Testimonial for by Michelle - November 16, 2016

“I wanted to take the time to tell you how fantastic my readings with Lydia have been. I have been going through a difficult time over the last four months in several areas of my life. I first spoke to Lydia about a month ago, her reading was so accurate about my situation (and the people involved ) that I have spoken to her several times since. To say that Lydia has given me clarity about the future is an understatement. More importantly she has given me hope that my situation will change – I should point out that this is already coming to fruition in the way Lydia said it would. My readings with Lydia have been a huge comfort to me and I have enjoyed listening back to the recordings at times when I have needed reassurance. Finally, I wanted to also mention that in my last reading with Lydia, someone I hold very dear, who sadly passed away several years ago, came through in the reading. The detail to which Lydia described him left me in no doubt it was him. The messages that were passed through Lydia to me gave me great comfort and also backed up several things Lydia had mentioned in a passed reading. I finally have inner peace at long last and hold Lydia completely responsible for the positive transformation I am finally experiencing.”