Weekly Astrology October 9th 2023 Forecast for All Signs


weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Act but don’t react

Keep the angels on your side

Partnerships contain a hidden element

Yes, you may want to act, and may feel the need to do so. You may be gripped by passion, impulsion, courage and the knowledge you’re in the right. The desire to say or do something or even the case for doing it seems compelling. But this week my advice is – resist that impulse, Aries.

Or if you cannot manage that or are put in a position where inaction simply isn’t an option you do need to know that the results will be permanent and there will be no u-turns possible. Do weigh all this up. Ruler Mars enters its ancient ruling sign/house (12th) – Scorpio and your 8th. What do we say? The old rulerships still apply. So, you still co-share Mars and when it is in Scorpio, it takes on a fiery, compulsive and determined energy. This can be an empowering period and see you at your most fiercely magnetic and sexy. But as this is your house of endings and rebirth, it can see you walking that fine line between the two. And it only takes one hasty misstep to end up on the wrong side of that. This is the fools rush in part that has you going where angels fear to tread.

If you want to keep the angels on-side, then know the reason to defer jumping to conclusions or simply reacting in the moment is this week’s Annular Solar Eclipse in your sector of partnerships just two days later. Your 8th rules shared resources, marital assets, divorce and splits and is also where you feel supported in your relationship. Secrets or simply not seeing things as they are when it comes to you and another, are what this eclipse covers up. And just because your feelings tell you one thing, doesn’t necessarily mean this is how they actually are.

Venus which rules your 7th flies away from retro-shadiness. In your 6th it says – slow down and make a healthy choice. Your best course of action this week is inaction for once, Aries. So, try to resist that natural Aries Do It NOW impulse. Yes, action may in the end be called for. Just ensure your actions are designed to get you the right results. More in your New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Moonscope.

In a nutshell: This week’s eclipse in your partner zone coupled with ruler Mars in its ruling 8th turns up the emotional heat even as it covers up a key area. So, avoid jumping to any conclusions, Aries. Especially around you and another.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (6th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (10th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (8th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 12th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (7th)


Stay cool, be cool

Keep the faith in your process

You’re cosmic catnip this week!

Don’t allow any situation to get to the point where you lose your signature cool, Taurus. Yes, you are renowned for being diplomatic and putting up with a lot. And yes, this can see others taking advantage of your good nature and pushing those boundaries. If something is bothering you, do tackle it before you reach boiling point and explode. In other words – while you are still able to serve grace under pressure rather than it turn into a bull in a china shop stampede!

Also, do continue to take things slowly when it comes to new admirers or who swipes right. Yes, ruler Venus is now free of retroshade and arrives in your romance zone (9th). And with Mars entering your 7th this week, there’s a feeling of making up for lost time. You have your mojo back when it comes to attraction. Your creative juices flow, and yes, that impulsive, playful vibe you’re radiating is like catnip to others.

But the Venus/Saturn opposition combined with this week’s eclipse in the other Venus-ruled sign of Libra and your 6th, asks you temporarily slow down. Eclipses conceal and this one tells you that the quickest way to completely miss exactly what is hidden within them, is to rush. Into something or simply to act on impulse without the full facts. When it comes to anything work-related that requires you to focus on the details, bring concentration and precision. And if you feel put under pressure to meet deadlines, don’t take shortcuts. Your process – heart-centered, sure and detail-driven, needs to be honoured now. In both work and your personal life, Taurus – be cool.

In a nutshell: Remaining cool when others are losing theirs, may take more effort than usual under this week’s eclipse, Taurus. As could resisting the impulse to go all in before you know the facts. Don’t be pushed into deviating from that slow and steady path. Check your eclipse Moonscope for more.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (5th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (9th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (7th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 11th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (6th)


Get your eclipse hack happening

Know what it is you want

Prepare to unwrap wonderful!

The Sun is in its ruling 5th in your chart. Your sector of pleasure and romance. Love, what you simply love to do, children, babies, pregnancy, creativity, holidays and what brings you joy. We have a powerful eclipse taking place in here on the 14th. And along with Mars in your 6th and Saturn in your 10th, this is a week which could determine where your future is heading.

