Testimonial for by Andrea - November 21, 2012

“As always, there are not enough words in the English language to describe the magic and power of a reading with Hazel. Yesterday, I had my first reading with her after a couple of months, and she told me many, many things that resonated with recent events. She knew that I had “a lovely cat in spirit”, that the cat was female, and she had died at the age of 17-18 years, with the first anniversary of the cat’s death having just occurred. She knew that I had had to move to another location for a couple of months to complete a student course requirement, and that this had been “a bit of a bumpy ride”, but that I had come through with flying colours. She also knew that I was applying for work, advising that I would be contacted soon with work offers – this actually occurred within 12 hours of the reading. All I can say in summary is that I took eight detailed pages of notes throughout the reading, and of those, seven pages have points with my ticks against them – the eighth page is what lies ahead for me.”