxic person, the ghost of them rises up again to haunt you with their negativity. Either in their original form. Or via a different one.
This Halloween week energy can get a little extreme. Instant attraction gives way to what on earth was I thinking? You or another have a surprise change of mind. It’s all due to the intense planetary energy across both your 5th and 7th houses. With those planets including ruler Venus, impacting on Jupiter and Uranus in your sign.
What’s hot and what’s not becomes very clear to you. That must-have item you splurged on recently now gets listed on eBay. That creative project you shelved earlier? Why on earth did you think it wasn’t worth pursuing? With the portals to the ‘other side’ open wide this week you’ll be shown proof that no matter your current feelings around someone or your relationship status you’re not alone. Either on this plane nor any other.
This weeks treat no trick is that you are about to make an amazing, heart-centered discovery where you reconnect to what your heart really wants around the 3rd – 4th. You banish restrictions or ideas about what you have to ‘settle’ for. For some of you, you’ll experience a change in perspective which shows you that you already have the love you need. If someone feels distant, ask yourself if you have been preoccupied or closed off lately? And if something vanishes into the outer limits, you’ll also see it wasn’t right anyway.
In a nutshell: The ghosts of lovers past could reappear this Halloween. Spooky signs from the ‘other side’ show you that no matter what you believe, you are surrounded by love, Taurus. Be prepared to hear what your heart truly wants for you.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 1st)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (7th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (3rd)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (11th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Practice extreme self care
Your soul advises but you make the choices
Don’t leave loose ends undone
Take care of unfinished business and put the finishing touches to projects that have been left hanging this week. Does leaving them undone haunt you on some level? Niggle your conscience? You know you what you should do but you shove that thought aside. Put it to rest once and for all.
The energy stretches across your 6th/12th houses. You are on the cusp now of entering your annual love and partnership peak in just three weeks time. So, why continue to give house room to loose ends and unfinished business, Gemini? Exorcise those self-doubt demons when it comes to what you believe you can and can’t have in relationships. Magic happens when we realise we are worth more – and get out of our own way in getting it.
Time to look at that day job. Is it filled with passion and purpose or just a way to pay the bills? Or if it’s unpaid work you do, has that routine become a rut? Look at ways you can enhance your daily and remove the grind. Resubmit that job application, revise that CV, resurrect that skill and if necessary, repackage your entire work image/history in a way that’s relevant to what you want to be doing. The meeting between ruler Mercury and Ceres on the 3rd in Mercury’s ruling 6th, points to a new way of working. Or a total re-imagining of how you spend your time.
The body beautiful is also up for an overhaul if needed. Along with that public/professional image. Is your body a temple or has it turned into the fast food joint next door? Do you feel good about the skin you’re in? Old or young, fat or thin, tall or short it’s time to worship that body as it is right now and commit to caring for it better. And how you present yourself to the world. Upgrade, update and above all, CARE for who you are. In the extreme and for the long term. Your entire gamut of work/lifestyle choices and how these interconnect is up for a review right up until the time the Sun changes signs. Your body wants you to go places and enjoy what you do. Your spirit shows you how to make it happen.
In a nutshell: Yes, we are spirits having a human experience. And our bodies are the way we navigate and enjoy this. So, doesn’t it make sense to take care of the business of taking care of your body? Don’t allow unfinished business to drain you or prevent this happening.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 12th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (6th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (2nd)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (10th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
Magic up some pleasure
Conjure passion
Get in on the Banishing Act!
You’re a magic act this Halloween, Cancer. It’s not about the love you have – or don’t, this week. It’s how you feel about love that counts. Do you feel loved-up or lacklustre when it comes to romance or even life in general? Do you still have feelings for a past love or even regrets about letting go something you loved to do? Then Halloween Week could just be your portal to passion resurrection. Or hand you a spellbook from which you can conjure something wondrous and new.
