Testimonial for Fiona by Anon - April 10, 2010

“I’d like to tell you about how grateful I am for having found Fiona pin 2768 on your website. Fiona was kindness personified and delivered her insights in such a kind and supportive manner that I felt empowered to take his control away and command it back for myself. What she had to tell me must have been difficult for her to deliver, but she did so in such away that I was able to accept the news and as a result, was given the strength to finish it once and for all. I can honestly say that Fiona truely cared for my well being. She’s an absolute angel with the kindest most sincere, personality. I felt I had found a long lost friend as she was so easy to talk to and cared so much. She’s an absolute Angel and I’m sure a great asset to your website.”