Let’s review our eclipse rules, shall we? First Rule of Eclipses: Don’t panic! Eclipses are nothing to fear. Yes, they cover something up. But jumping to the conclusion it’s the bogey man hiding in them is plain wrong. Second Eclipse Rule: Trust the universe, trust your intuition. But you knew that. Third Eclipse Rule: Trust the Tarot. If you are not sure about that ‘gut’ feeling, the Tarot will usually confirm it. These are the three simplest and foolproof hacks out there for peeling back the shadow layers of eclipses.

Something is coming. A creative venture. A new concept. Another phase in your parenting or co-parenting journey. Or even a relationship that could lead to you becoming a parent or step-parent. c As could you basking in adoration from the attention you receive for something you excel at. There’s a change in the rules of the game now which act in your favour if you are willing to simply take a leap of faith, Gemini.

Mars now in your 6th along with Venus in your 4th, bring in the need to get very clear on what you are trying to attain or achieve. Form a solid, clear vision of this. And do stick to it. Saturn in its ruling 10th in your chart promises attainment. If you really, really want it and will make that commitment. The key here is staying power and focus. Lucky you as Mars is in can-do, daring form in its ancient ruling sign of Scorpio. When it comes to knowing what you want, and if you stay grounded to achieving a practical outcome, then the world – or your world of career and relationships, could literally be your oyster this week. And you’re the pearl, Gemini.

In a nutshell: You may be feeling you’re on the cusp of something big, Gemini. This week could mark the start of a brand new experience or cycle. Know what outcome you want – and believe in yourself. Hidden within the eclipse is the pearl of pleasure. And the truth behind what you can attain.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (4th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (8th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (6th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 10th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (5th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Make the lasting choice

Know what you want to get it

In life and love – there’s no place like home

Powerful, magnetic aspects light up your chart this week. Yes, we have an important eclipse for you in your 4th house (14th). The place where you find your heartstone and your security. Who’s afraid of the eclipse? That should not be you, Cancer.

Whether it is a solar or lunar eclipse, your ruler is always impacted. The Moon is in its ruling 4th and triggers an annular solar eclipse. That’s the kind where we see that ‘ring of fire’ effect around the Sun. As eclipses cover up and conceal, we say with this type of eclipse, something rings true even if you don’t yet have the bigger picture. In your case, it hands you a strong intuitive or ‘gut’ feeling. Especially around a key relationship, those you live with, family, home or living arrangements.

Do hold on to this. As the shadows clear that feeling will prove itself to you. If you are still uncertain, the #1 eclipse hack I can offer you is to trust the Tarot as well as your gut. Centre yourself, ask if you are intuiting correctly or if there is something additional you need to know, shuffle and pick a card. Chances are it confirms those feelings. Or throws additional light on them.

Above all, don’t fear the eclipse. It is about to unlock a fresh doorway. But it does ask if you are brave enough to step through. Changes around work and career as well as on the home front could also end up laying new foundations for your future. More in your Eclipsed New Moon in Libra Moonscope.

Think in the long term. Whether this is around home, work or love. Be upfront if dating now Mars is in your house of attraction and Venus is in your 3rd of communication and the internet. Know where the deal makers and deal breakers are. A new home, a new job, fresh project which injects much needed excitement back into your life, or increased energy to channel into a specific, heart-starting area is waiting to be delivered. But to access it you need to have a very clear idea of what it looks like. You’re searching for something more this week, Cancer. This could even be more living space. Whatever you seek – it’s looking for you too.

In a nutshell: Yearning for something lasting, Cancer? In love, life, living space or career? Chances are your impeccable insight knows what it is and where. Stay connected to this. A door opens for you if you remain true to your course – and what your heart wants.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (3rd)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (7th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (5th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 9th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (4th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Don’t just hold that thought – follow it through

Major flirt alert sets you in hot pursuit

Seal it with a signature – or a kiss!

Whatever you’re being told – there’s more to come. Or more to be added if you are the one doing the telling. Eclipses for you are very big deals. No matter if it is a lunar eclipse or a solar one as in the one that occurs in your 3rd on the 14th, your ruler the Sun is impacted. But a solar eclipse turns off the heat, the light, the illumination and even your ability to glow-up and trust your instincts, Leo.