Old lovers, past passions, projects, pastimes and hobbies come door knocking thanks to Venus’s angle to Uranus in your 11th. But perfected and possibly more refined and relevant if they reappear.
Joy comes from looking at how much love you feel you have. To preface the old saying: Love and the world loves with you, cry and you cry all by yourself. This is no time to sigh over what you may feel you lost or haven’t got. Appreciating all you have simply triggers the magical engines of abundance and sends more to appreciate your way. Don’t give the ghosts of self-pity any more house room. This is your Banishing Act, Cancer. And it is powerful magic.
Time to look not just at how much love you feel you have in your life, but how much fun, pleasure and creative self-expression you’re allowing yourself to experience. Children, step-children and young people may play a larger than usual role. If you have children, why not dress up and join them trick or treating? Children have the gift of getting totally lost in what they are doing, abandoning themselves to enjoying the moment. It could be a child reconnects you to this capacity for sampling simple delight again. Candy for your soul as Mercury and Ceres meet on the 3rd.
Of course, you don’t and shouldn’t need children as an excuse to indulge. The love you have extends to anything which ignites your passion –not just to lovers. Barriers to this vanish like bad spells blown away by the breeze. Rethink your relationship to who and what you love. That’s powerful spell casting which magics up joy.
In a nutshell: Magic is in the air so please, use it to focus on what you have – not what you don’t, Cancer. Passion may make a welcome return. In a form that’s more relevant to what you need. The more you focus on joy – the more joyful you become.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 11th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (5th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (1st)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (9th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Make this the Day of Really Living
Connect to the wisdom of your roots
Welcome to your spiritual homecoming
In Latin cultures, the Day of the Dead – Dia de los Muertos, is traditionally celebrated by creating an altar at home to remember family, friends and ancestors who have passed. To honour and also connect to them as the doors to the spirit realm open wide.
This period which always sees your ruler the Sun plus other planets in your 4th, means there’s no place like home for you now, Leo. And you are more aware than usual of your roots, your upbringing, those who have gone before you and what underpins your life and your path. Even if this has not been handed down by your family, but is created by you to give you that sense of belonging. The traditions that begin with you.
So, for you, there’s no better way to be open to the messages or wisdom those in the world of spirit may have for you, than to spend time at home. And to think about all elements that create your lifestyle, where you live and who you live with.
Creating an altar is optional. But looking closely at your needs around home, family and security – material and emotional, plus your sense of belonging, can bring you insights. Journaling, meditation, the Tarot are tools you can employ. Look for spooky synchronicities across the week as the Day of the Dead runs from All Hallows Eve to November 6. This can even touch on areas such as your career and your income which also play a major role in how settled and secure you feel. Prepare to tune into the home network, Leo. Brought to you by those on the other side.
In a nutshell: Make your home a sacred space and invite in the wisdom of those who you loved and knew who have crossed over. Even those long gone – the karmic ties and ancestors you never knew, may make their presence known. Any messages you receive – priceless wisdom.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 10th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (4th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (12th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (8th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Spooky actions bring freedom
How can you say it again but different?
Reconnect to your past
Venus in your sign trines Uranus in your 9th bringing magical and uncanny surprises and opportunities your way. Solutions may present themselves that unstick you from stasis. Or simply offer a chance to move ahead with an area urgently in need of a complete renovation. From your love life to your working one.
Halloween week promises reinvention, relaunches and reappearances. It’s the X Factor. The ghost awakening in the machine of fate. The very thing you didn’t see coming. Magic happens in a way that boosts not just your bank account but yes, your confidence in yourself and your abilities too. This is a good week for getting back in touch with anyone from your past – from old friends to old business contacts. Something from your past has life left in it or has been left half-finished but with its potential still intact. It could be well worth the U-turn now. The olive branch if things ended on a bit of a sour note. Go back to that client. Remind that potential employer you’re still interested. Rewrite that CV, that profile, that pitch. Ruler Mercury’s meeting with Ceres points to a reimagined deal or renegotiation happening.
