Testimonial for Eileen by Serena - December 20, 2022

“Eileen is a direct and powerfully gifted psychic. Her accuracy has been very high over the 2 yrs I’ve gotten readings from her. If it’s serious and I really know the details about the situation, I call Eileen. She doesn’t hold back or waste time. She is right to the point. Eileen has given me physical descriptions of new friends I was to meet, she was spot on in the physical appearance and clothing! She also mentioned I would be invited to many musical events over the holidays, at the time I was too busy at work yet just like she said the 2nd week of December would find me enjoying concerts and a work promotion. It’s December 19th and everything she said has came to pass while she also illuminated a beautiful path I couldn’t see for my career. I took the advice and got the job!”