However, who’s afraid of the big bad eclipse? So long as we understand the eclipse rules, there’s no fear even when the light of truth-seeking is temporarily turned out. The eclipse is an annular one. That produces that classic ‘ring of fire’ halo effect around the sun. So, think you have the outline of something. Just not the details. Yet.

This applies to conversations, ideas, writing, presenting, speaking, teaching, blogging, business and the internet. Do read the fine print if signing on that dotted line. If you can put off doing so until at least two days after the eclipse – so much the better. Refine, revise and craft that message. Check what you send out. And re-check it. What’s missing?

Looking for the truth behind the eclipse sub-text? Your trusty Tarot cards will usually fill in the blanks. Be prepared to sit on that insight however. And know the facts will emerge. Do watch for anyone saying it isn’t so if it goes against what you intuitively feel. They may be serving only part of the truth. That swipe who tells you they are separated? Are they – really? Does the other party know that? Do take anything and everything with the proverbial pinch of salt.

Asking the right questions gets you the answers you need. Venus free of retroshadiness says don’t say or do anything that goes against your values as it lands in its ruling 2nd (9th). You can’t shirk any work that needs to be done now as Mars blazes into your domestic zone. Again, don’t make big decisions around moving, family or property until the eclipse shadows part. But Mars energy in here enables you to initiate a bolder blueprint for living, being and your life style. But wait for what needs to be done to reveal itself.

In a nutshell: Trust that flash of intuition under the eclipse, Leo. It’s your No BS detector. If what you are being told goes against what you feel is the truth – simply watch and wait. Of course there’s revelations to come. Trust your gut.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (2nd)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (6th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (4th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 8th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (3rd)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

If its real – put a ring on it

A new direction with your money reflects your values

Upgrade your expectations

Watch out as who is on the same page as you and who isn’t – especially when it comes to those core values, will be exposed. Of course, you could be delighted that someone’s soul-worthiness is as bankable as your own as Venus in your sign opposes Saturn in your 7th (10th). But this is a ‘put a ring on it’ transit. When you get to know for sure whether someone is serious – or not.

Flaky, so-so, flip flopping lovers, inconsistent hearts and those who don’t stand by their word – you’ve no longer any more time for them. And you’ll also run out of excuses for their behaviour too. Maybe you’ve been compassionate for too long, Virgo? Watch this week’s eclipse in your 2nd house (14th). This is your house of money, yes. But also assets and values. Can you bank on someone? Are your values aligned?

I should not need to tell you to lock up that purse or those cards under this eclipse. This is an annular solar eclipse. Again, we’re back to ring metaphors. This type of eclipse hands us that classic ‘Ring of Fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse photos. So, a flash of illumination before the lights go out. Take it that bargain isn’t. That there’s no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. And that no matter someone assuring you that they will pay you back if you loan them money – they can’t or won’t. Avoid taking out loans or credit cards. The cheque’s not in the mail.

Eclipses are neither good nor bad. They simply are. They do get us pausing, peering into unseen areas of our lives which may need attention. Is this around your self-worth? Your expectations around how you are treated? Expect a new direction with your values and your cash from this point onwards. Yes, decisions await you. Even what to do about that person whose values are revealed. Wait for the energy to blow away. There’s more advice in your Eclipsed New Moon in Libra Moonscope.

You could find you and another party now in perfect sync. Who or what is revealed for its true value in your life. Or simply falls short of the promise. Whichever way, you know it and are primed with confidence to deal with it thanks to Mars now in your 3rd. Up those expectations, you’ll know it what you have is the real deal. Put a ring on it, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Put a ring on it, a ring of truth – the cosmos is alight with ring metaphors for you this week. The eclipse reveals the true worth of someone or a situation in your life. It could turn out to be pure gold, Virgo.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (1st)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (5th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (3rd)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 7th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (2nd)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Rework your brand

Be transparent

What you need to see is right under your nose

Ruler Venus is in your house of ultimate mysteries at the same time as an eclipse occurs in your sign, Libra. There may be something you need to keep on the down-low for confidentiality’s sake. But steer clear of becoming embroiled in anything shady that is designed to keep someone else in the dark, mislead or misdirect them. Do not go against your values and what you intrinsically know is the right thing to do.