Saturn moves direct in your 7th this week. While Venus opposes Neptune in here. After you’ve finished mining what the past still has to offer, set your sights on all the future could possibly bring. Take as many plans and ideas you have – especially if they involve you and at least one other party for them to happen, and sent them out into the world and see what returns. Do this with love and serious intention. You could set a bold new beginning in motion. Say it again – this time with meaning, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Revive those old contacts and connections. A different approach could get you a different answer this time around. An opportunity, awakening or solution catches you by surprise in the best possible way. Accepting it leads to evolution, Virgo.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (3rd)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (11th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (7th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
The dead can dance
Explore the house of the spirits
Shiny, happy future ghosts everywhere!
With the Halloween portals to other dimensions and the wisdom of the multiverse, open wide this week, it’s natural and totally acceptable to be looking back at a past love, Libra.
Ruler Venus in your 12th – the house of the spirits and the past, links to Uranus – planet of the future but in your house of rebirth, resurrection and transformation on Halloween itself. That past love may not be a person. It could be an important animal soul. It could be something you used to love to do. Anything from a hobby to a job. For others – you are travelling back to a special time or place. In order to recapture something. Shiny, happy joyful ghosts of a future yet to come.
For once, there’s a good reason ‘The way we were’ thoughts appear. It’s not to see you experience feelings of loss, regret or grief however. Yes, these may surface. If they do, don’t try to suppress them. Allow them to move through you and then move on. They show you how much you can and have loved. And will do again. Real love never dies. It simply changes form. By letting loss and sadness go, insights arrive to take their place – into the where, how or even who, the resurrection revolution regarding love will take place.
If you have found yourself in a dance of rejection and disappointment when it comes to love, this Halloween week allows you to release the pain. But also to understand the how and the why of it all. Now, gather up all these learnings that have arisen from these experiences, and without becoming overly sentimental or maudlin, use them to create a new future. Your ruler is fast heading in your direction, Libra. You are about to make up for lost time and disappointments. This week isn’t about starting something new – the time for that is arriving with Venus, but looking at how you now relate to yourself, others and also what you have in the here and now, so much better. If the magic is still there however, turn back to that old love. The dead can dance this week.
In a nutshell: Taking a trip back to the past, opening locked doors to closed rooms in the house of the spirits – all permitted this Halloween, Libra. The past gives way to a new future. Provided we give ourselves permission to relive those feelings first.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (2nd)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (10th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (6th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Dance in the fire of transformation
Celebrate all you have become
Love is the catalyst for change
Unlike other signs who have to be dragging kicking and screaming into making changes, you are the sign which loves to dance in the vortex of transformation, Scorpio. Surrender yourself to it this All-Hallows week. Whatever change you are seeking also seeks you. This especially applies to those of you seeking a soul connection. The ultimate alchemy occurs with another.
That change could even be around self-love as Mercury and Ceres merge in your sign on the 3rd. If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else? RuPaul said it. Now you get to live its truth, Scorpio. This year your birthday season’s ultimate gift to you is the ability to start appreciating yourself a whole lot more.
Halloween and the days surrounding it which in Latin countries, includes the Day of the Dead celebrations, are the perfect time to look back at all you’ve achieved over the past 12 months and celebrate your milestones. If there have been issues, it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back for how you handled them and what you learned. The fact is, your actions in the past year have set the direction of the coming one. As you head into it, you’ll see what I mean. With Jupiter now in your 7th until May ‘24, you can look forward to improvements in your finances, an increased sense of confidence and self-worth and the emergence of an important new relationship. This may or may not be a romantic one. But no matter what form it takes it is set to enrich your life on some level and broaden your horizons. To make room for it, to recognise it for what it is when it turns up, and to be ready – requires from you a change. No wonder you can’t wait to transform, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: All love begins within. Transforming how we see ourselves starts the process. It’s deep magic time when it comes to self-love, Scorpio. It’s the love that determines all other relationships. Want to love differently? See yourself differently first.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 7th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (1st)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (9th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (5th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
New beginnings come into focus
Past and present fuse into your future
Deal with the tricky truth to get to the treat
Halloween sees you standing on the brink of a new beginning. The only problem is – you can’t quite see it yet. You only have a short time to wait until it comes into view when the Sun arrives in your sign in the third week of November. In the interim, the past and future mix and mingle in the present moment.
