Testimonial for by Linda - March 18, 2016

“My 30 minute reading with Anna H was impressive! She dove right into the heart of my questions immediately without any prompting. I’ve written and will be recording a song and she could hear the sound of my singing voice in her head, described it perfectly, as well as the mood of the lyrics, and tone/style of the song without any feedback from me – that was truly amazing. She brought me peace confirming I was on the right path and how the world was about to open up for me in magnificent ways, financially and creatively. Anna also picked up that my father had passed away and shared his spirit is the guiding force in all that is awakening in my life right now – that was comforting. She also brought me much clarity on a relationship issue describing exactly what has transpired within the last few weeks and previous months and gave me detailed predictions which I await with anticipation… Anna’s warm personality and genuine kindness left me feeling calm, excited about the future and inspired to continue on my creative journey.”