Whatever hides within the eclipse won’t take long to be exposed. That’s one more reason for you to be above board. Because you don’t want to end up with a lot of explaining to do which could happen. Venus sets the scene for the upcoming eclipse. It will make you extremely sensitive. It could even trigger you. While it enhances you creativity, your intuition and your capacity for love, it stirs the past. Bringing to the surface old wounds. Don’t be lured into abandoning what you know is right out of FOMO for instance.

The new moon in your sign is always the start of your fresh astrological cycle. You’re freshly repackaged at this time – new attitude, new look, new you. That’s the upside. However, with an eclipsed new moon – there’s always a cover up. I could say not so good but then, eclipses are neither good nor bad. The heads-up is that the cover-up is about you – and its been in plain sight for a while. The eclipse pauses you long enough – plus this is an Annular Solar Eclipse – the kind that hands us that ‘ring of fire’ effect – so you finally get a flash of insight. Now you see it. Or rather how they see you.

One more reason to be transparent under this eclipse. You can’t afford to be seen in anything but a positive light. If you are planning anything like an image upgrade or to rebrand yourself, your social media feed, website etc – do wait. You’re a work in progress. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Occasionally, this kind of eclipse can reveal how someone sees us. It can uncover a frenemy right in our midst. The kind that’s nice to our face then indulges in a character assassination behind our backs. With the Venus/Saturn opposition just prior to the eclipse, if that’s what it uncovers you won’t give them a second chance either.

Once its over – you’re directing all your energies into money making or working that rebranded you to best effect thanks to Mars in your house of self-worth from the 12th. And the eclipse is shown to be just a time where you waited in the wings before your big reveal. Now you’re ready for your close-up.

In a nutshell: The new moon in your sign triggers a powerful eclipse. Don’t worry, you’ll emerge reborn and rebranded, Libra. But combined with ruler Venus in your 12th it shows you something you need to see. Which is how someone else – or the world, sees you.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (12th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (4th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (2nd)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 6th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (1st)


Find the sunshine of your life

Wait for the truth to show itself

Follow that trail of breadcrumbs from your past

Ancient ruler Mars arrives in your sign while contemporary Pluto heads direct in your 3rd this week. You have confidence. You have ideas. You have your va-va-voom back. But pump your brakes, phoenix. If there are things you feel you need to do or say – hold that thought. At least until next week. This week brings us a powerful eclipse in Libra and your 12th house at the time of the new moon. Eclipses conceal and cover-up. It occurs in your house of hidden truths and secrets. What does this tell you? You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Do stand by for revelations. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse – new moon eclipses are always solar. It hands us that ‘ring of fire’ effect around the sun we see in so many eclipse photos. Leading up to it you may get a ‘gut’ feeling around something especially around the 9th. That ring of fire represents a flash of insight. A glimpse of something we need to see. Then – it’s gone. As the eclipse is in your house of intuition, gut feelings and psychic abilities – hold that thought. Go deeper using the Tarot if you need to. You’re onto something. Please – don’t ignore it. But don’t act hastily either.

This eclipse takes you into deep waters. On a soul level. You may be probing areas you have shied away from in the past. Dredging them up and using a fresh set of tools to heal and reframe them. Self-help, meditation, psychology, Tarot, astrology. This is a journey of the soul and spirit and these are the paths we usually walk alone or only in the company of a therapist, counsellor, religious leader, psychic or support group who are bound by strict rules of confidentially. You may not want to share this with others. Not while you undertake it or even afterwards. And if so, that’s okay and also understandable.

The past can rush in and ambush you – especially elements of it you may have thought you have dealt with. Try to resist any tendencies to distance or dull it by self-medicating. Be fearless! If you want to release it then allow yourself to feel it. It’s no coincidence this eclipse happens just before your new cycle begins. The universe is sending you a gift. To let go of something and release yourself unburdened by it into a brand new world. So, go deep with signature bravery, Scorpio. What do they say? It’s always the darkest before the dawn. Let the sunshine back in.