Past connections may revive now. As well as old ambitions reawakened. Reach out, reach back if necessary. Old friends may get in touch with you but if someone is on your mind – why not make the first move yourself?
Are you hiding away this week? You could be uncharacteristically closed off, cocooning or contemplating a ‘Should I or shouldn’t I?’decision due to the planetary activity in your 12th. Do you truly want answers, Sag? Sometimes we think we do but when they arrive we reject them if they tell us what we don’t want to hear. Yes, you can ask away and expect higher wisdom to answer you this week. This could arrive in an unusual way – via something you read, see, hear or a synchronicity that’s impossible to ignore. If you are honest, you’ll at least acknowledge deep down you knew this.
Venus’s angle to ruler Jupiter (31st) is your best day when it comes to work and career matters. If that message tells you what needs to be done then acting on the 3rd when the Sun opposes Jupiter and Mercury and Ceres meet in your 12th, is the day most likely to hand you that win/win, closure or outcome you wanted. From that moment, you’re free and moving forward. And the added benefit of acting on what you now know to be true, is that you are emerging back into circulation again. Aand now you can begin to glimpse what that new beginning looks like. Yes, there may be a trick to uncover this week. But after you deal with it – all treat, Sag.
In a nutshell: Do you absolutely, positively want to know, Sag? If you are after the truth or insight into what you need to do next, ask away and expect the answers to arrive. Don’t shy away from the truth if its not to your liking however. It’s here to set you free.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 6th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (12th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (8th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (4th)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
There’s no point in climbing to the top if you can’t enjoy the view
Change your pace – change your perspective
You don’t have to go it alone
You’re the sign of ambition, Capricorn. The high achievers of the zodiac always with an eye on the next peak or stage you need to reach on your journey to the top. There’s more than one kind of success story on offer this Halloween week for you. It offers the spooky magic of a change of pace and allows you to catch your breath and enjoy the view from where you are right now. Press pause on the ascent.
We can become so focussed on what we still have to achieve, we can neglect to appreciate how far we’ve come or even what is available to us in the present moment. Take a close look at those goals as you catch your breath. Are they still relevant? If so, is there a better way of achieving what you want? If we are constantly striving we can totally overlook alternatives. This includes that path to the top. Or even the summit itself. Do you still need to go there?
If you’ve outgrown a goal, time to discard it in favour of a new one. In fact, this stocktake includes looking at every area of your life and checking whether it’s both relevant and worth it. Does the take-out equate to the effort you’re putting in? You are in a long term cycle where the things money can’t buy take on a bigger meaning for you. This includes time. Time for the people you care about. And also time to dream and smell the mountain air of clarity.
There’s no point in worldly success if you have no-one to share or celebrate it with. With the Sun and also Mercury and Ceres in your 11th, the importance of friends, your social life and also personal as well as professional goals, gains a fresh perspective. It’s a week to accept all and any invites. To make time for people. Ruler Saturn moves forward in your 3rd so send a few invites of your own. And regain your perspective if you’ve lost it. And to enjoy the view from where you’re at right no. It’s priceless. Invite others to join you. Your coven awaits.
