Testimonial for by Maria - June 11, 2010

“I was very impressed with Nicola. She’d mentioned some creative project work I’d done over 15 years ago that’s going to resurface as a great future opportunity. It was a dream that got put on the back burner, as years of self-doubt and bad experiences affected my confidence. No-one picked up on this before, and she was very specific which astounded me. She advised me to stay focused and motivated on my current plans regarding a career change, and that I’m finally on the right path. It’s all come at a much needed time, as I started to get rather deflated and over-whelmed with the amount of studying and tasks ahead of me. However, she’s really put the wind back in my sails so to speak. I feel really uplifted now and ready for the journey ahead of me. She is definitely gifted and her advice is direct and concise. Plus, there’s lots of it. You only have to look at the other strong testimonials from other people. I couldn’t believe it myself (hence the waffle)!”