In a nutshell: The arrival of your old ruler Mars in your sign gives you a fearless self-confidence if you need to deal with residue from your past. This may surface under this week’s eclipse. Face it down, feel it and then release it, Scorpio. You have what it takes.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (11th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (3rd)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (1st)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 5th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (12th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Watch for network adaptations

The past and present fuse to create your future

Move into a new orbit

Your social network – on-line and especially off, and how you fit into it, points to the past in some way under the eclipse this week in your 11th. The new moon in here usually ushers in a new scene, new people entering your orbit and even a new goal you’re reaching for. That can still happen under this eclipse. But these may spring from past connections. Or for some of you, you may be looking at a group of people, a network or one friendship in particular, and wondering if the old resonance is still there. Or have you outgrown one another?

This can be a sentimental time for you. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse – the kind that creates that ‘ring of fire’ effect around the sun we see in classic eclipse photos. As eclipses conceal and cover-up, we say with this kind of eclipse we have a flash of insight into what’s at the heart of the cover-up. And then it’s gone. When we learn to pay attention to it or hold that thought – we become an eclipse boss. You can too when you learn to trust those instincts.

Strange as it may seem at this time, this eclipse marks a change of direction, focus or renewal of your social life or a key goal and the people you need to make that happen. You may find yourself enjoying a reunion with friends – and this may be bittersweet as you realise you have grown apart. That’s doesn’t mean to say there is any angst or regret however. You’ll love them for what you shared and new connections will magically appear to fill that void. You could look back at all the time you spent pursuing a goal you may or may not have attained. And realise it was the journey that mattered and what it brought you. That was the goal in itself.

With Mars now in your 12th, letting go and acceptance is easy. As is firing up your imagination for the next stage. Your public image and ambitions move to front and centre now with Venus enhancing career moves in your 10th. Chances are as this eclipse clears you are left with a fresh sense of purpose and what you want. Watch how your network adapts and falls in sync with that, Sag.

In a nutshell: Goals and your social circle may shift this week. Whether you are remaining in the same orbit or moving on into a new one, this week’s eclipse hands you the ability to give gratitude to the people and the pursuit of that goal, that brought you to where you are, Sag.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (10th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (2nd)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (12th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 4th)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (11th)


Others sit up and take notice

Your reputation is your calling card

Eyes on the prize, Cappy!

This week’s eclipse is in your all-important house of career and reputation, Capricorn. Along with Pluto direct again at a late degree of your sign, how you come across, work your smarts and are seen by others, will determine where you go from here.

Your role, job title, position and track record come under the influence of the eclipse in this house. As could what is happening behind the scenes or at the upper echelons of your workplace. Eclipses conceal and throw an area in the dark. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. It hands us that classic ‘ring of fire’ effect around the sun we see in so many eclipse photos. It has a ‘ring of truth’ to it. But we may not see the bigger picture until afterwards.

Eclipses are neither good nor bad. One element of this one is that you may be unaware of the fact your hard work and contributions have been noted. And are suddenly blind-sided by that recognition and reward. Of course the flip side is that the powers that be have decided you are not the right stuff after all. And you find yourself passed over for that promotion, project or role. If this is not the first time this has happened, in the wake of the eclipse, you will reassess your approach from a fresh perspective, take what has happened on board – and course correct.

But this is why being mindful of your image – especially at work, is so important this week. This could extend to what you post on-line. Employers – prospective ones, do check social media feeds. Either adjust your privacy settings or share mindfully. Do not get into disagreements with people in positions of authority. Your rep could be permanently tarnished if you do. If you burn bridges this week – there will be no rebuilding.

The eclipse along with Venus’s opposition to ruler Saturn in your 3rd could be hiding pivotal news which frees you onto a new, elevated and better path way. Chances are you’ve worked for this, Cappy. Hold that rep, work those smarts, come over as boss. If you do that – you won’t put a foot wrong and others will sit up and take notice.

