Testimonial for by Lorraine - September 20, 2013

“Just had a beautiful reading with Lydia. Lydia immediately picked up I had been offered a new job and was unsure whether to take it, as awaiting news on another job I have also applied for.  Was encouraged that spirit said the first offer was the one to take, which was great to hear as gut feeling was same.
I’ve recently completed a hypnotherapy course and have been thinking of taking healing to next level.  Lydia even spoke of my hidden dream, writing. Not long been on a short MA introduction writing course so delighted to hear writing mentioned, fantastic.
Initials of family-children, even my dear Godfather, who was one year to the week passed over to spirit.  Lydia really lifted my spirits and has greatly encouraged me that I am on the right path in life.  Thank you so much to a special, warm, honest person; your guidance was heartily appreciated “