In a nutshell: Are you so focussed on the next step you need to take you’ve lost the bigger perspective, Capricorn? An alternative route could reveal itself if you stop and take in the view from where you are right now. Halloween offers people power magic. Find your coven.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 5th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (11th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (7th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (3rd)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
If the goal no longer has meaning – change direction
Appreciate your worth
Open up to recognition and rewards
Are you still in love with the career you have chosen or is this the end of the affair, Aquarius? Is that high flying broomstick still on the right course? Sure you have the Nimbus 2000 and the necessary Quidditch skills. But you do need to ask how the price you put on your time, effort, talents and skills factors in here. Or if there needs to be a renegotiation.
Halloween week sees you asking yourself if it’s all worth it – but knowing you most certainly are. Hence, you may re—evaluate the path you are on or renegotiate anything from your money to your role if necessary. Thanks to the angle between Venus and ruler Uranus on the 31st. This can even be a domestic role at home or within your family. What matters is not how much money you earn, your job title, what you own, possess or the labels you wear. Its not even about whether you are paid or not for the work you do. It’s the worth you assign to yourself as a human being and the contribution you make. Do not underestimate or undervalue this.
This extends to your status with the planets amassed in your 10th and across your 8th. Do you feel you are ‘less’ of a person if you are single than when you are in a relationship? These kinds of deep questions may have you questioning everything from your choice of job to what’s in your wardrobe to how others see you and how you allow them to treat you.
The magic of this week wants you to appreciate what you are truly worth. This can have everything and nothing to do with money and material stuff. Yes, material rewards may be offered. But at the end of the day, it’s about the direct correlation between your thoughts on your value – unadorned and as you are, which is turn determine how you are treated by others and what you receive. Want more respect, recognition and yes, money and love? It may involve the confidence to change direction. To let others know you deserve more or better. To aim higher. To know whether it’s still worth it but be unshakeable in your belief that you most certainly are.
In a nutshell: Powerful shifts occur around how you see yourself. And how you are rewarded for what you do, Aquarius. Money is just one way. Respect and appreciation another. Ensure the path you are on delivers on your efforts. Or renegotiate from here.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 4th)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (10th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (6th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (2nd)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Broomsticks are meant to fly, dreams designed to come true
You are the magician
Head into uncharted skies
Venus is in its ruling house in your chart and offers a surprise as it links to Uranus across Halloween. Is that fellow magician inviting you to get together for some spell casting of the romantic kind?
Conjure up some magical intention when it comes to partnerships this week, Pisces. And dream big thanks to the slew of spooky planetary activity in your 9th of expansion and opportunity. But do keep in mind we are the magicians in our own lives. We create our own luck, love and other factors when we explore and take action. You may have to take a leap of faith as to make the most of this, you may have to leave your comfort and fly that broomstick across uncharted skies!
But it could prove to be so worth taking that chance. Fuelled by faith in your own vision or in yourself. And yes, this also means you have to leave something behind. Remember, anything worth having always carries some kind of risk. To get love we have to open up our hearts to another person and risk it being broken. To achieve real satisfaction in our career, we may have to leave that dead-end but regular job and strike out in a new, but less stable direction. If we want acknowledgement for our ideas or talents, we have to put them out there and accept rejection may be part of the journey towards eventual success. Nothing chanced, nothing gained.
This week is about what can happen when you first dare to dream it, and then just be willing to see what happens when you do it. It tells you that a life lived in fear or at the very least, over-caution, is a life half-lived. After all, that broomstick was designed to fly – not to stay home sweeping that floor!
In a nutshell: To gain you first have to give something up. Maybe just that idea this is as good as it gets, Pisces. Or alternatively, you may simply have to leave that comfort zone and discover what exists outside of it. Because that’s where the real magic happens.
31 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
3 Nov 2023 Sun in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
3 Nov 2023 Mercury and Ceres conjunct in Scorpio (9th)
3 Nov 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
3 Nov 2023 Vesta retrograde in Cancer (5th)
4 Nov 2023 Saturn stationary direct in Pisces (1st)
4 Nov 2023 Mercury in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
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