In a nutshell: Changes to your work, career path or even your status and how you are seen, will slowly be revealed in the wake of this week’s eclipse in your all-important boss and reputation zone, Capricorn. Be prepared to deliver. When it comes to that track record – your efforts have been noted.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (9th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (1st)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (11th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 3rd)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (10th)


Go boldly

Movement replaces stagnation and stasis

A fresh direction appears

New beginnings are about to take you in a fresh direction, Aquarius. And change is in the air. You may be too thanks to an eclipse in your 9th house of long distance travel and foreigners. Whether this is a real or metaphorical journey – it starts here. What you may not yet realise is how far it is going to take you.

Change is in the air. And positive change thanks to Venus in your 8th and Mars now adding some impulsion and confidence in your 10th. A little boldness and willingness to engage with the process, takes you places, Aquarius.

This is an Annular Solar Eclipse. One that creates that classic ‘ring of fire’ effect around the sun we see in so many eclipse photos. Because eclipses conceal and cover-up, we tend to see this kind of eclipse as handing us a flash of insight around something bigger. Take this as you being handed an inkling of the direction you are heading in next.

Of course, you don’t yet have the bigger picture. Nobody does under an eclipse. It’s like a Polaroid yet to develop. An Insta-fabulous moment not yet in focus. You’re on your way, taking your first steps but the actual destination is not yet in sight. Someone could appear who hands you a new perspective or facilitates that change. The person who offers you that larger role for instance. Someone from far, far away who wants to draw you into their world. This can arrive in a movie, a book, a podcast whose message seems crafted for you and which acts like a signpost. Be alert.

You may be called to leave your comfort zone. Make a choice which opens up a larger perspective. This may also ask you to let something go in return. Perhaps just your own limitations. A call to adventure, greatness and new beginnings echoes out from the shadows of this eclipse. Be ready to answer it this week. Go there.

In a nutshell: This week’s eclipse marks the start of an important journey. It ushers in new beginnings and a fresh path to take. If you’re being totally honest – aren’t you ready for something fresh, Aquarius? Answer the call.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (8th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (12th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (10th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 2nd)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (9th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Love’s true form? Wait for the big reveal

What has your name on it will wait

Open up the vault to sensuality

Venus moves into its ruling 7th in your chart extending your annual love and partnership peak. You will now make up for all the lost time and opportunities caused by the Venus retrograde. Of course, we never miss out on what’s meant for us. Hopefully the Venus retro showed you that when it comes to the love that’s meant for you, you can afford to relax.

Changes to partnerships, your partnership status (things can implode or else get much more serious), your income, home, possessions, investments – what you earn or owe, what happens behind closed doors (including the bedroom), what is shared with you and by you, will be impacted by the Annular Solar Eclipse in your 8th on the 14th.

This is one of the deep houses of your chart. Where you may lock away your insecurities and fears. It’s the vault. Where you also store things that are priceless and your deepest desires. This eclipse marks the closing of one vault door. And a new one which contains richer treasures for you opening. Except of course, being an eclipse, you may not quite see it for what it is.

This may involve your income, your loans or mortgage, a settlement, benefits, payouts, your home or apartment, the joint account or marital assets. Too many astrologers shy away from the fact that this is your house of sex. But we’ll go there, Pisces. Unleash your passion and sensuality. Delight your partner with just how imaginative you can get. With Venus also in your 7th, that lover could be waiting in the wings – but you don’t yet know their importance. You and that existing boo take your union to the next level.

But please avoid jumping into the pleasure room with anyone new under this eclipse. You need time to see the real person. No matter how hot they are. That gut feeling is always your guide under any eclipse. And what did I tell you about that chillax, Pisces? You can afford to wait. The same goes for any pressure you may experience if asked to sign on the dotted line. Yes, sealing a deal in some way is part and parcel of what’s waiting in that vault for you. Nothing in haste is your eclipse mantra.

In a nutshell: Unlock the vault door and discover what’s waiting within for you, Pisces. Push fears aside. It could be your sensual self needs to be unleashed and allowed expression under this week’s eclipse. When it comes to real love – no hurry. Know it will wait.

9 Oct 2023 Venus enters Virgo (7th)

9 Oct 2023 Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)

10 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)

11 Oct 2023 Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn (11th)

12 Oct 2023 Mars enters Scorpio (9th)

13 Oct 2023 Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 1st)

14 Oct 2023 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (21 10’) (8th)

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